Skull and Bones Sales

Skull and Bones, the live service pirate game that released just over two weeks ago on PS5, is already having its price slashed across the US and Europe. It was a full-price title at launch — your now-standard $69.99 / £69.99 — but it's currently down to as low as $44.99 / £49.85 (as reported by VGC). While that's certainly not what we'd call cheap, it's still a significant discount after such a short length of time on the market, and it suggests that retailers are struggling to shift copies.

Ubisoft's "AAAA" title (it's never escaping that one, is it?) was delayed numerous times over the course of several years before finally releasing last month. Unfortunately for the publisher, its arrival was met with rather lukewarm reviews and plenty of social media memes regarding its live service gameplay elements. It's been a bit of a damp squib, and the game didn't even have much hype behind it to begin with.

Honestly, we don't think it'll be long until these price points come tumbling down even further. Assuming Ubisoft continues to support Skull and Bones over the coming months, potential buyers will probably be best off waiting for big updates and even bigger discounts.

Did you envision an easier road to success for Skull and Bones, or is it destined to be forgotten sooner rather than later? Man the cannons in the comments section below.
