
Topic: Games you've recently beat

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Holy crap! I remember that avatar and name... Welcome back @DerMeister! (Not sure if ya remember me though lol)

Last time we saw ya, you were planning... a persona 3 review I think? Or was it 4? Hopefully I'm not thinking of the wrong person there lol šŸ˜…

Nice list of games you've beaten. I've heard some of the horror stories in trying to 100% Crash 4... Sounds like a particularly devious achievement!

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@DerMeister I really enjoyed Kiwami 2 as well and it has a great protagonist. Are you planning on playing 3-5?

Donā€™t worry, I really enjoyed FF7R too but some of the graphical issues were ludicrous for a game that took so long. Did you manage a hard run through too? I thought the combat really came into its own on the second run.

And Iā€™d love to get Crash 4 but itā€™s not a game I can justify spending full price on.



Crash 4 was really good. Maddening hard at times with some of the concepts. Also finished up days gone on ps5...the upgrades make it beautiful and more of a joy to play. Really enjoyed!


PSN: ChillBuckets_4 | Twitter:


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Yeah, I remember you just fine. We've talked about RPGs before, and I believe you reviewed the 1st Crash game in the review thread (Which has grown exponentially since I last saw it!)

Glad you remembered the P4 review, because I forgot to finish it. I started it, then trailed off during my sabbatical. I'll try to finish it soon, before the year ends.

@Thrillho I'm currently going through Yakuza 3. After Kiwami 2, it's jarring to look at PS3 era tech, but I think it looks good for a remaster. Loving it so far, but I'm definitely curious about 4 & 5 due to the extra playable characters.

As for Crash 4, while I don't think platformers need to be sold at a reduced price, I can see why anyone would be hesitant to pay $60 for it (It was actually one of my Black Friday purchases). It'll definitely keep you busy, but the difficulty of that 100% won't please everyone. Heck, I've 100%'d Crash 1-3 many times over, and I'm already dreading some sections of Crash 4.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


@DerMeister I really loved Yakuza 3 but burned out on Yakuza 4. Iā€™ll go back to it!

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@DerMeister @nessisonett The overall story in 3 is peak silliness but the change in character of Kiryu is well done and Haruka becomes even more of her own person. Playing in a new location is also refreshing. The change graphically from the Kiwami games is pretty jarring though and the cabaret club equivalent is awful.

I really liked the introduction of the new characters in 4 as it also kept the series fresher, partly by mixing the story up but also by giving you different combat styles. The new areas in that game are also welcome and the number of sub stories is drastically reduced from 3 where there are waaaay too many. The links to the story in 0 and 1 are well done too.



WRC 9 PS5. Was a blast and I will play it even more.



I beat River City Girls there, well the normal ending anyway. It was a strangely dark ending that contextualised a lot of the charactersā€™ behaviour towards the two leads. Itā€™s actually kinda refreshing for the game to end in that way to be honest.

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


BL3 on PC. All DLC except the extra pricey addition of Season Pass 2 WTF Gearbox! Anyway, liked it but not as much as BL2. It will be a tough sell for me to get BL4.

XIII Remake on PC. Wow, I have the original on PC, might as well have skipped this remaster, its garbage, original runs better. If you plan on getting this one, wait til its 5 bux. 100% 10 hours easy game!

Dark Pictures Anthology Little Hope on PC: Another great game in this series. If you liked Man of Medan and Until Dawn, you will like this as well. Played it through 5 times for 100%. Will get the next game and all of the games that will be in this Anthology.

Control Ultimate Edition on PC I did like the game but the game location setting started getting boring about half way through. The DLC added a few more hours of gameplay. Remedy did a good job with this one, wait for a sale folks since its old now. lol



Thatā€™s Assassinā€™s Creed Syndicate all done! I really enjoyed it, itā€™s a surprising return to form for the series. I actually did play a bit of this one back in the day but didnā€™t like it all because I wasnā€™t used to the clunky combat of the series. Now I have a far better understanding of the series, I can appreciate the changes and improvements this game makes and yes, get past the clunky combat. Only got 1 trophy left for the platinum but oh boy, itā€™s going to be a grind.

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Wow and thatā€™s me beaten Final Fantasy V Advance today, Iā€™ve been busy! Really really enjoyed it, way more than I thought I would as it was the only mainline Final Fantasy game I hadnā€™t played. Exdeath was a truly epic final boss and genuinely have no idea how I muddled through, the final dungeon was brutal. The job system is really great, especially when you loop back to the Freelancer and acquire the abilities of every other job. I definitely think Iā€™ll go and play Bravely Default now, seeing as itā€™s a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy V. 52 hours spent wisely though!

Edited on by nessisonett

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I wish I could find the time to finish so many games. The most recent games I've finished have been Resident Evil remake in about 2 and a half hours for the unlockables and the Panzer Dragoon remake.

Next up is Metal Gear Solid on PS1 and Cybermorph on Atari Jaguar before exploring some JRPG's on the Saturn

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



@carlos82 Honestly, with Covid this year Iā€™ve barely been out the house so Iā€™ve binged loads of games. Iā€™m not back to uni until February either so I have plenty time with nothing much else to do. Iā€™m sure other people have more of a life!

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I'd have done the same thing, actually I did as my Furlough matched up well with The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima coming out and I took full advantage. It doesn't help when I've got a 4 year old who comes in when I set up the Jaguar and says "oh my favourite Doom game" and takes the controller šŸ˜†

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



@carlos82 At least youā€™re starting them young with the classics! My uncle said that my cousins whoā€™re 5 and 3 were strangely captivated watching him play StarTropics on the Switch NES app šŸ˜‚

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


So I just purchased Donut County for Ā£2 in the January sale earlier. Aaaand, I've finished it and got the plat. I must say it was a fun and amusing game, definitely well worth a play. Worth noting that there isn't really any replayability though but for Ā£2 or equivalent currency, you can't go far wrong. If you want a game with simple game play and a good and silly sense of humour that doesn't require too much thinking, this is one to consider.



watch dogs legion ps5.

overall not to bad but nothing amazing either.

anyone else had a weird lighting bug when driving? the game has a lot of puddles ( being set in london) and when driving the road seems to be 1 big puddle with the actuall puddles popping in just before you.



Thatā€™s the credits rolled on Assassinā€™s Creed Origins. Other than the really quite odd pacing towards the end, it was a great ending. Nobody really got a happy ending which is perfectly OK, they all kinda made mistakes. Itā€™s a shame about Bayek and Aya but it makes sense, their marriage wasnā€™t the same after Khemu died. The modern day ending sets up the next game nicely too.

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@RogerRoger Iā€™m honestly surprised at how much Iā€™ve gotten into the series. Itā€™s always been on my radar but Iā€™d only played bits of Syndicate, Brotherhood and Origins previously. At least Iā€™ve now got a couple of platinums out of the series and Iā€™m 80% of the way towards the Origins platinum!

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@RogerRoger What @nessisonett has accomplished is pretty remarkable, but I do think there is a place at the Assassinā€™s Creed table for most gamers who enjoy the 3rd person stealth-action genre. Youā€™d probably like them, given you enjoy the likes of Spider-Man, Hitman, Tomb Raider, etc. The difficult question might be ā€œwhere to start?ā€ because as you say, itā€™s an intimidating mass of games if you look at the series as a whole. The first game is actually fairly mediocre, but it does introduce the core idea of using the Animus to utilize your DNA and infiltrate your deceased ancestors. Honestly, if you understand that concept then your halfway there and can jump in almost anywhere. The problem is that there is a modern day storyline that is in the background and relates loosely with whatā€™s going on in the ancient times narrative. As the series has gone on, Ubisoft has discovered that most gamers were more annoyed at the present day storyline and most of the time that the game cuts away to the brief modern segments we all merely tolerate it until we get back to the historical period where the fun is really happening.

I played a little of AC1, and got a little bored of it, then got hooked at AC2 onward. You could reasonably start at the Ezio Collection which is a trilogy that starts with AC2 and are all related. AC3 then wraps up the main modern day arc and then things start to be a little more fragmented. So from Black Flag and forward itā€™s reasonable to jump in there too, at probably any of the subsequent mainline entries. Origins would also seem a good starting point because itā€™s effectively the beginning of a new era of the series.

This is how I feel with some beloved long running franchises like Zelda, PokƩmon, Sonic, and even franchises like Far Cry and Dragon Quest (and until recently Resident Evil) ... it is difficult for my obsessive sensibilities to jump into the series in the middle. But in fact, most of these developers plan on people coming in late so the games are pretty self contained.

ā€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.ā€

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