
Topic: Danganronpa

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I have finished V3 on Vita a few days after the launch. I have not really searched feedback for the ending but I guess the reception will be mixed. I not really disliked it nor I liked very much. Some cases were more interesting than the final one.




I agree in the first case. It was interesting and the way the main character changed, remained me somewhat of MGS2. In the end of the day I thought cool that the MC was female but the junior Sherclock Holmes was good written and interesting as a character. I didn't like the second case. I saw from a mile away the identity of the killer so that did not help. I agree with you on the third case. The fourth one was boring at the start all this virtual stuff had wayyyy slow pace but in the end it was cool. Now the fifth one was good but I though obvious who character was sacrificed. Overall the final case was good, the connection to the first case was clever but up to this point the identity of the mastermind was way obvious if you remember the whole bathroom thing from the first case. As for the "breaking of the fourth wall" twist in the end I liked it but I wanted something more, felt that we have seen this ending a lot in videogames and movies. I did not get the same feeling from the previous games. Overall I liked both the ending and the game as a whole very much with the exception of the second case. It is a great game but (excluding the girls spinoff) I liked 1 and 2 a little more.

[Edited by belmont]




Sorry for not being clear. I meant that I guessed the Mastermind after the discovery of the secret path but this was before the start of the trial. I guess if I didn't remember that Tsumugi went to the bathroom during the case 1 murder I wouldn't guess it. Even though after the victim of the case 5 become clear by process of elemination Tsumugi seemed to me as the Mastermind. This is the only Danganronpa game that I guessed the Mastermind before the start of the final trial. Another problem I had with the ending is that rendered the previous games mostly emotionless, almost non canon. A real killer game designed by a crazy Mastermind is way more emotionfull than a big brother killer show even if the killing in the show is real. It is not that I didn't like the ending the endings of 1 and 2 were better. I liked that the ending of 1 was left to the players interpretation although they made a canon in 2 and in the Girls game. I really liked the way the 2nd game ended, how it was connected to the first one and how in the end most of the cast are saved from death. I would like a new cast of characters and a total new story in the next Danganronpa.

Phantasy Star and Metal Gear spoilers
Breaking the fourth wall is not common in videogames but is an idea that is around generally. From the top of my head I remember the end of Phantasy Star 2 that the events of the game were masterminded somehow from people from "our" earth. The best example I can think is the end of Metal Gear Solid 5 where the main character literaly breaks the wall (a mirror) when you understand that you don't play as Big Boss but as yourself. Surely it was hinted but it was not clear till the end.

[Edited by belmont]



@KratosMD The Danganronpa Wikia. I'm currently testing it to see if it's true and will let you know when I find out, as well as posting a few admittedly blurry screenshots from my phone as confirmation if it ends up being true! So keep an eye out for my update!

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@Reanfan7 @KratosMD Please keep us posted. I will also check online to see. I doubt it can happen but it would be WAY cool if it is true.



Danganronpa 1-2 Reload is an absolute classic that is so massively overlooked. Ultra Despair Girls is a hit an miss. And V3 Killing Harmony is a great one but not as memorable as the 1st 2 games. I truly hope NIS & Spike Chunsoft have more to offer in the wild world of one of the best game series to launch on PS4 in 2017 in my opinion!!!




@Reanfan7 @KratosMD

Developer Spike Chunsoft, known for the killing trial series Danganronpa, have put out a job opening advertisement for modeling and texture creation for the series.

"The applicant will need to work with PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita, among other platforms. They will be creating character models and textures for an action game, using Maya, Zbrush and Photoshop. The applicant is required to have experience with 3D modeling software, in character modeling, have a sense of curiosity, and want to create interesting games.

Having experience in making games, having an interest in action games, and wanting to make your own game in the future are advantages. People who like to work with others to complete a project, who like interesting games, who want to increase their skill and persistence; and people who just want to make a good game for consoles even if they only experience in mobile game development, are more likely to be considered for the position."

Previously, Spike Chunsoft developed Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, which also utilized 3D models for the first time in the series.

Sounds like they're making another spinoff like UDG.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD Early on. Chapter 1. I'm not as initially fond of the characters this go around, but it's good to be playing Danganronpa again!

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD Not done with chapter one yet, but so far:

  • The game seems unusually self-aware this time around, even for Danganronpa. I feel like the game is actively trolling me at times. I might be off the mark, but I feel like V3 is going to have a lot more fun with subverting player expectations and even questioning the player's relationship to the game itself than previous DR games did. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.
  • This game is really drawn out. Like, in the amount of time I've spent in the chapter, I'd have already been well into chapter 2 in Trigger Happy Havoc. I feel like Danganronpa 2 fleshed out things just enough, whereas, so far, this feels too garrulous, and Trigger Happy Havoc often felt a bit too insubstantial. We'll see how things pan out, though.
  • Not a fan of the mechanic where you trash an environment to gain monocoins.
  • Also not a fan of how the helpful tool for finding new environmental items to interact with has turned into more of a Arkham Asylum-esque "detective mode" that you have to activate and deactivate every time.
  • I feel like the characters were made a bit... too weird this time around. Granted, Danganronpa characters have always been weird, but most of the cast members of previous titles managed to effectively toe the line between eccentricity and normalcy, with characters only slipping off the deep end (Junko, Nagito, etc.) when there was a narrative purpose to it. Too many of these people are just constantly, abrasively weird. Tenko and Miu, in particular, can go jump off a bridge somewhere (although I have the sinking feeling at least one of these two will survive into the late game, because DR loves to kill off its likeable characters and keep the weirdos around). I could see interesting things being done with Angie's zealotry, but she's a bit one-note so far. Gonta's caveman schtick got old as soon as I met him. Himiko and Kokichi are my favorites right now: the former because I adore her profound, complete laziness (something I can actually deeply relate to, unfortunately), and the latter because I find his mischievous antics to be satisfyingly frustrating, and I can't get a bead on how malicious he actually is. The others... haven't made a huge impression yet, but I'd like to learn more about them.
  • Nobody has died yet, but I could see Tsumugi going first. She's kind of normal and inconsequential compared to the rest of the cast, so she seems like prime victim material.
  • The music is as weird and catchy as ever. "Rise and Shine, Ursine!" is officially my second favorite track in the series now, right behind the almighty "Absolute Despair Girl" from DR:AE.
  • I kind of wish the first-person navigation from THH hadn't returned so fully, but at least the environments here are fleshed out and evocative, as opposed to the barren, 90's PC dungeon crawler hallways of the first game.
  • My completionist habits are already starting to show. I've not even gotten into the meat of the first chapter yet, and I've already obtained every unique item from the monomono machine!
  • In general, despite my hundred trivial complaints, it's nice to be playing this series again.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD I'm afraid I've had nothing insightful to say about the game yet, but I hope to engage with it more fully as I go on. As always, it's nice to be able to talk with someone who similarly appreciates its unique qualities.

One thing to keep in mind is that I'm absolutely terrible at being able to tell the overall quality of a game from its premise or opening hours. When I first heard about Danganronpa 2, I didn't play it until a year after its release because I thought the original game was a complete enough story in itself and that the sequel would be a retread of the same material with a stupid tropical theme in place of the oppressive corridors of the original. What I found instead was what I consider to be the defining entry in the series, due to its tonal balance that would go on to define the feel of the rest of the series, the memorable characters, the AMAZING music, the vastly more ambitious and thrilling trials, the epic scope that did a wonderful job of expanding on the final hour or so of the original game and its scant worldbuilding, and the violent and post-modern themes that made it feel like a subversive piece of social criticism (the original shared this aspect, of course, but to a more obvious degree; the sequel felt more nuanced in this regard).

Also, I put off playing SOMA for years because I'm not good with spooky-scary games where you run around and hide from stuff. Had I known that it was actually an intelligent work of speculative fiction, I would have played it much sooner.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD Brilliant interview with the creator. What a funny guy! He likes most of the same games I do. I like how he said, in comparing his game to Persona 5 - “But! I think Danganronpa still wins in the number of people dying in the game.” 😂

@Ralizah I really like your well thought out impressions as well. Keep them coming. Also, you need to get back to writing your mini reviews some more of movies on the movie thread also! 😉
I hope to finish UDG over Christmas and start D V3 after that. We’ll see.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@KratosMD yes, i finished and thoroughly enjoyed D2. 😁 I started watching the anime as well to prep for V3. I watched the first episode of future arc, then started the despair arc and rather than go through the confusion of going back and forth I just stayed with despair arc and i think I made it to around episode 7 or 8 before I got side tracked. I definitely want to finish it but just haven’t had the time. I love seeing the back story and how everything fits together. So my plan was to finish the anime too, and do UDG. But I’ll have to see how I feel. Probably I’ll start with UDG and if it doesn’t grab me straight away I’ll go over to V3 if there is not a prerequisite to play UDG. I’ve been saving these all on my Vita for the holidays when I will be away from my PS4. If all goes well I’ll have a significant chunk of time to game on the Vita.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Welp, guess I was wrong about the first victim!

Is this game going to emphasize lying and turn it into another mechanic in the trials? Because, if so, that's awesome!

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD Interesting. I'm hoping to get some free time soon so that I can bang through this first class trial. I can dip in and out during other parts of the game with ease thanks to the Vita's portability, but I really prefer doing the trials in one go.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


Tsumugi is a riot. Whoever translated this game must have had fun with all the references she makes. I've noticed references to the Fate series, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Monster Hunter so far.

Prediction time before the first trial! I think Shuichi is somehow involved in this crime. He's either the killer or somehow aiding the killer. The game is trying way too hard to make me like him. Also, I think, long term, Maki is going to be the "Kyoko" of this game, instead of Shuichi.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah



I can't believe how unexpected and devastating the tutorial trial in this game was.

I have absolutely no idea how this story is going to evolve going forward, and that's both refreshing and a little scary.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Kidfried Awesome! I’m glad you’re liking it. Danganronpa is such a unique and entertaining experience. I should have thought you would like it since it does have some puzzle solving gameplay to it with the murder investigations and trials. (A little more sophisticated than TT Batman’s crime scene investigations 😂) And the story is a lot of fun with its crazy characters, yet deep and philosophical at the same time. I’ll be curious to hear your impressions as you play through. Each game crescendos toward great endings.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Just finished it! Wow what a bizarre game. I'll collect some of my impressions in this post.

I'm always a bit in conflict about visual novel type of games, but this one had me seriously hooked. There's some very good stuff in it, and some bad stuff as well.

Loved the mystery throughout and trying to predict the turns the game would make. Even though a lot of the times I could guess who was the killer was from the start, I liked how they would complicate the stories in a way that deepened the characters.

Also loved how the game was fully self-aware. Sometimes just straight-up mentioning its own shortcomings. It really made it feel like you were in dialogue with the game and its characters throughout.

Didn't like how some of the trial puzzles were kinda vague, requiring you to force yourself through them by trying the different options. The manga for instance, I just had a hard time sometimes seeing what was depicted, due to the images being so small.

And it felt like a game on a pretty tight budget, which I think was a shame and held the game back at a few points.

The might be some remarks to be made about sexism/etc, but I don't think are a problem at all. You have to understand this game in its cultural context and also look at how it plays with the topic as well.

I think the ending was really strong. Never really expected this game to be that much of a coming-of-age story, but it works so well. The open ending, the kids not knowing what might be outside, contributes to that as well.

And of course, now I'm wondering: how is Danganronpa 2? Is it better or worse?


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