@LtSarge San An is a weird one. I bought it on Day 1 back in 2004 and it was the best thing ever back then. Me and my mate played it in some form almost every weekend until probably late 2007.
I'm the other way round, I love the driving missions, the more mindless the better. Driving in GTA games is one of my favourite gaming activities, particularly in III and San Andreas. I could drive around and listen to the radio stations for hours, proper chills me out. Conversely, I hate any mission involving shooting, or getting out of my car whatsover!
I played the definitive edition last year and I agree with everything else you've said. The turf capturing stuff is a nightmare and the checkpointing system makes even the most intolerable missions bearable. The story doesn't fully deliver on its early promise in my opinion and yeah... don't get too attached to your ammo.
I always felt it was slightly overrated, even though I played it loads back in the day. My favourite story is still IV, the fifth game probably has the best world for exploration, and III is just my fave because, well, if you think me and my mate put a lot of hours into SA, that's nothing compared to III lol. I got it bundled in with my PS2, the first console I bought with my own money, so it has a special place in my heart
Glad you enjoyed SA though and I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I could talk about the PS2 GTAs all day!
@Gremio108 I do like driving in San Andreas, although I preferred motorcycles over cars. I felt like most of the roads were too narrow, so having a bike was a necessity for me in order to get around the map without crashing into every single thing on the way. Unfortunately, I didn't like the radio stations in this game. Vice City had great classics and GTA 3 had great trance/house music. But the rap music in SA just wasn't for me.
I do agree that San Andreas is rather overrated in terms of the story. My favourite one is also GTA IV's. What a fantastic game that was!
San Andreas did a good job of hyping me up for GTA VI later this year. I genuinely cannot wait to play it at launch. I'm guessing you're looking forward to it as well?
@LtSarge Yeah if you're not into early nineties hip hop then you're goosed! Radio X has some good stuff, bit of Depeche Mode, some Primal Scream etc but yeah. Or you could always get your country on, yee haw.
I'm looking forward to GTA VI very much. Assuming the writers of Red Dead II are on story duty, we should be in for a special narrative, at least that's what I'm hoping
Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.
Red Dead Redemption 2
“The release of the highly anticipated sequel to Red Dead Redemption will be delayed until 26 October. The news follows two previous delays, when publisher Rockstar assured fans that the game would be released in autumn 2017 and then pushed the date back to spring 2018.”
GTA 5 (PC)
“The PC version, initially scheduled for simultaneous release with the console versions, was delayed three times: first to 27 January 2015,[72] later to 24 March[73] and again to 14 April.[74] According to Rockstar, the game required extra development time for "polishing".”
GTA 5 "The game did not meet its original projected March–May 2013 release date. By 30 October 2012, promotional posters had spread to the Internet, and a listing by the retailer Game had leaked the projected release date.[61][62] Rockstar announced a scheduled Q2 2013 release that day and began accepting pre-orders on 5 November.
On 31 January 2013, the company announced the release date had been postponed until 17 September of that year. "It simply needs a little more polish to be of the standard we and, more importantly, you require", Rockstar stated in a press release.
Red Dead Redemption
“Inside Take-Two's fiscal 2010 first quarter results sent this afternoon, the company announced Red Dead Redemption has been delayed until May 18 of this year in North America. The title will also now ship internationally on May 21.”
“In a conference call set to begin at 5:30pm EST today, Rockstar Games will announce that it will delay the release of its highly-anticipated title Grand Theft Auto IV. Previously slated to hit stores on October 17th, the game will now make its way to gamers some point early next year.”
@Herculean Yeah I'm prepared for it to be delayed. Doesn't really affect me either way, I've got plenty backlog to be going at. The longer games get delayed, the better state they tend to release in as a rule so hopefully it'll be pushed back
Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.
@Gremio108 Yea I'm fine with it too. Never really got upset by delays. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.
@Herculean I read that and swore I played RDR2 on release in autumn/winter 2017 and definitely not Spring the next year. Turns out it was actually autumn/winter 2018. So it released and I played it through winter (my memory didn't deceive me) but I did get my years wrong. This means it actually got delayed a whole year after they initially said only a Spring delay, too.
I'd advise people to just buy GTA the day it releases and then you know it's really, genuinely out and available, especially when you consider R*'s proposed release dates changing so often.
Just finished up The Crew 2 and I thought it was really good. Unbelievable amount of content - be it the size of the map, the amount of events and how different from each other a lot of them are, the amount of vehicles and also the stories (which just involve cruising around without racing).
Racing games haven’t been my thing for a long time but I was a bit bowled-over by this tbh. Might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it was exactly what I’d want in a racer.
I know I’m in the firm minority here but I just keep enjoying Ubisoft games 🤣.
#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore
@graymamba I used to be a huge racing game fan, but for an unknown reason I seem to have lost interest. Nobody informed my mind, though, because I keep buying them, so I have a ton of racing games I never play. Well, not true, whenever I need a rally fix (typically coinciding with a weekend of WRC rallies), I'll bring out Dirt Rally (the first "reboot" of the series) and I still enjoy playing when I pick it up. I have the sequel, four WRC titles (including the new EA one), The Crew Motorfest, NFS, NFS: Heat, NFS: Payback, NFS: Unbound, Gravel, Grid Legends, GT7 and probably others I'm forgetting, neither of which get much attention... I really should try to finish one of them
Oh, and I'm with you on the Ubisoft games. While they release games I don't care for, they also release plenty I enjoy, so I'm definitely not part of the "everything Ubisoft sucks" crowd. I don't care much for what we're hearing about the company and Guillemot, though.
@FuriousMachine yeah Ubisoft definitely won’t be winning any awards for progressive business practices anytime soon… but I definitely think the quality of their games is overlooked within the gaming sphere.
#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore
Just finished Pool of Radiance and I had a great time going down that nostalgia road. For those who don't know, released in 1988, PoR is one of the OG crpgs and the first of the "Gold Box" series of crpgs released by SSI. I used to love them and finished both PoR and all three Krynn games back in the day. They have all been re-released with some QOL add-on software, which is pretty much essential. Some older games are less than user friendly; this game cannot be considered to be anything but "user hostile". In fact, I cannot really recommend it to anyone who hasn't got a severe nostalgia itch to scratch for these games or who isn't both extremely interested in gaming history and insanely patient. Anyone who does fall into one of those categories may find a fairly rewarding experience within, though.
I will absolutely continue the adventure with the follow-up, Curse of the Azure Bonds, which I never played back then, but first I need to show my PS5 some love after having neglected it for a while. I think Midnight Suns might be my next conquest
Just finished Secret Agent Clank on PS Portal (I guess seeing as how I played the game only on it via the cloud). I've been wanting to play this game for a long time as I remember it being available on the Vita store in NA but not in EU, so I could never play it. So I was really glad when I heard that the game would come out on PS5.
It was a fun time, but there were certain levels with difficulty spikes that just ruined the enjoyment completely. But for a huge chunk of the levels, I had a great time! The levels were incredibly varied, which contributed a lot to the enjoyment. What I find odd however is the inclusion of levels where you play as not only Captain Qwark but also Ratchet. I mean, it's a game that revolves around Clank so I find it weird that you play as other characters. They were fun levels, but they didn't really belong in this game. They didn't even contribute anything to the story, all of them were just silly filler levels.
The controls were also not that good, but it's a PSP game so it's understandable.
All in all, it was a fun game but I'm glad that I didn't have to pay for it and could play it through PS+ Premium.
The game really gets too much hate, and I understand it to some extent.
The bad:
Some of the platforming is absolute crap. I mean so damn clunky and outright terrible!
There is a time limit to finish the game otherwise you get a bad ending. This is for me the worst thing about the game. Nothing is telling you that if you do not get to the Castle Keep in 16 in-game days OR use more than 4 Sun/Moon cards you are locked in for the bad ending. AND on top of that you can't see how many days have passed ...
The good:
The game has really nice atmosphere.
Skeletons on Motorcycles in 1852!!!
I am so glad to put one more Castlevania in my list of completed CV games. It feels good!!!
Just finished Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name on PS5 after about 20 hours of playtime. I had no expectations going into it and it turned out to be one of my favourite games in the series, even if it was on the shorter side. The story was just so good and the ending was the best one in the series. The side content is also the best I've seen since Kiwami 2 with the cabaret club. The coliseum was just so much fun. Constantly getting stronger, getting lots of money and leveling up characters in the team brawls, it was really addicting. I also liked that it tied in with the Akame Network and this game's substories. Basically, the more battles you win, the more substories you'll unlock and the more substories you complete, the more battles you'll unlock.
Suffice to say, I really enjoyed this game. It's such a love letter for long-time fans.
@LtSarge I am really contemplating playing that game. Which of the Yakuza did you play?
I played 0-2. And I started 7, but I fell off when I was moving. And now I wanna get back into the series, but don't know what the best entry point is from where I am. I'd love a good recommendation 🌞
@Herculean I've played 0-7, Dead Souls and Judgment. I wouldn't recommend playing Gaiden if you haven't finished 7 yet. The reason being that Gaiden spoils so much of 7's story as it expects you to have played 7 first.
The best way to experience Gaiden is to have played the games before it, including Judgment. So if you've finished 0-2, I'd just continue with 3 and play the rest in order, even if the PS3 games don't really hold up well compared to the other games. The stories are still great.
Topic: Games you've recently beat
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