Tag: Fallout 4

  • Review Fallout 4 (PS5) - Timeless Gameplay Loop Stuck in an Outdated RPG


    Nearing a decade after its original release, Bethesda has ported Fallout 4 to PS5, promising the kind of improved technical performance that you'd expect from a generation-jumping upgrade. But does the once highly-rated, open world RPG still hold up in 2024? That's a surprisingly difficult question to answer. Some would argue that...

  • Guide Fallout 4 Next Gen Update Release Times: When Can You Play the New Version?

    When do the PS5, Xbox Series X versions come out?

    When does the Fallout 4 Next Gen Update come out? When can you play the new version of Fallout 4 on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S? With excitement surrounding the Fallout IP at record fever pitch following its well-received TV adaptation on Amazon Prime, publisher Bethesda is bringing back Fallout 4 with a...

  • Guide Fallout 4 Guide: Help and Guidance for Your Wasteland Journey

    Refresh yourself ahead of the PS5 version

    Fallout 4 is an RPG from Skyrim studio Bethesda, first released for PS4 in 2015 and then updated for PS5 on 25th April 2024. In this Fallout 4 guide hub, we've gathered together our collection of pages and articles designed to help you with key features in the game and gather collectibles. Fallout 4...

  • Guide Fallout 4: Tips for Beginners Fresh from the Vault

    Rad times ahead

    Looking for some beginners tips for Fallout 4? So, you're finally out of that vault, and guess what? The world's not in very good shape. Nuclear war has ravaged the Commonwealth, which is now home to horrors of all shapes and sizes – and you've got to survive in it. At first, this can be a daunting task: Fallout 4 is a big,...

  • Guide Fallout 4: Best Perks

    Essential Perks across all categories

    What are the best Perks in Fallout 4? The abilities that'll help define your character and build, these are the Perks you'll want to work towards unlocking the most. In this Fallout 4 guide, we're going to reveal the best Perks. Strength: Strength Training Initial requirement: None Ranks: 10

  • Guide Fallout 4: Best Character Builds for Surviving the Wasteland

    Building a brighter future

    Looking for the best character builds in Fallout 4? When it comes to defining your custom character in Fallout 4, you're given a lot of options. You need to consider the rather large perk chart, your equipment, and even your general style of play. Sometimes, it can all become a little confusing, so we've put together nine...

  • Guide Fallout 4: All Bobbleheads Locations

    They're Action Figures Trophy guide

    What are all Bobbleheads locations in Fallout 4? Bethesda may have built a sub-business out of various Fallout branded merchandise, but the vault boy bobbleheads are still very much a key component in Fallout 4. There are 20 of these to find in the developer's critically acclaimed PS4 role-playing release, and...

  • Guide Fallout 4: All Magazines Locations

    Print's Not Dead Trophy guide

    What are all Magazines locations in Fallout 4? Magazines may well be going out of fashion in the real-world, but they're incredibly popular in the Commonwealth. There's an absolute ton of reading material to find in Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, and each issue that you collect will have a profound affect on your...

  • Guide Fallout 4: How to Start the Automatron DLC

    Robot wars

    How do you start the Automatron DLC in Fallout 4? A robot-focused expansion for the Bethesda RPG, you may be wondering how you actually access the new content. In this Fallout 4 guide, we're going to reveal how to start the Automatron DLC. How Do You Start the Automatron DLC in Fallout 4?: To start, we're assuming that you've bought...

  • Guide Fallout 4 Automatron: How to Build the Best Robots

    Death machine

    How do you build the best robots in Fallout 4 Automatron? Building your own robotic companion is a big part of Fallout 4: Automatron. Not far into the add-on, you'll get the ability to craft mechanical allies, and at first, the process can seem a bit daunting. With so many mods and parts to make use of, diving head-first into your new...

  • Guide Fallout 4: How to Download and Install Mods on PS4

    Fall back in

    How do you download and install mods on PS4 in Fallout 4? After what feels like an age of waiting, mod support has finally arrived for Fallout 4 on PS4. All that you need in order to get started is download the game's latest patch, which adds mod functionality to the release. Once you've got that, you'll be able to hop into the title's...

  • Review Fallout 4 (PS4)

    V.A.T.S. more like it

    Republished on Tuesday 26th September 2017: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the release of Fallout 4's Game of the Year edition on PlayStation 4. The original text follows. Well, here we are. Seven years after Bethesda's last crack at post-apocalyptic America, Fallout 4 is easily one of the...

  • News Fallout 4 PS4 Patch 1.9 Adds Pro Support Next Week

    A better looking apocalypse

    Fallout 4 is finally getting PS4 Pro support next week, Bethesda has confirmed. Patch 1.9 will add in some extra graphical oomph for those of you playing on Sony's supercharged system, with the developer promising native 1440p resolution, enhanced draw distance, and better god ray effects. Basically, it's going to look a...

  • News Don't Worry, That Fallout 4 PS4 Pro Patch Is Still Coming

    Hopefully it arrives before the bombs drop

    Yeah, we know that it's been a long time since this was last mentioned, but apparently, that elusive PS4 Pro patch for Fallout 4 is still in the works - it hasn't been canned or put to one side, as some onlookers have suggested over the last few months. As is usually the case with stuff like this,...

  • DLC Review Building Deathclaw Arenas in Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop on PS4

    Are you not entertained?

    Unlike Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, Fallout 4's second slice of downloadable content, doesn't feature any quests, stories, or new characters. It's very much an add-on pack in both name and nature, providing you with a load of new settlement crafting options and not much else. However, for its relatively low price tag,...

  • News You Can Get Your Oily Hands on Fallout 4's New DLC Starting Tonight


    Fallout 4's second downloadable offering, Wasteland Workshop, is due to release on the 12th April - but as with Automatron, you'll actually be able to nab the add-on when the clocks strike 12:00AM tonight. That's midnight across Europe, taking into account respective time zones, and midnight EST in North America. In case you haven't been...

  • News Fallout 4 Has a Secret that No One Has Discovered Yet

    According to Todd Howard

    Fallout 4's back in the headlines recently following the game's downloadable content reveal, and Bethesda creative director Todd Howard seems adamant to keep people talking about the studio's latest release. During his DICE talk last night, Howard teased a "secret" in Fallout 4 that, as far as he's aware, no one has...

  • News Fallout 4's Next Patch Goes Nuclear on PS4 This Week

    Patch me up, doc

    Fallout 4's patch 1.3 has emerged from its beta testing stage on PC, and will be available on PlayStation 4 later this week, Bethesda has revealed. In truth, the update doesn't really do anything overly exciting - it just fixes a ton of bugs, both general and quest-specific, and adds a "status menu" so that you can track your...

  • News Ridiculous Fallout 4 Numbers Point to Bethesda's Most Successful Launch Ever

    It certainly didn't bomb

    Bethesda seems to have really knocked it out with Fallout 4. The post-apocalyptic role-playing game has been headlining every major gaming website all week now, so it's safe to say that it's popular – but even its most optimistic fans wouldn't have thought that it'd be this popular. The studio has stated that the title...

  • News Uh Oh, GAME Is Cancelling Some Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition Pre-Orders

    Good timing, guys

    Well, isn't that just great? In a move that's exactly what you want from your store of choice just days before Fallout 4's release, there are reports that GAME is cancelling some pre-orders of the title's Pip-Boy Edition. The deluxe edition of the game has become something of a phenomenon, having completely sold out not too long...

  • News Fallout 4's Canine Companion Is Based on This Very Happy Dog

    Is probably being paid in snacks

    Fallout 4's going to have quite a few companions that can be convinced to join you on your adventures, and while we have no doubt that there'll be some colourful characters up for grabs, everyone loves a bit of Dogmeat. Okay, so that sentence didn't quite come out the way that we planned, but we're eager to see the...

  • News Perception Is the Point of Fallout 4's Newest Video

    Don't get too cocky there, sport

    Fallout 4's educational video series is back, and this time it tackles perception. The perception skill makes you more accurate in VATS mode, and also helps you do some not so legal things - like pickpocketing and picking locks. It goes without saying, but the wacky humour is back and it's actually pretty...

  • News Three Dog Voice Actor Not Returning for Fallout 4

    Insert Three Dog howl here

    It looks like Erik Todd Dellums, the voice behind Three Dog in Fallout 3, won't be filling the airwaves of Fallout 4's wasteland. The voice actor took to Twitter last week to express his disappointment with not being included in the upcoming Bethesda role-playing game. "I admit, the finality of this tweet felt like a gut...

  • News Don't Worry If Crafting Isn't Your Thing, Fallout 4 Won't Make You Do It

    Not needed to complete the game

    Crafting systems can be divisive things. Some people love pottering around in games like Minecraft for hours on end, building makeshift homes and gathering materials for new equipment, but it's certainly not for everybody. Fortunately, if you're the type who lets out a deep sigh when you discover that your new...

  • News Fallout 4's Pip-Boy Collector's Edition Has Been Nuked from Production

    Better hope you got yours

    If the constant stock shortages weren't evidence enough, Fallout 4's pip-boy collector's edition has been in incredibly high demand ever since it was revealed at E3 2015. The package, which comes with a wearable pip-boy casing that you could use to hold your smartphone, has been removed from sale following the news that its...

  • News Fallout 4's Official Strategy Guide Is Here and It's Bound to Be Hefty

    It'd likely make a decent melee weapon

    Whether it's The Elder Scrolls or Fallout, Bethesda's open world escapades always release alongside a weighty strategy guide, and Fallout 4 will be no different. When the upcoming post-apocalyptic adventure launches on the 10th November, you'll be able to snag the official guide along with it, and the best news...

  • News Celebrate the Coming Apocalypse with This Rather Nice Fallout 4 Lithograph

    Tomorrow may never come

    It's already been established that Fallout 4 isn't the best looking game, but if there's one thing that we really like about it, it's the art direction. The upcoming sequel appears to inject some colour into the series' typically dour post-apocalyptic theme, and that's expressed quite nicely in a new lithograph that you can...

  • News VATS Doesn't Completely Pause the Action in Fallout 4

    War does change

    Speaking with The Telegraph, Bethesda's always approachable Todd Howard has spilled some more details regarding Fallout 4. The post-apocalyptic adventure was blown wide open at E3 2015 last month, and finer points have been slowly leaking out ever since. With the game set for release this November, we'll no doubt be hearing more and...

  • E3 2015 Fallout 4 PC Mods Will Likely Come to PS4 in 2016

    Rad ideas

    Earlier today at Microsoft's E3 press conference, Bethesda developer lead Todd Howard announced that PC-made mods for Fallout 4 would be coming to Xbox One. However, he didn't mention any kind of strict exclusivity, which has unsurprisingly led to much speculation over whether the feature will appear on the PlayStation 4. Bethesda's open...