
Topic: Returnal

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@Thrillho Thank you for your encouragement ! I didn't even know there is melee attack in this game... How do you perform that? I had just a pistol and shotgun so far.



@Tatarimokke Some basic advice (you might be already doing some of these but just in case):

  • focus on not getting hit, learn to use the dash effectively - the dash makes you invulnerable to most attacks, you just have to make sure you time it right
  • there are several advantages to not getting hit - the adrenaline meter will give you meaningful powerups but will go down to zero after a hit
  • also, picking up silphium when at full health makes it act like silphium resin - find 3 and it will improve your max health
  • it might be a little counter-intuitive at first but dashing into projectiles can be more effective than dashing away from them
  • generally stay on the move
  • you don't want to use the aim button in most scenarios, as it limits your mobility and field of view - it can be useful when fighting single enemies at long distance
  • Returnal's aim assist is pretty strong so you, you will hit things if you shoot in their general direction
  • for most weapons, including the starting gun, it's better to hold the trigger than press it repeatedly - it will prevent you from accidentally missing the overload window
  • on that point, use the overload (the quick reload) - there's no penalty for missing it but getting it right will reload your weapon much faster, which can make a big difference

Hope this helps you enjoy this fantastic game

edit: to use melee you need to find the blade first (it's a permanent upgrade that you keep after dying) - it's possible that you don't have it yet - it's needed to finish the first biome so you're probably close to it

edit2: the spitmaw (shotgun) is probably one of everybody's least favorite weapons - you should be able to find a carbine instead - when you do, I'd recommend sticking with that for a while

Edited on by Voltan



@Tatarimokke The last 2 of what @Volcan said are key. The spitmaw is trash and getting the sword makes the first biome much more palatable. The sword pops up randomly. Some get lucky and they find it in an early run. For me I think it was around my 20th run through, although admittedly I was terrible early and didn't make it through many encounters. At the Very beginning of the game I'd stick with the carbine. Great early game weapon.



@Voltan Oh cool thanks for your help. Good to know i can dash into the projectiles not just away from them. Also i don't get the overload thing and yes there were several fights when just one shot was missing to finish off the enemy but i couldn't shot. How do you manage this actually? Also what is your strategy against the big octopus monster with melee jumps on you ( doesn't seem it shoots any projectile) usually that one is i struggle most, especially when other monsters shooting at me at the same time. How hard is the first biome boss? Do i need to fight against bosses again every time i die? I can't imagine guys how are you able to complete this game in one run i can't even survive the first biome...

Edited on by Tatarimokke



@Tatarimokke That big jumpy boi always signals his intentions by making his tentacles move and glow. Keep an eye out and dash at the right time to avoid the attack. It’s not that hard once you get used to the timing.

As for overload - when you’re reloading there’s a small bar displayed with a section of it highlighted and an indicator moving from the left side to the right. Your gun is reloaded once the indicator reaches the right end of the bar but if you pull the trigger when it’s inside the highlighted part, it will reload instantly instead.
Having your adrenaline on level 1 or higher, makes the highlighted section much wider and the overload much easier to perform.
You gain an adrenaline level by getting 3 kills without getting hit.



@Tatarimokke To add to @Voltans comments, you will know when you hit the overload just right as you will hear a satisfying noise and you can keep shooting. With some weapons you'll only get a few shots before you have to reload so it's worth trying to get that right.

For the big guy I'd suggest maintain your distance for most of the fight. Try to use the walls so you can take some shots and then dash back into cover and as he advances you can just move back. If there are other hostiles in the room at the same time then I usually find it's easiest to keep moving around the room taking those out first but still keeping away from the big guy. Don't forget about your alt-fire as that can be really useful against the bigger hostiles if you get a window of opportunity to use it.

The first biome boss isn't too bad once you learn how to avoid his moves. You'll appreciate the game more if you go in blind though and work it out for yourself but there's also a load of videos available now showing how to beat the bosses. It took me a few goes but other people have managed to do it in one go so see how you get on. Once you've beaten it though you won't have to do it again unless you want to and the same goes for most of the others.

It's worth persevering though and the payoff will be incredible, I promise you. Keep going, you can do it!!

Edited on by render



if it comes down to damaging the enemy and taking a hit yourself or hiding and nothing taking damage, chose nothing taking damage! Heath is more important in returnal than in any other game I played

if anything has a red sphere around it (they might only spawn after you get the sword upgrade) they can only be defeated by hitting them with a sword, then finishing them off normally.

The 1st biome is one of the hardest

Any projectiles (exept purple) can be dodged through,

I hope all of this helps, returnal is a great game!

“I’m a really good lawyer.”
“One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them; In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie.”


@Voltan @render Thanks again i really appreciate your help guys. About the adrenalin that was my only achievement yesterday i reached max level of adrenalin and get a trophy for it:) I thought ok it seems i am getting better...then i just died in the next room...
I know it is an amazing game so i'm going to jump back today.
Just one more thing. Is there any checkpoint in the game somewhere or you need to start again from the beginning if you die in he 4th biome for example?



@Just_2_milky thanks yes of course every little info drops help me to keep me going! i'll check it out the guides too!



@Tatarimokke After getting to biome 4, you will start there after death.
Also once you unlock biome 3 (and later 6) you can go there directly from 1 (or 4) - it’s up to you how much time you want to spend in the previous biomes (as it will take time but will also allow you to upgrade your health and collect artifacts).



@Tatarimokke Yes once you get to B4 you will then respawn there if you die in any of the further biomes. Otherwise you will always come back to B1.

Just to add another tip into what Voltan was saying earlier about dashing forward. If you dash forward not only are you going to better avoid any projectiles but you will also be able to collect more obolites which will mean you can buy more items from the fabricators. I know there are people that prefer to play defensively but if you do then you really miss out on being able to get more items to help you later on, so would definitely recommend trying to play offensively if you can.



@Voltan I see. So probably better if I'd go through every biome again after death otherwise i'll be too weak for 3rd biome without upgrades and proper weapons?



@Just_2_milky i didn't know what to do with the red sphere things so thanks for that. Yes they spawn even if you don't have the sword. I saw turrets mostly so i just run across the room to avoid them



@Tatarimokke Honestly, personally I died a bunch of times in biome 1 and then when I finally managed to kill the 1st boss, I somehow made it all the way to biome 4 in the same run, so I don’t think I could give advice on that
In the 2nd act, I’d usually go to biome 6 as soon as I could (you have to go through about 1/3 of biome 4 to get to the portal) but that’s just me and my YOLO play style. I didn’t really mind dying a bunch in this game
It’s probably smart to clear out the 1st biome (minus the boss) before going to 3.

Edited on by Voltan



@Tatarimokke Some excellent advice already given, but I’ll throw in my 2 cents.

As far as strategy and things to try early on —
(And I’m borrowing these tips from others who told me when I was expressing similar frustration early in the game) — In the settings there are some tweaks to make which can help:

  • Namely, you can change the sprint to be ‘always on’ and that’s a key adjustment to make. In this game it’s better to just be always sprinting rather than have to click a button to sprint. It will make evasion and movement through the chaotic firefights a tiny bit easier. You’ll have to adjust your timing and get used to it because at first you might sprint off a cliff from time to time.
  • I believe there is a way to dial up the aim assist in the settings, which helps a tiny bit.
  • you can actually adjust the size and visual density of the reticle that @Voltan was mentioning to hit your overloads. It takes a little away from the immersion and I usually like minimal HUD getting in the way of my seeing my game, but in this case, having the reticle window more prominent makes it a little easier to focus on that overload bar. Adjust as you see fit for your playstyle.
  • Consider remapping the dash button to a shoulder button like R1. (Some people also remap the jump button to L1, which I didn’t do, my brain has ‘X’ too strongly associated with jump). It a small thing, but being able to use your right thumb to rotate the camera while you dash or immediately after dashing will save milliseconds when enemies and projectiles are surrounding you. It will take a couple hours to get used to, but for me it became second nature after a while and I do think it helped

And yes, those gorilla tentacle brutes seem insurmountable at first, but actually are quite slow and just stand around mostly until they pounce. So like Voltan says, just watch for the easily telegraphed color and tentacle change which telegraphs the jump and a quick dash away and it’s easily missed and then you can pummel him for a little while while he gathers himself again.
I think the teleporting green tree creatures are much harder. Those don’t have nearly as easy a way to avoid.
When multiple big enemies are in a room, I’d often cheese the situation and hide in the previous room and take pot shots from a safer vantage point. But the tree guys will teleport into the room with you so watch out. 3D headphones help here because you can hear if one appears behind you.

And know this — the rooms are random and sometimes you just have bad luck with a really tough room and your next run won’t necessarily have a room like that packed with multiple stronger enemies. Sometimes the deck is just stacked too much against you.

Other basic things I wished I knew early on:

  • A malignant debuff can just ruin a run sometimes. Honestly I avoided malignant items for the most part, unless I was desperate or just feeling lucky 😄. Especially if you have a good run going, probably steer clear of them. Others may feel differently, but for me, the risk seemed too great.
  • Integrity (health / health bar) is your most valuable asset in the game. Thus, trying to max out the resin upgrades like Voltan talked about. To have a chance at the boss you’ll want to hopefully have a decent sized health bar. Prioritize upgrading that health bar, if you can.
  • In my early runs to the boss I used my obolites (the currency of the game) to buy a large health pack and the integrity upgrade (I think it’s 20% or 25%, I forget) both of which are always available at the fabricator shop. Not sure if you’ve made it to the point yet but there is one other important item that’s nice to have for the boss fight but it’s a spoiler but you’ll know it when you get it.

The bosses only have to be beaten once. After beating one, you can optionally fight them again, but you do not have to do it again and there will be short cuts to the next biomes, so don’t worry — you’ll not have to play the entire Biome 1 again if/when you clear the boss. However, most of us spent some time optionally in Biome 1 buffing ourselves anyways so as to be a little better prepared for the higher biomes, but you won’t have to.

Sorry, that’s a lot. I’ll pause there for now 😅
I will say, I’m not that skilled of a gamer, honestly. I did beat Bloodborne after much difficulty, but gave up on Dark Souls my first time trying it. I feel like you can get the hang of this. I died way more times before I beat the first boss. Probably 15-20 times.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Voltan haha i can't even imagine at the moment how did you manage that...
Thanks everyone for helping me i hardly wait to go back to Atropos after work. How long is the game anyway?



@Tatarimokke Anywhere from 5h to eternity, depending on your performance and luck, I guess.
Seriously though - for me it was 23 hours to beat act 2 and 59 to get the platinum trophy - but I think that might be better than average (although I've certainly seen much shorter times too).



@Tatarimokke I think my game time was in the neighborhood of 60-70 hours when I finished. Maybe a little longer. I think it took me about 12-15 hours of game time to finally clear Biome 1. Then Biome 2 felt much easier and it only took me a few runs to clear. Then Biome 3 is another difficult one for most people. Biome 4 was probably the easiest for me, then 5 and 6 were harder but by then you’re an expert and you don’t doubt your skills anymore. Overcoming Biome 1 and Biome 3 are the hardest mental hurdles in my opinion.

Edit: by the way, I never got the platinum, but did complete all 3 Acts. I’m honestly not too far from the plat, but I have too many other games to play. 😅

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution thanks you helped me a lot . Yes i experienced those green trees are pain. My final moments yesterday was in a room (after i reached a house i couldn't get in ) filled with 2 big gorilla guy and 2 green trees plus a bunch of small enemies and i couldn't last long even with upgraded health. It's good to know i won't experience exactly the same room on my next run


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