Trek to Yomi isn't much of a trek, to be honest. This tribute to classic samurai cinema is only a few hours long at most, taking place across just a handful of story chapters. But what Trek to Yomi lacks in longevity, it makes up for in sheer atmosphere and spectacle. It's a superbly crafted indie adventure from a visual point of view, packed with rich environments and topped off with excellent direction through fixed camera angles. It's a real treat for the eyes.
Trek to Yomi tells the tale of a duty-bound warrior named Hiroki, and when war comes knocking at his door, he puts his skills with a sword to good use in defence of his people. It's a pretty straightforward premise that goes to interesting and perhaps unexpected places. There isn't much dialogue, but the game is happy to let its masterful presentation do most of the talking.

This is essentially a side-scrolling action title. There's some room for exploration every now and then — usually leading to either collectibles or health / stamina boosting items — but it's a largely linear adventure as you move swiftly from one scene to the next. Indeed, the majority of your time will be spent cutting down dastards with your trusty blade, complete with over the top screams and sound effects.
The combat system itself is decent overall, but it can take a little getting used to because of how floaty it initially feels. Character animations can be a bit janky — especially when Hiroki suddenly snaps into a close range parry from six feet away — but never to a point where it feels like you're lacking control. And that's a good thing, because precision is paramount. Enemies attack quickly and without much warning, so a lot of encounters tend to enforce defensive actions before taking the opportunity to strike back.
As such, parries are the key to success, opening your opponents up for what is often a killing blow or killing combo. On its normal difficulty, Trek to Yomi isn't a massively challenging game, but some trial and error might be required when you're up against specific enemy types or bosses. Thankfully, checkpoints are frequent, and there is a well balanced, easier difficulty setting if you're looking to learn.

Again, the action is solid enough, but even taking the game's short length into consideration, repetition does start to set in later on. If you're anything like us, you'll discover a couple of key combos that seem to render a lot of your other moves redundant. It's a shame, because you steadily unlock loads of cool-sounding techniques throughout Trek to Yomi, but we didn't find much use for most of them — not when we could just hit the lethal one-two-three combo after every successful block or parry.
But look, the simple truth is that samurai duels during moody downpours will always be alluring — and Trek to Yomi captures that cinematic magic shockingly well at times. The game's flaws are quite easy to forgive when it manages to siphon its inspirations so effectively.
Trek to Yomi does enough to satisfy in its short runtime — helped by the fact that it's reasonably priced at £15.99 / $19.99 — but its replay value is up for debate. While there are multiple endings to see — based on a couple of key choices — none of your unlocked collectibles, skills, or upgrades carry through to subsequent runs. Given its straightforward structure, Trek to Yomi's begging for some kind of New Game+ mode — but it isn't here at launch.
Trek to Yomi is a decent samurai action game, elevated greatly by its superb presentation. Clocking in at only a few hours, this is a brief but ultimately satisfying tale, stitched together by some simple but very effective environmental design, and a combat system that rewards careful play. It's not quite side-scrolling Ghost of Tsushima, but it is an impressively atmospheric love letter to samurai cinema.
Comments 54
If anyone's got any questions about the game or the review, let me know and I'll try to answer them.
Sadly glad I didn't pre-order it with it being so short and only decent overall. I will still play it eventually, but likely on Game Pass rather than pay for such a short game.
Can you pick between 60 or 30 FPS? Personally would play it at 24 to get that real cinema vibe.
Eshhh. Short and “decent” two things I don’t wanna hear about a game or in the bedroom haha. But seriously
It looks great and definitely ticks the box for me style wise. Any idea what the trophy list is like?
I just preordered last night im actually really glad it's shorter the last couple of games have all been 80plus hours it'll be nice to have something to bang out in between bigger titles . Nice review thank you.
@tameshiyaku Nope, no graphics options aside from filter intensity.
@render Quite straightforward but difficult. A number of Trophies require you to beat bosses without getting hit. There are also Trophies for beating the game on hard and very hard, which takes a lot of practice and repetition.
@ShogunRok Thanks, it sounds like it should make the game last a lot longer in my case 😅
@tameshiyaku I was half expecting it to look "choppy" for that authenticity.
Happy I own a Series S along with my PS5. I can play the short adventure on GamePass.
@ShogunRok How is the Performance on PS5? Read that it has some FPS issues on XSX
@IonMagi Perfectly fine, as far as I could tell. Solid 60fps from start to finish.
Its what I expected from the developers - a game relatively high on Visual atmosphere but low on Game-play, story and length - but then it is an 'indie' style game and priced accordingly.
If I can be 'bothered' to try it, at least Game Pass will let me blast through it without any additional financial investment from me. Otherwise, I doubt I'd bother at all - at least not until its on sale or given away on PS+/GwG.
Is there any other weapons besides the katana you can use?
It sounds like a decently fun time. I plan to pick it up at some point.
You son of a b**** — I'm in.
I mean I am going to order it.
@Korgon There are ranged weapons as well. They have limited ammo but there's quite a lot of it scattered around each level.
Definitely getting this game.been on my radar since the first trailer. That a really good its all good. Word up son
I've been super interested in this, I'll play it on Gamepass on my Series S.
We have Ghost of Tsushima at home.
A different game altogether, but Inside and Limbo are 2 of my favourite games of all time, simply because of the aesthetics and sound design, not to mention the length of each game.
This game will be perfect for me.
Great review, thanks.
Lol,I predicted the 7/10 yesterday in the trek to yomi launch trailer thread, glad I was right.
@hulkie I had to stop myself from replying.
It looks absolutely stunning.
Giving me of 9 Monkeys of Shaolin vibes, which I really enjoyed too.
Not too fussed about the length of the story but I do wish there was newgame+ with upgrades and collectibles carrying over for the higher difficulty playthroughs.
Gfx look nice.
If I ever get sony gamepass I might try it but it doesn't seem like a game that I would need to 'own'. Really most games I don't care to own but here we are.
@GalacticBreakdown Fantastic! And I'll chuck the Devs a measly 15 quid for their hard work!
The review only mentions a few hours,but is the game at least 3 hours or more?
@hulkie Depends how quickly you get through it. If you find it quite easy (or if you play on the easy difficulty) you could probably complete the game in 2 and a half hours or so. Maybe even less.
A first playthrough on the normal difficulty took me around 3 hours, give or take.
9 Monkeys Of Shaolin was great so will play this on game pass
I’ll try the opening half hour on my Series S and if I dig it, I’ll grab the PS5 version. If not, I’ll at least give the game a full playthrough courtesy of Game Pass. I mean, it’s so gorgeous, it’d almost be a crime not to.
Excellent Game Pass game. Can't wait to play it tonight.
@ShogunRok Only a few hours of decent quality then - that'll do. Although on that basis, why Playstation Access chose to stream 90 minutes of gameplay earlier is anybody's guess...!
@Marquez Haha, when I was capturing the footage for Aaron's video review, I played through the first two levels in about half an hour. Had to remind myself that going any further would probably be spoilers!
Nice, I'll be playing this on gamepass
@KayOL77 what a strange flex. I'm confused as to why you responded to me directly to say that unless you're really just being passive aggressive & weird.
Played a couple of hours earlier, seems good so far, looking forward to getting a bit further in.
It's a fun game when its not glitching out all over the place, enemies zoom across the screen and disappear.
Your sword disappears but you become invulnerable so you cant hit anyone and can't be hit so you are stuck at whatever scenario you are at and need to restart at a checkpoint and this happens frequently.
The game looks stunningly beautiful! A few hours to complete is perfect for me. Can’t wait to indulge my inner-samurai
@GalacticBreakdown Yeah, sorry about the passive aggressiveness. But wierdness is my thing 😋
@Crisbhoy Im playing on ps5,1 hour in,0 problems
Have this installed but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Really looking forward to playing it tomorrow after work. Exactly my type of game
Played a couple of hours on gamepass. It's good, combat is mainly block and hit square a couple of times. It just makes we want more Ghost of Tsushima. Really hope they announce a sequel for it this year.
@KayOL77 You do know that MS pays for games to go onto gamepass?
Wouldn’t the one hit death unlock after beating the game be similar to new game+??
So I have a question now that I've spent some time with this game but do the buttons combos not feel responsive enough? There are to sections in the game so far that seem way more challenging then they need to be but it's not that the enemies are any more challenging but the controls don't seem to respond well .
Shame, I guess I'll wait for a 50% off sale before buying!
7/10 is generous for a combat based game with abysmal combat. It feels generally unfinished, there's zero weight to it and the input lag is shocking at times. Also, who's idea was it to make a B&W game with white subtitles and no option to letterbox them? Ridiculous.
I'm at chapter 5 so probably just over halfway through the game. Nothing spectacular surrounding the combat. Exploration is minimal, but does leave some room for discovery.
I would rate this a 6/10 as I think that the combat should have been more robust, given that it is the game's focus.
@ShogunRok Any footage in a review will show spoilers, but people accept them for the beginning of a game if they watch a review.
This is a tenner game; double on launch you’d be done with in one session no way am I forking out price of a charlie chan set dinner and coming away with no nourishment.
The game is unfinished & the score is high. Fed up of devs thinking this is acceptable. I played it on gamepass & I'm still annoyed at how bad the game is. Glad I did t pay for it
As Jim Royal would say.... My ar.....
Just finished this on ronin difficulty. Absolutely loved it! The atmosphere and sound effects were fantastic. Didn’t find issues with combat that some people seem to be complaining about. It was deeper than I anticipated and many of the enemies had to be approached differently in order to get through them efficiently. I also liked the collectibles telling me more about Japanese mythology and folklore. If you have any interest in samurai, Japanese history and culture I recommend this game! Think the launch price is also very fair. Really don’t understand people’s expectations towards indie devs sometimes.
Definitely glad I did not buy this. All it is parry, and press X, X, Y and then finisher the whole game. Excruciatingly boring, especially coming after me getting, and admittedly being stuck atm, to Yang on Master Mode on Sifu.
The high and low attacks are pointless once you get the first stagger combo, and I don't even know why those attacks are in the game... Yeah sure game, like I'd try and use those high and low combos, that straight up don't work sometimes, when I can parry and X X Y my way to victory. It just sucks.
Even the visuals are kind of held back by a lack of attention to detail such as a missing blood splatter. Which is disappointing.
People that whine about game lengths being too short and therefore not value for money are so cringey.
The kind of people who are happy to play a 100 hour game filled with repeating garbage. 🤦♀️
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