Back in the late 90s, we would all boot up our original PlayStation consoles on old school CRT TVs, and we'd be happy with that. The Sony Computer Entertainment and PS1 logos would appear in turn on a screen which was, at the absolute max, 40 inches, but realistically, probably half that. Maybe half again if you were rocking one of those "portable" tellies with a built-in VHS player. At any size, however, the startup sequence was and still is a banger — just imagine it on a screen the size of a bus.
Well, actually, you don't need to imagine it. Sony has just posted exactly this on its socials; the PS1 booting up on a 35-foot screen:
That's approximately 10.6 metres, though the imperial measurement feels more appropriate if we're staying in the 90s. Anyway, that's about the height of a telephone pole, or roughly half the length of a tennis court. It's a big TV, and seeing our beloved PS1 booting up on such a thing just makes it all the better. Once the shot has zoomed out you can see the comparably minuscule console in the bottom right if you want a visual for the scale.
Would you like to play your old favourites on a telly that huge? Go big in the comments section below.
Comments 19
Wish they'd let us customize our PS4 startup with this & the PS2 one
Is that a screen that belongs on the side of a building? 🤔
They committed a sin by stretching it
It was perfection back in 1995. It's perfection now. Very weird that Sony didn't keep on using it. I know it's sort of there in the background on their current Sony studio jingle, but it's hardly the same.
definitely prefer the ps2 to ps1 in every way . the start up for ps2 on that screen would be a real experience . like being pulled into space or through a black hole.and the scary sounds it had are timeless , love the ps2
Except the games wil look like total ass.
@Would_you_kindly I wish we had themes on ps5 like the ps1 theme on ps4.
@RedRiot193 yes themes please. I don’t get why this wasn’t implemented right away. Easy slam dunk in my opinion
Still hits 27 years later, sound and all
@CWill97 ps5 has been underwhelming for almost 2 years now
This is awesome!
@CWill97 Even avatars have become a distant memory, and those are even easier to implement since they're already there. Sony is just a case of bad descisions lately.
@nomither6 @RedRiot193 couldn’t agree with you both more. This should be easy to implement. Sony should require their studios to make avatars/themes for their games. There’s so much potential for themes that Sony hasn’t explored yet with PS4. Kinda sucks we don’t have it for PS5 yet.
I always had mute on whenever I started up the PS. Found it loud and annoying, especially when trying to sneak on to play in the middle of the night
@CWill97 We don't even have an avatar or demo section on the ps5 store. A demo section was on the switch day one and steam advertises demos all the time. Ps4 store may have had it's laggy issues but it was way more feature complete. Sometimes I turn on my ps4 just to look at my themes.
I know I’m searching with this comment but could this be a hint we will get more classics on PS Premium this month?
Nope... nothing will ever beat the PS3 startup in my book.
Starting a hardware with what is basically an Orchestra Tuning / Warm Up snip is brilliant (and arrogant) in so many ways
Best startup out of all of them. PS3 startup was good too.
So many happy memories of that sound. It meant game time was starting.
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