Tag: Culture - Page 13

  • News Give PlayStation Themed Gift Cards This Christmas

    Santa's sack-boy

    Christmas cards can be pretty bland. You either get chilly winter themes, or those corny designs with jokes that were funny about five decades ago. Thankfully, the fine folks over at GamerPrint.co.uk have come up with a way of fusing video game references into their line of festive greetings cards. The A6 designs pay homage to...

  • News Check Out Grand Theft Auto: Vice City As a Commodore 64 Game


    Assuming you’ve beaten Grand Theft Auto: Vice City at some point over the last ten years, you’ll probably appreciate this demake of its brutal final stage. We’re particularly fond of the unnervingly accurate adaptation of the mission’s cut-scenes, but the plinky-plonky soundtrack is also a highlight. Let us know which other modern...

  • News Download the Free WipEout Generation Soundtrack Now

    Beating the drum

    For many PlayStation fans, the sound waves of WipEout are a cultural touchstone. That’s especially true for the “WipEout Generation”, a group of independent music producers who – inspired by the work of former series composer Tim Wright (aka CoLD SToRAGE) – have written and performed their own free WipEout themed...