Dead Drop is the second mission in Sniper Elite Resistance, and sees Harry Hawker take on his first proper set of main objectives in the lead role. In this Sniper Elite Resistance guide, we'll reveal all Dead Drop collectibles locations, with all collectibles found through the link.
Sniper Elite Resistance: All Dead Drop Collectibles Locations

There are 20 collectibles to find in Dead Drop, comprising 5 Personal Letters, 5 Classified Documents, 4 Hidden Items, 3 Stone Eagles, and 3 Workbenches. Below you will find all Dead Drop collectibles locations, with images and text descriptions to help you track them all down.
Personal Letter #1: A Lost Soul Trembles
- Inside the church on the western side of the map, go up to the first floor
- The stairs up are at the opposite end of the main altar inside
- Up here you'll find a safe, which requires either the key or a Satchel Charge
- Open the safe to find the Personal Letter inside
Personal Letter #2: Missing You Dearly
- Reach the area where you search Vertigo's office and head west into the small garden area outside
- On a stone bench in the middle is this Personal Letter
Personal Letter #3: Surrounded by Idiots
- In the northeast corner of the map is a huge library
- Enter the library from its main southern entrance
- The Personal Letter will be right in front of you on the curved desk with the red chair
Personal Letter #4: A Withering Tree
- In the red Kill List objective area is a restaurant
- It's on the southwestern side of the marked area
- On a table outside you'll find the Personal Letter
Personal Letter #5: A Nephew's Concern
- Outside the library to the north is a bench with the Personal Letter placed on top
- As you walk along the road, look for the staircase on your left to easily identify it
Classified Document #1: Findings Report
- Just to the right of the church on the western side of the map are two tents
- In the one on the right in front of some radio equipment is the Classified Document
Classified Document #2: Orders to Follow
- Go to the area where you search Vertigo's office
- On the bottom floor is a table with some radio equipment on it
- You'll find the Classified Document on this table also
Classified Document #3: Use the Library
- Along the eastern wall is a multi-storey house you can enter
- On the first floor is a safe you can open, using either a Satchel Charge or the key on the floor above
- Open the safe and you'll find this Classified Document inside
Classified Document #4: Tightening Security
- In the middle of the map, just northeast of the objective where you search Vertigo's apartment, is a restaurant
- Go to the second floor to find this Classified Document on one of the tables
Classified Document #5: Increased Security
- To the east of the main mission entrance, next to the fortress wall, is an enclosed tent
- You can get inside by either using a Crowbar on the door or Bolt Cutters on the fence
- Inside on the table will be the Classified Document
Hidden Item #1: Police Report: #222
- In the north of the map is a large building that works as a library
- On the bottom floor, next to its western edge, you'll find this Hidden Item on a table
- This Hidden Item also counts towards unlocking the File O' Facts Trophy
Hidden Item #2: Police Report: #223
- In the north of the map is a large building that works as a library
- On the top floor of the library is a small room with a war table in the centre
- Just to the side of it on a table is this Hidden Item
- This Hidden Item also counts towards unlocking the File O' Facts Trophy
Hidden Item #3: Police Report: #224
- In the north of the map is a large building that works as a library
- Below the main entrance is a statue with a small room behind it
- On the table inside is the Hidden Item
- This Hidden Item also counts towards unlocking the File O' Facts Trophy
Hidden Item #4: La Résistance
- Enter the tunnel at the start of the mission under the broken bridge
- Go through the tunnel and climb up the ladder at the end
- Turn around and you'll find the Hidden Item, which is also the Propaganda Poster for this mission, on a set of stairs to your right
Stone Eagle #1
- In the north-east corner of the map, you'll find the library
- When facing its front entrance, look at the building to its immediate right
- You'll find the Stone Eagle perched on top
Stone Eagle #2
- Go to the church in the southwestern corner of the map and climb to the top
- Use the wooden path to cross through the church and come out the other side, where you can use a zipline
- From this vantage point, look to your left to find the Stone Eagle
Stone Eagle #3
- One of the main objectives will take you to an enclosed area in search of Vertigo's office
- Once inside, go to the top floor outside and look towards the area's most southern point
- You'll find the Stone Eagle on top of one of the towers
Workbench #1: Rifle Workbench
- In the most southwestern corner of the map behind the church, you'll find a building you can reach the second floor of from the outside
- Use the Bolt Cutters to break the gate inside and you'll find the Workbench on the other side
Workbench #2: Pistol Workbench
- Next to the wall that protects the fortress on its northeastern edge is a shop you can enter
- Exit on its right-hand side and you'll find a set of stairs leading down into a tunnel underground
- Down here is a locked gate you can open by picking it, and on the other side is the Workbench
Workbench #3: SMG Workbench
- Go to the area where you search Vertigo's office and use the Bolt Cutters on a gate to enter a workshop
- In the corner will be the SMG Workbench
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