Argh. Just give it to us already.

It sort of gets the job done, but the problem is that none of the games move, or do much of anything really. To be honest it's all a bit rubbish.

The number of trailers Sony's pumping out for the upcoming handheld aren't exactly quelling our anticipation either. But hey, at least trailers are more interactive than printed out screenshots right? You can pause them, play them and even fast-forward and rewind them. If you think hard enough, it could be you controlling Nathan Drake in Uncharted: Golden Abyss' twentieth trailer of the year.

Sony's very own Sid Shuman has got the full story of PlayStation Vita's latest batch of trailers over on the PlayStation Blog. But if you're not interested in words, then head straight to PlayStation's YouTube channel. One thing we will say: Unit 13 is actually looking pretty rad. And it's generating some serious buzz in the US games media. One to watch, perhaps.