DOOM Eternal might be the big PlayStation 4 release of the month, but it's not the only trip you can take to hell and back this March. Available as a pre-order bonus alongside id Software's latest and greatest or purchased separately on the PlayStation Store for $4.99, DOOM 64 is getting a PS4 port on the very same day. What's more, the current-gen version will include a level which has never seen the light of day until now.

Described by senior developer James Haley in an interview with USgamer, the new chapter is said to take place after the conclusion of the main campaign. "The Mother Demon you defeated in that outing had a sister, and since you've been messing up Hell non-stop, she tries to get rid of you by sending you away. If you can make your way back and take revenge, you’ll be rewarded with a bit of lore that fans of both series, new and classic, should enjoy."

That's a very cool addition for those who played the original, but the PS4 port will also be packaged with some small enhancements to make for a better experience nearly 23 years later. You'll be able to toggle an autorun, navigate the map with the PS4 touchpad, and change the brightness settings. One more special feature takes advantage of the PS4 controller's motion controls for aiming. "Using it to fine tune your aim gives a sense of really being there in the moment", Haley explains.

DOOM 64 on PS4 is shaping up to be an impressive port indeed, but will you be playing it alongside DOOM Eternal? Make sure to book a return ticket to hell in the comments below.
