God of War's promised photo mode will be added via the game's latest update, which is available to download today on PlayStation 4. Patch 1.20 lets you pause the action at any time and snap some stylish shots. Photo mode comes complete with filters, borders, and even character toggles so you can remove models. It all sounds suitably in-depth.
It's a shame that photo mode wasn't included when the game launched last month, but we're sure it'll have been worth the wait. Will you be pointing your camera at Kratos' grizzled mug? Get snapping in the comments section below.
Update: The update's available now, and it weighs in at around 440MB. It's well worth noting that the patch also increases text size across the board, so you hopefully won't have to sit squinting at Atreus' journal entries anymore.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 24
I love that look on Kratos' face. He's like, 'can you believe this guy?'
Finally! Just in time for me to finish the main campaign .
With this news I have retaken my controller. Just beat Donkey Kong in the freezing Mountain
@VR_Gamer Not yet, but I'll update the article once it launches.
@ShogunRok You left out the most important part, well for us old blind folk anyway -
"we’ve globally increased the text size in all our UI and Menus"
And for people who accidentally trigger rage mode - I hardly ever use it myself and don't think I've ever turned it on by accident -
"included a new accessibility setting that allows players to remap Rage Mode."
Apologies if you were saving these for another article. Or two. They kind of gyped you guys out of 2 articles jumping from 1.17 to 1.20 so you might as well.
Gonna go see if t's available yet, I'll let ya know the size if it is.
Excellent! I am about half-way through the campaign so I will be able to use this mode a lot and I plan to replay the game at some point too. Buried in that blog post is the best news though. Universal text size increase! Hopefully, it actually modifies the text enough now across the menus and subtitles.
Oh yeah god of photos.cant wait.word to the photos son
a much needed feature 😁 you can take some crazy photos at Fafnir's storeroom! Word up boy.
Finally! Now I can go buy the game...when I get paid later this month.
Yay! I started this two days ago...really enjoying the combat and the graphics, so the photo mode is welcome. Now I only have to edit the eyesore that Kratos is out of the pics. And for any Brazilians and/or Italians: he totally looks like Garibaldi, if Garibaldi was a Marvel super hero!
Perfect timing I finished it about 20 minutes ago ready for a new run with Photo Mode having already taken well over 100 shots
@playstation1995 Any chance you change your catchphrase to word.up.Boy ? 😉
If you would reply I.do.not.know that would be great. ☺ "I do not know" has replaced "I see" from Shenmue as my favorite too oft spoken video game line. My wife has been watching me play the game, I'm about 33 hours in, working my way through the vault, and she says that at least once a day now, it's pretty funny.
@rjejr no i always say word up son.im from new york.and word up son means true that man.im from new york.and i listen to old School rap music.and thats the way we talk back then in new york.and im a black man.black people talks like that in ny.worddd uppp sonnn
Ah a reason for a second play through, can't wait to get snapping.
Now if they'd just add a way to change the aiming reticle size/shape/color. I often have trouble finding it when time is tight or the screen is bright.
Not something I will use at all but I'm glad they added it for those that want it. Hopefully ng+ is next!
Haha, this should be fun to mess around with.
Fake News its not out yet in the US i tried to update but it only on update 1.17
The poses are dumb yet hilarious! Love it
@playstation1995 Oh well worth a shot.
I'm also from NY, born and raised in the city, though now in the burb's, and I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that in real life. "Word up", now everyone was saying that. Oh, and "word to your mother".
Awesome. I'm working towards the platinum, so I'll have tons of opportunities to take some more screenshots.
I'm close to finishing the main campaign now, though I've heard there's still plenty to do after. I'll definitely be increasing that text size though! I would also like to see NG+, but as a few others have pointed out I'm not sure how they would implement it as some of the weapons/upgrades are locked behind the story. It won't be as easy to patch in as say the NG+ mode in Assassin's Creed: Origins.
@ShogunRok It's 438MB if you want to update the article like you said. Copying now. Slowly, slowly copying after downloading in about 30 seconds. Halfway there. Soooooooooo slooooooooooow.
@ShadowWarrior It's out at 6:20 PM, I'm in NY. It started auto downloading when I turned the PS4 on from it's usual rest mode.
Edit: Funny thing, I just noticed it's version 1.21, not 1.20. Version 1.20 added photo mode, 1.21 was the usual "Various bug fixes and improvements"
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