Tag: Demos - Page 5

  • News The Last of Us Demo Clicks onto the PS Store via God of War: Ascension

    Craft your copy now

    Assuming that you purchased a copy of God of War: Ascension earlier in the year – and you really should have done – you’ll be able to unlock a demo for The Last of Us right now. To access the slice of survival horror goodness, all you need to do is select the appropriate icon from the mythological demon slayer’s menu, and...

  • News Capcom Maximises Resident Evil: Revelations Demo on 14th May

    Crawling in the dark

    The claustrophobic corridors of the Queen Zenobia will come to life next week, when Capcom deploys a demo for Resident Evil: Revelations onto the PlayStation Network. Starting from 14th May in North America, you’ll be able to get to get your greasy mitts on a high-definition Jill Valentine – and shoot out some undead blubber...

  • News Fuse Demo Sparks from 7th May on the PlayStation Store

    Final countdown

    Ratchet & Clank developer Insomniac Games will give you the opportunity to put its first multiformat project Fuse through its paces next week. Starting from 7th May, you’ll be able to download a demo for the title, which features single player, four-player, and split-screen co-op modes. You’ll have the chance to put all four...

  • News Yes, Your Soul Sacrifice Demo Saves Will Be Compatible with the Full Game

    Transferring data unlocks exclusive item

    Sony has confirmed that any progress that you make in this week’s Soul Sacrifice demo will carry over to the full game. Writing on the PlayStation Blog, producer Kumi Yuasa revealed that your save data will be fully compatible with the final release – and you’ll even get a bonus item for bringing your...

  • News Sony Serving Up Soul Sacrifice Demo from 16th April

    Dissect Japan Studio's meaty blockbuster

    You won’t have to enter an awkward arrangement with the underworld in order to test out Soul Sacrifice for the PlayStation Vita. Sony’s announced that it’s serving up a sizeable demo for the monster slayer from 16th April in North America and 17th April in Europe, which will allow you to trial the...

  • News The Last of Us Demo Finds Company at the End of May

    Early access for God of War: Ascension owners

    As promised, those of you that purchase God of War: Ascension will unlock exclusive early access to The Last of Us’ single-player demo. While the exact date of the gameplay teaser’s release had been kept under wraps, developer Naughty Dog h

  • News Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel Demo Pairs Up on 12th March

    Forever friends

    You and a friend will be able to model the hockey masks of Alpha and Bravo next week, when a demo for upcoming co-operative shooter Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel shoots onto the PlayStation Store. According to publisher EA, the taster will be available “starting” from 12th March, which means that those of you in Europe will...

  • News Toukiden Demo Tempting PlayStation Vita Owners in April

    Monster mash

    A demo for Tecmo Koei’s historical demon slayer Toukiden will trample Japanese PlayStation Vitas in early April, platform holder Sony announced overnight. The game – which is also in production for the PlayStation Portable – is due out this summer, and is being developed by the team behind the Dynasty Warriors series, Omega Force...

  • News God of War: Ascension's Demo Slays the PSN on 26th February

    Blood lust

    God of War: Ascension’s gruesome single-player demo will slash its way onto the PlayStation Network on 26th February in North America, the Gods have declared. European warriors will presumably have to wait until 27th February to get their gory mitts on the gameplay teaser. If you’re participating in the title’s Rise of the Warriors...

  • News Dead Space 3's Demo Has Been Dismembered Two Million Times

    Must be something in the air

    It looks like that blast of Phil Collins has done the trick for Dead Space 3. Chuffed publisher EA Games has announced that the title’s recently released demo has already been downloaded by almost two million people across multiple platforms, which represents a ten per cent increase over

  • News Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Demo Sneaks onto PS Plus

    Not a sound

    Living up to its namesake with perfect precision, a demo for Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time has sneaked onto the North American PlayStation Store. It’s actually been there for much of the week, but in true ninja fashion, we’ve only just spotted it. You’ll need to be a PlayStation Plus subscriber to download the sampler, though we’re...

  • News God of War: Ascension Gifts Early Access to The Last of Us' Demo

    Let the bodies hit the floor

    Sony’s dialling up the death count to absurd proportions this March, by including early admission to The Last of Us’ gameplay demo with copies of the upcoming God of War: Ascension. Those of you with strong enough stomachs will be able to access the bloodshed courtesy of an icon included on the prequel’s main menu...

  • News God of War: Ascension's Single-Player Demo Rages in February

    Off the chain

    With the excellent multiplayer beta racing to a brutal climax, Sony is finally starting to focus its attention on God of War: Ascension’s hotly anticipated solo campaign. But while yesterday’s brief teaser trailer provided us with our very first taste of some of the title’s set-pieces, the publisher is promising that there’s...

  • News Metal Gear Rising Demo Serves Sweet Revengeance Next Week

    A cut above

    The long awaited demo for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will finally chop the PlayStation Network into tiny little pieces on 22nd January, developer Platinum Games has announced. It’s the same gameplay teaser that was originally included with copies of the Zone of the Enders HD Collection last year. You can read our thoughts on the...

  • News Dead Space 3 Demo Deploys the Horror from 22nd January

    Death by dismemberment

    A playable demo for Visceral Games’ upcoming space horror sequel Dead Space 3 will crawl onto the PlayStation Network from 22nd January, publisher EA Games has announced. The short sampler will allow you to get a taste for the title’s controversial co-op mode, thrusting you “into deep space terror unwilling hero –...

  • News Metal Gear Rising Readies Its Revengeance Next Month

    Holding out for a hero

    A super stylish demo for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will chop the PlayStation Network into pieces next month, publisher Konami has announced. The swashbuckling short is the same snippet that was included with copies of the Zone of the Enders HD Collection in November. The demo is already available in Japan, but is...

  • News Ni No Kuni Demo Travels to North American PSN This Week

    Ocean drive

    Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch will endeavour to warm your cockles this week, when a demo for the delightful PlayStation 3 exclusive boards the North American PlayStation Store. The gameplay teaser was confirmed as part of a PlayStation Blog post, but there’s no word on whether the sampler will sail to European shores. We’ve...

  • News SEGA Punches a Yakuza 5 Demo onto the PSN Next Week

    Heat action

    Kazuma Kiryu and crew will spring back into life next week, when a demo for Yakuza 5 fights its way onto the Japanese PlayStation Store. The playable teaser – set for release on 27th November – will allow you to sample the game’s opening moments, letting you roam the streets of Fukuoka as the aforementioned Dragon of Dojima. The...

  • News Devil May Cry Demo Destroys PlayStation 3 Next Week

    Soul crushing

    Devil May Cry fans will be able to throw yet another hissy fit next week, when a demo for Ninja Theory’s conflicted reboot slashes its way onto the PlayStation Store. Frustrated followers will be able to flip over Dante’s hair colour on 20th November in North America, and 21st November in Europe. We can confirm that punching your...

  • News God of War Demo Ascends Alongside Total Recall Blu-ray

    Cross marketing

    Those of you that snap up the Director’s Cut edition of Total Recall on Blu-ray will be invited to play the epic God of War: Ascension single-player demo from E3 earlier this year. The movie itself will feature 20 minutes of bonus footage not shown in theatres, in addition to an alternate ending and over 1.5 hours of special...

  • News 2K Games Deploys XCOM: Enemy Unknown Demo Today

    Brains in gear

    Those of you with an eye for the intricacies of futuristic warfare may be excited to learn that a demo for XCOM: Enemy Unknown is poised to arrive on the PlayStation Network in North America later today. European tacticians will have an extra 24 hours to swot up on Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, when the playable teaser targets overseas...

  • News Metal Gear Rising Demo Includes Free Copy of ZoE HD

    Couldn't resist

    We know it’s the oldest “joke” in the book, but we still remember when people purchased the original Zone of the Enders just to play the demo for Metal Gear Solid 2. As such, it’s funny that the visually re-mastered Zone of the Enders HD still can’t seem to escape from the shadow of Kojima Productions’ other more popular...

  • News A Ridiculous Amount of People Have Played FIFA 13's Demo

    Back of the net

    If you live in North America, you might be shielded from the popularity of football (or soccer as it’s more commonly known on your shores) – but make no mistake, it’s a religion in some parts of the world. That’s evidenced by the sheer amount of gamers that hurried to download FIFA 13’s demo, which released on PSN earlier...

  • News FIFA 13 Demo Dribbles onto the PlayStation Store This Week

    Annual obsession

    England’s World Cup qualifier against Ukraine isn’t the only noteworthy football-related event set to take place tomorrow evening – publisher EA Games has also announced that it will be launching a FIFA 13 demo on the PlayStation Store between 22:00PM and 02:00AM UK time. The demo will include AC Milan, Arsenal, Borussia...

  • News Become Entranced With Dyad's PSN Demo

    Dig out your tie-dyes and lava lamps

    Get into the groove with ][ Games' latest psychedelic experience, Dyad, now available to try for yourself on the PSN store. The first five levels will be accessible during the demo, but be careful, you might just get hooked. The PlayStation Plus discount for the game will also be continuing this week, so grab it...

  • News Prepare Yourself for War with Sniper Elite V2's Demo

    Pull the trigger

    Publisher 505 Games has confirmed that it will release a demo for Rebellion’s upcoming Sniper Elite V2. The short sampler will launch at some point this month ahead of the game’s full release in May. It’s unclear what the demo will include, but we’re expecting a mission or two from the final game. Remember, if you pre-order...

  • News Yakuza: Black Panther 2 Demo Drops in Japan

    Like a dragon

    SEGA’s released a demo for Yakuza’s second PlayStation Portable spin-off, Yakuza: Black Panther 2, in Japan. The demo, which is exclusive to Famitsu for the time being, features four components, including a sample of the game’s story mode, a chunk of hub-world Osaka to explore, a battle tutorial and a taste of the game’s...

  • News Embrace the Cold with SSX Demo Next Week


    SSX creative director, Todd Batty, has revealed that a demo for the divisive snowboarding reboot will drop onto the PlayStation Store next week. Download the taster and you’ll get to sample four events as character Zoe. Encourage a friend to check out the demo and you’ll also unlock access to a second character called Mac. The full...

  • News Ready Your PlayStation Move Controller for Gal Gun

    Demo drops today

    Remember the curious PlayStation Move powered pheromone shooter we told you about last week? That’s right – Gal Gun. Well we figured we’d remind you that today is the day you can finally get a grip on the game’s Japanese demo. You’ll need a Japanese PlayStation Network account to get in on the steamy action, but that can...

  • News Celebrate Valentine's Day the Right Way with Gal Gun

    Forever alone

    If you’ve not got much planned this Valentine’s Day, then perhaps you might be tempted to check out Inti Creates’ bonkers PlayStation Move powered pheromone shooter, Gal Gun. The developer’s cheekily scheduled a demo for the perve-em-up to coincide with the most romantic day of the year, and assuming you’ve got a Japanese...

  • News WipEout 2048 Almost Had a Zombie Mode, Demo Drops This Month

    And you thought zombies were slow

    Zombies are everywhere in the gaming world. They've brought upon the apocalypse countless times, eaten our neighbours and have even taken to fighting plants. But you know what they hardly ever do? Race. Sony's Vita launch title WipEout 2048 almost amended that sad fact however, as the game once featured a...

  • News Ninja Gaiden III Packs In a Dead or Alive 5 Demo Too

    More for your money

    Hack-and-slash Ninja Gaiden III is bringing a little gift when it launches in Japan on 22nd March. Early purchasers will get an exclusive Dead or Alive 5 demo featuring Ayane and Hayate, but anyone who picks up the game's collector's edition will also get Hayabusa and Hitomi in their demo, as well as a figurine and other good...

  • News More Move Demos Hit the PlayStation Store

    Get fit for a bit

    With so many Move games out at the moment it's good to see Sony choosing to promote most of them with free demos on the PlayStation Store, a handful of new demos now available to download for free. You can choose to burn some calories with a spot of Move Fitness (908MB), get the family together for some Start the Party: Save the...

  • News Answer the Call of Deadmund's Quest Demo This Week

    Are you dead enough?

    Eagerly anticipated Move-exclusive adventure Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest is just a couple of weeks away, but you get your chance to play it this week as a free demo is due to land on the PlayStation Store. The North American shop should update tomorrow with a playable trial of Zindagi's undead action game. We're not sure...

  • News Give DanceStar Party a Twirl with New Demo

    You know you want to

    We nearly missed this little downloadable demo in the European PlayStation Store, but nothing gets by us here at Movemodo, so we're happy to let you know you can download a free demo of DanceStar Party, known as Everybody Dance in North America. The full game is out in just a few weeks, but if you can't wait then this trial...

  • News Be Ready For Your Date With Catherine Next Week

    If you're still not entirely sure what Catherine is all about, everything will be revealed next week

    Atlus has confirmed that the game will receive a PlayStation Network demo on July 12th, so you'll finally be able to make sense of all the platforming, dating and sheep-people drama. Perhaps. The demo will be exactly the same as the one on the...

  • News Try Out Virtua Tennis 4's Move Controls for Free on PSN

    Demo to hit the net

    It's Wimbledon time, which means many gamers will be wanting to pick up a virtual racquet and pretend they're Rafael Nadal. PlayStation 3 owners keen to get a Move on in the sport will likely be torn between Top Spin 4 and Virtua Tennis 4, but one deciding factor might be the free Move-enabled demo of VT4 that's coming to PSN...

  • News Pick Up Battle: Los Angeles and Get a Resistance 3 Demo

    Seems a fair trade

    Sony shooters have gone down the beta route with previous games, but if you didn't manage to get Resistance 3 beta access with SOCOM 4 you can still try out the game's single player mode with a free demo coming soon. 1up reports that the Blu-ray version of movie Battle: Los Angeles will include a 30 minute playable demo of...

  • News Red Faction: Armageddon Demo Incoming Next Week (If The PlayStation Network's Back Online!)

    THQ's confirmed that it'll release a demo for the explosive Red Faction: Armageddon next week on the PlayStation Network -- if the service has been properly resumed, of course

    Assuming everything's back to normal by then, you'll get to step into the shoes of protagonist Darius Mason [worst name ever - Ed] and blast your way through some underground...

  • News Virtua Tennis 4 Will Get a Move-Enabled Demo

    Get a slice of the action

    Sega's Virtua Tennis 4 is hurtling towards its launch date at the speed of an Andy Roddick serve, but cautious gamers keen to try before they buy might want to hang fire and pick up one of the PlayStation 3-exclusive demos coming to PlayStation Network in the near future. The first demo reaches PlayStation Store next week...

  • News Start Your Virtua Tennis 4 Career Early With Exclusive PlayStation 3 Demo

    This time next week we'll be pulling a sickie

    We don't even care if Sony announces the PlayStation 4, you won't find us in the PushSquare office. Why? Because SEGA's just confirmed that a PlayStation 3 exclusive Virtua Tennis 4 demo is on the way. And it's not a one-set taster either. The demo will allow you to get a taste of Virtua Tennis 4's...

  • News Try MAG with Full Game Trial for All on PlayStation Store

    Hope you're patient

    If you've held off from trying Zipper Interactive's 256-man shooter MAG, now's your chance to see why it lives up to its name of Massive Action Game with a 5.5GB demo available on the North American PlayStation Store. While you'll be able to jump into battle with those who own the full game, your progress will be capped at level...

  • News Tiger Woods Demo Chips Into the European Store

    Grab your wood

    It's nearly time for Tiger to take to the fairway again, with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters out in a matter of weeks, and now European gamers can get a taste of Tiger's wood with a free Move-enabled demo of the game. The 1.74GB trial features the new True View first-person perspective that lets you see through the eyes of your...

  • Out Today PlayStation Move Heroes Demo (North America)


    PlayStation Plus members lost their exclusivity on the PlayStation Move Heroes demo yesterday, as it's available from today for all PlayStation Network members across North America. With the game set for release in North America on 22nd March and following in Europe not long after — though the exact date is subject to some confusion...

  • News Tiger Woods 12 Demo Strokes PlayStation Network Today

    EA chips in

    You can get your hands on Tiger's wood from today, as EA releases a free Move-enabled demo for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters on PlayStation Network across North America. The free trial of the game shows off the new True View first-person perspective that will hopefully make those clutch shots easier to pull off. It'll also explain...

  • News Plus Members, Today's Your Last Chance for Move Heroes Demo

    Comes down tomorrow

    PlayStation Plus subscriber? Want to play the demo of PlayStation Move Heroes? You'd better get downloading pronto, as the free trial will disappear into the PlayStation Network wormhole tomorrow. The full game launches in North America on 22nd March so you won't have too long to wait until you can play the finished game. Be sure...

  • News Swing Around with Move-Enabled Top Spin 4 Demo

    North America only

    Challenger for the crown of "top tennis title on Move", Top Spin 4 wants you to make up your own mind with a new Move-enabled demo available on the PlayStation Store in North America only. The demo puts you in a tie break match at the US Open, with some of the world's top tennis players available to choose from. You'll...

  • News Try Out Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 with a Move-Enabled Demo

    Coming March 8th

    Last year's Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 divided players with its Move controls, but soon you'll be able to decide for yourself if follow-up Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters does a better job with a free demo. Coming to PlayStation Network on 8th March in North America, the demo will be completely Move compatible and shows off the...

  • News Plus Members Join Forces with Move Heroes Next Week

    Free demo on 1st March

    Upcoming mascot 'em up PlayStation Move Heroes is Sony's big, non-Killzone 3 Move release in the next month, and players who subscriber to the company's premium PlayStation Plus service will get to try out the title weeks before its launch. Subscribers in North America will receive early access to the PlayStation Move Heroes...

  • News ... And The Catherine Demo Is Back On The PlayStation Store

    The saga of Atlus' Catherine demo is almost as bemusing as the game itself

    After being pulled from the Japanese PlayStation Store due to "limited quantities" a few weeks back, Atlus has decided to restore the taster. Presumably they've stocked up on binary and have got plenty to go around this time. Until Midnight, February 20th anyway...