Tag: Culture - Page 8

  • Feature Meet the Man with 40,000 PlayStation Trophies

    Platinum unlocked

    Republished on Monday, 28th December 2015: We're bringing this article back from the archives as we look back at some of Push Square's features from 2015. The original text follows. Originally published on Monday, 24th August 2015: It's a warm yet rainy evening in New Hampshire, but Michael 'Roughdawg4' Sinclaire is uninterested...

  • Talking Point Did You Get Any PlayStation Gifts This Christmas?

    Share 'em with us

    It's Christmas Eve – actually, it's just gone midnight – and we don't have long to write this article, so you'll forgive us for excreting it out at the very last minute. But, we've written all of our Game of the Year stuff – keep reading the site over the coming week – and it's taken a lot of time. So, sorry this final...

  • News Fanart for Kojima Productions' Logo Has Already Started

    No, really

    Gamers around the globe are ditching their Quiet drawings in order to pen a new character: Kojima Productions' logo. We've only seen the medieval skull's head thus far, but studio founder Hideo Kojima did note in a tweet that the company has imagined the character's body as well. Rather than reveal it, however, he said that he'd prefer...

  • News How Would You Like to Win the Wonderful PS4 Life?

    Have a go

    You've seen the commercial, so you know that the life of a PlayStation 4 player is all about The Chemical Brothers and daring dance moves. Sony may not be able to guarantee you a guest role in the next Street Dance movie, but it is giving away a ton of goodies as part of its latest campaign. Prizes include a 1TB Star Wars Battlefront PS4,...

  • News What if Crash Bandicoot Got a Gritty PS4 Reboot?

    It'd look a lot like this

    It's nice to see the Rockstar editor being put to good use. Over on YouTube, user Pinkman has created a gritty Crash Bandicoot reboot using Grand Theft Auto V. In the clip, we see the 'coot smashing some human crates in order to grab some Wumpa Fruit, before indulging in some Crash Team Racing-esque high speed pursuits. Thi

  • News A Huge Happy Birthday to the PS4 on Its Second Birthday

    Party like it's 2013

    Much like a nipper, the PlayStation 4 has been walking the walk for a while, but on its second birthday, it's starting to talk the talk, too. For those of you that don't remember, on this day two years ago, Sony's new-gen system launched in North America. The rest of the world was made to wait a couple of weeks as the Japanese...

  • Weirdness Adult Site Sees Drop in Traffic on Fallout 4 Launch Day

    High vaultage

    Vault dwellers found a different kind of joystick to play with on Fallout 4's launch day, as adult site Pornhub – not linked for obvious reasons – reported a 10 per cent decline in traffic on the day of the role-playing game's release. Apparently page views dipped at 05:00AM on 10th November, around the time most people would have...

  • News Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, and Fallout 4 All Nominated for Game Awards 2015 Game of the Year

    That's a tough one

    Yep, Geoff Keighley is back in early December with the Game Awards 2015, and today, the event has gone ahead and announced which games will be competing for the grand prize: Game of the Year. The five nominees include PlayStation 4 exclusive Bloodborne, critically lauded The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, franchise finale Metal Gear Solid...

  • News Friends Pull Together to Buy Burgled Buddy a PS4

    Heart warming

    Being burgled is never a good thing, but it's even worse on the eve of Fallout 4. Sadly, that's exactly what happened to the New Zealander in the video embedded below – but fortunately he's got good friends. After being tricked by his mates into taking a trip to a local electronics store, the barefooted bros announce that they've all...

  • Weirdness After 40 Years, Sony's Finally Killing Off Betamax

    Cassette decked

    Here's one for our younger readers: before Netflix there were DVDs, and before DVDs there were VHS tapes. But before all of that, in 1975, there were Betamax cassettes. Sony created these as a means to record and playback video, but while the format was considered superior in some regards, it lost a very fierce war against JVC's VHS...

  • News Want to Play Fallout 4 All Day Tuesday? Pete Hines Has Your Back

    Butcher Pete

    For those few that are unaware, the hotly anticipated Fallout 4 releases tomorrow. Unfortunately, many of you may have other obligations like work or school to take care of before diving into the wastes. Have no fear, Pete Hines, vice president of PR and marketing for Bethesda, has taken the liberty of writing you a doctor's note:...

  • Weirdness PS4 Perv Slaps the Salami Over System in Store


    We all like to twiddle our joysticks for entertainment – but when it comes to the PlayStation 4, the majority of us have our hands firmly on the DualShock 4. One saucy shopper had a very different piece of equipment between his fingers, though – as he was caught choking the chicken in front of the console in an electronics store. A...

  • Soapbox Why the Industry Is Getting Greedy (And How to Stop It)

    Sam Brooke hashes out his views on gaming greed

    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Rainbow Six: Siege. Street Fighter V. Payday 2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Destiny. Rise of the Tomb Raider. Assassin's Creed Syndicate. All of these games are full-pric

  • News 'Violent Video Game Addict' Is to Blame for Recent Hacking Scandal, Says Consistently Crap Newspaper

    Here we go again

    Bloody Hell, is it that time again? Recently, UK internet provider TalkTalk had its website taken down and its stored customer information accessed by supposed hackers. Panic ensued as the media got its grubby hands of the news, and then the whole thing turned out to not be quite as bad as anticipated. Of course, you can't have a...

  • Opinion We're So Sick of Saving the Bloody World

    Holding out for a hero

    Hands up if you've got a headache from saving the world yet again? Yeah, us too. One pet peeve that's had Push Square Towers irritatedly animated over the past few weeks is the fact that every single video game in existence seems to feel the need to go big. Well, we're tired of preventing the apocalypse, and we'd like to see...

  • News If Carlsberg Made Fallout Beer, It Would Be Available from Amazon Now

    And it is

    While this author would probably prefer an ice cold Nuka Cola, Carlsberg appears to have put a jagged lid on the Fallout 4 hype by announcing that a range of branded beers are available from Amazon.co.uk now. The lagers – inspired by Bethesda's upcoming role-playing game – come in packs of 12, and promise a "refreshing zesty hoppy...

  • News PlayStation Wishes the NES a Happy 30th Anniversary

    Now you're playing with power

    It's the tenth anniversary of PlayStation 2 classic Shadow of the Colossus' launch today – but it's the Nintendo Entertainment System's big 30th birthday as well. Acknowledging the event, Sony posted a brief message on Twitter to celebrate the North American release of the House of Mario's iconic grey slab. "Dear...

  • News PlayStation's Just Renamed a Theatre in Times Square

    New York, New York

    Could this generation be any more different to the last one? There were times during the PlayStation 3 era where Sony's flagship gaming brand felt like it'd been pushed into the background, but you can't avoid it these days. Case in point: the platform holder's just renamed Times Square's gigantic 2,150-capicity concert venue to...

  • News BioWare Shares More Mass Effect News That You Probably Don't Care About

    Give us games or give us death

    At this point, we're just desperate for something - anything - on Mass Effect: Andromeda, the next instalment in BioWare's sci-fi series. Heck, we'd go barmy over the announcement of a remastered PlayStation 4 trilogy, but for some reason, EA mustn't like the idea of relatively easy money. In any case, the point is...

  • Feature A Very Happy 20th Birthday to PlayStation

    Birthday bashings

    Pull out your party poppers, put on a paper hat, and pick out your best retro game tee – the PSone turns 20 today. Yes, we know that your attention just turned to a certain The Smiths song, but we're confident that this neverending anniversary is finally coming to a close. All the way back on 29th September, 1995, the original...

  • Weirdness Man Blames PlayStation for His Bad Driving

    Jailed motorist didn't have a license

    A 24-year-old man who took police on a 100mph pursuit through Lincolnshire has admitted that he learned to drive on a PlayStation. Adam Jones crashed his way through Grantham like he was playing Burnout Paradise, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage along the way. It was subsequently revealed that he was...

  • News Kinda Funny Games Returns to the PlayStation Podcasting Scene

    Beyond the grave

    Naturally we think that Push Square is the best PlayStation website on the net, but we're not oblivious to the great content available elsewhere. One of this author's favourites was always Podcast Beyond, the flagship IGN podcast featuring Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty. There's good news, then, for fans of the old show – as it's...

  • Talking Point What Is a Video Game?

    The million dollar question

    Video game. Noun. A game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display. Video games are more diverse than they've ever been. As the market matures, we're starting to see new ideas introduced that challenge the very rules upon which the industry has been built...

  • News Want a Metal Gear Solid Story Refresher? This Site's Got Your Back

    LaLiLuLeLo lifesaver

    There's not a single person here at Push Square Towers that doesn't at least appreciate the Metal Gear Solid series, which is a testament to the property's quality seeing as we rarely ever agree. As good as the franchise is, though, we don't think that it could ever be described as fictionally consistent – so it's fortunate...

  • News Shenmue III Causes Spike in Dreamcast Sales

    Yu did it

    Let's not beat around the bush: Sony kind of killed the Dreamcast. Sure, years of atrocious decisions ultimately saw SEGA pull out of the hardware race, but few could deny that the looming juggernaut otherwise known as the PlayStation 2 put the final nail in the underappreciated console's coffin. But with the announcement of Shenmue III at...

  • News The First Fansite for PS4 Exclusive Dreams Is Live

    Day dreamer

    Media Molecule's always had a vibrant community surrounding its games, and it looks like that's set to continue with Dreams, the mysterious PlayStation 4 exclusive that was announced at E3 2015 earlier in the year. We don't even know what the title is yet, but that's not stopped dreambubble.me from arriving on the scene. Unsurprisingly,...

  • News Aussie Store Wants You to Know That Metal Gear Solid 5 Is a Hideo Kojima Game

    Fight for your rights

    Call it self-indulgent if you want to, but we've gotten used to Hideo Kojima's name being on the box of Metal Gear Solid games. The fact that Konami has opted to remove it from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – amid nasty rumours regarding the aute

  • News Is That a PS4 in Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Pleased to See Us?

    Robber tries to run away with system down his trousers

    West Palm Beach resident Christopher Caldwell tried to smuggle a PlayStation 4 console out of a Wal-Mart store in his pants – but was caught by police with his trousers down. The 36-year-old squeezed the six pound system next to his crown jewels, and then subsequently tried to pile a couple of...

  • Weirdness The Ouye Is the Ultimate PS4 Rip Off


    Introducing the Ouye, a Chinese console packed with so much plagiarism that it's bordering on parody. The device – which is currently up for crowd funding – boasts the chassis of the PlayStation 4, but the controller of the Xbox One. We're sure that we've heard the name somewhere else before, too, but we're drawing blanks. This...

  • Weirdness What if Final Fantasy VII Was a Beat-'em-Up?

    Take this, Buster

    Every game would be better if it was Streets of Rage – and that includes Push Square's greatest of all time, Final Fantasy VII. Fortunately, Singapore-based studio PD Design has cottoned on to this, repurposing Square Enix's classic PSone role-playing release as a beat-'em-up. In the video below, you'll see the spiky haired Cloud...

  • News PlayStation's Sending Out Super Cute Birthday Gifts

    Many happy returns

    The secret to corporate success was simple all along: you just have to pretend to be your consumer's friend. Sony cottoned onto this at the start of the generation, making silly videos about used games and reminding us that it cares. And now Microsoft has stumbled upon the strategy, with gaffer Phil Spencer whispering sweet...

  • News BioWare Community Bands Together to Bring Friends to Next-Gen Dragon Age

    The Inquisition is for all

    The BioWare community has always been pretty tight-knit, as evidenced by countless successful community-driven events over the years, both within the developer's creations and at social occasions like conventions or expos. This latest effort from fans is particularly heart warming, though, as a group of Dragon Age:...

  • News 345,000 People Made It to Gamescom 2015

    Annual show's popularity increases

    It was a successful Gamescom this year if these newly released figures are anything to go by. According to official numbers, 345,000 people attended to German event, which is 10,000 more than 2014's total. Apparently, attendees came from 96 different countries - which is a particularly impressive statistic. We...

  • News This Bloodborne Statue Is Devilishly Detailed

    Bloody expensive, though

    As the old saying goes, the devil is in the detail, and this is certainly true of Bloodborne's latest piece of merchandise. Two slightly different 32cm statues are available to pre-order in Japan from Gecco, but they each cost a whopping $300 or so. One model is tinted with a splash of blood, while the other appears to be a...

  • Weirdness People Are Already Covering Horizon: Zero Dawn's Soundtrack

    We know we weren't the first ones here

    Dutch musician Joris de Man may have been missing from Killzone: Shadow Fall, but he's proven that he's still the man by composing Horizon: Zero Dawn's soaring soundtrack. And so affecting has the E3 trailer's short audio snippet proven that people are already taking to YouTube with their own rendition of the...

  • News Destiny's Getting an Action Figure, and It Costs a Titanic $190

    Articulate that

    It was only a matter of time before Destiny got some sort of action figure or model. Activison's uber popular shooter is getting its biggest expansion in September with The Taken King, but you can throw even more cash at the property by buying this rather expensive Titan figurine. Crafted by manufacturer 3A, we have to admit that...

  • News This R2-D2 PS4 Laptop Is Bleeping Badass

    C3PO would be impressed

    Sony is astutely positioning the PlayStation 4 as the platform for Star Wars this year, but while we're sure that it's going to have a handful of custom hardware bundles to celebrate the release of Battlefront, we doubt that any of them will be this darn awesome. Ed Zarick has been making custom console laptops for a while,...

  • News Watch the Crash Bandicoot Cartoon That Never Was

    "Play our game and tell your friends so we'll make lots of loot"

    Crash Bandicoot turned out to be one of the biggest brands of the 90s, but Universal Interactive Studios had even bigger plans for the property before Sony licensed it for its legendary PSone platforming trilogy. During the early days of development, the publisher was knocking around...

  • Weirdness There's a PSone on the Way to Pluto

    Do not underestimate the power of PlayStation

    If you thought that your yellowing PSone was good for late-night sessions of Crash Bandicoot only, then you may want to have a rethink. NASA engineers repurposed the system's MIPS R3000 CPU back in 2006, using it to control a grand piano-sized space probe which is on its way to Pluto. According to The...

  • News These Sneaker Box PS4s Combine Subconscious Advertising with Style

    Brand loyalty at its finest

    Ah, quirky console skins. Dressing your favourite home system up with a brand new decal can provide a nice change of pace, and can arguably add some spice to your room's aesthetics. Or, you know, you might just be really sick of looking at your plain old PlayStation 4. Whatever the reason for a makeover, though, it's well...

  • News PlayStation and Xbox Bosses Go Head-to-Head

    In a friendly game of Disney Infinity 3.0

    Can you hear that? It's the sound of Hell freezing over. At the San Diego Comic-Con this weekend, PlayStation wish fulfiller Adam Boyes and Xbox spokesperson Larry Hryb hooked up for a head-to-head in Disney Infinity 3.0's all-new Sumo Digital developed kart racing mode. Neither of them looked especially...

  • News PlayStation Pays Its Respects to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata

    Rest in peace

    There are days for debate and discussion – and then there are days for respect and reflection. Nintendo confirmed the premature passing of CEO Satoru Iwata overnight, and while he spent his entire career at the House of Mario, his incredible influence can be felt across the entire industry at large. As a consequence, many of...

  • News This Kid Clearly Wishes He'd Won a PS4 at Comic Con


    When companies give away consoles, they do so with the intention of building positive press. Microsoft is on the showfloor at the San Diego Comic Con this weekend, handing out Xbox Ones among various other prizes. But while this winner may have gifted the Redmond firm a viral video, it's not quite the Nintendo 64 sequel that the organisation may...

  • News French Magazine Honours PS4's Incredible E3 2015

    The greatest of all time

    Not everyone was as jazzed as us at Sony's incredible E3 2015 press conference, but those born during a certain era will have understood the significance of the event. At times, the platform holder's media briefing bordered on fan fiction, with The Last Guardian, Shenmue III, and Final Fantasy VII Remake all appearing during...

  • News The Teen Who Ruined PS4's Christmas Narrowly Avoids Jail

    Convicted of over 50,000 computer crimes

    Do you remember when the PlayStation Network went down? No, we don't mean last night – we're talking about the last major outage, which occurred over Christmas. Sony's servers were down for days, and while the whole sorry affair was good for our traffic ticker, it didn't exactly reflect well on the platform...

  • News This Shenmue Documentary Couldn't Be Better Timed

    Makers must have checked their Timex watches

    Shenmue III's up-and-down Kickstarter campaign is entering its final stages, and it's picked just the right moment to gather some serious steam. This documentary detailing the 14 year wait for the sequel couldn't be better timed, then, as a teaser trailer for the fan-made film has been released with the...

  • News Take a Closer Look at the Nintendo PlayStation

    True treasure

    You've all seen – and angrily commented on – our story about the Nintendo PlayStation, but how would you like to take a closer look at the cancelled console? The prototype platform's owner, Dan Diebold, has uploaded a video on YouTube showing off the disc-based device, which was conceived as part of a poisoned partnership between...

  • News Oh Look, It's a Nintendo PlayStation Console

    You what

    Fridays are usually pretty quiet when it comes to games journalism, probably because everyone just wants to start the weekend early and, actually, you know, play some video games for once. Apparently, though, a poster over on ASSEMbler didn't get the memo, as they've revealed the existence of an actual Nintendo PlayStation console that they...

  • News Imagine Buying and Dumping a New PS4 Every Time You Travel - That's What NBA Players Do

    Not that kind of travelling

    When you've got money to burn, we suppose that buying expensive hardware like home consoles doesn't matter all that much. This theory's supported by Giannis Antetokounmpo, an NBA player, who, in a recent interview, says that his teammates buy PlayStation 4s when they're travelling to away matches, only to ditch them at...

  • News Fallout 4 Fan Successfully Pre-Orders Sequel with Bottle Caps

    Nuka cola connoisseur

    Many of you will know that caps are the main currency in the Fallout franchise. Unfortunately, these can't be exchanged for goods in the real world – well, unless you happen to be a super fan with a plan. One Imgur user going by the name of GatorMacheteJr explained that he's been collecting bottle caps since playing Fallout 3...