
Topic: Danganronpa

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Since I found no such topic on here relating that game/series - are there any fans on here?
I admit that game, this whole genre, has never ever been slightly jon my radar before - I got a bit tired, not to say annoyed - by all those likewise/samey games that come out now, everything is just a sequel to something, open world/sandbox (which I am starting to hate, seriously, I cant stand that any more ) or a remaster/remake/HD version
So I somewhat was lookin/browsing for something for my brand new vita and after reading reviews/articles and watchin some trailers I thought I just give it a try since it was on sale.
And - tbh - I am totally BLOWN away - not a single game in the last years was as thrilling, sick, insane, addicting and completely captivating as this
I never though about the possibility having a visual novel - a somewhat animated comic book - getting me so addicted
Not that I need action 24/7 in my games, I love RPGs and I also dont care for reading long texts, when they are well written

so - after finishing Trigger Happy Havoc and getting hit by that huge cliffhanger (seriously - what the f...???) I cannot WAIT to play the second game, and of course the newly released "ultra despai girls"

Where are the Fans? Who has played it? What are your thoughts/feelings about this game/series? Anyone as hyped and crazy as me? LOL

so many games - so little time

PSN: consolfreak1982 | Twitter:


Fantastic series! Who was you're favorite character from the game? I loved the idea of breaking down stereotypes and subverting tropes with the character development. The 2nd game was really good, slightly less so than the 1st. It really built upon the universe that was initially created. This game open the Visual Novel world to me.

PSN: ClayDavis83


kyleforrester87 it just reading a book essentially then? (Not that its a bad thing but I want to understand haha)


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87: no you walk around and investigate crime scenes, but the way it works is totally linear, it's not like there're branching paths or anything. There is fail states in the game and challenge because you need to put the cases together and present your argument. If you present stuff in the wrong order, falsely accuse someone, or make stupid objections and stuff like that then you lose life and get prosecuted yourself. There's more to it than just flipping text, but it is also linear like a novel as well.



@Clay_Davis83: hmmm its a tough question whos my favourite haha ^^ at fitst every character seems a bit of a stereotype, some of them are quite extreme to be honest - but after a while you discover totally unexpected characteristics and behaviour about them - all in all Id say I liked Kyoko Kirigiri the most - she is so mysterious, wise and calm all of the time, I also liked Aoi - the most annoying characters were Byakuya and Hifumi - the first one is so un-sympathic and stoic, he may be talented and very intelligent but hes way too arrogant - and Hifumi, the other one, was just plain annoying, everytime I saw him it was just "rolleyes" .. and I personally think that his character dindt evolve as much as the others throughout the story
Well and I dont like Monokuma haha, well hes a cute bear but I think hes got some issues LOL

Please dont spoiler anything dude haha ^^ Im gonna begin with part 2 next week, Ill get it for my birthday and I am extremely lookin forward to it, heard so much good things about it (gameplay was enhanced a bit by gaining exp, a few not so good mini games added) and I really really cant wait for experiencing the new characters and more of the story
One question - but please no no no spoiler ^^ - is there an answer to the cliffhanger ending from part one?? or is it just another episode with new characters that are kind of related to the cast of the first game? theres just so many questions left haha
btw - ultra despair girls looks extremely good too, am extremely lookin forward to this one too (must be quite the change gameplay wise)
oh and I totally feel the same by the way - this game draw me into this genre and I cant wait to play the other games of the series, and also Virtues Last Reward which I am also extremely lookin forward too (heard so much good about this)

@kyleforrester87: its basically like a comic book, sometimes with animated art, fitting soundtrack for the right mood, sometimes spoken dialogue, making decisions at certain points - some gameplay elements too, depends on the game youre playin. Danganronpa is one of those Visual Novels that feature quite some gameplay actually for the genre - in most Visual Novels you hardly do more than read, but here you have to actually play once in a while as well (like Wesker explained) - believe me, all your doubts you might have will get smashed - the story and atmosphere and the tension is so gripping and ntriguing that it is extremely hard to put the game down, I seriously cant remember when a game captivated me as much as this one, and I am a huge Fan of Action games so I also had doubts before

[Edited by consolfreak1982]

so many games - so little time

PSN: consolfreak1982 | Twitter:


@consolfreak1982: yeah kind of like watching a whodunit on TV. It's really fun and satisfying to work out what's going on, and it's an extra good feeling when you've worked things out faster than the heros in the game and can lead them in the right direction. I never expected to be entertained so much by it; they really get you invested as a player then lead you through an amazing story with twists and turns.

[Edited by Wesker]



@Wesker: youre so damn right ^^ but there are quite a few unexpected twists going on, I have read so many thrillers and crime stories and watched countless movies but it was extremely tough to tell whats going on, what happened and whos the murderer/culprit imo - simply put: brilliant! I can hardly remember the last time a game impressed me as much as this one - and it hit me totally unexpected because I had no expectation at all to begin with, I am completely new to this genre, I "accidentially" got into it, if you would have asked me a few month before if I want to play a Visual Novel I would have just nodded my head, no way. Dont get me wrong, I love RPGs, especially JRPGs, so Im used to reading a lot of text in games, but overall I want to actually play in between that haha I think you understand what I mean - Im also a huge Action Fan, I also play COD, GTA and stuff like that, but its not like I need bullets and explosions all the time
Im extremely glad I discovered this game, and allthough all of my friends just shake their heads they actually dont know what they are missing out on

so many games - so little time

PSN: consolfreak1982 | Twitter:


If you loved Danganronpa, go play the Ace Attorney games.
Ace Attorney is so good that, when I played Danganronpa, I came away slightly disappointed because it wasn't as good. Still good, but Ace Attorney is like top 3 game series ever.

[Edited by RaymanFan2]



@RaymanFan2: I was wondering if those game were similar. I didn't think Danganronpa could have just invented that gameplay out of thin air. But I don't really play much on Nintendo, and I still have Danganronpa 2 to play on Vita, so I'll stick to that for now.



since I dont own a 3DS I cant play AceAttorney - sadly
I heard much praise about that series as well, but I was always sceptical that it might be too "childish"/"immature"
And like Wesker - I have a lot to play now haha, Danganronpa 2, Danganronpa Another Episode, Virtues Last Reward and SteinsGate are on my "to do list"
But Im planning to buy a New3DS soon so I guess Im gonna look into that series too - after 999 of course ^^

so many games - so little time

PSN: consolfreak1982 | Twitter:


Is it similar in gameplay to Virtue's Last Reward then? Since I have that from PS+ but never really played it..


PSN: WigSplitter1987


yes it is kind of similar - compared to the "puzzles" in VLR you walk around searching for clues and evidence when a murder happened and gather all sorts of information - after that theres a class trial, which is a kind of court debate where you have to find out whos the murderer - you have to argue with the other students, tell whos lying and so on - presented in a kind of minigame where you shoot at the contradictions in the phrases - sounds weird and actually is, but its quite some simpe fun.
Danganronpa 2 features even more mingames, while the newly released Ultra Despair Girls has definitely the most "gameplay" of them all (its a novel/3rd person shooter)

so many games - so little time

PSN: consolfreak1982 | Twitter:


Hmm well I'm playing VLR now to see if I can get into it. I'm about 2 hours in, the story seems interesting but can't say I'm sold on the gameplay side...But I'm only on the second playable sequence. I'll keep plugging and see how I get on.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87: I envy you - I also want to play VLR, ive ordered it and still waiting for my copy to arrive somewhere next week or so (Íve imported the US Version because it has english voices, I dont like japanese voice overs in games). From what Ive heard the story of VLR has to be amazing - did you play the first part (999) too?
What you think about the graphics, the soundtrack, the atmosphere and the characters so far?? ^^
Well from what I can assume by now VLR and Danganronpa are pretty different - Danganronpa is more of a detective/murderer-solving crime with totally insane characters while VLR seems to be more of a novel/puzzle (escape rooms) mixture with an "ally/betray" - feature and many endings.

so many games - so little time

PSN: consolfreak1982 | Twitter:


I have been considering buying this - just purchased hatoful boyfriend which is well... Different. (it was £4 don't hold it against me) is Dangaronpa better or similar?

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PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy: havent played Hatoful Boyfriend, but Danganronpa is different - its more about murder, solving crimes/investigating, has totally insane characters and overall a very unique style - if youre considering: I think its on sale now - and Im sure you wont regret it. I never even cared about that whole genre and just picked it from a sale a while ago and it just blew me away with its sick presentation and overall style/plot - its highly addicting and once you get into it its extremely hard to put down
If you want to know more just ask - would also be curious about what you think of it when you play it

so many games - so little time

PSN: consolfreak1982 | Twitter:


I loved Danganronpa 1 and 2. I think it got me into the visual novel genre, which is something I wasn't really interested in before. I bought Ace Attorney when it was on sale on the 3DS eshop and steins;gate for the Vita (which I'll play after Ultra Despair Girls).

I really enjoyed the murder mystery element and working out the story as I went along. Monokuma is brilliant of course and I also thought Kyoko Kirigiri, Sakura and Genocide Jack were excellent. I think the story in the second game is better than the first. I was hooked.

I'm currently playing Ultra Despair Girls and have just finished Chapter One. The story is very wacky so far but I think the actual shooting gameplay could be better. I find it difficult to aim at the Monokuma eyes.

I can't wait for Danganronpa 3!

Black Lives Matter
Trans rights are human rights


Wow. Just done the first proper chapter after a few attempts at getting into this game.
Just want to ask, is it just me or has anyone else noticed massive zen Buddhism references in this game? I've searched online and there doesn't seem to be anything about a link.
Is zen a theme overall in the series?

Anyway, just wanted to chat about the game, gonna get stuck into the next chapter now!



@CountFunkula78 No. I don't know of any explicit Buddhist subtext to the series. With that said, it is a Japanese series, so it's not unreasonable to think some religious ideas have wiggled their way into various narrative nooks and crannies, much as Judeo-Christian philosophy informs the content, symbolism, etc. of various pieces of mostly secular Western media.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


Danganronpa 1 was amazing.
Danganronpa 2 great game, but not as mind blowning as 1.

Steins gate - wow. Just wow. Nothing beats this game storyline
Steins gate 0. Not as good. But i had fallen in love with all the games character by this point i did not care.

Cannot wait for danganronpa 3 😀


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