There are still PS4 games that need a PS5 patch. In this PS5 guide, we're going to list some of our favourite PS4 games that haven't yet been optimised for PS5, meaning that either their frame rate is stuck at 30, or their resolution is in need of enhancement.

To be clear, a lot of PS4 games have been updated to run better on PS5. Check out the following guide for a list of PS4 games that take advantage of the PS5's Game Boost function:

And for more information on PS5 Backwards Compatibility, be sure to check out these guides: PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS4 Games on PlayStation 5? and PS5 Backwards Compatibility: All PS4 Games That Don't Work.

But yes, we're here to highlight titles that could do with a boost of their own, allowing them to run better than ever on Sony's current-gen console. We consider most of the games on this list to be top-tier PS4 titles, and so it's a real shame that they haven't been updated.

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Frame rate
Capped at 30

Let's start with the obvious, shall we? Bloodborne is a certified PS4 classic, and quite frankly, it's a damned disgrace that it still hasn't been updated for PS5. Rumours of a remaster or even a remake have been doing the rounds for years, but honestly, a relatively simple 60fps patch would suit us fine. Now listen, we know that Bloodborne has some weird frame rate issues — problems that mean simply uncapping the frame rate isn't an option — but modders have already found ways around this. It would take a bit of effort, then, but come on — Bloodborne at 60fps would be a dream come true.

LittleBigPlanet 3

Frame rate
Capped at 30

While you could argue that the rather good Sackboy: A Big Adventure largely fills the LittleBigPlanet-shaped hole on PS5, it would still be nice to have the expansive platformer fully updated on Sony's newest system. Even today, LittleBigPlanet 3 has a lot to offer in terms of user-made content, and being able to explore such a rich tapestry of levels at a higher frame rate would make it all much more appealing. A resolution boost wouldn't go amiss, either.

Alien: Isolation

Frame rate
Capped at 30

A fan-favourite horror experience on PS4, Alien: Isolation can still be an incredibly tense affair — but the whole thing would be that much more horrifying at 60fps. As with just about every game on this list, an improved frame rate would mean more responsive gameplay, and having extra control over Isolation's terrified protagonist would be a huge help during the title's hairier moments.

Concrete Genie

Frame rate
Capped at 30
Up to 1440p

Concrete Genie is an overlooked PS4 exclusive. While it's unlikely to blow anyone's socks off, it's a lovingly crafted adventure bolstered by a fair amount of whimsy and wonder. It looks lovely as well — its magical graffiti popping against realistic environments. Quite frankly, this is a game that deserves another shot, and a solid PS5 update could be the catalyst. All of those neon monsters would really pop at 60fps, don't you think?

Spyro: Reignited Trilogy

Frame rate
Capped at 30
Up to 1440p

What a shame it is that Spyro: Reignited Trilogy doesn't run at a silky 60 on PS5. This collection of gorgeous remasters deserves the improved performance, because they're pretty much perfect otherwise. There's no question that the original Spyro games are absolute classics, but the work that went into the Reignited Trilogy shouldn't be ignored, and we should really be enjoying these lovingly crafted revivals in their best possible form.

Fallout 4

Frame rate
Capped at 30
Up to 1440p

The biggest problem with Fallout 4 on PS4? That often dreadful frame rate. The game's busiest areas can tank performance on last-gen hardware, but playing through the open world title on PS5 actually removes a lot of the drops. It's a good start, but uncapping the frame rate would be a welcome next step, assuming, of course, that the PS4 version of Fallout 4 can hit the hallowed 60 in the first place. It could also make the sometimes sluggish combat feel much more responsive.


Frame rate
Capped at 30

This is a bit of a strange inclusion, but bear with us. DriveClub was (and maybe still is) one of the best racers on PS4, but it was retired long before its time. The game was delisted from the PlayStation Store in 2019 and its multiplayer servers were abandoned in 2020 — but what a joy it would be to get back behind the wheel on PS5, even if it was just for a couple of sessions. Deserving of a 60fps upgrade, but out of all the games on our list, this dream update is the most unlikely.

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

Frame rate
Capped at 30
Up to 1440p

A best-in-class remaster of a superb RPG, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age has it all. Vastly improved visuals and excellent gameplay tweaks make for one of our favourite Final Fantasy titles of the last decade — but it's a real shame that it's still capped at 30 frames-per-second. Obviously Final Fantasy XII isn't some fast-paced action game that needs a higher frame rate, but silky performance is just about the only thing that this near perfect re-release is missing.

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

Frame rate

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection hits a rock solid 60fps on PS5 (hooray!) but that 1080p resolution is a bit of a kicker. Granted, the first two Uncharted games don't look particularly amazing these days, but nice resolution boost would still work wonders on a good 4K display. Ultimately, these are three classic PlayStation titles, and having them right up to speed on PS5 would be cool.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Frame rate
Capped at 30
Dynamic 2160p

Action games are always better at 60fps. There's just no getting around that fact. And while Shadow of War isn't quite Devil May Cry, it still feels far too sluggish capped at 30fps. The game itself proved divisive at launch in 2017 (mostly because of its microtransactions, later removed entirely) but we'd argue that there's still a fantastic and addictive gameplay loop here, revolving around the all-important 'Nemesis System'. The bottom line is that beheading orcs will never not be fun — and that fun could easily be amplified with a PS5 patch.

Until Dawn

Frame rate
60fps target

Another game that was often let down by poor performance on PS4, Until Dawn is a memorably camp horror title. The game can still be great fun to play through with a group of friends, but as a cinematic experience here in the current console generation, its dodgy frame rate and 1080p resolution leave a lot to be desired. A boost in both departments would be a welcome upgrade.

Watch Dogs 2

Frame rate
Capped at 30
Up to 1800p

Let's face it: Watch Dogs Legion isn't that good. We think Watch Dogs 2 is still the best entry in Ubisoft's hacking series, and so it's a shame that this colourful open world outing is capped at 30fps. A return to San Fran would be on the cards if the game was patched on PS5, purely because pissing around with NPCs is so much fun.