Here is a head-scratcher for your Sunday evening: Sony is reportedly remastering Horizon Zero Dawn for PS5. The claim is made by website MP1ST, citing multiple sources, and more online personalities in the know have come out publicly to say the project is real. Some even say they've seen it themselves. This does indeed seem to be real, and VGC sources corroborate the rumour.
The remaster is supposedly designed to bring the original PS4 game closer to its sequel Horizon Forbidden West. Along with the usual graphical improvements — apparently, they're so good that it's unclear whether this will be pitched as a remaster or a remake — the accessibility options built for Aloy's second adventure will be brought to the first game. There will also be some quality of life improvements, updated character models, a better lighting system, enhanced textures, and upgraded animations.
The site says a Horizon Zero Dawn remaster/remake isn't the only thing Guerrilla Games has in the works, however. We also have a Horizon online multiplayer game for PS5 and PC to look forward to, which could feature co-op. "Sources said that Sony had been keen to include co-op in the game’s sequel, Forbidden West, but Guerrilla decided to save the feature for a future project, which they believed would either be a standalone online spin-off, or Horizon 3," said VGC.
Sony has been developing a habit of remastering and remaking some of its best titles in recent years, with a recent example being The Last of Us: Part I. Its new accessibility options allow disabled gamers to experience something that was once inaccessible to them. However, for the general consumer, a Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 re-release will likely be a tough sell.
What say you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source mp1st.com]
Comments 213
Sigh. No, Sony. I still feel gross from buying the last of us part 1 again. Not doing it with this game also.
Last of Us remake is alright to me.
But this is just dumb.
More importantly it's almost been 7 months since Forbidden West came out so we're due a remaster any day now.
At this point I hope MS gets CoD and more IPs so Sony gets bancrupt lol. Not a single creative bone left in there. Locking accessibility behind a 80€ Paywall is disgusting
If it's like the Uncharted 4 + Lost Legacy bundle and it's only a small upgrade fee from PS4 to the native PS5 version I'm happy to give it a shot. Otherwise, nah, think I'll be good.
as much as i love hzd. just no.
as consumers we should be getting new games, not 5yr old games.
this generation is fast becoming the re-release generation. but too many people happy to go along with it and pay again and again for the same game
HZD is still one of the better looking games out there. What would even be significantly improved in this remaster?
Ain't paying for it (and I'm admittedly a huge fan of the games).
@MrSensical You know it. I know it. Its gonna be 80€
Remasters aren’t a bad thing. Last of Us remastered allowed so many more people to play that game, and while it’s still early to tell, Uncharted’s remaster PS5 and especially PC could bring a lot more people in. Makes sense especially if Forbidden West is one of the most owned games with the system due to all the bundles.
This has to be a joke.
Rofl. If you say to me that Guerrilla is wasting their resources to make remaster of 5 years old game instead of something new I will be very pissed
I'm all for more Horizon but this is weird. 2017 still feels like yesterday
It makes complete sense given they have the in house tech to make it better, but feel it should just be a paid DLC for those who own the base game. Of course, having it as a separate SKU for new owners to get is fine.
@IonMagi Because MS is just doing such a great job with their own first party games right? MS has so little creativity they have to buy out 3rd party publishers and run them just as bad as their first party studios. Even if this is real they already released a 60FPS patch for HZD so just don't buy it. It's hilarious how atrocious your takes are.
TLoU Part 1 could be explained via PC version but that logic doesn't apply here are HZD is already on PC. So it feels like Sony didn't want to add backwards compatibility to PS5 but were forced to because Series X|S had it. Either that or Sony's trying to copy Nintendo (e.g. Switch got lots of Wii U ports, the best selling Switch game is a Wii U port) but ignoring why Nintendo did what they did (Switch could never have gotten Wii U backwards compatibility given it doesn't have a disc drive).
Literally no reason to make one , it looks fantastic on ps5 4k and runs 60 fps.
I almost feel like Sony is releasing remasters to pad their first party release schedule. There was clearly an empty space where TLOU Pt 1 released and I’m sure this unnecessary remaster will slot somewhere similar next year. 0% chance I’ll support this with a purchase. Isn’t HZD on PS+ too?
I’m hoping this is just a patch to make a separate version of the game native to PS5 and nothing else. I can understand that. If it’s along the lines of Director’s Cut stuff, that’s ok with me.
A free PS5 upgrade? Sure, great idea - anything else, gtfo!
Such a disgusting trend. Saps any form of creativity out of the industry and is now just turning into a completely profit driven repackaging and copy and pasting of old content.
If this is true, this is just pathetic especially if these corporate pigs try and charge full price for it or even half of full price for anyone that already owns it. This should be at max a 10 dollar upgrade in line with the 10 dollar upgrade for future titles rhetoric they barfed out earlier.
Sony seems to be making short term profit driven decisions based solely on demand for the PS5 since release. This could drastically backfire for them over the long term course of this generation and beyond. They are essentially saying to all competitors, "hey, we are looking for a quick short term cash grab seshhh, so if any of you want to just take over and become the pillar of the industry, .... have at it!"
Oh and before any of the apologists and blinded Sony defenders jump in with comments like "this is how business works,.. blah blah blah...." Its actually not. This is more along the lines of the behavior of risky investors looking to play for big, short term gains. Most entities of Sony's size think long term. For some reason they have completely been acting as if an exit from the hardware side of the gaming sector with as much short-term profit is the ultimate goal.
It really doesn't feel like it needs a remaster, we got these last gen because you couldn't play ps3 games on ps4. Now though you can just play the ps4pro version of HZD on a ps5. Why waste dev time on this, we want new ip and games.
I just finally got around to playing and completing the PS4 version of Zero Dawn this year in January, so this would probably be one I wait on a sale for.
But for anyone who still hasn’t played Zero Dawn, having it at parity with Forbidden West for your first experience with it would be pretty awesome.
I mean sure. It's not for me but I guess there's an expanded audience for these remakes now given how PlayStation Studios is turning everything in to a TV show or a movie.
Now that that's been addressed, Horizon online? Is that actually happening???? I might get my Horizon: Monster Hunter game?
I feel like this should be worth an article on its own.
Am I the only one dancing with excitement after reading that part?
Please be real 🙏
Unironically more excited for the Multiplayer spinoff than the remake.
Honestly, just remaster the game for just $50. There's no need to make a $70 paywall for new accesability options. If sony wants to remake games...then just remake the ones that deserve it! Jak and Daxter, legend of dragoon, war of the monsters, killzone, the god of war trilogy, resistance, starhawk, or even freedom wars. At this point, expect a Spiderman, Ghost of tsushima or death stranding remake lol
Why not just play the PS4 version? The graphical difference isn't huge.
I know they aren't reading this but... hey Sony... how about giving us games that could actually use it.
... should I keep going?
Why not remake the old Killzone games, or make a new Killzone with great singleplayer and multiplayer. Playstation is in need for a first party shooter.
So that's why Sony can't release their games in subscription day one?
So they can fund unnecessary remasters and remakes?
Cool. I guess
Sony’s first party release schedule next year is pretty barren so they probably said, oh, let’s pump out another remaster for some quick cash. Sad.
@Godot25 if sony wants to make more remasters and remakes, then they should give us the ones that desperately need it.
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
@Notoriousmakavel Well yeah. The first Uncharted is Drake's Fortune. They don't even need to work on the script at all. Just update the graphics.
@kundalinirising333 you just need to read how many comments of people asking for remaster/remakes to see why sony is trying to milk every penny. apparently people dont want new stuff just things they have already bought.
What a waste of time.
I'm interested in some co-op but I'd like it if they make it for a third game. Won't be buying the remake/remaster if true.
If this ends up true then I think I might start cutting back on buying Sony's games since they love remastering and remaking. I want new stuff, not repeats of what I've already played.
Can't wait for the God of War Ragnarok remake in 1-2 years
Sony going full Atlus right now
This is a bit ridiculous.
Ha ha ha, Nooooooo. I love PlayStation but this is ridiculous 😂😂
How about people actually wait to see if this is real first and if so how it's packaged? Or how about just ignoring it if you're fine with the original? Just a thought. People cry about outrage news nowadays but so many of you seem to love being outraged.
Assuming this is true which sadly is likely, this is becoming just as bad as the wii u ports on switch. If I did/didn't buy them on ps4 why would you try to sell them again at the start of the next gen especially when there's BC and you gave HZD a free upgrade already
So glad 3rd parties have always carried video games for me but damn
I will buy it again not for 70$ though.
@stvevan Literally nobody asked for a HZD Remake haha
All they had to do was bump Res to 4k and 60fps and it's fine for what it is. It seems like resources wasting rather than dedicating them for a new interesting IPs or really old actual first party games that could be brought back to life... Syphon filter, killzone, retribution, socom.
People acting like big teams making theses remakes.
They have a large back catalog of PS3 games that could really use the update and this is where they go 🤦
@Uncharted2007 Bringing the Vita Uncharted games over would be preferable as those aren't playable on PS4/PS5 and Jim Ryan will no doubt attempt to shutdown the PS3/Vita stores again (probably using the 3DS/Wii U shutdowns as cover).
This is what happens when you purchase and defend remasters that are not needed, they make more and more of them. Totally not needed, the ps4 game is still great. All Sonys money must be invested in live service so they are needing to pump out these shady remakes on the cheap
Remaking TLoU1 was dumb, but I get it, the original still looks good but can't hold a candle to any modern title. Horizon, though, still looks incredible and runs at 4K/60 fps on PS5. There's literally no reason to bother wasting money and manpower remaking it.
If wasting time and resources on remaking PS4 titles is part of Sony's new strategy to fill in gaps between they big titles once or twice a year, then I may just fully drop PS as my primary console platform and just wait for the inevitable PC ports of of the big stuff I do want to play.
Hoping this is a free upgrade or it’s going to cause even more of a PR headache for Sony
@Uncharted2007 The first Uncharted in the quality of the last one would be awsome indeed.
TLOU I get. The OG was developed for PS3. This is mad.
I get having games being uniform across entries as we’re starting to hit the level where graphical increases are starting to have diminishing returns, but if this is anything more than £40 at launch Sony are crazy.
This would only be acceptable if Sony offered it as part of a subscription
@Yupyupyup Its better to go on a rampage first before fact checking.
@Shepard93n7 I came here to post this exact image. Perfect reaction.
As others have said, free upgrade or Sony's taking a serious L.
@Yupyupyup best comment here
@ShogunRok Nintendo didn’t do free upgrades for all the Wii U ports to switch. why would Sony give you free upgrade for remastered/remake?
Removed - flaming/arguing
This makes no sense, lol.
@TheTony316 I think he secretly a team green guy and doesn’t even own a PlayStation 😂.
That is just dumb.one of the worst news ever.the game already looks amazing on the ps4 and ps4 pro.why not remastered or remsle bloodborne.word up son
Hopefully it's a $70 upgrade for people who already own the PS4 version.
My jaw would break through my floor and hit my neighbor if it doesn't cost $70, also when can we expect the remaster/remake of next year's Spider-man 2 🤔
No one who's been paying a attention since Jim Ryan and Hermen took over should be surprised by this. NO ONE.
@4kgk2 No one bought a Wii U.
IF this is an patch, with either a free, or a reasonable upgrade path then this is OK. If it is in the same territory as TLOU pt1, a full priced remake, then no, just no.
My real concern how much dev time this may take up that could be spent on making something NEW.
@TheTony316 At this point they deserve it. No other company could be so consumer unfriendly for years and not end up bancrupt lol
@ShogunRok Wii U Games also arent compatible with the Switch lol
This just in, Ragnarok remaster will be realised in December.
@IonMagi Oh wishful thinking must make you so happy. Sony makes much more revenue than Xbox and Nintendo and a couple billion pure profit every year. Also you must not know of this company named Nintendo that doesn't even upgrade the games it ports at full price. Didn't realize you have to buy every game ported and can't just ignore them though. Lol you prove my point even more so by saying that Wii U games aren't BC with Switch. At least Sony was consumer friendly enough to put BC and even add a 60fps patch for Horizon.
Courtesy of Last of Us Part 1's success, coming your way for the once in a lifetime steal of just £70!!!
Same game, same story, same everything, still £70 because we're Sony! Come buy it.
Brilliant picture to describe the situation. Has given me a great laugh. Thank you very much good sir.
If this is real Sony are clearly banking on the TV show to bring new players into Playstation who might want to pick this up - it most likely isn't aimed at us. But as others have said, there are so many more deserving titles from Sony's history in need of a remaster.
Of course the only way to tell Sony this isn't ok if indeed this is true is to not buy it in the first place!
@Yupyupyup Sony as a company is closer to bancrupty than you think haha, look at their financial Reports and Share Prices. And then SIE obviously goes down with them or will be sold off.
@Grumblevolcano I'd be all over a Golden Abyss remake for PS5. Hell, if they did that, I'd finally get to sell my PSV.
@IonMagi Oh yes the revenue leader in the industry that makes tons of profit each year is just so close to bankruptcy. Every platform holder is down this year because no one is locked in their house anymore wasting every penny on video games. They're literally the 4th wealthiest company in Japan in terms of market cap. Have you ever used a shred of fact in anything you've ever said?
This all stinks of a company thats lost its nerve, constantly relying on remakes, remasters and the same I.Ps over and over.
One of my favorite games of last gen...yet I dont think even I'd be interested in a remaster or remake. Its fine how it is and can be played on PS5.
>apparently, they're so good that it's unclear whether this will be pitched as a remaster or a remake
This doesn't really follow much with the idea that it's going to bring it in line with Forbidden West. Sounds like it'll be better than it, which would actually make it an inferior way to play because when you start the sequel you'll be getting a downgraded experience.
The Last of Us Part 1 has this issue being a native PS5 game compared to Part 2 being PS4 (even with the 60fps patch on PS5, Part 1 is still the technically superior game).
A basic remaster like the GoT Director's Cut from last year would be fine on the other hand. Take what was already implemented with Game Boost patches, raise the resolution a bit, add the gyro aiming and accessibility features from FW, add in the PS5 game only features like Dualsense and let people who already own it pay a £10 upgrade if they want it.
Hopefully this stays as nothing more than a rumour. The game looks ****ing fine as is, and is perfectly playable on PS5. It is also already on PC so you can't even use that as an excuse.
Who am I ****ing kidding? It probably is real, and people will buy it full price just like TLOU part 1. We have truly reached levels of creatively bankrupt.
Is Sony just keen on remaking games for upcoming shows? Does that mean we're due for a Twisted Metal remake? 'Cause I'd be down for that!
This though? If it's just a next-gen update, ain't no problem. If they alternatively thought they should remake a readily available, 5-year old game just to stretch out the draw distance, then I think Playstation Studios might have their priorities in all the wrong places. The Last of Us was barely out of date. Zero Dawn? Only slightly a downgrade from it's successor.
If this is true then a serious conversation about leadership change needs to take place by sony higher ups.
This is brilliant news! Such a great use of resources! I can't wait for the inevitable remake of TLOU 2!
@IonMagi nothing to play again this weekend, mate?
So.... A patch? This surely can't be more then a patch?
While you're at it, Guerilla, you might as well remaster Forbidden West, that game's almost eight months old by now so it's probably about time.
Like a distasteful joke after a passing. Too soon...
@get2sammyb Not really when you think that a Netflix show is in development. Sony are wanting something to sell for when a PlayStation Productions project releases.
Uncharted = Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection.
The Last of Us = The Last of Us Part 1
Twisted Metal = The much rumoured live service Twisted Metal game.
Ghost of Tsushima = It's sequel.
Just releasing patches or repromting a 5 year old game isn't going to cut it.
Horizon 3 is likely too far away and this multiplayer spinoff doesn't scratch the itch for a new audience that wants Aloy's story.
@AdamNovice Yes! Thank you. Exactly this.
I would add the almost mandatory "if we don't want it we don't have to buy it" to what you've just said. They can't force us to hand over our money for something we don't want.
Also, why the flip is nobody talking about the online game?
@IonMagi why do you hate PlayStation so much.
It seems to me they are making PS5 versions of various games for the folks that won't buy a PS4 game for their PS5. In any case, it's good to have the option to buy a PS5-quality game if you want it, but only as long as it's not detracting from other projects. They are not forcing anyone to buy the game.
Oh lord please no...not again!
I'm curious as to how the The Last Of Us Part 1 Remake defenders feel about this.
Of course the reason I hated The Last Of Us Remake was its cost. If this is a very cheap upgrade then maybe it can be justified. Maybe.
Got the game as a gift for being good and stay at home during the pandemic. Then the game got 4k/60FPS patch, Don’t need any remaster, if they want to release more free patches with faster loading times and hectic features they are welcome though
@PlayStationGamer3919 Yeah, I agree. I'm just not liking the way Sony are this generation, especially compared to the PS4 generation. Its just the way Sony are doing things etc. Nothing wrong for me with the PS5 console, just how Sony are this generation.
Maybe one day this generation, Sony will get around to making some new software for the PS5. Who knows?
@ShogunRok I doubt it, was the TLOU Remake a free upgrade from TLOU Remastered PS4... no.
@AdamNovice I mean I understand the strategy, but Horizon Zero Dawn plays great on both a PS4 and PS5.
Of course I’m happy to be proven wrong, and the execs will know better than I do, but this really does seem like a waste of resources to me.
Why not just update the ps4 version to work better on PS5? I feel like a remaster is a waste of time.
Whilst its a pity PS Games aren't staying exclusive these days,there's clearly a market for them & it makes sense financially to do so.
That said,its soo frustrating & tone deaf for Mr Hulst to post on the PS Blog that Sony remains "committed to PS Gamers & single player experiences".
But instead of funding good emulated versions of the Ratchet PS2 Series, God of War,Twisted Metal series,Adentures of Lomax, Colony Wars,& more onto a proper PS Classics range, Or port Sly Cooper HD Trilogy,Unchartrd Golden Abyss, Infamous,Resistance series,Little Big Planet 1&2, or karting,Bloodborne etc.,they're doing TLOU,& possibly now HZD as full priced "remakes".
Was TLOU badly done? No,it was clearly quality work...but so was TLOU PS4 remaster & it wasn't sold as a full priced remaster at the time on ps4, nor was the likes of Ps4 Ratchet etc.
That they tick off funding these full priced remakes when there's perfectly functional versions already,but ignore getting their legacy library of classics brought across as "too expensive" just comes across as tone deaf.😑😔
As always,actions speak louder than words.
I wonder if PlayStation were waiting to see how TLOU Part 1 sold before giving this project the green light?
It's becoming clear that PlayStation is trying to build various IP into their own little ecosystems. Games are being re-released to coincide with the launch of any related movie/TV show/streaming series.
I wouldn't be surprised if PlayStation eventually try to turn Destiny into Star Wars with all the associated spin-off series and merchandise. As with live-service games, the potential for additional streams of revenue is huge!
As an older gamer who prefers single player experiences, I am not a fan of PlayStation's current trajectory. However, from a business perspective I can hardly blame them for the path they've chosen. At least they've tried to placate me by securing Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin as console exclusives.
@Yupyupyup I think it’s fair to be annoyed. I wanna see this done, …. But years from now. It’s not needed. I want the resources to go to new games, and new IP. People have a good reason for being annoyed.
Sony sure is losing me as fan with the business path it’s taken in the last 4 years.
They aren’t even recognizable as the company that made me love the PS1-3.
The best we can hope for is that the best devs aren’t wasting their talent on this like Naughty Dog did.
I'll fully admit that I'll likely get this at some point as Horizon is my favorite PlayStation series now that Uncharted is likely dead, but this is pretty asinine regardless. While obviously it can look even better, it already looks great and runs great in 60 FPS on the PS5.
As others have said, TLOU Part 1 was bad enough (even though I'm currently playing it and enjoying it), but this serves no purpose. Like I already said, HZD already runs great after getting it's 60 FPS patch for the PS5. Yes, evident by TLOU Part 1, the game will look even better, but it's fine the way it is. I wonder if this will come out before Forbidden West's DLC.
For anyone upset about this. If the accessibility features allow people who could not previously play to enjoy the game, then it’s worth it. Just think about how happy it will make those gamers instead of thinking about yourselves.
@Akila_24 Fair point, but if this ends up being $70 like The Last of Us Part 1, then they deserve most of the criticism they get. The accessibility stuff is great, but that'd be price gouging even those people who were unable to play the game before.
TLOU1 was borderline for me but atleast that was 10 years and built using ps3 tech originally where u could actually make a noticable difference. Gonna be a no from me especially if they try to price gauge for $70.should be a free version or at most a $10-$20 version
@KilloWertz I would agree it should be priced as the original game. Old game is still old. By charging more for the features I’d say they are taking advantage of people who need the accessibility features. But of course they will charge 70.
A game that is 4K60FPS already on PS5...gj Sony, milk more! Please do a God of War Ragnarok Remake already
Why not do a Bloodborne Remaster? People have been begging for that for years now, that would sell great. Horizon would be the last game I would remake as it already looks perfectly fine!
Killzone 1-3, Infamous 1/2, Bloodborne, Uncharted 1 all games they could do with a remaster or a remake but sure let's "remake" a last gen game what already has a 60fps patch for PS5.
I wonder how long before God of War 2018 gets "remade"?
Sooooo it's the PC version.
If this true then what's the point of having backwards compatibility with ps4. Instead of working on remasters and whatnot for games that people can't play on PS5 they are wasting resources on tlou and hzd.
Truly bizzare decision making from Sony. Just how many own bad decisions are they gonna make. So disappointing.
I wonder when everyone who's so upset with every decision Sony makes and are "definitely leaving" Playstation because of them are finally gonna do it. So tiring to just see the same comments over and over.
Still waiting for my Jak and Daxter, Medievil 2 (not that it's likely to happen), and Resistance remakes ...
Can we do a poll about whether we need a remaster of HZD OR Bloodborne? PLEASE Pushsquare, can we have a poll? I know Sony is releasing a Horizon live action show soon, so the circumstances are obviously different. But we are just curious.
The development team have to wait for the creative team to finish designing horizon 3. Until the creative team has finished designing h3, the development team can either:
a) go home and get layed off until the creative team has finished h3, leaving the studio non profitable for the nxt 3 years, or
b) remake the first game for ps5 and pc and make loads of cash for sony whilst also staying in work during these uncertain times...
I know which one id rather do
Sounds good to me!
If anyone in their right mind thinks that HZD REAAALLY deserves a remaster/remake for PS5, either they haven’t played the enhanced version on PS5, which brings the game closer to Forbidden West in terms of graphics and framerate, or they just love to simp for big corporations like Sony.
All this stuff happens not only because of corporate big wigs. The main cause is YOU, the consoomer.
This is a waste of resources.
Why not revisit Killzone instead?
They could easily patch in some of the simpler accessibility features to the PS4 version. It wouldn’t be as advanced as what TLOU1 or HFW has of course. But it would meet the minimums for most disabled players.
If this rumor is true then we have every right to be furious. That is a significant amount of development time taken away from another project. Like I don’t know Horizon 3 or even better giving the franchise a break and revisiting the Killzone franchise. Or hell even a new IP.
This is the dumbest ***** ever. Seriously, DO LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE INSTEAD OF RELEASING ***** REMASTERS.
Which is why they need to cut the unprofitable baggage like the phone division that hasn’t ever made a profit as far as I can remember.
We all talk about how PlayStation is so American. But as a whole Sony is Japanese to a fault. Japanese companies have a bad habit of never admitting defeat and restructuring to meet new challenges in the market.
I get that they are proud of their electronics legacy. They have every right to be; hell without my CD Walkman I would have never became a music nut. And my mom’s generation was dominated by the OG Tape Walkman. But it’s time to face the facts. Most of their divisions are either breaking even or running in the red. They’re uncompetitive in most of their markets.
SIE is their one true current success story. They need to double down on it and start cutting the divisions that never bring in money. Like the damn phone division.
Or or or… make a Killzone multiplayer game.
They wouldn’t need the creative team for that one. They could use Shadow Fall’s multiplayer suite as a base and build upon it.
Sell it for a discounted price and include live service features to make pure profit. Hell that’s why Sony dropped 4 billion on Bungie. So they could assist their studios on live service games.
A Killzone multiplayer game fits that bill perfectly and keeps the development team busy.
They’ve got an entire other universe they could explore.
Why not make a good multiplayer Killzone title for PlayStation gamers? Sony hasn’t given us a multiplayer shooter since… Shadowfall in 2013.
Hell the PS4 version runs like a dream on PS5. You’re getting a locked 1800P at 60fps with no frame drops that I ever noticed.
Why not just patch in a few accessibility features (I know they can’t give it the full HFW accessibility suite since the more advanced features like color blind mode need to be built into the game during development) into the PS4 version? Put it on sale in the store and put it front page and center when the show comes out alongside a sale on forbidden west.
Or even better, offer both games together in one package? They could even offer a physical version with HZD on a PS4 Blu Ray and HFW on a PS5 Ultra Blu Ray in the same case.
@OrtadragoonX yeah, can't argue with that. Maybe they just thought this would bring in more cash with less hassle.
It would be surprising if they didn't do this. PS4 HZD run on a very old version of the Decima engine at this point, and there has been many improvements since then. Even the version of the engine used for the PC version is newer than the one used for PS4. The visual quality of the PC version isn't just a 4k/60FPS bump. PS5 users got the very short end of the stick with their "next generation" upgrade patch. There was no reason they couldn't match the PC ultra settings version for the system. But now the improvements they made to engine with Forbidden West could potentially make a native PS5 look better than the PC version, and make it the definitive edition... that only if they don't bring the improvements to PC.
Although the outrage over this seems a bit excessive, I’m also perplexed and I do wonder how Bloodborne keeps getting passed over for other less impactful remasters.
Hopefully they do something closer to what they did with the Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection and make it a small upgrade fee for owners of the PS4 game, or do what they did with GoT, Death Stranding, or the Spider-Man PS5 versions where they bundle in extra content. I know HZD won’t get DLC but maybe it’s released alongside as an add-on to this new co-op game or as a bundle with HFW.
If this turns out to be true then it should be a free update. If its a full price release then count me out..
I said a dozen times before and I'm a say it again, Jim Ryan is the wrong man for the job.
@JAMes-BroWWWn and who is the right man or woman for the job?
@IonMagi "At this point I hope MS gets CoD and more IPs so Sony gets bancrupt lol"
Showing your true colours as many of us suspected.
So much fuss over a remake that isn't confirmed and that people could simply ignore. It's not like they're not releasing stellar first party games year after year.
@Th3solution perhaps because Bloodborne didn't sell that well. I think this and Last of Us R were pointless, but still. They're much bigger franchises.
i have a feeling this rumour has been taken out of context. this will likely be a PATCH update to implement some visual improvements, but a full fledged "remaster" to release at full price? doubtful but anything is possible. if it turns out to be the latter, i will be shocked... and i will be sick to my stomach.
Pattern is forming.
Year one:
Demons Souls + Spider-Man remakesters
Year two:
Uncharted 4 + TLOU remakesters
Year three:
Horizon 1 + … Bloodbourne(?) remakesters
Sony plans to pad every year with at least two remakesters. And yes I’m going to keep using that word to keep making fun of what Sony calls “a remake”.
Edit: oh wait!! I forgot about Death Stranding “Directors Cut” and Ghost of Tsushima “Directors Cut” and Nioh collection and that announced remake of Kotor… they really investing heavy on the remakesters! So.. 3 to 4 remakesters per year. Let’s see what next year holds!
@Porco doubt it. Look at TLOU. New models, accessibility options and improved visuals is exactly what they did for TLOU “remake”. The older game was patched a while back with token stuff. They will charge full price for this. You wait and see.
@Tharsman yea, you might be right haha. the only one people actually want "remastered" is bloodborne due to how poorly it ran the first time around...
@Porco just a 60fps patch would be good enough.
@Uncharted2007 jet moto. one can only dream 😭
Haha this is so stupid.
Don’t buy it. ‘Problem’ solved.
Anyone want a ps5?? 🤣
For real. Especially considering that if you have a modded PS4 Pro and download the fan patch version of Bloodborne it pretty much locks to 60 since it runs at 1080P.
On base PS4 it’s a little unstable, going between the high 40s and the mid 50s.
Hell they could probably make a 120fps mode at 1800p for PS5 assuming it wouldn’t break the physics engine.
@Yupyupyup You know that Nintendo makes higher Profits than SIE? Says a lot lmao
Here’s the thing though. The game still holds up visually even on base PS4.
I’ll buy it when heavily discounted. I’d love to play it again after beating HFW. Love the franchise. But, not at full price again until the 3rd installment. The 3rd installment better release a damn special controller or something too because a Horizon controller could be boss. But yah, I’m not paying full price for a Horizon Zero Dawn remaster/remake despite loving it a lot.
@Martijn87 Because first person is not over the shoulder third person, the only SIE viewing angle Jim allows.
@kyleforrester87 Free PS5 upgrade, but with the typical SIE twist: Not for the Play at Home version
@DeepSpace5D thats all good. But the fact that it already has a PS5 patch and looks amazing and not that far off forbidden west, Oh and the next fact the game is basically free on PS5 anyway. Makes 0 sense to waste resources on a remake/remaster. Im not fussed either way, but a game which has already been patched doesn't need a fresh face, in my eyes.
@Tharsman I think remakesters is an appropriate/fair term for what we've been getting.
Sony seem to have reached a worrying state of stagnation. My PS5 is fast becoming an unsightly paperweight. 14 months and counting since I bought a new Sony game on release for my new console. I might get God of War, but that's only cause I have store credit that'll being the price down to £45.
If it wasn't for the switch I'd have completely given up on current releases. Surely the heads at the company are asking why there aren't any new games being made anymore. Maybe they're the problem, looking at numbers only, without realising the damage being done to their reputation.
@OrtadragoonX It doesn't if you ever played a completely maxed out PC version at 4k/60FPS. The PS4 version didnt have all foliage interactions which was added to the PC version. That only if we compared Horizon Zero Dawn to PC, and not to Forbidden West which saw improvements in other stuff like water physic and shading/rendering.
I see most comments all say the same thing. And I'm here to agree zero dawn doesn't need any remake. Considering its basically free on ps5 already with a ps5 patch.
But honestly I don't see a problem if its a quick turn around. Hotizon is a brand new franchise. So creatively Sony still has it.
I think people forget that we are still getting top tier first party exclusives aswel, this doesnt take anything away from resources not really. They have only just finished Forbidden West, probably DLC will be released soon. And this is coming from a team who only ever seemed to make killing games, let them be.
On the otherhand as much as I love Naughty Dog. All they have made since the PS3 is uncharted and last of us games and then we get a remaster of those games, and not even remasters of the first 3 uncharted games, but just the 4th, which makes 0 sense and then a game which already had a patched up version to ps4 pro already, we get a full price remaster of that game and then looking into the future more last of us but multiplayer for maybe next year or even the year after, 0 new IP.
we've had nothing new from them, since PS3. That to me is a waste of talent.
But other teams are smashing it out of the park so I can't complain to much.
And again whats Microsoft got??? Nothing just money to buy triple A pre existing teams, what we already know what we are getting. I've always been on that side playstation make great first party games. Microsoft buys great first party games.
@Dr_Luigi You jest, but a GOW (4) remaster could happen
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@Judal27 Obviously there are A LOT of Wii U ports on Switch, but I think they're far more justified than this. The Wii U sold shockingly, and a lot of excellent games were trapped on there, so it only makes sense to give them another go with a much larger install base. Also, the more obvious argument there is you can't actually play any Wii U games on the switch! Neither of these are the case here - the PS4 sold fantastically well, and you can play every PS4 very happily on PS5. Again, not saying Nintendo hasn't milked the Wii U dry for every penny it's worth, but this rumour would be the most egregious example of remastering and porting I can think of in the video game industry
This is such a Ted Faro move.
Edgerunners and Witcher boosted up the sales of both games by a lot, so why not add a new coat of paint on HZD if the series does the same? That would be my reasoning, if Edgerunners wasn’t a recent thing, since I assume this had been in the works for a bit.
The original game could use the significantly better looking character animations from FW, but otherwise even the base PS4 version still looks great. A $10 upgrade I could see being fine (not that I want to play the original anymore), but a $70 release in the vein of TLOU Part 1 would be a tough sell.
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It’s depressing but the demand is obviously there. This will be another hard pass from me if the rumour is true. The state of triple A gaming is at an all time low, everything is a remake/remaster or sequels which barely differ from other games in a series.
Give me a Stray or Scorn to play any day over the tripe big studios are pumping out.
Honestly...who would this be for?
1) owners of PS4 system who upgraded to PS5 - they most likely played that already
2) fresh PS5-only owners/newcommers to the Playstation ecosystem - why would anyone be interested in a prequel to Forbidden West? This prequell would be largely inferior (combat system, map scale, story, enemies, etc.)
3) collector editions addicts - 299 for a shoebox with a download code - maybe
If anyone wants to be criticised for regurgitated garbage just look at Nintendo 🤦🏻♂️
Apparently there is money to be made here. Else they wouldn't do it.
If you hate these remasters, dont buy em.
They will get the message then.
I dont really care as i dont buy em.
@tofuman86 why does it matter ?? If people buy it fair enough if they don’t fair enough, but let’s not beat around the bush. Most ps4 owners never even played HZD, so here’s there chance to play it in its best possible form.? What’s wrong with that bro
@Ashkorsair and what would you do if they announce a silent hill remaster? Not buy it because you hate remasters?
@tofuman86 I’d imagine it would be for the new-comers to PlayStation and also the 105 million odd ps4 owners who never bothered to play it first time round 👌🏻
This so not needed. It still looks incredible on PS5. Really no need to waste time doing this. Make a new Killzone instead
I dont hate remasters.
To clarify i dont buy the sony remasters.
And a silent hill remaster i wont buy either as i dont care about silent hill.
Now the suikoden remasters, i am all over those.
@Bez87 No it definitely is not needed, I agree. However I don’t agree that Zero Dawn is close to Forbidden West in terms of visuals. I played both pretty much back-to-back and Forbidden West is way more visually advanced and impressive. Maybe if you are playing the PS4 version of Forbidden West you could say it’s not a huge difference, but not so on the PS5.
If Zero Dawn gets parity with Forbidden West, it will at the very least be a big upgrade visually.
I agree, let's just wait this out. Could be BS for all we know.
I generally like remasters but this is totally not needed. Nothing that Sony is doing is interesting or exciting, and I am so bored of my PS5.
Eh. It’s an interesting strategy. I think most of the concern under the surface here is that Sony would be giving something up to do this. That it would take time and attention away from making something else and most people here are fine with the game as-is. and would prefer all attention on making something new.
@naruball It’s a good point. Here in what Sammy calls the enthusiast “bubble” I always here people begging for a Bloodborne remaster, but in the grand scheme of things, I’m not sure how well it would sell. I tend to agree with you that it won’t sell very well (compared to a TLoU or HZD remaster) but then we have Elden Ring, so who knows. Wasn’t expecting that to set the sales charts ablaze either.
knack will get a 70$ remaster before bloodborne at this rate.
@Martijn87 killzone 1 could definitely use a remake. I'd definitely buy that!
@Th3solution yup. Remember how much hype there was for Demon's Souls? Then it came out and it didn't perform particularly well.
Oh but wait for when they announce the Last of Us Part 2: Directors Cut
This version will bring itself more in line with the more recent Last of Us Part 1 Remake
Consumer: What about part 3?
Naughty Dog: nah.
@OrtadragoonX the “minimum requirement” for “most”? Are they not worth the new standard? Why just most? It may be a redundant project for most gamers, but for some, it will be precious.
Sure this is taking away resources from something, but maybe nothing else is past pre-development, and they need something to do. Stay busy work if you will? I’m just guessing here but none of us really know.
Want to see how people defend and justify this.
These remasters by Sony should be put straight on ps extra
Everyone is so mad about this, but the same people are begging for a Witcher 3 Remaster? What gives? Both games released around the same time. Don't buy if you don't like.
Horizon Remake Yawn
Jim Ryan has lost the plot +wouldn't it have been better to do a PS1 or PS2 or PS3(even tho everyone moaned about the TLoU 1 remake) Remake of any of the past AMAZING PlayStation Exclusives??? Oh well.
@naruball Yeah, it’s unfortunate. Demon’s Souls Remake was fantastic. I’m not even a Soulsborne connoisseur and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think it was partially victim of the low attach rate of PS5’s at launch, but mainly was just not a game the masses were going to play, like COD or FIFA, unfortunately.
I’m not sure exactly how well Bloodborne has sold to date, but a quick Google would suggest probably in the 3-4 million range. It’s certainly no slouch, but nowhere near HZD and TLoU which I think are closer to the 20 million mark.
I don’t envy Sony having to balance satisfying the corporate profit goals alongside keeping the fanbase happy. The emphasis on live-service is clearly the former, and I get it. Even though most of these live-service games are targeting at a more causal audience, you have to keep your core fans happy, as they are the ones who will keep buying games and consoles. So far I think Sony has done well in trying to keep a drip-feed of new and innovative things to do alongside low risk money makers. So a HZD Remaster is ok, I guess. It’s likely to sell fine when the TV show functions as free advertising.
I understand that a remaster of hzd makes no sense. But Sony is bankrupt? They make a profit every year. The only department that is a bit limp are mobile phones. Do you have any idea how big Sony is worldwide? Much more than just Playstation. But give me a source of those financial reports showing that Sony is doing so badly. I mean if you claim something you have to provide proof.
@TommyNL None of their departmens make money except SIE and Sony Music. They lost all their shares in the TV space to Samsung and LG. Even Nintendo makes more actual Profits than SIE every fiscal year and is also richer than Sony as a whole
@MrXinaThong, You cand already play TLOU1 and HZD at 60 FPS and high resolution on PS5 if you own a PS4 copy. I don't plan on buying any of those 2 remakes until they are under 20 Euro. What I don't get is this ridiculous outrage on social media. Sony can remaster whatever they want, I don't care, but they are not forcing anybody to buy them. It's your choice alone. People should just stop crying about this.
It sold 20 million copies.
Let’s not act like no one played it. The hardcore fanbase played it.
But a significant portion of console sales go to people who may only play one franchise. The Maddens, the COD, the FIFA. So on and so forth.
But that’s they bought their PS4 to play anyway.
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Not many people (relatively speaking) have played it maxed out on PC.
For a console game from 2017, it holds up surprisingly well. Is it Forbidden West? No of course not. But for a 2017 era console game it still looks acceptable today.
Hell Shadow Fall still looks good today. And it’s from 2013.
What angers me is that they have another potential project they could be using this development time and effort for.
A Killzone multiplayer title. Sony hasn’t given us a PlayStation first party multiplayer FPS since Shadow Fall.
Why not use the time on a project like that instead of remaking a game that still holds up today and isn’t that old.
Which isn’t bankruptcy.
If they killed off the consumer electronics and mobile divisions and doubled down on SIE, Sony Music, and Sony Pictures they’d probably grow past Nintendo.
I would also keep their camera division around, since it is successful and also provides lens assemblies for other manufacturers. But the consumer electronic division and especially the mobile division need to go away.
@IonMagi I hope that ignore button means I don't get to see your ***** anymore. Cya
@Fyz306903 it almost certainly will happen at this step, and I would not be surprised if it’s scheduled for next year.
Really can't help themselves right now, can they. What a waste of efforts. The game is what 4-5 years old? There is no need.
Sometimes you can’t service everyone. Limited resources plays a role. And I’m big on accessibility; all games going forward need to match TLOU2’s feature set at a minimum.
But they could easily incorporate the most common accessibility features without rebuilding the game. It could be done in a patch. And while I know that would leave some people out modern AAA games take forever to make and forever to design. That is where the focus should be for AAA studios. New games. Not rebuilding older games that still hold up.
If they need to make a smaller project to keep everyone employed between big releases, then they should do that with an older IP or make a smaller AA game. Not remake a game that’s from 2017.
Sony is quickly becoming Nintendo in how they re-release games and charge full price for them. Except they're worse 'cause their chosen titles are waaaaaaay more recent to begin with.
If they want to remaster old classics like Twisted Metal or Jet Moto or Wipeout or whatever else, go ahead. Breathe new life into old classics and begin making new fans.
But a 5 year old game? Why? WHY? Who does this serve??
Just patch the accessibility options into HZD, provide a full PS5-utilizing patch so existing owners get to take fuller advantage of their hardware, and repackage the game for store shelves with a PS5-branded box selling for the now-standard $30 (or whatever HZD runs in-box nowadays). Boom, done.
But these games DO NOT need $70 re-releases. No game made within the last ten years (imo) requires such work. Not a single one.
I honestly don't see this needing a huge effort. They would probably get 90% of the way there just moving the existing maps and missions to the version of the engine they used for Forbidden West, and using some of the highest resolution textures etc from the PC port. Then it's a QA pass and fixing anything that didn't quite carry over, and for the effort you get the original game with all the new accessibility features, plus updated visuals.
The only thing which might make it a lot of effort is if they revamp all the cinematics and dialogue, which are much more dynamic in the sequel - that would either mean hand animating dozens of hours of animation, or bringing the actors back into the studio
@BranJ0 Personally I don't care that the wii u flopped, if the games it offered weren't enough to get the Wii u then why would I want them on the switch. They weren't locked down, you could still buy a Wii u and some games perfectly fine and probably way cheaper than a switch (altho maybe prices have changed now what with Ninty pulling the anticonsumer move of closing down their digital stores super early). That Ninty selling to "new audiences" can be ok because those people didn't bother buying a Wii u would just mean Sonys approach would be ok because they're also selling to new audiences, some that didn't even have a choice, through these supposed accessibility options. Idk how these options change the game but clearly it did wonders for people with disabilities that didn't ever have a chance to play the last of us
Either way I wish they wouldn't work on this horizon again. But if it's to sell to other people I guess there's not much I can do except not buy it and complain on the internet lmao
That is not really a reliable source, only the name Riskmonster says it all. And all Sony divisions just make a profit. Better than ever. 15 years ago it was a bit less. but that's why they've divested divisions like the Vaio division. Sony pictures just makes a profit with Spider man, Ghostbuster and Uncharted as an example. Did they want to earn more with those films? of course! I also hope every month that I win the state lottery and earn more. But unfortunately not yet succeeded. And what good is it if Sony goes bankrupt? Thousands of people around the world are just going to lose jobs. The fact that Sony makes a game that you (and I) are not waiting for is not the reason that a billion-dollar company is allowed to go bust. We have nothing to do with that. And Sony is also very big in Asia in the financial world. They have banks and insurance companies. Which also rake in a lot of yen. So Sony really doesn't have to bite the bullet. We just don't buy Horizon Zero Dawn remaster. Problem solved. But I don't need to tell you how many people bought TLOU1 ps5 edition. So Sony really knows what they are doing.
@OrtadragoonX So you basically answered why it makes sense for Sony to release a remaster. It doesn't matter if the PS4 version "holds up".There is a massive market of gamers who have not thr played a visual better version of the game. On top of market of gamers who have played the game at all. So why not remaster and resell it. If Capcom can continue to release RE4 every generation. Why can't Sony do the same?
I will buy it again for a high price.
Bring it closer to FW? I'll pass. I thought ZD was better in every way.
Because it’s literally a waste of development time and resources.
Capcom also has a bad habit of doing the same thing.
@OrtadragoonX it’s literally a waste of development time and resources? By whose definition? Your or Sony...? By Sony's definition anything that make them money isn't a waste of time and resources.
@OrtadragoonX this I agree with. I would love to see more small titles come out of PlayStation studios.
@PlayStationGamer3919 I told a buddy of mines that the JIM RYAN infiltration of SONY could make a good NETFLIX series "THE MAN FROM WITHIN: an ESPIONAGE TALE"
This is not needed...but at the very least they should be giving free upgrades or hefty discounts for people who already own the game!
I refuse to ever pay full price again for a game I already own.
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