
Topic: PlayStation 5 --OT--

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Well it's your right, your opinion.
Just talking about the controllers its VERY obvious which company is trying to innovate and surprise and which company is playing safe just copying some feature. (Or focusing on the same thing as current gen with more flops just for the sake of it) It's the same thing about the consoles. I have no time to go on and on in opposing views so Im sorry but I'll just roll my eyes a bit here and move on haha.

I know we are all getting depressed by what's going on (I am anyway) so that maybe why. Anyway 🤷‍♂️

[Edited by JJ2]

The crowd, accepting this immediately, assumed the anti-Eurasian posters and banners everywhere were the result of acts of sabotage by agents of Goldstein and ripped them from the walls.


I agree with you regarding xbox and Nintendo games being immature, they're just not for me. As you say, they're not bad games but I'm not the target audience. Played through the first Halo in co-op with a friend and played a few Mario party games with friends over the years. Quite good fun sitting down with friends but never felt tempted at all to buy in.

I like the choice to play games with an interesting story and characters with a personality. Games like Uncharted 4, the new God of War or even Spiderman. Yes, Spiderman having a more mature story than the competition is a strange reality indeed.

I haven't had as many issues as you with the tech being dodgy but the original controllers at launch did break too easily, hard to dispute that point.

[Edited by LieutenantFatman]



Just one more thing.
'And also more importantly Vita 64gb proprietary memory cards cost over £100. Sony will pull the same trick with the pretty much essential additional SSDs."
You are obviously misinformed. Its xbox who s doing this , not playstation

[Edited by JJ2]

The crowd, accepting this immediately, assumed the anti-Eurasian posters and banners everywhere were the result of acts of sabotage by agents of Goldstein and ripped them from the walls.


@JJ2 If I go PC that platform has a ton of innovation. Grab a rift, loads of different controller options, loads of online places to buy games as retail is almost dead with limited choice in store, loads of free games like abondan ware and out of licence games. Steam, GoG, CD5, GMG, Xbox etc.

@LieutenantFatman This is the one thing stopping me going all in on PC. Astrobot, Spiderman, HZD, Persona 5, Death Stranding, Dreams... Even the order 1886 and Infamous second Son. My favourite games of this gen. Nothing on any platform can compare to those top 6.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Oh yea. That's great. Good for you.
That should be in the PC thread I guess?

The crowd, accepting this immediately, assumed the anti-Eurasian posters and banners everywhere were the result of acts of sabotage by agents of Goldstein and ripped them from the walls.


Yes, that's fair, haven't played Death Stranding yet but I agree the other five are excellent.
PC would definitely be my go to after Playstation as well.



As a PS4, Switch and PC owner, I’m in a pretty good position to judge the worth of each platform. My Switch is touched the least, as I mostly bought it for a few big exclusives. Animal Crossing means the amount of time I spend on it has increased tenfold however. My laptop is crazy powerful because I need it for uni which means I run a lot of games on it too. It has the best support of anything I own, with multiple stores and cheaper prices. I literally don’t care about the Epic hate, I get free games and spend no money in their store. People forget that Steam was a horrific, buggy, laggy mess with plenty controversy in its time. The PS4 is there for me to play on the TV and for the big Sony exclusives. When I move out (lockdown put that to bed), I’ll need to assess if I end up just sticking to PC or if I go for a PS5 myself. If more and more Sony exclusives go to PC then I’ll probably just not bother getting a PS5. I’ll never need to get a XSeX because I subscribe to Game Pass PC. I still give money to Microsoft but it’s a great service and really puts Sony to shame. I see no point in being loyal to any brand, I go with the company I want that offers the best service and I shop around. I just don’t have the disposable income to get everything.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@JJ2 Just one more thing.
'And also more importantly Vita 64gb proprietary memory cards cost over £100. Sony will pull the same trick with the pretty much essential additional SSDs."
You are obviously misinformed. Its xbox who s doing this , not playstation

I think you are somewhat misinformed. Obviously MS will have a way to expand its external SSD Storage capacity as well as retain the 1TB internal but that may still be the better and cheaper solution than Sony's option. Yes they may have 3rd Party solutions (and we don't yet know whether 3rd Party options other than Seagate will offer options on Xbox) but you may find that the only option to 'expand' SSD storage crucial for next generation gaming is no different from the option we saw with the PS4 for years - to replace the internal SSD with a suitable alternative, reinstall the OS etc - not 'expandable' but 'replaceable' storage. With that 'bandwidth/speed' too, it could much more expensive per TB to get more storage. To get 2TB's of SSD storage on the PS5, it may mean you have to buy a 2TB internal SSD, and swap the supplied one out costing a LOT more than just buying a 1TB plug in to get 2TB of SSD storage on Series X.

Unless you can categorically supply evidence that the way MS have gone about their SSD Storage and Expansion cards are in anyway worse for customers as far as costs and expandable solution than what Sony are going to do with PS5, I really don't think you can make that comment or criticise. Maybe when we do see what Sony will do, the costs and versatility of each, then we can actually draw up a conclusion but until then, the only thing we know is that Sony have said that they will allow 3rd party replacement SSD's to increase the Storage BUT only those that match up to their Specifications - which right now are NOT available anywhere either. For all you know, You could only get a maximum of 2TB's of SSD storage on PS5 and cannot expand it beyond that capacity externally. On Series X, there is no limit. It could be limited to 2TB's at any one time but you can swap Expansion packs to access the content on different expansion packs but saves having to move (from an external HDD connected via USB) or uninstall/reinstall games. In any case, we don't yet know which option is best for consumers from a cost perspective so you cannot make that statement! Chances are, MS's may well be the cheaper due to the speed and type of connection to the system but again we don't know for definite so you cannot say that Sony are not doing the same or that their method is more consumer friendly...

@themcnoisy You have to do what's right for you and maybe the PS5 won't be the right option for you - at least not at launch. I am sure you will keep an open mind and reassess the situation at different times - maybe when a few big exclusive games have launched, the prices dropped and some questions - like durability, online infrastructure etc are more widely known, it may well be the right option for you then.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


I plan on buying a PS5 at launch or as close to launch as i can get. I figure it will be $499 or $599. I'm passing on the next Xbox because i don't trust Microsoft. I bought three Xbox 360's and every one of them died in about 4 months due to the red ring of death. After the 3 dead Xbox's i bought a PS3 and it still works to this day.

[Edited by CurryPowderKeg79]



I will wait until i saw PS5 Slim with White color and at least 6 Cartoonish PS5 games to play. First release Sony machines are usually have some problems that will be fixed on Slim models or Upgraded version.

[Edited by Anti-Matter]



@nessisonett great post.

' I go with the company I want that offers the best service and I shop around. I just don’t have the disposable income to get everything.'

Or the time.

@BAMozzy I will try to keep an open mind. Next gen will be interesting that's for sure!

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@BAMozzy My understanding is the PCI express 4.0 Port and bay containing it exist solely for the purpose of expanding the PS5 is internal storage. It is likely that the NVMe drive in the PS5 will take the form of a chip on the motherboard rather than a card in the upgrade bay. If that’s the case adding New storage will expand upon the PS5 to existing storage rather than replacing it.

It’s impossible to know for certain until the teardown comes out. But as PCIE4.0 for only has four channels it would seem unlikely that a card with the six levels of priority he described for a PS4 would actually work in that. The workaround for the expandable storage is that it’s faster than the PS5’s internal storage to compensate for having less levels of priority.

Building those cards to operate within the power constraints of the console is going to be a considerable technical challenge. They have to achieve higher speeds and only have an access to a third of a number of channels of the inbuilt SSD.

[Edited by Ryall]



'Unless you can categorically supply evidence that the way MS have gone about their SSD Storage and Expansion cards are in anyway worse for customers as far as costs and expandable solution than what Sony are going to do with PS5, I really don't think you can make that comment or criticize.'

Oh come on!
Dont get offended because I vaguely hinted and criticized xbox.
1 SeX expandable storage proprietary.
2 PS5 There s a bay for 3 rd party M2 drives.
Misinformed ?
Watch Cerny talk.
I'm not speculating but talking about facts we know as of now

AGAIN IF Sony had proprietary SSD upgrade the way SeX showed, (and the other way round for xbox) comments would be a sht show about how Sony is arrogant blah blah doomed. Dont get offended because I was slightly aluding SeX isnt perfect.
All I said is fact:
'Its xbox who s doing this (proprietary) , not playstation'.

[Edited by JJ2]

The crowd, accepting this immediately, assumed the anti-Eurasian posters and banners everywhere were the result of acts of sabotage by agents of Goldstein and ripped them from the walls.


@Ryall Of course, but you can't expect the rest of the industry to do the same thing. That was my point really. What Epic is doing is unsustainable, they are burning money right now, but with a goal in mind. If everyone were to demand the same thing from other companies, they'd be out of business soon enough.



@Octane Epic were paying 30% of any transaction to Sony. Setting up another outlet without that expense is why they can afford to give away free games.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy No, not really. They don't make those games themselves, so they're paying the publishers to give those games away for free. And that's not cheap. Without Fortnite, none of this would've been possible. Fortnite makes several billions each year, it's mental.



@Octane And swivs for unreal engine use.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@JJ2 A year from now I would expect the Xbox series X terabyte memory card to be significantly cheaper than a terabyte NVME card that is compatible with PS5. In five years time I would expect higher capacity cards to be available for PS5 and them to be cheaper than the preparatory solution used by Microsoft.



The most amazing thing about the ps5 is the time it take to load a game!.. I take 5 second for the brain to regret a decision. Like example hitting the gym. Eating healthy. If you go before those 5 second. You will definitely get there. So if I can start up a game under a second. Then I will mostly be playing more!


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