Atomic Heart, the alternate history shooter set in Soviet Union-era Russia, is fast approaching release on PS5 and PS4. We've been super curious about this one ever since its announcement, and on 21st February, we'll finally be able to check it out ourselves. As always, the arrival of a new PlayStation game means a new set of Trophies, and this game's list has now appeared online.
It's a fairly typical list of 42 digital trinkets, including the Platinum. The one that may give people the most trouble is a gold Trophy asking players to complete the game in Hardcore mode. Difficulty-based Trophies aren't a favourite among Trophy hunters, but of course, there are plenty of others to obtain.
Fortunately, many tasks on Atomic Heart's list seem relatively straightforward; kill certain enemy types, collect all the weapons, fully upgrade a skill tree, all the usual stuff. However, there are some less conventional Trophies here. You'll need to get drunk on vodka and then kill five enemies, get to a hospital, and talk to the deceased.
We're certain the game will be pretty unique, and the Trophies certainly back that up. Check out the full list through the link if you're curious. Will you be playing Atomic Heart? Drink up in the comments section below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 27
Who says difficulty based Trophies aren’t a favourite? Believe me, they are much preferred to timed completions, no death runs, and pretty much any missable trophy. Not to mention online trophies. I’ve not heard anyone complain about difficulty trophies unless they don’t stack if there are multiple. In fact, I’ve heard more complaints about the lack of difficulty based trophies than I have their inclusion.
I can't see people buying this with everything that's gone off. I'll support it if it's a decent game I'm not sure it will be though
Vodka thats as russian as you get.atomic looks good.word up son
cant wait for this game, it looks so good
Looking forward to this one very much, as long as we get new game plus I don't mind hard play throughs at all. Bring on the 21st.
@thefourfoldroot1 Hogwarts Legacy is a great example of not having difficulty trophies but being more annoying to platinum since you have to play roughly 2-3 hours with three different throwaway characters in different houses to get it. I'm fine with hardcore mode trophy, depending on whether it's a permadeath thing or not.
@thefourfoldroot1 FWIW I never liked difficulty based trophies but I also don't like the other ones you mentioned either.
As a semi-reformed achievement/trophy hunter I think they were originally a great idea but are used so poorly in so many games in order to artificially inflate a games lifespan that it often damages the game. It makes games outstay their welcome and often people will put the controller down, more in relief, the moment that final trophy/cheevo is attained. Lost it's way.
I know this game looks great, but I am a gamer from Ukraine and it is important for me to remind - Atomic Heart developers are based in russia and their investors are tightly connected with russian government. You will indirectly support russian invasion in Ukraine by playing this game.
Exactly. That is bloody annoying and just comes from the devs trolling people who like trophies I think. That, or they think their game is so great that people should want to play through largely the same 2 hours of material 4 times!
We’ll know which by how long it takes them to to fix the collector glitched trophy. They claim to have done it for tomorrows patch…
It’s true many devs just add them as a seeming afterthought unfortunately. Still, they definitely extend the lifespan of games I love. Doing the trophy campaign can actually be more fun that a straight narrative campaign for me.
I drink vodka for most platinums in all honesty 🤔
@thefourfoldroot1 I think I can count on one hand, or maybe hands and feet, games where I think they significantly elevated the experience. Things like Plasma-cutter only run on Dead Space. Mostly it just creates more needless busywork in an era where most games are already too bloated.
They are added as an afterthought because they are forced to add them, often against their will. Most devs I've talked to don't care for them sadly. It's a missed opportunity.
Shame they have such a lack of imagination. But not all devs. Just like some are better than others in other areas, some are better than others in crafting excellent additional challenges. Then, some are just bad at creating narrative campaigns, so the trophy campaigns are better by default. Then there are the games with no seeming progression at all, sometimes by design, where the trophy campaign is pretty much the whole challenge.
Game looks fun. Have it pre-installed
Rarely chase trophies but getting drunk on Vodka and doing random stuff I will try.
@themightyant I just want fun trophies again. Whatever happened to stuff like in Dying Light where you have to stick a burning zombie on spikes or killing an enemy with a wrench followed by a drop attack? Devs are so lazy about them.
Looks great, can’t wait to play this!
@romayavorskyi Unfortunately life doesn't work that way. Any bet we're sat in our homes filled with furniture and goods made in countries with despicable human rights records. I'm not saying it's right but that's the world we live in.
Can't wait to tackle this platinum.
@thefourfoldroot1 The crazy thing is that you don’t even need to beat the game. You just need to complete a few of the main quests in each house, but that basically means several hours of unskippable tutorials three extra times. I wouldn’t mind if they had new fame plus though, so hopefully they add that at some point. The game is genuinely THAT good that I would totally play through it several times over. But with characters I do not care to play? Nah, I’ll pass.
I know. They could have easily just made it a “get picked for each house” trophy. Instead they make you play a couple of hours on each character. Really does feel like trolling doesn’t it? Lol
As a dedicated trophy hunter I have to say this list looks fun w/ the one exception of a trophy for completing the game on hardcore mode. I get a bit tired of games doing this, depending on the criteria for ‘hardcore’. If it’s just a standard play through but on a harder setting that’s one thing, but if it’s a permadeath mode, very limited saves or something like Wolfenstein 2’s ‘Mein Leiben’ trophy, it’s one of the most un-fun types of trophies IMHO. Something like the aforementioned ’Mein Leiben’ will put me off a game altogether and cause me to skip it. Just too much else out there to play. Here’s to hoping it’s nothing too crazy.
@romayavorskyi that is most reactionary from you. How many products of US brands do you own, with the US being the foremost of all countries guilty of imperialistic endeavors?
Cancelling individual products doesn't do anything at all. But nice try!
You'll need to get drunk on vodka and then kill five enemies, get to a hospital, and talk to the deceased
If that were a single trophy, it would have been quite original : )
Gonna play the game on PC because it's gonna be available via Game Pass Ultimate.
But a word of advice for those looking to purchase it day one: wait for reviews first.
The game looks very good but chances are that's all there is to it, there's something in the trailers that leaves that kind of vibe, of a 6-7 rated game, that's not gonna really live up to the hype.
I could be wrong, of course, and I hope I am.
But as usual lately with new IP's, it's wise to temper one's expectations and see what the reviewers say... your wallet may end up thanking you for not using it in vain.
Awesome and funny trailer for the game!
@Shinnok789 its also avalible on PC gamepass no need for ultimate
@palmab It was meant as a general info, but it's good you mentioned it, for others that need it.
I already have 18 months of Ultimate (took advantage of the well known "bugs" that still work, to get them for ~75$ instead of ~200$), had no reason to check if it was also available on the lower tier : )
I won't be bothering with trophies for this game then, will delete after just beating the story campaign.
I have very limited free time and can't be wasting it on Harder difficulty modes or New Game Plus playthroughs.
Before you promote this game further, you need to look into the ties between the developers and the Russian government.
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