Released for PS5, PS4 just over a year ago, Ubisoft is celebrating Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown as it marks its one-year anniversary with a new trailer. It mostly works as an accolades trailer, pulling review quotes from media outlets and displaying them over gameplay footage. The worst part about it, though, is the despite the marketing, we will never see a sequel.
The internal team within Ubisoft Montpellier was disbanded in October, with employees "shifted to other projects". Luckily, no layoffs were recorded as part of the restructuring and Ubisoft Montpellier itself is still open, but the chances of Prince of Persia returning in this Metroidvania format are now second to none — at least for the years to come. Ubisoft still has Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake in the works, currently slated for a 2026 release.

Since its January 2024 launch, the game has been impressively well supported in spite of the disappointing sales that led to most members of the internal team being moved to different Ubisoft projects. A full story DLC in Mask of Darkness released alongside various bonus modes and combat and platforming challenges. The title was received well critically at least, garnering a Metacritic rating of 86.
In our own Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown PS5 review, we awarded an 8/10 rating and concluded: "Combining the series' 2D past with the time-bending powers from later games, this Metroidvania is a brilliant blend that brings the franchise back in a fresh new way."
Comments 37
It was a favorite of mine last year easy runner-up to Astro Bot but its release timing, abysmal marketing and lack of trust with Ubisoft really hurt it.
I actually liked PoP The forgotten Sands on PS3 I enjoyed that game had some frustrating bits it was a good game platted it as well as the other one that was a bit weird and more of a platformer with Nolan North voicing the main guy. I never played the PS2 games
I expect Ubisoft to be sold but I feel whoever wants them Tencent or whoever wants the CEO brothers/Family totally out
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My friend who worked at Ubisoft said that Lost Crown is the beginning of the redemption arc. Oh the irony.
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Ubisoft are collecting Ls like they are infinity stones.
Please correct an article. Ubisoft did not close Ubisoft Montpellier. They just disbanded PoP team inside a studio. And moved devs to other projects.
Ubisoft Montpellier is still up and running and it's leading developer on Beyond Good and Evil 2.
Where sequel, Ubi
@Godot25 Did you read the article? Literally look at the start of the second paragraph.
This will always be a real shame to me. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown was one of my favorite games last year. I ended up getting the platinum trophy. But more importantly, it was one of Ubisoft’s best game in years, and finally did something different than their usual types of games: They went back to their roots.
Fantastic game and one of the best games of 2024, really sucks it didn't sell better.
@Kraven Still holding hope for this supposed remake of the original Prince of Persia 🤞
The best metroidvania in YEARS.
@PorkChopExpress Spot on mate, we get one of the best single player games in years (my GOTY last year) and no one buys it then complains there are no single player games! TBF I think most comments are referring to Sony 1st party games but you are bang on the money buddy!
Another dead studio. If only greedy devs would learn what people want and just stick to making focused single player games without massive budgets, they’d make an absolute killing. Countless people on the internet have assured me of this.
They should have make the prince as protagonist, not random people that doesn't have anything to do with the prince. At that point, just make a new ip and don't piggy back the prince of persia ip.
The Lost Crown is absolutely brilliant. It's a bargain at full price but is regularly on sale for about £18 and I would urge everyone to give it a go at that amount. It's rammed with content, plays beautifully and whilst perhaps not the most original it still does have some really great ideas of its own. Seriously if you like Metroidvanias you will not find much better than this one.
@PorkChopExpress People love to talk big on the internet but they clearly are not the majority. The average gamer doesn’t care about these types of games at all.
if ubi soft does license out some of its game i'd love to see what sony could do with prince of persia
@ChrisDeku I don't think the studio is dead, they are just working on something else (possibly a 2D Rayman if rumours are to be believed)
@Shad361 or they are willing to spend the big bucks for games they're familiar with (Assassin's Creed, CoD, Fifa, etc), but are happy to wait to get smaller games for free or after a year when they get a substantial price cut.
This game was actually really good. Sad days the studio closed.
I don't care what anyone says, Prince of Persia The Lost Crown is a masterpiece. I bought it day one, played and platniumed it. Plus I copped the DLC The Dark Mask, which was a great expansion to the vanilla version.
It still hurts me, the studio with so much talent got shut down.
@naruball lol How does people waiting until a game is free or buying it for 5 dollars truly help a company? That’s barely any actual profit made.
And that’s not even happening to that big of a degree either. Always the same cod gta fifa madden etc on the charts and occasionally a new title or 2 will make it and then immediately fall off the charts the next month.
These smaller games virtually make no difference in the long run to these companies. They all want 5-10 million sellers minimum
@Oram77 Did you read it? “The game's developer, Ubisoft Montpellier, was disbanded in October.” This is not true, or at least not worded correctly. Ubisoft Montpellier was not disbanded, just the team within it that worked on this game. Hence why Godot25 suggested the article be corrected. The subheading also reads “RIP Ubisoft Montpellier” which is a clue what the article is (wrongly) saying.
@wiiware PoP 2008 protag isn't a prince but a random + nameless adventurer and i still enjoyed the game a lot.
I still can't believe they disband this studio.
Literally the only studio under ubisoft with any real talent, and just look how bad ubisoft are doing.
Need to get rid of ubi now.
At least a great game will always be great 😄
@Bez87 That's what some people were saying above, they DID NOT disband the Montpellier studio. The studio is still opened, with every people still working there. They just disbanded a small team and placed them on other projects within that same studio.
The studio is very much open and running. Please correct the header and sub header on the article.
@Shad361 you said people didn't want it. I explained why a game may not sell well even if people are interested in it.
@Lup one of, to be exact - the genre has only bloomed stronger yet over the last couple generations. But it also qualifies as a grand return to form for the series rooted among the arguable progenitors and pioneers of metroidvanias as such.
Not for me, I know what I said. The best one, in my personal opinion.
Maybe I should have clarified that, but I thought it was implied.
Like Mario Rabbids or Red Steel 2, I think Lost Crown had a chance for sure. Unfortunate for the team that worked on it yet the bigger side of the studio still going and whatever still working on. Beyond Good and Evil 2 still? Rayman is like Sam Fisher just offered when they feel like it.
Splintercell remake or whatever is still a ways off from a different studio too.
They won't make a new Rayman that's for sure. Whatever else they are known for.
Sure it's trying to offer a higher budget then Indies Metroidvania and IP revival. Which is a challenge but I think they pulled it off.
They were trying to sell a niche and that's very hard to do. I own 2 copies, 1 Switch, 1 PS4. I think this game is pretty good. Not the best thing I haven't played a lot of it and prefer other Prince of Persia games like Forgotten Sands on Wii but like I said I think it had a lot of good in it still.
@PuppetMaster The gameplay seems good but the moment I saw the protagonist isn't the prince, I lost my interest.
It's the equivalent of new legend of zelda games, but you're not playing link (or zelda) but a random zelda guard and rescuing link instead, and in the end, link died haha. F this game story, and f the game writer.
@Ooccoo_Jr There is this classic problem with Ubi games again:
I haven’t bought it in January for 60 (?) EUR, but in March for 25 EUR for Switch, and enjoyed it a lot. And I think it’s a smart move for me personally, even if it hurts the publisher. It’s up to Ubisoft to change the pricing and reflect the pride for its quality.
I have never played a PoP game in my 28 years of gaming, yet this release piqued my interest. Still haven't picked it up yet, mind. You know, what with the backlog and all that...
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