Tag: Demos - Page 6

  • Out Today Killzone 3 Single-Player Demo (North America)

    Give 'em Hel(ghan)

    If you've been dabbling in the Killzone 3 multiplayer beta you might be ready for a new challenge, in which case we have good news: the single-player demo is available for North American PlayStation Network members right now. The demo was released to PlayStation Plus subscribers last week but is now freely available for all...

  • News Atlus Pulls The Plug On Catherine's PS3 Demo

    Atlus has removed the PlayStation 3's Japanese demo of Catherine, stating the teaser was oddly in "limited quantities"

    We're assuming this has more to do with the level of international interest more than anything else. With the PlayStation 3 making it so easy to create regional accounts, we're assuming the Catherine demo got slaughtered with...

  • News Killzone 3 Gets a Single Player Demo Next Month, Too

    Soloing and goodbye

    Plenty has been made of Killzone 3's multiplayer mode, but don't forget it has a proper single player campaign mode. If you did forget, Sony wants to remind you by launching a single player demo on the PlayStation Store next month. On February 15th in North America and February 16th in Europe you'll be able to download the Icy...

  • News Consider the LittleBigPlanet 2 Demo an Early Christmas Present

    Stocking filler

    If you've not been able to participate in the LittleBigPlanet 2 beta, do not despair: you'll get your chance to play it soon, with a free demo available across North America on December 21st and December 22nd in Europe. In Sony's own words, here's what you can expect from the bite-sized piece of Sackboy: This demo will give...

  • News John Daly's ProStroke Golf Demo Available Now in Europe

    Take on the Lion for free

    We were pretty pleased with John Daly's ProStroke Golf's fine motion controls, though less so with its presentation, and now anyone who's been putting off getting to grips with the Lion can get a slice of the game with a free demo, available across Europe today. The demo offers several single-player modes, with nine holes...

  • News The Shoot Demo and Move Videos Hit the US PlayStation Store

    Heavy Rain, NBA 2K11 and Kevin Butler all inbound

    If your Move has gone disappointingly underused in the field of on-rails shooting games set in television studios, it's about to get a free taster of the high life in the form of a demo for The Shoot, available now on the US PlayStation Store. The game itself was released yesterday, but several...

  • News PlayStation Store Updated with Move Content A-Go-Go

    Demos, patches and more good stuff

    Today's the day that users all across Europe – except the UK, that is – can Move into the next generation of motion controlled gaming, with the controller and games launched across the mainland continent. If you haven't made it to the shops yet, or your pre-order hasn't popped through the post, consider whiling...

  • News Select Move Launch Titles Include Demos on the Disc

    Truly start the party with demos and games in one

    You won't be able to escape Move demos at launch: available in the Starter Pack, free to download from PlayStation Network and now confirmed as shipping on the Blu-Ray discs of certain launch titles. Put Start the Party or Kung Fu Rider into your PS3 and hop over to the What's New menu, where you'll...

  • News Move Starter Disc Contents Laid Bare

    All eleven demos named

    We reported earlier today that the Move Starter Disc demos will be free to download on the PlayStation Store, but at the time we didn't know what the demos actually were. Well, now we do. Taking in everything from single-player puzzlers to multiplayer party games, the disc looks to provide something for everyone without giving...

  • News Starter Disc Demos Will be Available to Download Too

    Just in case you don't buy the disc

    Whilst Movers on the West side of the Atlantic Ocean get a copy of Sports Champions and a Move demo disc in their starter packs, European gamers only get the demos on a so-called "Starter Disc". But wherever you live, what if you already have the camera and just want to buy the Move separately – won't...

  • News Try Your Arm at the R.U.S.E. Demo on PlayStation Store

    Ubisoft real-time strategy playable now

    Although you may not be able to experience its Move features until the peripherals launch later this month, the newly-released demo of Ubisoft's R.U.S.E. should give you a good idea of what to expect from the upcoming real-time strategy title. The final game will support traditional Dualshock 3 controls as...