
Topic: Cyberpunk 2077 Hype Thread!

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Turns out that I had some leave to take off work and apparently it had to be taken by the end of the year (even though we've been told by HR that we could carry over up to 20 day to next year due to lockdown and working from home. Not happy about that). So I have booked off 6 days from the 10th. If this game gets delayed again, it is officially cursed.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I know it is only Xbox, but will be a good indicator of how it runs on the Sony consoles.

Edited on by JohnnyShoulder

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Minus a few TFLOPS of course 😂😂

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Mpquikster One X is the equivalent to the PS4 Pro, albeit a bit more powerful.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Just seen the first actual TV ad for Cyberpunk at half time of the footie. It's definitely happening this time.


PSN: leejon5


@Arugula FOMO. That’s all I’ve got.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Arugula Its from the same developer as The Witcher 3. I hear you've played it for a bit and quite liked it. If for that reason and what you've seen of of the game so far you are still not sold on it, then it is perfectly plausible to wait on it until you are ready to buy it.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Arugula Hello. I'm here all week, every week.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder The thing that gets me about the CDPR love is that they aren’t exactly super devs where everything they touch turns to gold. The first two Witcher games are ambitious but deeply flawed and I couldn’t really say that they’re particularly fun games to play these days. Cyberpunk really is their first non-Witcher project and by extension, their first truly original IP. I think this is honestly the real test of their acumen rather than Witcher 3 given that plenty companies have released one or two brilliant games and then completely imploded. I do think Cyberpunk is very promising, just playing Devil’s advocate as I find the cult-like following of CDPR interesting as it’s really just a cult-like following of Witcher 3, a fantastic game but probably their only well-rounded total success.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Yeah it is not just that they made The Witcher 3 and it was a really good game that I was interested in Cyberpunk 2077, I've really liked what I've seen of the game also. Plus I enjoyed The Witcher 2 too, and how they handled the post release stuff of TW3 really resonated with me as a consumer so they have credit in the bank with me.

And to say there is a cult like following of CDPR is frankly, ridiculous. Everyone has their favourite developers and video game series which they follow and overlook the faults. Just because you don't understand that for whatever reason, does not equate there to being a cult like following.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder With regard to the cult-like following, would you say that From Software has one?

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation." - Alasdair Gray

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@nessisonett My reasons for being excited for it is that Witcher 3 is a great game, and the trailers released for Cyberpunk 2077 have so far looked stunning. Plus I personally love the cyberpunk genre.

Everyone has different tastes, and not everyone is going to be excited for Cyberpunk 2077. However, just dismissing other people's opinions as being "cult-like" is a silly argument.


@Draco_V_Ecliptic Not really, I think that is a bit extreme so say that. Maybe 'enthusiasts' is a better way of putting it.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


My reason to be excited is Keanu being playable apart from that nothing in the gameplay looks like anything legendary or unseen till now



Every game has a ''cult following'' if you ask the right people. Some will say Zelda has a cult following, some will say From Software has a cult following; Animal Crossing, Kojima's games, Naughty Dog, Knack, etc.



@JohnnyShoulder @crimsontadpoles CDPR own GOG as well. In PC circles, they’re seen as literally Jesus. The anti-DRM crowd see CDPR as the one company standing against bureaucrats so in that way yes, they do have a cult following. The Witcher 3 is a great game but it’s developed a fanbase of its own who are quite frankly some of the worst ‘fans’ out there.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I think all or most games have their fair share toxic fans, so not sure you can label that just at ones of CDPR/TW3.

But for every 5 people I indoctrinate I get a free cyber limb. Hoping to get a free bosom soon.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I've jokingly referred to CDPR's fervent fanbase as a cult myself.

Every game and company has fans, but as nessy points out, large throngs of gamers since the release of The Witcher 3 have treated them like they're divine beings who can do no wrong.

I am excited for the game, though. It looks really good.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah

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