Going loud

We mentioned earlier in the year that Killzone: Shadow Fall may just be the most strategic shooter on the PlayStation 4, and this brand new video posted by Official PlayStation Magazine demonstrates exactly what we were talking about. The fifteen minute clip shows four different approaches to a single mission in the upcoming next generation exclusive, and they’re all surprisingly varied.

Much like GoldenEye 007, you can choose whether you want to play stealthily, aggressively, or a combination of both. In one playthrough, the player takes the fight directly to the Helghast, zip lining through a skylight and shooting through walls. In another, a more quiet approach is adopted, as the Shadow Marshal is guided through air vents to get the jump on the orange-eyed antagonists.

You’ll be able to adapt your play styles on the fly, and developer Guerrilla Games is promising that all of the missions will have this variety to them. One stage that we saw earlier in the year allowed us to optionally shutdown an alarm system in order to make breaching an enemy stronghold that bit easier. It’s a big change for the franchise – but one for the better, in our opinion.

[source youtube.com]