Well, this is remarkable! Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion was announced overnight as a remaster of the classic PSP game – but only now are we beginning to appreciate just how much of an upgrade it is. The original was obviously limited by the capabilities of Sony’s portable console, but what’s on display here teeters on the precipice of a remake.

Now obviously this is, ultimately, the same game – slot machines and all. But the upgrade is absolutely insane: it’s so much more than a higher resolution handheld port, with new textures, lighting, and even artistic tweaks. The developer’s even tinkered with the original CGI cutscenes, altering the appearance of the Buster Sword so that it matches the one in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

As for the actual gameplay, well the user interface has been redesigned, and the camera’s been altered allowing for greater control. It’s really quite an incredible glow up! Has this comparison got you more hyped for the upcoming Reunion, or were you already on board? Spin the wheel in the comments section below.

[source youtube.com]