
Topic: Dex's Diner - The Star Wars Topic

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@RogerRoger So the entire three trilogy story mode is only a third of the game? Is the rest just typical open world checkbox busy work?



@LN78 Not sure about the nature of the side stuff, as I haven't engaged with much of it. Only really stopped to do some of the races and target shooting in orbit of certain planets; didn't undertake any on-foot distractions. I have seen a few hints suggesting that I track down capital ships in particular star systems, so maybe there'll be something in that? There's a capital ship page in my collection, but I can't imagine I'd just buy them from a random store someplace, so I'm expecting something a bit more involved there.

I also fell far short of completely completing every story level, as well. All of the usual minikits, hidden challenges and the ever-elusive True Jedi stud counter need doing. Most of my individual movie completion percentages fell between twenty-something and forty-something.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Wow - you really tore through it then! I might start playing it tomorrow but I'm just bouncing off of everything at the moment - the last 3 or 4 games I've started just have not held my interest at all. Thanks for the heads up, though.



@LN78 Yeah, I caught a lucky break with my free time this week, and decided that it'd be easier to indulge in the side stuff going forward without the pressure of unlocking it all via the story. Star systems don't become available until you've had to "find" them as part of each movie's story, and I've seen a couple of requests in passing that'll require some planet-hopping, so at least I know that I can access everywhere now (or at least, I should be able to access everywhere)!

Best of luck if you do start it, or that you're able to find something to hold your interest in general, whatever that may be. I take it you finished Elden Ring, then?

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I did indeed finish "Elden Ring" and therein lies the problem - nothing else seems to want to fill the gap left behind in its absence. It's quite annoying if truth be told because I've got two lovely new, virtually untouched consoles with their attendant backlogs and FromSoftware seems to have rather spoiled the party. Something will stick sooner or later, I'm sure!



@LN78 That’s exactly what happened with me after Elden Ring! Only really Guardians of the Galaxy has made an impact on me afterwards and that was brilliant. I’m really hoping Lego Star Wars turns out to be the game that helps with that, as it could be a winner based on sheer fun and lightheartedness.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett My brother and I played through "Guardians" over Christmas instead of our traditional "COD" campaign - it was such a treat. I'm having much the same thought process as you regarding "LEGO Star Wars" - in many ways it's the absolute antithesis of "Elden Ring" so it might be just what the doctor ordered!



@LN78 @nessisonett Here's hoping you both get what you want from The Skywalker Saga, then!

I'm sorry to report that, whilst roaming the galaxy last night and this morning, I've encountered a fair number of technical shortcomings common to past LEGO games, which answers that whole "Maybe the new engine will have fixed things?" question, I suppose. I got stuck in hyperspace and had to force a restart, and then a full-blown crash happened as I tried to swap out a character. I guess the sheer volume of the open worlds can get pretty taxing, so I've picked a good team, purchased my favourite ship, and will stick with 'em for the majority of my playthrough, to avoid any unnecessary strain.

I'd blame it on my PS5, which has developed a few minor quirks since the last firmware update, but this is just all too familiar in the wake of past LEGO games, alas. I should point out that my story playthrough was near-perfect, save one freeze right near the end of Episode IX, so it's probably just that aforementioned complexity when quickly hopping from planet to planet.

Oh, and yes, confirming that you can completely remove the HUD in quiet moments!


Took me about ninety minutes to do everything on Kashyyyk, which I decided to start with because it's a singular map with no separate, branching interiors, yet is still quite involved, what with its towering tree-houses and thick, swampy jungle. The camera isn't very cooperative, and fiddling with some of the menus can cause headaches, but the detail and in-jokes did a good job of compensating for those shortcomings. Wrapped up everything on Kamino in roughly the same amount of time, and now I'm on Tatooine.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Sorry you ran into a few hitches and that some of the LEGO familiar gripes (whatever they might be) are showing up - especially in the light of the delays and (reported) dev crunch that the game underwent. I must confess that curiosity has got the better of me and I'm going to be playing the story in numerical order - I just can't fathom what the the LEGO rendition of the climax to "Revenge of the Sith" is going to look like!

Edited on by LN78



@LN78 Thanks. Basically, a lot of older LEGO games used to crash and freeze on a regular basis, particularly when trying to tidy up their vast open worlds. It's something to guard against when exploring off the beaten track, although the game's auto-save checkpoints are very generous, so you shouldn't lose too much progress if you're forced to reboot your game.

Hope you enjoy! Oh, and with regards your last line, the word "hilarious" just about covers it!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Therapist: "Stormtrooper Jar Jar isn't real, he can't hurt you."

Stormtrooper Jar Jar:


"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


I'm playing in chronological order and i'm still only on Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones. I've just been farming for studs, bricks, characters and ships. Just bought the 2x and 6x stud multiplier modes so getting all those 'True Jedi' will be a breeze.



@ApostateMage Wow, that's a real impressive display of patience! You must've encountered more than a few roadblocks in the hubs early on, yes? Given that The Phantom Menace doesn't feature half of the character classes you'd need for full exploration, like Bounty Hunters or Scoundrels.

You must be enjoying the whole thing, though, to be taking it so slowly! Glad you're having fun!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Don't know if it's been reported on here yet, but it's theorized that the Kingdom Hearts IV trailer accidentally let a Star Wars world slip, as it briefly shows a forested area (which some say is a dead ringer for how Endor is represented in the Battlefront games) that has a mechanical "foot" in the upper right hand part of the image (which fans think they have identified as an AT-ST foot).

@RogerRoger, I know awhile back you asked me if I could rank the Star Wars films (since I just finished them all off), and while I don't think I can do that, I think I can give my thoughts on each trilogy.

OG trilogy - Starting to be a bit dated going back to it today, but it's still impressive seeing what they were able to accomplish with the tech of the time (though the versions I've watched are the updated 90's cuts), and overall still holds together well.

Prequel trilogy - Definitely the slowest of the bunch overall with the most hammy acting, however I think it's held together by it's immaculate world building and cohesive narrative. Plus, I personally liked to see an era where Jedi were a bit more plentiful.

Sequel trilogy - Maybe the most fun in a pure "popcorn flick" kinda way (at least the first & third films), however they are very much flash over substance, with a slapdash reactionary narrative that never feels cohesive.

Edited on by RR529

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 That's cool, thank you for coming back to answer my question! I'm always interested in what newcomers think about the movies, considering the inescapable pop culture status of Star Wars and the preconceived general consensus about each one that's perpetuated online and elsewhere. For what it's worth, your thoughts are not only fair, but also more or less align with what I'd describe as an average fan's summary, as well. I'm glad you could find something to enjoy throughout, even in varying quantities!

It's funny you should mention Kingdom Hearts, by the way, as I haven't watched the trailer but, when I saw the headline announcing the forthcoming fourth game, I thought "What's the betting they put Star Wars in there this time?" I've just quickly Googled the shot in question and yes, whilst it's not 100% clear, that does indeed look like an AT-ST's foot, captured from behind.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger £4.00 from my local OXFAM.
Over the Easter weekend I'm going to attempt to watch the prequels as objectively as possible - sober and not for the purposes of comedy. Wish me luck!

Edited on by LN78



@RogerRoger, thanks! I wouldn't exactly say I'm a newcomer though. I'd certainly seen most of the movies before (my father even took us to see the Phantom Menace in the cinema when it came out), and have owned a smattering of the games (like Pod Racer & Starfighter, even if I was never huge into them), however I will say I have a newfound appreciation for the franchise.

I was much more into the Japanese side of entertainment as kid & teen (Pokemon and Nintendo anything, Yu-Gi-Oh!, DBZ, InuYasha, Kingdom Hearts, Ace Combat, & Final Fantasy are probably the biggest franchises from my more formative years, though I was also big into WWE for a time too), so it's definitely been more recent that I've really tried to penetrate it.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@LN78 Oh, sweet! The very best of luck to you, yes! Was it playing LEGO Star Wars that made you wanna revisit them, do you think? I've been wanting to ask how you were getting on with the game, if you even started it at all, but was worried I'd come across like a pestering fanboy!


@RR529 Ah, gotcha. I think you'd have to consciously avoid watching a Star Wars movie, or playing a Star Wars game, in order to be a complete newcomer nowadays, yeah. There's always somebody in the family who's got the DVDs or wants to go see the latest one at the cinema. Funnily enough, a lot of anime and JRPG fans find it easier to cross over, because there's a lot of shared heritage and cultural DNA there. You'll have noticed this already, but George Lucas was a huge fan of samurai movies, so the influence becomes obvious at times, most notably in the Jedi Order.

I recall your reaction to Star Wars: Visions being largely positive (you got me to go back and finish all the episodes, so I'm grateful, because they were good) so fingers crossed they do more of them in future. I'm surprised that there haven't been more Japanese projects like that before!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I'm going to watch them before I play the game (I'm guessing that some familiarity will make the gags land better) but it was actually just random chance that it was in the charity shop. I've never owned the prequels on any format before - this set is called "The Complete Saga" which is quite amusing.

Edited on by LN78



@LN78 That's exactly how I found myself re-watching the sequel trilogy a while back, as well. It's a smart move, particularly since the LEGO sense of humour can be very self-deprecating at times. I just hope you don't make it fifteen minutes into The Phantom Menace and think, "Nope, this was a mistake!" but hey, for four quid (given to charity, no less) it's worth the risk.

And if it does all go wrong, at least you'll have three lovely new drinks coasters!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987

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