
Topic: Gaming Resolutions for the New Year of 2023

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@Ralizah if you don’t mind I am going to join you in the completion of XBC1 goal - I got 30 hours into the 3DS version, 50 into the DE edition, then 20 hours into another play through of the DE edition. I just can’t stick with it somehow, but maybe XBC3 has given me a new appreciation. And it seems a shame to leave it unfinished while having 2 and 3 under my belt.

Best to keep it simple and try and actually stick to one of these gaming resolutions for once, so that’s it!

Clear XBC DE in 2023!

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@RogerRoger It is funny how often people really do get in this headspace where they start treating gaming like a job or an obligation. And fair enough if it actually IS your job, I guess, but for most of us, it's just a big ol' waste of time. When I'm picking up games, playing them for a bit, and not really getting hooked on anything, I know that's my signal to just do some other stuff for a while. My passion for the hobby will return with a vengeance when I'm ready to dive into something else. It usually helps that I need a few days to a week of... off-time, I guess, when I've finished a game and am processing the experience. It helps me to avoid the sort of hobbyist burn-out a lot of people report feeling.

@kyleforrester87 Sweet! I haven't played the DE yet, but I did play the Wii version for 20-ish hours, and the 3DS version for... 50 hours? I got pretty far in. It has always bugged me how the game was never able to snare me. Even if I never play it again, I at least want to be able to say that I finished it once.

Are you including Future Connected in that goal? My understanding is that it's fairly short, so I'll probably push on to that once I'm done with the main game.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah I think I’ll just go for the main game, but if I end up really aching for more I’ll include FC. I heard it’s not that great.. but maybe it’ll tie into XBC3 future expansions a little, somehow. 🤷‍♂️


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@JohnnyShoulder Yeah exactly. When i see the monthly updates now for Extra i'm like "own it, played it or no interest" most of the time. So when i start to buy less games at a certain moment i will encounter more new games to play and it will cost me a lot less money.

PSNid: Lavalera


As always, I have considered some areas where I think I might increase my enjoyment of my gaming, by pushing myself to do things that keep me engaged with the good parts of the hobby that I might easily get lazy and miss out on.

1. Play at least 3 of the 2023 releases.

I found myself on the outside looking in when GOTY discussions were being had last year. I only played 1 game released during 2022 (GT7). 2023 is stacked with games and I can think of 4 or 5 that I’m really excited about. I can’t afford to play them all, but I want to be part of the 2023 gaming zeitgeist a little better this year. Playing 3 new releases should keep me in the conversation

2. Watch at least 4 video game related cross-media TV shows or movies (either live-action or animated)

I have enjoyed the few shows I’ve watched based on video game IP’s (I think Arcane was my favorite TV show that I watched in 2022) and there are a few coming out in 2023 (Hello, The Last of Us ), as well as some I’ve not watched yet (I see you there The Witcher ) so I’d like to indulge in this new cross-media trend that is catching on.

3. Play at least 6 indies.

Indie games are the life-blood of gaming creativity and innovation. Sometimes these games are easy to forget about and I don’t want to miss what could be some awesome new experiences. I’ve got quite a few in my backlog that keep getting pushed aside for the big fancy well-marketed AAA games.

4. Take at least 1 screenshot from every game I play this year (Vita games excluded, unfortunately)

At the end of the year I want to be able to look back and remember some aspect of every single game I played.

5. Play a “simulator” style game.

Every year I’ve set goals in order to expose myself to corners of gaming that I don’t normally play. In the past I’ve set goals to try FPS, multiplayer online games, GaaS, racing games, horror games, FromSoft games, sports games…. With varying degrees of success I’ve made goals to press myself toward being more well-rounded —
In my ongoing mission to at least try new game genres, even those that seem disagreeable, I’m going to try at least one of these sim games that inexplicably keep getting released. Why people want to spend their leisure time doing mundane chores or tasks akin to a real world job, I can’t fathom. But ya know what, I can’t criticize until I’ve tried them. Whether it be lawn mowing, power washing, cooking, or car mechanics, I’ll choose something to try. Maybe even one of those city manager sims or truck driving sims that seem to be popular.


Cheers for a new year with new adventures!

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution The biggest issue with playing across ecosystems is that it's super difficult to keep up with new releases across various platforms if your tastes aren't limited. You end up either prioritizing one platform over the others, or just being left out of GOTY discussions across all of them.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah Very true. Unless one has limitless free time and and an equally large amount of disposable income, then keeping up with multiple ecosystems is nigh impossible. I can barely keep up with one. I’ve had to give up on getting a Switch for the time being for that reason. I keep hoping for a future day when life lets up a little for me.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I utterly failed last year's plan to beat every Resident Evil game. I finished 3 and then could never be bothered with Code Veronica X. I downloaded it twice but never started it.

I'll probably do better this time around because I'm going to pick things that are more my jam.

Resolution the first: I'm going to platinum every mainline Yakuza game. I've already done Kiwami, Kiwami 2, 0, and Like A Dragon previously, and I'm a third of the way through 3 Remastered. That leaves 3, 4, 5, and 6. Ideally, I want these all done before Ishin lands and then I'll do that one, but I suspect I won't manage that.

Resolution the second: I'm going to play every mainline Final Fantasy in 2023. When the Pixel Remasters hit I want to play every single Final Fantasy in order.

Resolution the third: I'm finally going to platinum Persona 4 Golden. I tried three times on Vita and kept messing it up thanks mostly to the Hardcore Risette Fan trophy. But I also hate handheld gaming, so I feel like when Persona 4 comes to PS5 I'll finally get it done. Maybe.

Resolution the fourth: Make good use of the Nintendo classic online thingy. Bit more nebulous, this one, but I tend to only really play the classic games on Switch that I get from the online pass thing in the event of a) a power cut, or b) when I'm waiting for a new game to release and don't want to start anything big and don't have any other options on PlayStation. I would like to play the old Metroids again, maybe Starfox, stuff like that.

Edited on by johncalmc




@JohnnyShoulder @ralphdibny @Ralizah Thanks for your comments regarding my top two resolutions, if only because it's nice to know that I'm not alone. So much of what you've replied with sounds familiar to me, or feels like it'll help going forward, so I'm real grateful.


@Th3solution Not to add to the workload of keeping your resolutions, but a reminder that the PS Vita has a hidden screenshot function, activated by pressing the PS button and the Start button simultaneously. It's a bit of a fiddle and doesn't always work perfectly (be prepared for your game to pause, or to suddenly see the Vita's home screen, if your timing is a little out) and it also leaves you with the headache of rescuing your screenshots from the console's Gallery app, but at least it's a thing.

In fact, looking through my own Vita memories, here's some evidence which I know you'll appreciate...



"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Ah, now that you say that, I think something way back in the recesses of my memory I may have known that. For all intents and purposes I don’t use a desktop or laptop outside of work, so having the screenshots trapped on the Vita will dampen their effect. Too bad the Vita doesn’t link to the PS app, or the PS4 or PS5 (that I know of), and only can communicate with the PS3.

And yes! — sure enough, there’s Snake in the Tanker. 😄 So how did the MGS logo get placed in the lower right corner? Does the Vita do that automatically on all screenshots or did you somehow add it later?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Alas, the logo is added automatically by the game. Same as some PS4 and PS5 games add copyright information along the bottom of every screenshot you take. Other screenshots I've taken on Vita have been clean, so it's definitely on a game-by-game basis.

Sony's old content manager app for Windows is notoriously unpredictable and glitchy anyway, so I'm beyond relieved to still have a working PS3 because otherwise yeah, it's a nightmare. I think you could email them to yourself, unless Sony have deactivated the Vita's email app. I don't think you can attach them to PSN messages, but you could always try (and I'm happy to be a guinea pig if you need somebody to test a message with). Such a shame that they never thought to make it easier!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Gotcha. Chalk up another one to the missed opportunities with the Vita. There was a time when I adored my Vita, but I’ve largely ignored it over the last couple years. My Vita backlog is pretty small nowadays, so it gets overshadowed by the PS4 and PS5. Maybe playing MGS2 will prompt me to use it more this year. Fat chance given the boatload of games coming out on the other consoles, not to mention my voluminous library I already have on them.

I thought about forming a goal around backlog reduction like many people have done, but now that I subscribe to PS+ Extra, there’s so many games in my library that it’s impractical. For me at this point it’s all about just tapping into the ether and pulling out some good stuff this year of various shapes and sizes so that it keeps gaming fresh for me.

By the way, I look forward to Jedi Survivor and Spidey 2 as well. Of the 5 or so 2023 candidates for me to play this year, those are two. Also intrigued to hear about your replay of Tomb Raider 3. I really miss Lara; seems like forever since we had a new TR game.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


You don't go for setting easy targets do you!
I'm not sure there are enough hours in the year to platinum multiple Yakuza games.
Good luck though.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan My girlfriend did all seven of the Kiryu Yakuza games in like four months. I've only got four to do so I'm reasonably confident. I probably won't fit all the Final Fantasy games in. Even if I start it I know I'll get bored around X and the thought of having to rebuy XIII on PS3 fills me with contempt. In fact, scratch the Final Fantasy one. I'm not doing it.




@Th3solution You're sharing the exact same thoughts I was having this time last year, which is why I made returning to my PS Vita one of my 2022 resolutions. It worked for a while, and I adored my time playing things on it back in January, but then bigger, flashier games came along and wrecked my plans. At least you've chosen a stone-cold classic to revisit it with. Here's hoping MGS2 pulls you through with its quality and genius; after all, a console's only as good as the games you play on it.

Yeah, I feel like backlog reduction resolutions are doomed to fail nowadays, especially with the increasing popularity of subscription-based services. I think you made a smart choice!

Awesome! Let us know which three of the five new releases you're interested in make the cut. I was more than a little hesitant, but I just pre-ordered Jedi: Survivor because A: I need those sweet Obi-Wan robes, and B: honestly, who was I trying to kid? I can't stay furious with Disney forever! And yeah, it does feel like Lara's been away too long. News of Amazon's investment was hopeful, but also underlined how unlikely it is that we'll be seeing the next Tomb Raider this side of 2025. Oh well. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, and I've got fingers crossed for some kind of remastered collection in the meantime. I've been meaning to try TR3 ever since @nessisonett wrote about their playthrough last year, so it'll be sod's law that I complete it the day before it's announced for PS5 with trophy support!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


1) Reduce backlog by at least 5 games: Shrinking the backlog further. Started off the year by grabbing a bunch of 3DS/Wii U titles before the eShop closes this March (mostly Virtual Console games), so this is already off to a bad start.

2) Clear all Wii games from by backlog: My Wii U is getting a little bit funky. Recently had to keep fiddling with the batteries in the Wii remote until it worked, and had to keep switching between ethernet and wifi until the Wii U connected to the internet. It'll be good to clear my Wii/Wii U backlog whilst the system is functional, but priority is on the older Wii games.

On top of that, it would be nice to play a wider selection of games on both PS4 and Switch, clear some more games on older devices (3DS, Vita), and play more in the way of modern games as well. Plus, perhaps 2023 will be the year I finally give Souls-like games a try.


@johncalmc “Resolution the second: I'm going to play every mainline Final Fantasy in 2023. When the Pixel Remasters hit I want to play every single Final Fantasy in order.”

That’s insane but good luck!!

If you count FF16, that’s a game every 3.25 weeks. Achievable but you’ll be a wreck by the end of it!

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@crimsontadpoles Your playstyle (leapfrogging between older Playstation and Nintendo devices) is extremely similar to my own.

Still annoyed about the eshops closing, although at least it's a simple thing for people to access games on those consoles via more... dubious means. At least it means people will still have an option to play those games in the future.

I should probably download Pandora's Tower before the shop goes down. I think I've purchased everything else I care about on Wii U (not a lot, admittedly, since Nintendo stripmined that console's library for worthwhile stuff to put on Switch).

@johncalmc Does your Final Fantasy resolution include XIII and non-traditional mainline sequels (e.g. X-2, XIII-2, Lightning Returns)?

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah No, just main ones. But I think I could fit the other ones in. I don't actually think I've played Lightning Returns ever so I suppose this could be the opportunity. I don't know if I'm overestimating my own abilities to get things done but it doesn't seem too wild to beat all of these games. My ace in the hole will be the games I know really well like VI, VII, VIII, and IX.




@johncalmc I guess the games are not really that long, I think you might just get a bit burnt out on them, but it depends what your tolerance is I suppose. From my perspective that's an entire year of gaming right there, certainly no room for anything else!

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987

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