
Topic: What PS4 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@TheBrandedSwordsman sorry man, been dealing with some heavy stuff on my end for the past two weeks...

Control is great! An enjoyable platinum as well if you like to go for that sort of thing. Fringe is one of my favourite shows and it reminded me of that, plus the protagonist and I share a name so...immersion! Hope you keep enjoying it.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Thrillho At the moment my only problem with the game is the long load times and texture pop in when loading areas. I’m enjoying everything else. I love exploring and talking to everyone I can, including the companions.


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Jimmer-jammer Hey dude great to hear from you again, I've also mentioned you in yonder Chit Chat thread, I'm really enjoying Control, didn't know your name was Jesse, I take it you don't have someone living in your mind with you like her though right? lol. I'll have to check out Fringe, no idea what it is but I'll try and look into it.

Edited on by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation." - Alasdair Gray

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman Good work — yeah, my advice would be to prioritize unlocking and leveling up the shotgun first. The other weapons weren’t as useful early on. It helps with those enemies that charge you and explode. The basic pistol is actually really useful too and I killed the two toughest bosses with it, because you can find a powerful for it later that really makes it OP,
I won’t spoil it for you but it saved me a couple times.

I started Returnal and really enjoying it. I keep wanting to telekinetically toss things at the enemies though. 😅

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Hahaha, speaking of which, I just unlocked telekinesis and got the trophy for that, it's great fun hurling objects around and throwing them at enemies, I'm now just proceeding to the mail room and trying to get to the 'hotline' sol and @Jimmer-jammer and @colonelkilgore I'm really enjoying my time with the game, looking forward to potentially deciphering all it's secrets!

Edited on by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation." - Alasdair Gray

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman yeah it's good, very GTA5 in many respects. The driving isn't as good but I'd argue the control of the protagonist is better. It feels anarchic in the way the PS2 era GTA's felt too, which I'm enjoying.

You still enjoying Biomuant... must be closing in on finishing it soon I'd imagine?

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I switched from Biomutant to Control, still in the early stages of Control. Biomutant's gameplay just felt less satisfying to me as it went on.

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation." - Alasdair Gray

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@colonelkilgore Yeah I just gained the telekinesis ability, great fun throwing stuff around! .Is Watch Dogs 2 open-world like GTA5 as well then? Is it a good open world if that's the case?

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation." - Alasdair Gray

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman yeah the map is nowhere near the size of GTA5's but it's decent. It covers the San Francisco bay area including Oakland. There are cool little things within the map you can use your various hacking abilities to gain access to and explore too.

As far as Controls skills go, by the end you'll be like a jedi (only with a gun instead of a weapon for a more civilised age).

**** DLC!


@TheBrandedSwordsman Glad it’s going well so far with Control. Returnal is great fun. It’s a bit on the frustrating side, not unlike a Souls game in that respect, but very different DNA from a Souls. But I’m dying a lot. It does have a similar vibe to Control in the combat area. The gun only has so many rounds then auto-refills, and the dash mechanic is quite similar to avoid damage. The difference is that dying is a lot more painful since you restart back at the very beginning of the game each time you die; there are not checkpoints or save points. Well, supposedly at the end of each of the six biomes there’s a boss where there is a soft checkpoint where you don’t have to fight the boss again and it opens up shortcuts to get through faster, but to beat the game you have to do it from the beginning in one run. The game keeps track of stats and I’ve played about 7 hours with 15 deaths and still not beat the first boss. But the combat and exploration is really satisfying so it’s still fun to jump back in. We’ll see. There’s a chance I may not ‘git gud’ quick enough to keep my interest if I keep banging my head against a wall. There is a lot of peer support over on the Returnal thread for me and it’s helping to get through some of the tough early steep learning curve, not unlike my time with Bloodborne.

To counter my frustration, I decided to try a less intense game to play in between Returnal sessions — 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. It’s very anime story driven, with interesting turn based tactical combat (very light combat so far) but the main focus of a modified visual novel. The story is pretty interesting and the game has a pretty unique feel to it, and so far it’s scratching an itch when Returnal has me about to throw my controller through the TV.

I put my A Plague Tale playthrough on hold for a couple weeks while I await further info on the PS5 version which is about to drop next month. I was really enjoying the game, but if game saves transfer then I’d rather finish it on PS5 for the full effect. So I’m waiting to see and playing 13 Sentinels as my secondary game in the meantime.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Control is indeed going well thus far. So far so good. Returnal actually sounds harder than all the Souls games out there, I understand you're getting support but there's no shame in falling off a title like that. How much longer are you going to give it?

At least in the Souls games (besides Demon's Souls and Bloodborne) there are regular checkpoints. You only have to beat one boss to get to the first checkpoint in Dark Souls III. After that, checkpoints are plentiful. Also, 13 sentinels sounds fan, Catherine is the only anime game I've played, I don't know if you're familiar with either the super-hard PS3 original or the more accessible version, Full Body, on PS4, I've beaten both of them but only have trophies to show for the PS4 version as I didn't have online access or my current PSN account when I first played through that game and several GoW's on PS3 a few years ago, I kept getting trophies, with no one to show them to!

A Plague Tale: Innocence looks intriguing but not really my sort of game to be fair, you should definitely try and finish it on PS5 if game saves carry over - if not, do you reckon you will go back and finish it on PS4?

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation." - Alasdair Gray

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman I wouldn't say Returnal is more difficult than the Souls games, they are just different types of games and require a different set of skills.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Th3solution We seem to have such similar tastes. I was close to pulling the trigger on 13 Sentinels so many times.

It was very unfortunate to hear the news about A Plague Tale PS5 version, but I don't want to pause my run for better graphics. I have a nice rhythm with that game right now. (And can't wait to play again tonight)



Started Sackboy's Big Adventure last night (a father's day gift) and it is glorious

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@TheBrandedSwordsman glad to hear you’re still enjoying Control! I managed to get a PS5 so I’ve been trying to play around with that a bit but yes I’m still enjoying Biomutant quite a bit. Tried Porky Puff last night but will be coming back to him later I think.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Kidfried Yeah, the whole family. It can get quite chaotic with four players on the go

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Jimmer-jammer Porky Puff is what made me give up on Biomutant, there are various things you can do to make the fight easier, according to research I've done and I'm sure your capable of doing for yourself online but...yeah, I shouldn't have to do that, the devs should have made it accessible enough that you don't have to look into those adjustments as a gamer, and that's my stance as the player, it was game-breaking for me.

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation." - Alasdair Gray

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic

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