
Topic: The Division | OT

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Let me start this topic for a game I was once very excited about (after the first and second reveals) but now my hype has totally vanished thanks to Ubisoft being Ubisoft. Recent gameplay videos show (again) a massive visual downgrade, sure graphics are not all but we all know how Ubi's been faring lately and in that fashion they (thanks to PushSquare for posting news as they happen) they seemingly removed Brooklyn from the game - for now (DLC anyone) and you won't be able to trade with players at launch. What?! On top of that if you watch the latest gameplay trailers you see that this game - in the trailers at least - features and even promotes backstabbing and teamkilling. Mmmh.

My prediction is that it will technically fall flat on its premise and it will be an underwhelming playground for douche-bags...

Your opinions? Predictions?
If this game really takes off, I'd be surprised, it will sell on its name and that's about it.

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


Hello! I'm maybe not looking forward to this game as much as I was, but having seen all the recent footage I still think it will be great. Just to play devils advocate:

Graphics: One of everyones most loved developers (CDPR) have proven that games get downgraded. Whilst many called them out for it, on the whole I think it's safe to say the game has a been a huge success and still has amazing graphics.

Brooklyn: Maybe they decided the game was big enough with just it's current areas and that it made sense to focus on them and create a great quality game, rather than have a larger, less detailed map?

Trading: Whilst trading has been something I've loved in some of the games I've played, I don't see it as essential to the enjoyment of the game. I don't see it as a bad thing because loot is instanced.

My personal view is that whilst Ubisoft have made themselves an easy target in recent years, the gameplay footage being released still looks like the same experience it did when they first showed it. I'm going into the game expecting a 25-40 hour campaign and then I'll move on to the next game.


PSN: mrobinson91 | Twitter:


This was once for me as anticipated as Destiny - That is highly anticipated as Destiny became my most played game ever and so far have clocked up over 2,000 hours. I know its 'story' is weak but the game-play is fun and the Raids are in my opinion one of the best co-op experiences ever.

Graphics - The visual presentation may look downgraded from its first showing but when these games are initially developed - usually on high end PC's, there isn't a significant amount of content. As the game grows and more things are added, the need to scale back a bit and optimise becomes necessary. I am not saying this is always the case but often this is the case. For all we know, most of the buildings may not have had any interiors or at least much in the way of detail. I doubt it will be a poor game visually - although I can't say it will run perfectly at launch.

The map does look relatively small at launch. It reminds me a lot of Arkham City. That had a big 'U' with the middle of the 'U' inaccessible for the most part although in the case of the Division this is the Dark Zone. I must admit I was expecting more at launch - ie the whole of New York - not that I know what that is like - including its Subway system. and the DLC to feature other US cities - although I guess that would take a lot of work and maybe that's more realistically something for sequels. What concerns me about the Map though is how similar everything will look and feel. At least with Destiny we had a variety of places - Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars. If every building is accessible and the game is packed with a variety of things to do though, maybe it will fee big enough.

Talking about variety though, this leads me on to a few other issues. Destiny has a variety of enemies, not just the 4 races but also within each race there is a variety too. The Division is just human. I know they can be programme to have different strategies and different levels of 'body' armour, but ultimately they are still just the same. I don't agree that some 'humans' have stupid amounts of health and that my bullets do very little damage when hitting them in an unarmoured head - just because my level is not that high. It works with Destiny because its more fantasy than the Division and 'Aliens' are different. Destiny also has invisible shields - some visible.

The game-play itself also seems 'repetitive'. It seems all you are doing is clearing out enemies from a building/area then moving onto the next and repeat. The story looks OK but I am not sure I like the use of those 'static echoes'. I know it will have some cut scenes as you do certain tasks - like getting to you base of operations and then unlock various wings of that - like medical for example but a lot of the story is told by examining static echoes of the past. I also find it funny that they made a point of being able to close car doors that are barely open in the first place. Its not like you 'close' the door but bump into them to shut them and can't open them again. I don't think you can open them further when they are open a bit for 'cover'. It seems pointless!

I really don't care about trading. I don't want it in Destiny and don't think it has a place in the Division either. A loot based game - particularly if they are 'rewards' for completing activities - should NEVER be able to be traded. If people want those 'items' - play the game!!! I beat the Hard Raids and certain daily missions and as such I have my Vex and Black Spindle. I also have the Raid legendaries too. All other content can be bought from vendors or farmed for just by playing! Trading in my opinion devalues the reward and significance of it. When I saw my first Vex, all that did was make me want to keep persevering to get mine, I had respect for that player because I knew what they had to do to get it and that they had beaten (at the time) the hardest content in the game to get it. If you can trade - then anyone and everyone can run around with these and as such you don't know if they deserve respect - they may have traded it or earned but you don't know! Its hardly difficult to get materials or earn currency to buy any of the other items so I see NO point in the ability to trade.

The concept of the Dark Zone itself is OK - not 'great' but the deal breaker for me is the fact that you can be betrayed by 'friends/allies'. I play a lot of 'Hardcore' MP in BO3 - something that has team killing and nothing infuriates me more than someone killing me from my team to steal MY care pack I earned for example. In Destiny, there is NO team killing. If you play PvP the only humans you can kill are those on the opposition. As soon as you 'team-up' with someone in the Division then you should not be able to team kill. This is different from 'helping' another group. I can see certain friendships being lost over this!

I admit I am glad that they took out the proposed app support feature - where friends can jump into your game from a laptop/tablet and aid/hinder you. There are times when I want to play alone - even in Destiny. I have my own agenda, things I want to do and have no desire to be sociable or want some one else jumping in to 'help' as it often negatively affects my goals. Bounties is a great example - if I have to kill 50 enemies and they start killing them too, it takes longer.

I have very little faith in Ubisoft these days. I know EA gets a lot of stick but they do have some very talented developers. I do think some of EA's practices are questionable but that's a separate issue. I am not saying that Ubisoft don't have talented studio's - after all there is no way I could make 'the Division' but something about their games always falls flat and doesn't live up to expectation. I admit I loved the Assassins Creed games but that fell away after 2. AC4 maybe OK as a Pirate game but its NOT an AC game. I feel that the Division just won't deliver on its 'promise' and hype and fall flat - I hope they prove me wrong!

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


I agree with BAMozzy about trading.... It would have killed Destiny after 2 weeks if it was implemented.... the only game I am enjoying it is Borderlands 2 and TPS. Playing couch-coop with my girlfriend and having so many RNG generated guns and equipments per hour, it has some sense to trade in order to having both a complete set of guns for every kind of enemies you can fight. I also agree on having no faith on Ubisoft these days. They recently released bugged games (Unity) or very poor ones (The Crew). At least we will have a Beta soon and we will read a lot of comments from the community.

A quick note on Destiny: it is true you have a variety of enemies, but for each race they are all the same; you get: a) Cannon fodder b) slightly stronger cannon fodder c) very little boss with shield d) strong guy ---------> strike/raid bosses... that's all. to me they all look a resking of each category....

psn: markthesovver83 ; Nnid: arnoldlayne83

PSN: markthesovver83


STill looking forward to it, but that is more because me and my mates desperately need a new co-op game we can all enjoy.



@arnoldlayne83: Destiny's enemies also have a variety of differences in their AI. Whether it is the rushing thrall that try to swamp you in sheer numbers to Wizards that will hide when they lose their shields. Fighting these different races is a bit different - due to their differing abilities (like teleporting), size, weak spots and even weaponry - not just guns etc but their in-built weaponry like the ogre blast for example. Some Cabal have jet packs and are relatively slow or have a shield to hide behind whilst Psions are small, quick and hide waiting for you to get close enough to use their wave blast. Being alien and different races, they do employ different tactics but not only that you can understand why they have differing health and in some cases different or even no weak spots for critical hits. Its not unreasonable to think that the size of these enemies differ too and that the bigger bosses have more health dur to having thicker skin/armour. I find it harder to believe that one human can have more health than another - how a gun can kill in 3 headshots on one human but take a clip or two on another. I know they can employ differing tactics but I don't understand why a human can be a bullet sponge whilst another isn't. An alien could have different 'skin' to ours and pain thresh-holds. This means that bullets may not always penetrate the skin and in the case of the Vex - which appear to be metallic - different thicknesses of armour. Destiny is much more a science-fantasy game compared to the Division which is aiming for a more realistic approach. Whether you think they are reskinned versions of each other or not doesn't change the fact that there is more variety than just 'human' - all similar sized although not always similar tactically but the same to look at.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


Yeah I can see a slight downgrade in the graphic quality, it at first blew me away but now it seems a lot of the inside spaces and character models are of Watchdogs quality. Apart from that I don't know what all the fuss is about. It seems an interesting new concept for a shooty rpg game. I'm still looking forward to it greatly.



Just did a pre order for the game £49.99 with season pass. Looking forward to the beta next weekend.


PSN: noodledreamz


Still haven't decided, yet. Will decide after hopefully playing the Beta.

Huntin' monsters erryday.


I will be playing the beta all weekend ... Just signed up on the LFG site Currently in group DELTA COMPANY 799. I am interested if any of you have tried this site/service?? As an older (45), more casual player it will be fun to see how it works?? It will definitely be nice to be able to go into the dark zone with someone who has my back!! Would love to see if Pushsquare will make a group so those of us who play the Division can group up??!! I do understand that we are all over the world, which makes it difficult.

I am in US ... Mountain time zone if anyone wants to run around a bit over the weekend??



@MDHegs what is LFG And what's mountain time zone? How many hours ahead of GMT?

I have been playing for a bit this afternoon enjoyed it. The dark zone is interesting seeing how people act I shot a few people by accident and then got killed. Then I started picking off people with my sniper who were killing other gamers. The extraction zones seem to be the place where most of the action is.

Also there is another thread for the beta on the online section of the forum might be worth posting your message there

Edited on by usb


PSN: noodledreamz


@dryrain: Looking for Group ... Its asite thats asks you a couple of questions and pairs you up with people your age, playstyle and in your area. Its has actually been a great experience, so far!!

I believe I am 7 hours behind you as I am in North America, Mountain Time Zone!

@iDangerMouse_: Ill see if I can find you ...



Not quite the"massive"downgrade, also go & see Gamer NX he goes through everything also.

The Division's beta may not match its spectacular E3 2013 demo point-for-point - back then a mascot for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One's brimming potential - but what we have today still outshines most current-gen titles in its technical spec. A post-pandemic New York sets the stage for some of the best lighting seen on console, harnessing plumes of volumetric fog, high quality screen-space reflections, and wind-affected particles. Atmosphere is king, and the rich, snow-battered look of its streets is a real showcase for the new Snowdrop engine.

PS4 Vs PC Ultra Graphics Comparison.

Edited on by banacheck



There was an article on another website which was talking about why there is no split screen in the game and a press release by Ubisoft as to why they did not include it. For me it was never a game that would warrant a split screen experience.


PSN: noodledreamz


I played the first Beta and since playing it has been patched a few times most recently this week. So does this mean I will not need to download anything else for the open beta this weekend?


PSN: noodledreamz


Posted on vg247:

The download is around 27 GB, but if you already have the closed beta client installed, you’ll just need to download a 1.6 GB patch.

Edited on by WanderingBullet

Huntin' monsters erryday.


played the last beta and liked it. Will delve in this weekend again as I'm still undecided if there is enough in the Divisions NYC to justify the purchase yet. By the end of the last beta I had nothing to do except play in the PVP darkzone which is not my main interest in this game. I want this game for the experience not to PVP everyone.

No 1 Superguy!

PSN: TKP_1st


I've enjoyed what I've played so far. I'm not quite sure what I was expecting, but was slightly surprised that the shooting seems more "Uncharted" action oriented and less strategy based. The side missions combined with the size of the map seems to give a glimpse of the huge potential this game has. I'm especially interested to see how the perks/crafting etc develop. Playing the beta has changed me from a "maybe" to a "yes".

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