
Topic: Danganronpa

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I hate Danganronpa 3. I played it for the first time last year (or the year before?) and I'm honestly still annoyed about it. That's why I'm here. Every time someone mentions Danganronpa 3 I can sense it like a shark smelling blood from miles away and I instantaneously pop up to say well actually I didn't like that game so




crimsontadpoles wrote:

I've been playing Danganronpa V3, and finished the first trial. The trials certainly have come a long way from that first trial in the original Danganronpa, in regards to depth and plot twists. The various mini-games in the trial are all pretty fun as well.

I was very fond of the killer, so that was a tough execution to watch. That reveal was a huge surprise for me.

In terms of the crew, I do really like most of the characters. The only two I've disliked so far are Kokichi and Tenko.

Thatโ€™s one thing about Dangaronpa, once you get attached to a character, they die. I also agree, V3 has the best trials out of the three games.

The PSVR is the best VR system on the market today.


Sorry I took so long to get around to this guys (It's me Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy btw)

Anyway my thoughts on the finale of Danganronpa v3 along with some dissection of some of the themes/ideas that stuck out to me.

Chapter 5

So I did enjoy the case well enough as it went along. Though... I did find the whole reasoning of Kokichi writing a script for Kaito to follow during the trial rather outlandish. When did Kokichi write this exactly? Whilst Kaito was kidnappped? and he just happened to basically prepare for every possibility?

I dunno what it is about this game (Well maybe I do but more about that later) but it keeps making me question it's reasonings.

In the previous games I was quite happy to suspend my disbelief at the absurd happenings that went on (well except for the ending of 1).

Regardless of whether it's intentional or not (again more on that later) I still think it hampers the writing in the game in my humble opinion.

In fact the script writing shenanigans was the only reason why I was questioning who the killer was because it seemed pretty obvious to me going in on what had happened. It tried throwing some curveballs but... like the past two cases I really wasn't too impressed with the mystery here either.

I honestly don't have much to say about the chapter otherwise. It was... fine but again it's not one I would personally write home about.

For chapter 6 I'm going to talk about the trial in general and my thoughts on the ending, before then moving onto some of the themes of the game that personally struck a chord with me.

I don't really talk about the themes in media often.

I honestly don't particularly like doing it as what I can take from a film could be very different to you or someone else. I know that sounds a bit silly but sometimes there might not even be one but people will try to make a meaning or see something that isn't there and that irks my brain (And yes I realise it's a possibility I'm doing it myself but hey ho).

It's gonna diverge a bit from Danganronpa too for a smidge so apologies. But it'll make sense... I promise? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Chapter 6

I called it! I called it that Tsumugi would be the mastermind!

At least... I was half right.

Maybe a third right? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

The twist with 'Team Danganronpa' was actually pretty cool with it being there every time you booted the game up. I did think it was kinda odd that the development team was named only for this final game but I figured that's just how things work out sometimes!

I guess we the audience (both in universe and out) are also considered part of the mastermind huh?

Whilst I really do like the concept of redoing a trial and finding out it had a different outcome then what was intially thought. I did find that revealing that Kaede had been framed by Tsumugi fairly disappointing.

Kaede killing the wrong person with the best of intentions was really heart wrenching. This reveal of Tsumugi clonking Rantaro over the head instead really undermined the tragedy of it all in my humble opinion. Again more on that later?

... I also just found the mystery (AGAIN) extremely weak, rather uninspired and ridiculously easy to figure out.

Honestly it wasn't until Tsumugi really started kicking into hyperdrive and began cosplaying as EVERYONE from previous games, and in turn getting extremely meta, was where the trial actually started to intrigue/impress me.

... Which is kinda ironic since I don't typically like meta commentary at all, especially in games where I find it rather ham fisted (Cough Undertale Cough), but I actually really dug it for this game and what it was trying to do with it.

So v3... Or Danganronpa 53? Again like the team Danganronpa reveal I really dug this. It's such a simple thing but still clever in it's own right and you're not really gonna question the title all that much. I sure as hell didn't. I just thought it was them coming up with a "cool" way of saying it was the 3rd mainline game. Like "Version 3"

I did like how everyone got a moment to be the "lead" so to speak. Though I still think K1-B0 is the lamest character of this game. Didn't care about the reveal he was being controlled by the auidence or supposed to be the "hope" character and... I'm not gonna waste your time. I really didn't like him. Seriously. He sucks. S U C K S!

A shame we didn't get to learn more about Rantaro though as he was pretty cool from what we finally found out about him!

I don't like the game trying to insinuate that the only reason people seem to like the Danganronpa games is to see all the deaths and despair (I'm not entirely sure if that is supposed to be the actual Danganronpa auidence or the one in game mind you but it still sorta applies to us either way?) And I'm really not sure what I should really make of the ending/epilogue with our 3 lone protagonists... They were spared... Least K1-B0 is gone ๐Ÿ˜‚

So now... Let's talk about the themes that a struck a chord with me.

There's a bunch no doubt like the usage and power of lies (though that didn't really mean much to me honestly)... And... well some other stuff that went over my thick head no doubt

What I'd like to talk about is sequels... and uhh... Sequelisation? Sequelitis? Not too sure how to express it exactly if I'm being honest.

It wasn't actually v3 that made me really think of this at first. But a couple of films I just happened to watch a few days after beating it.

21 Jump Street or more importantly it's sequel 22 Jump Street.

... It'll make sense in the long run I promise! ๐Ÿ˜‚

It's specficially about the end of 22 Jump Street that got the ol' cogs whirring in my brain. The films have meta commentary throughout them regarding reboots, the nature of hollywood and sequels but I digress. If you've not seen 22 it ends on a montage which involves the buddy cop duo of Jenko & Schmidt going on increasingly absurd/outlandish sequels (with the final one of them being undercover in space!) but it also branches off into a multimedia franchise with a video game, a saturday morning cartoon show, action figures and the likes.

Hopefully you can see why my weird brain made the connection between that and Danganronpa v3 (22 jump being made 3 years before v3) and the afformentioned theme!

This is what I was alluding to with the writing earlier.

It HAS to be more extreme, more outlandish, it NEEDS to be bigger & better with more twists and turns! The Kokichi script thing, Gonta and the wires, Korekiyo's sudden turn, Kirumi running the country (or not as it turns out) & Kaede beimg framed. Even the Monokubs get in on this being the new mascots similarly designed like new relatives made for a sitcom that you didn't know existed before then (Say Frasier's brother Niles when the spinoff tv show Fraiser was made & the retcon in it that his dad wasn't dead as was previously stated in Cheers) .

The writing fits what's supposed to be the 53rd entry of Danganronpa that for the past 43 has transcended the medium of video games and has now become a reality tv show with a rabid fanbase consisting of the entire world.

v3 is worn out by this point with rehased tropes (Like Suichi being ANOTHER detective but being the weakest one or another serial killer in Korekiyo) and so the characters have bolder designs and bigger personalities to vie for people's attention and make people cling to their favourites.

This also fits in with the much more prominent and forefront theme the game presents at the end of that final trial with you having to put the Danganronpa franchise to rest. How many tv shows, films, games have been endlessly milked over the years to crank out inferior sequels, spinoffs or reboots?

Another worthwhile message and theme is about the fanbase/fandoms and trying to subvert expections in the process. Things like World's End Club that ended up disappointing or something like the Last Of Us Part 2 that similarly tried pushing the boat out (in admitedly very different ways) like v3 does. I unfortunately don't have much more to say about this one in particular as this post has already gone on long enough and i'm not that smart to delve into any proper detail but I think it's an important one none the less.

I like what v3 was trying to do and I respect the messages, themes and ideas they were shooting for... But I thought the way it was executed to me left a lot to be desired.

Sorry if that was a bit basic at times but... Ya get what you're given. I'm not writing a thesis on it. This post is almost as long as one of my reviews already lol

Overall I can't say I loved it.

I've actually looked at the case a number of times since finishing it and considered selling it.

Even if that last trial went completely off the rails and swung it back into enjoyment for me it still had a really lacklustre and frankly mostly unenjoyable middle that I personally found poorly executed/written for what could possibly be for the sake of it's theming?

If it wasn't for that last minute swerve I think I would've already done it.

I've tried the unlocked modes and they're ok. A bit too grindy for me personally and not developed enough to make the repetitive nature of them super fun. It was a novelty at best for me and the shine wore off VERY quickly.

I didn't enjoy much of the cast either as a whole with Kaede and Kokichi being the major standouts to me with Himiko, Shuichi & Maki trailing behind.

Can I see myself replaying it?

... I dunno really. I've uninstalled it and I don't think I'd appreciate it any better either playing it in a few years time.

There's not much left to say other then to tag you @Ralizah and @Th3solution to finally hear my extended thoughts on and say so long Danganronpa!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow Interesting to see someone who really only appreciates the latter half of the games for the controversial aspects of the final case, which seem to be what makes a small minority of players hate it in the first place.

re chapter 5, the impression I had was that Kokichi probably anticipated the sorts of questions that would be asked, and prepared a 'script' that would direct Kaito to answer in ways that would make the act believable. So less 'here's a script for every possible interaction,' and more 'these are the sorts of questions you're likely to be asked, and here are the sorts of ways I would respond to said inquiries.' Couldn't say about the timeframe, but I'm sure he'd been cooking up his scheme for a while, and I'm not entirely sure he would need to tailor it to any given person, considering the circumstances of the trial.

I love chapter 5. It's possibly my favorite in the entire franchise, since the mystery is so cohesive, the conclusion is so emotionally resonant, and I really liked the idea of someone trying to outsmart the mastermind by forcing a contradiction within the logic of the game itself. It's desperate, of course, but the characters are stuck in a nightmare scenario with little hope of escape.

While I think DR2 has an overall stronger cast, I will say I think the core group of survivors in the latter half of V3 are the strongest in the series. And the way the final two cases develop are a huge part of that. Especially with the layered satire you allude to (interesting connection to 22 Jump Street, btw).

HallowMoonshadow wrote:

I don't like the game trying to insinuate that the only reason people seem to like the Danganronpa games is to see all the deaths and despair (I'm not entirely sure if that is supposed to be the actual Danganronpa auidence or the one in game mind you but it still sorta applies to us either way?)

This bit is misunderstood by a lot of people, IMO, and has been a cause of needless controversy in the fandom.

While there are obviously some parallels between the V3 audience and the player base, they're not meant to represent what the developers think of the people who play their games. It's important to note that DRV3 is partially a horror story about the effects of fully subjugating a piece of art to the endless exploitative cycles of global capitalism, and that applies to the sort of relationship it would cultivate with the audience as well. In the V3 universe, of course, it's worth reminding that the 'characters' are real people who have been hypnotized or brainwashed into thinking they're larger-than-life characters. The audience's unmitigated enjoyment of their suffering is a reflection of what they could see their audience turning into, over time: if you keep emphasizing the most extreme aspects of the franchise, as you kind of have to if you keep making sequels (because eventually you lose narrative justifications for making new content), all of the meaning in your work will gradually become lost. Even if it never went to the cartoonish lengths of a dystopic future with a death game involving real people, it could become like Saw series or something where the 'audience' becomes people who are on-board for the carnival of suffering, and, at that point, all other aspects of your art become subservient to an almost pornographic fixation on extreme violence[/spoiler].

So, I think V3 is less the developers saying: "We're tired of feeding horrifying violence to people who demand endless suffering," and more "we're afraid of what our work will become to people over time if we subject it to endless cycles of market exploitation."

The extra content was a lot of fun, but totally unnecessary. With that said, I spent SUCH a long time grinding those modes. I appreciated the comedic interactions in the talent development plan. It's like an elaborate, officially-sanctioned work of fanfiction that allows characters from across the franchise to meet up and interact in ways that would have been canonically impossible. And something nice to have after the destructive trail left by V3's [spoiler]meta-commentary on Danganronpa is general.

It's nice to see you back. Interesting new username, btw, although it'll take time to adjust to.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@HallowMoonshadow Interesting thoughts. I enjoyed reading them, although I have since forgotten some of the detailed plot points.

I can appreciate some of your criticisms, even if I enjoyed the game quite a bit more. Actually reading your mini-review has me thinking that I really need to play the game again someday. ๐Ÿ˜„

Itโ€™s too bad that parts of the game fell flat for you, but the ending really does pack a few good punches, so fortunately you were able to get some enjoyment out of it. At least you can check it off your list!

โ€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.โ€


Th3solution wrote:

Interesting thoughts. I enjoyed reading them, although I have since forgotten some of the detailed plot points. I can appreciate some of your criticisms, even if I enjoyed the game quite a bit more.

Yeah it's a bit of a shame I never finished it earlier when me, you and kid were all playing it so you'd recall the details a bit more clearly sol! But sill... I'm glad it came across well that you can recall and understand where I'm coming from on my dislike/disappointment of some aspects.

Th3solution wrote:

Actually reading your mini review...

It wasn't that much shorter then most my reviews in the review thread if you can believe it! And I didn't have pretty pictures to fill it out either! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Th3solution wrote:

Itโ€™s too bad that parts of the game fell flat for you, but the ending really does pack a few good punches, so fortunately you were able to get some enjoyment out of it. At least you can check it off your list!

... Yeah it's kinda a shame I have nothing left of the series now (aside from watching the anime adaptations (which I might get around to... eventually) and the japanese short novels I guess (but I doubt I'd ever read those))

Ralizah wrote:

HallowMoonshadow Interesting to see someone who really only appreciates the latter half of the games for the controversial aspects of the final case, which seem to be what makes a small minority of players hate it in the first place.

Honestly I'm just as surprised as you.

I think it's the fact that I've seen so many pieces of media go on far longer then they should've that it was rather refreshing for Dangan to not only go "Yeah this is it". But also go "And you're pulling the bloody trigger on it" (even if I thought the sequence was a bit overlong)

Ralizah wrote:

re chapter 5, the impression I had was that Kokichi probably anticipated the sorts of questions that would be asked, and prepared a 'script' that would direct Kaito to answer in ways that would make the act believable. So less 'here's a script for every possible interaction,' and more 'these are the sorts of questions you're likely to be asked, and here are the sorts of ways I would respond to said inquiries.' Couldn't say about the timeframe, but I'm sure he'd been cooking up his scheme for a while, and I'm not entirely sure he would need to tailor it to any given person, considering the circumstances of the trial

That's a very valid way of looking at it and certainly makes more sense then my initial thoughts. Still the whole thing still just feels a bit eh for me personally... I don't buy it. I'm glad you enjoy it though and your thoughts on the chapter as a whole are certainly food for thought!

Ralizah wrote:

I will say I think the core group of survivors in the latter half of V3 are the strongest in the series.

Even K1-B0? I'm suprised neither you or sol said anything about my little rant about him lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

Ralizah wrote:

This bit is misunderstood by a lot of people, IMO, and has been a cause of needless controversy in the fandom.

Well going extremely meta and involving the "audience" will probably do that... Especially if you only think about the surface level meaning of it. I can understand why it's taken the wrong way by the fandom even if it's not the intent... I do hope it came across by me saying it "tries to insinuate" that it wasn't something I wholeheartedly thought either lol ๐Ÿ˜„.

Ralizah wrote:

While there are obviously some parallels between the V3 audience and the player base, they're not meant to represent what the developers think of the people who play their games. It's important to note that DRV3 is partially a horror story about the effects of fully subjugating a piece of art to the endless exploitative cycles of global capitalism, and that applies to the sort of relationship it would cultivate with the audience as well. In the V3 universe, of course, it's worth reminding that the 'characters' are real people who have been hypnotized or brainwashed into thinking they're larger-than-life characters. The audience's unmitigated enjoyment of their suffering is a reflection of what they could see their audience turning into, over time: if you keep emphasizing the most extreme aspects of the franchise, as you kind of have to if you keep making sequels (because eventually you lose narrative justifications for making new content), all of the meaning in your work will gradually become lost. Even if it never went to the cartoonish lengths of a dystopic future with a death game involving real people, it could become like Saw series or something where the 'audience' becomes people who are on-board for the carnival of suffering, and, at that point, all other aspects of your art become subservient to an almost pornographic fixation on extreme violence[/spoiler].

So, I think V3 is less the developers saying: "We're tired of feeding horrifying violence to people who demand endless suffering," and more "we're afraid of what our work will become to people over time if we subject it to endless cycles of market exploitation."

... Better then I ever could've put it. If I thought about it harder

Ralizah wrote:

The extra content was a lot of fun, but totally unnecessary. With that said, I spent SUCH a long time grinding those modes. I appreciated the comedic interactions in the talent development plan. It's like an elaborate, officially-sanctioned work of fanfiction that allows characters from across the franchise to meet up and interact in ways that would have been canonically impossible. And something nice to have after the destructive trail left by V3's [spoiler]meta-commentary on Danganronpa is general.

Oh I recall you saying multiple times how long you spent on those. Like over a hundred hours right? I barely lasted 2 before having my fill I do like it for the reasons you stated though. It IS super neat in that ultimate fanfiction-y way.

Ralizah wrote:

It's nice to see you back. Interesting new username, btw, although it'll take time to adjust to.

Glad to be back Ral ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I did post in the chat thread about my return... But I'll just quote myself here for the reason why I was gone so long ๐Ÿ˜„

HallowMoonshadow wrote:


This was her about a month back not long after we first got her. She's already quadruple the size. I've had plenty of dogs before but this little Border Collie pup is something else!

As for the username. Short version is I hated the old one and invoked some DnD character energy into the new one ๐Ÿ˜…


Pushsquare is being really weird. It was messing up my quotes by jumbling up the names of everyone and everything for some reason despite the fact it was all perfect ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


Does anyone else agree with me that the first game was the best one by a mile? It had the strongest story and tone of the franchise. The sequel was basically the same thing, but with a wackier setting and the third game was just weak. And the worst part about it is that it tried to be meta at the end and probably killed the formula which in my opinion was the best part of the series.

[Edited by Bismarck]



Bismarck wrote:

Does anyone else agree with me that the first game was the best one by a mile? It had the strongest story and tone of the franchise. The sequel was basically the same thing, but with a wackier setting and the third game was just weak. And the worst part about it is that it tried to be meta at the end and probably killed the formula which in my opinion was the best part of the series.

No, I enjoyed all three. Second was my favorite.

The PSVR is the best VR system on the market today.


DR2 > DRV3 > DRAE > DR1 imo.

I won't say I didn't enjoy the first game, but it felt like a rough draft compared to its sequels.


I spent at least 60 hours on the post-game content. Over 100 platinuming the game. Massive grind, but I enjoyed it a lot.

Cute dog, btw. What's her name?

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


I've finished the main story in Danganronpa V3, so going to throw some more in depth thoughts about it here. Overall I really enjoyed it. Danganronpa 2 is still my favourite, but this one was also a lot of fun.

After the marvellous Jabberwock Island in Danganronpa 2, going back to another school setting was a bit lame. But at least it was a big improvement over the Danganronpa 1 school, as there were a lot more areas to explore including outside areas. Likewise, the cast of Danganronpa 2 are still my favourites, but the Danganronpa V3 characters mostly grew on me throughout the game.

The trials were great in V3. Lots of twists and turns. I always suck at figuring out whodunnit, but it was fun trying to guess which things are red herrings. It's nice that there were lots of different mini-games during the trials, whilst still keeping the core focus on the debates. The only parts of trials that bothered me were the hangman mini-games. Too often I'd know what they were implying, but not the exact words wanted to describe it.

Chapter 1: So it's another school setting, but we're off to a strong start with Kaede. Her cheerful, enthusiastic personality is wonderful, and it's nice to play as someone with a well-defined Ultimate ability. She quickly became my favourite Danganronpa protagonist. Everyone forgetting their Ultimate abilities made me think that Monokuma was up to some shenanigans, perhaps he'd switched some people's abilities around. The big plot twist was very well done, I never would have expected they'd make a protagonist the blackened. That made for a very emotional punishment sequence. Rantaro's the big unknown here, clearly there's going to be a twist related to him.

Chapter 2: And now we're stuck as Shuichi. He's fine, and it's still great to be playing as some with an Ultimate ability, but I was way more fond of Kaede. And now we're buddies with Kaito. Having buddies in the world of Danganronpa never ends well, so from this point on I keep suspecting he'll be the next victim or blackened every chapter. Likewise, Kokichi is too into the death game, and he's super annoying, so I keep expecting him to be a victim or blackened as well. It was nice get more focus on Himiko, seeing her use her mage abilities to perform actual magic. And to reinforce the lesson of not getting too attached to Danganronpa characters, they kill off my other favourite female character, Kirumi. She was so cool. I sure seem to have a habit of liking female characters that end up getting killed in chapters 1/2. Ryoma was interesting and had a lot of potential for character growth, so it was a shame to lose him this early.

Chapter 3: Angie went from being a goofy one-note character to being a super annoying character, so I was glad to see the back of her. Tenko had been annoying up until now, but I was just starting to warm up to her. She seemed to be toning down on the whole "male degeneracy" complaints every other sentence, plus she did genuinely care for Himiko. Korekiyo had flown under my radar, but he was utterly horrific here. Glad to see him get his punishment. The resurrection ritual was a significant point here, making me suspect that the world might be a virtual world again. Surprised that resurrections didn't come into play again in later chapters.

Chapter 4: Little easter egg I noticed was in the Ultimate Cosplay lab. The two costumes on display were of Zanki Zero characters, which interestingly released a year after Danganronpa V3. The virtual world was a fun change of pace, further making me think that the main world was another virtual world. Gonta was my favourite male character in this game, so it was yet another emotional execution sequence. Gonta was always so nice, and trying to look out for the characters. I was also oddly fond of Miu for some reason, so it was a shame to see her go. After this, I was really hoping that Kokichi would die next.

Chapter 5: Finally seeing the outside world, but this has got to be a trick, right? It's always hard to tell whether Kokichi is telling the truth about being the mastermind or not. After seeing the body, I figured it would be Kokichi's. Having it as Kaito seemed too obvious, though I was starting to wonder whether that was a double bluff. It was a shame to lose Kaito, but I had been expecting him to die ever since Chapter 2. It was a cool twist to try and outsmart the mastermind and beat them at their own game. Kokichi was a complex character. He did a lot of bad things, but often had a justification for doing them. Maki is cool, so I was getting worried when it was looking like she'd be the blackened.

Chapter 6: Surprised to see K1-B0 survive this long. A metal body is advantageous in a killing game, so I expected him to be killed off earlier. Weird to see him actually do something major. He was alright, I didn't particularly like or hate him. Tsumugi being the big bad was a surprise. I was expecting the mastermind to be a 17th person, either Kaede's twin or some variation of Junko. Plus, I was expecting the 17th person to be controlling K1-B0, either directly or by manipulating him with his inner voice. It was cool at first when Tsumugi was cosplaying as Danganronpa 1 and 2 characters. I was expecting Tsumugi to have been inspired by the previous games to make her own killing game and spread despair into the real world. That would have been such a cool twist. But then it turns out that V3 was essentially a fictional world as well, which seemed lame in comparison. That outcome kind of made the background story and character development pointless. I don't particularly dislike that plot twist, but I'm not too fond of it either. The parallels between the "player" and the "audience" I took to be tongue-in-cheek, and not something to take seriously. It was cool having the plot twist in plain sight with the "V3", which I had naturally assumed meant Version 3.

Now I'm done with the story, I want to max out friendships with everyone and get their dialogue. After that, not sure whether I'll try to complete the remaining achievements. That'll depend on whether I get hooked on the post-game mini-games.

It does kind of feel like the end of an era. I found myself playing it at a slower rate towards the end, as I knew that it would be over once it's over. Maybe I need a new visual novel to get obsessed over. On the plus side, I can now read any Danganronpa conversations without having to be cautious about spoilers.



Thanks for the honest review. I also enjoyed the 2nd game the most, but enjoyed the third one also.

The PSVR is the best VR system on the market today.


Congrats on finishing Danganronpa v3 there @crimsontadpoles!

Good to hear you enjoyed it like Ral & Sol and wasn't disappointed in it like me or reviled it like john ๐Ÿ˜…

Totally agree on Kaede being the best protagonist in the series... Only for her to be cruely taken from us in that twist. Seems we thought similar about Angie too.

That's cool about the Zanki Zero character easter eggs you saw. I only played the demo for that (and that was quite a while ago) but I didn't seem to notice those costumes in the cosplay lab!

Did you get round to trying the minigames yet?

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


I've been gradually playing more of Danganronpa V3 since beating the main game, and I've finally obtained every single achievement. Going for all the trophies or achievements isn't something I'd recommend doing, but I was in the mood for doing it. There's a lot of tedious and grindy tasks involved this time around, way more than any of the other Danganronpa games. The one thing that kept me interested was that there's a variety of modes and challenges involved, so I could keep jumping between the different activities.

The achievements that took the longest to get included grabbing the things missed from the main game, going through the board game mode with every single character (which includes the cast from the other games), and reaching the very end in the dungeon mini-game. The board game mode was quite interesting though, as characters from different games who'd usually not meet got to interact with each other.

But by far the trickiest achievement was getting an S rank on Treasure Hunter Monolith, one of the games at the casino, on hard difficulty. That required quite a lot of both skill and luck. In the end I kinda cheated with that one. It turned out that someone had programmed a tool that lets you input your current grid, then it brute-forces the optimum solution. Even with that, it took a few tries to get that S rank.

And just for the fun of it, I did also beat Death Road of Despair. That's the tricky platforming section early on in the game that the player's supposed to fail at, and isn't strictly needed for any trophies. It has many hidden traps, clunky controls, and requires a lot of precise jumps. Even after watching a tutorial video, it still took a lot of practice, and really needed to learn the jumps inside out.


@crimsontadpoles Most of the post-game stuff wasn't too bad. I really liked the board game, even with the grindiness inherent to it (playing on the Vita helped tremendously in this regard, since I just grinded that and the JRPG mode stuff while watching TV). Treasure Hunter Monolith is a nightmare I wouldn't wish on anyone though, lol.

And that music... I'm convinced it's designed to drive people into despair on its own.

I spent way longer with the post-game stuff than I did with the main game. It's so stuffed with extra content compared to previous entries.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah

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