
Topic: The Boost Thread: GTAV, RDO etc...

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Not that I haven’t got enough on my plate but… if anyone is interested in boosting the MP on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine let me know.

**** DLC!


@Bundersvessel yeah it’s another ps3 title (I picked a copy up for £5 from CeX) and from what I gather it’s a load of custom matches (some co-op and some pvp I think). Most trophies are achievable with just two players, though a couple of them do require three.

**** DLC!


@Bundersvessel one more thing, I’ve just read that an online pass was provided with the original game that enables players to progress passed level 5 (& is therefore needed for the plat). It’s a one-time thing, so if the pass present in the case is used (or not even in there as is the case with mine) you would need to buy an elite pass from the PS3 store.

I’ll check out the PS3 store later, to see whether it’s still available 👍

**** DLC!


@Bundersvessel so I’ve just had a look on the PS3 PSN store… and I couldn’t find the online pass. It doesn’t mean it’s not there tbh as the ps3 store is bloody awful. I remember finding the Rage dlc after scouring the whole store even though it didn’t turn up as a search result.

I’ll have another look tomorrow when I have a bit more time

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Nice one mate. A little search on the internet seems to present conflicting stories, that it has in fact been removed entirely from the uk store or the opposite. Also it’s either called the Team Kill Box or Elite Pass when searching 👍


@Bundersvessel @render @CaptD hey guys, just wondering what Rebellion co-op everyone wanted to make a start on over the coming months. We’ve obviously discussed Zombie Army Trilogy and Strange Brigade… and I’m happy playing either tbh. Just looking to install which ever one we choose is all.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Good question, my impulse is ZA but Strange Brigade would be good as it is a different vibe 🤔


@colonelkilgore @Bundersvessel Not sure, perhaps Strange brigade as I don't think anyone (except me) has played it so it might be good to go first with that as multiple playthroughs are required so playing first would enable us to have a bit of time before subsequent playthroughs, if that makes sense.
PS. I see Sniper 2 remastered is in the sale, only £1.49. I've already completed it but that is a great price.



@colonelkilgore @CaptD @Bundersvessel I've been flagging on the boosting front but I'm up for something less intensive in the time department as that's what I'm sadly lacking at the moment. I'm good with Strange Brigade if you guys are? I've been sitting on that one for a long while having played it when it first came out so that would be fun.


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