
Topic: Danganronpa

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@KratosMD Great to hear about story and characters. Because story really is the thing I'm most worried about. I kept asking myself: how do you keep this concept fresh for two more games?

So, that's a relief.

And I have to admit that I had to use the internet for a certain case already in this game. I often experienced that I exactly knew what evidence I should use to get to the truth, but the game sometimes made it so much more convoluted than needs to.

Like that instance in which you have to prove that someone who is standing in the same room and just talked five seconds ago is not dead.

But I've played a lot of point-and-click games that didn't make any sense (King's Quest, Money Island, etc.), so I think I can look past that kinda stuff!

[Edited by Kidfried]



@Kidfried Danganronpa 2 has MUCH better writing, more complex and interesting trials, a more unique cast of characters, and arguably superior mini-games.

I actually don't agree with @KratosMD that it's "harder." The trials are more involved, so there are more factors to consider, but I rarely had issues understanding what evidence to present at the trials. And this is coming from someone who has struggled mightily with certain Ace Attorney cases.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD Oh. I could see that being confusing for someone.

My least favorite chapter was probably Chapter 4. Strawberry House and Grape House were pretty boring sections of the game, all things considered, and the revelation about how they were connected wasn't terribly impressive to me.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD I did like the escape sequence, which was a really elaborate reference to the Zero Escape games. There are also 999 and VLR references in some of the trophy names. And VLR has a character who is clearly meant to bring Monokuma to mind. I really like how the DR and ZE creators seem to admire each-other's work so much.

Chapter 3 is probably my favorite in the game (it's an utterly absurd and creepy chapter, up to and including the bonkers execution), but I also really like Chapter 2. The way they integrated the Twilight Syndrome video game (which is totally based on a real video game that looks exactly like that, btw) into the mystery was clever, Peko's scheme was cunning and thought-provoking, and the execution was easily the best in the entire series.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Kidfried Overall I think D2 was a better game, but for some reason I may have enjoyed D1 a little bit more. I know that doesn’t make sense, but the second game feels more fleshed out, the setting is more open and the plot even more intricate than the first. It feels less ‘budget constrained’ (although realistically, you’re not getting cutting edge graphics or mechanics in these games) and the student relationships are better, I think. But ... the first game just had a little more ... something ... I don’t know how to describe. Maybe more charm than the second? It may just be that it’s all so new and unique in the first game and so the second game follows familiar patterns so it’s not as much of a surprise when you see the blood start to spill. But don’t worry, they still do an excellent job of making the second game fresh in a lot of ways. Without spoiling anything, there are still trials and puzzles and mini games and relationship building activities during free time, etc, but it will feel different, for sure. If you enjoyed the first, without question you will enjoy the second.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@KratosMD I actually like Despair-form Mikan more than her usual fanservice-bait self. Her breakdown at the end of the trial was simultaneously hilarious and creepy, and excellent foreshadowing for one of the BIG twists later on

Somewhere in chapter 2. The plot is entirely lacking any narrative momentum right now, and I find Shuichi to be a less interesting protagonist than Kaede, so I just started playing other things. It didn't help that chapter 2 starts with the incredibly boring task of finding objects to put items into that unlock new parts of the school.

I couldn't put the previous three games down, but this one is... harder to get into, for some reason. I'm hoping it picks up.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD I'm curious to see how and if this connects to the rest of Danganronpa mythology. Given this game's penchant for subverting expectations, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually nullifies previous lore. If Danganronpa 2 and UDG were about expanding on the foundation left by the first game, then this one is probably about burning it all down. That's my prediction, anyway.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Th3solution Enjoying the second one for sure, but it also feels a bit stranger. The game is even more self-aware and trying to take surprising turns. It's more over the top in every way.

We'll see how it progresses!



@Kidfried I definitely want to see what your think as it gets further into the story.
One of the best things with the franchise is it’s crazy characters (along with the crazy plot and fun gameplay). I think I liked the characters from the first game a little bit better as a whole, but it’s close. I’m a big fan of Hina, she was one of my favorites. It seems like they made Akane a meld of Hina and Sakura for D2 and she just wasn’t as fun as the original. But D2 has plenty of great unique ones too. I really love Chiaki. And Nagito, Mikan, and Gundam. So many over the top personalities.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@KratosMD I need to finish watching that. I started it and then got distracted. A very common theme in my life. 😂 I haven’t played Danganronpa V3 yet - as far as characters how does it rank compared to the first 2 games?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@KratosMD I'm having the opposite feeling so far. I absolutely loved the cast of DR2, but there are multiple people in V3 that I can't stand so far (I actually have to stop myself from instinctively clicking past Tenko and Miu's dialogue). I'm... mixed on the first game. There are multiple characters I like, but I didn't really feel a connection to any of them.

I actually really liked the cast in UDG, too. I thought Komaru and Toko had wonderful chemistry, and the villains were all memorable characters.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD Okay so I tested things out and learned that You can switch the order in which the two-murder case victims are killed, but that's it. There's no branching paths, just a little easter egg depending on your affection towards the victims.

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Ah man your gonna love em!! I hope you have as great of an experience as I did playing these classics. It is so frustrating to me why this series is as overlooked as it is! But enjoy!!!





I think with the recent arrival to PS4 systems here in the West as well as other areas outside of Japan, that the series has established itself as a mainstay series. It may not yet be as highly regarded as Persona, but I believe that the cult followers that Danganronpa has amassed along with the future releases in the series will bring more and more attention and love from fans all over. This is a fairly new series, and I expect that the future entries will have a much wider sales base than the previous games did simply due to it being much more accessible and available to people all over the world!! I love this series just as much as anyone else and cant wait to see what NIS America and Spike Chunsoft have in store for the future regarding this series!!




@jim_bob_89 Seriously they are making more?
They literally can only make one more to finish the story of Junko and nothing more everything else would be stupid just like with persona hell even persona 5 was stupid now that I look at it,It brought nothing new to the table same formula from 20 years ago only thing is the story.



@KratosMD And they created Ultra despair girls and they created 2 Anime Series Future and Despair Arc(Without Trigger Happy Havoc Anime)
It's becoming repetitive.
Like I said one more story before it becomes stupid tie up the Junko,Naegi,Kirigiri Story and be done with the franchise.




Well, I hate that you feel that way Hapuc, I have to agree with KratosMD on all regards, this series your claiming has been beat to death is still very much a new theme to most people. You must remember that just this past year was the 1st time many gamers got access to this game when it was released on PS4. Not many people own a PSVita and those that do still rarely ever heard of this wonderful series. And I get that there may be alot of anime films or series set in the Danganronpa world, but the gaming world even with D1.2 Reload, Ultra Despair Girls & V3 is still virtually limitless in terms of scope and the possibilities in the story arc/characters fates. While you may be right that resurrecting Junko will be an old trick that is becoming too much of a repeating occurrence, I disagree wholeheartedly about the series needing to end and that there is no intrigue left. every time i play any Danganronpa game, the wonderful A+ characters bursting with true to life human traits, habits & personalities are among the most detailed and "individual" as any game before. I am enthralled by the kill or be killed world these Ultimates are thrown into and love each and every juicy bit I can get from the most well written & sadly overlooked RPG/visual novel games on Sony's consoles. Just wait, the world will come to know Danganronpa in its entirety.




@jim_bob_89 Well you just proved yourself wrong With having and creating all those limitless story arcs and character fates is what makes it repetitive now they should finish the story arc that started all of this with Junko Kirigiri and Naegi not introduce a new cast of characters that totally diverges from the Original story.
A1 characters? Gotta ask you and have you ever met someone who's whole personality revolves around despair and when you look at it a whole roster of characters that almost every character embodies a shonen trope on them self...You call that a True to life character traits...Seriously?
And If V3 couldn't get into mainstream because it's the best game out of Danganronpa games hardly that the franchise will get more exposure Because don't forget this games are made with Japan and Weeaboos in mind not a Mainstream audience.
And it's not overlooked game V3 sold 300K copies in it's first month I think most Devs would kill for those numbers.



And, just as I did before, you are stating your opinions on this and not a single fact. Just cuz you find it repetitive doesnt mean everyone does. Ok, I get it, you dont like the Danganronpa series. Well, believe it or not, there are tons of people who do!! Since you clearly were aiming to prove everything I said wrong from before, why dont you find a forum for a game you "do" like and make "POSITIVE" comments instead of negative?



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