Battlefield 2042 was not the revolutionary next step for the long-running FPS franchise fans had been hoping for, with the futuristic shooter facing a barrage of bugs at launch and backlash from the hardcore community.
Despite it all, EA CEO Andrew Wilson says he has "extraordinary confidence" in the revitalised Battlefield leadership team, and during the company's latest investor report (thanks GamesRadar+), repeatedly mentioned the company's "ability to bring Battlefield back in an entirely new way in the future".
When asked about how projects attached to Battlefield IP are progressing, Wilson stated that "we don't have any date announcements" before proceeding to express his "extraordinary confidence in the progress they're making against the future of that franchise".
In recent months, the Battlefield 2042 ship has begun to turn, with a return to the classic class system fans had been clamouring for and fun limited-time events being implemented (not to mention drastic map overhauls). It's a far cry from the bad old days of support following the title's launch, an era which, at times, felt pretty dire.
How are you feeling about Battlefield these days, are you playing regularly? Are you optimistic regarding future entries in the series? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source gamesradar.com]
Comments 30
No more specialists! That's what I want most moving forward.
The future is portal, they really need to expand it for the next game.
@RawnDawn yeah, they can start with putting some of the BF4 maps in it like that Shanghai level where you can collapse the skyscraper. Other than Orbital with the exploding rocket I can’t think of any other map that had some of the crazy events that BF4 had.
He always finds new ways to ***** up the franchise does Andrew. Guaranteed the cycle of releasing an unfinished game will continue
Glad someone has confidence in the franchise because after V and 2042, I have NONE. Nor will I ever buy another BF game again until 1) it's been reviewed solidly and positively by the general player base & 2) it's on sale.
@RawnDawn Couldn't agree more. Portal was the lone bright spot in the flaming dumpster fire that was 2042 but it also wasn't without it's issues. If they really hone it and flesh it out a little better that could be the selling point of any future games alone.
I think they will go for f2p model
entirely new way maybe say finish it before launch
@anon_pel222 honestly, I hope they don't. I'm sick and tired of seeing battle passes everywhere and content added to f2p games (besides Fortnite and Apex) is very poor. Mainly because no one buys the micro transactions. With Fortnite and Apex it's a bit different.
I gave up on bf2042 after it became apparant that EA just dont listen to what fans really want. No dedicated tdm or sdm (squad dm was the best mode ever especially hardcore sdm). The gunplay was solid and the graphics are great but it really needs those 2 modes implementing permantley for me to consider returning. Now if they brought out a new bad company game 🤔
@DETfaninATL @RawnDawn yes portal is really good fun but it needs dedicated servers as the p2p servers are laggy as heck. What a waste.
No need for a new game or to change anything except continue to update Hazard mode again. It's the perfect multiplayer and nothing else ever needed (besides the upcoming lou mp of course)
They said similar things leading up to 2042. Don’t preorder.
Are BF2042 games populated by real players these days or are they filled out with bots? Really hate that feature. If not, I might go back to 5, which just plays great in its final form…
I've been enjoying 2042 with a couple of friends against the AI since we picked it up 'free' on Plus.
I haven't bought any Battlefield game since BF4 at the launch of PS4. Never really did enjoy competitive FPS and much prefer those with a decent length single-player and co-op.
I know it won't be, but I would actually love it if Guerilla's next game was a Killzone title with a lengthy campaign and upto 4-player drop-in/drop-out co-op.
Platform game?
Nah, they're gonna make the same mistakes again.
Which is why I think now would be the perfect time for Sony to announce M.A.G.2 for PS5 + PC.
BF4 was the last game in the series that didn’t have micro-transactions and live-service limited time events. That was now ten years ago. I’ve not enjoyed a BF game as much since. It’s a shame that we will likely never go back to that simplified multiplayer model. I would be drawn back to MP games if they could offer those no-frills, solid experiences again.
Honestly I think they might have a great succes if they remake or reboot bad company 2, give assault class back ammo packs en let the class with lmg’s revive again/have med kits again. Have smaller teams, 128vs128 sounds good and fun on paper but not if the games are not populated.
They will want to make the next one perfect since sony will most likely be wanting to market their game once they lose the rights to call of duty.
Been having a blast with 2042 since it went up on ps plus. 70+ hours put into it. Easily the best BF since 4!
It's a shame battlefield 2042 released the way it did but the breakthrough mode on the highest difficulty with bots is really good especially if you cannot be arsed to be on the edge of your seat, sweating against the most ratty players, leveling up is a thing aswell for the pve mode which is a bonus compared to others games.
Just remember, fun first.
@Northern_munkey Agreed. That was my biggest issue with the mode. They just couldn’t get anything right about that game for a LOOOOONG time.
Can't wait for the hype cycle to crash and burn the next game as it's done for the last 2.
I doubt it but you'd want to hope it does then such standard words.
Then again when was the last time I saw destruction or the swap feature (the reason I like Battlefield 2 Modern Combat so much despite it's aged) or other aspects that were actually exciting in Battlefield games with how serious they are these days.
It better turn around though. Then again BOPs Declassified and BO4 made it clear on singleplayer importance. 2042 also besides how it had issues/then came around somewhat I assume.
I wish I could find lobbies for just PS4/PS5 consoles. I don't want to play with PC players who at best have an unfair advantage with KB/M or at worst are using hacks.
Oh CEO of company says game will be good? Well I'm sold.
I dont believe him, I need to see the proof.
@captainaverage That's the problem. If you do that, you can't find many lobbies for playing at all. Everyone is playing in the crossplay lobbies.
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