We’ve tackled this topic on numerous occasions before, but the PS5’s price announcement must be nearing and so it’s always worth revisiting things and getting a feel for where people’s preferences lie. So in the wake of the Xbox Series S reveal today: how much are you willing to pay for the PlayStation 5?
The conversation is complicated somewhat by the existence of the PS5 without a disc drive, so we’re going to run two separate polls for each platform. It may be that you prefer to buy physically and thus would never even consider a PS5 Digital Edition; alternatively, you may be willing to pay a premium in order to slot Blu-rays into your system.

It’ll be interesting to compare these results to whatever Sony eventually announces. We’ve been waiting all year to learn more about the PS5’s price, PS5’s release date, and when PS5 pre-orders will go live. We simply can’t be far off at this point, but the Japanese giant has left us hanging for most of 2020, so you never know.
Comments 163
I would prefer $500 like the Series X but I'm willing to go to $600 but that is max for the disc version and I have no interest in not having a blu-ray drive.
I'm thinking £450 tops for PS5 and £350 for the digital edition, the disc drive is cheap but they'll make far more money through digital sales justifying the price gap
sony has got SO many 1st-party games i love - just name the price and i'll buy it.
I personally want the one with a disc drive for more flexibility. Frankly I'm willing to pay whatever they charge, but I'm in a unique situation where this is my job basically.
Realistically, in normal circumstances, I think I'd pay $500. I'm not sure I'd go much higher.
I've no idea what the conversion rate is between sterling and space dollars, so I didn't go higher than $400 for any model.
I will wait PS5 slim with range price like PS4 Slim. (Around $300 - $400)
@eddie429 £7999
£399 so for me it could be a wait, so that's around $520 today (yes i went somewhere else to work it out), so it could be anything when i get around to it.
That's for the disc model, i would never buy the digi only
Considering the cost of new digital games (£60+) I'm going to get the disk version and willing to pay between £450 and £500
@Hengist These days you just swap the symbol.
Realistically, I think $499.99 would translate to £449.99.
500 tops, lower than that would be preferable but it's not going to happen at least not for a couple of years.
I'm a long ways away from a PS5 as I still use my PS1
I think €500 at launch, considering there isn't anything for me to play on there and the multiplats will play better elsewhere for me. I'd just be buying it to have for later (even though I could wait and get a better deal) but I need it for other reasons sadly
Announcing the price you're willing to pay is like playing poker with your cards facing your opponents-- or a little bit like that. That said, anything over $500 USD will create a giant sucking sound towards PC gaming.
I wouldn't mind paying even more than a thousand USD as long as the specs were amazing. I wish they'd release a pro version from the getgo. But anything more than 600 USD would be horrible for its sales, so I hope it's not too expensive.
I want the one with a disc drive to play 4K Blu-Rays more than games. They always have a history of decent media players for the price.
500 would be my max but I mean if they offered a very VERY good bundle which was more my arm maybe MAYBE twisted haha😅
£500 tops but hopefully it will be 450
I want to get the all digital edition, and really I would love to not pay more than 350 for it. That's probably not going to happen, I guess 400 would be the absolute highest I'm willing to go.
I'd pay whatever it takes (within reason of course) but I'd rather have it for free.
Does that help?
$500 max for the Standard. If it's too pricey, I will wait a l i t t l e longer.
I'd happily trade my wife for one
Do we really have a choice, with all the PS4 games we've piled up... I'll definitely get it when I can afford. I think people would be checking out the Series S too cause there's still 1080ps at more homes than 4K.
@oldschool1987 Too bad i don't have one
I don't have a 4K UHD Blu Ray player yet (not long got a 4K TV), so considering PS5 has one, it's going to be both a games console and a 4K UHD BR player too, so I'm personally fine with paying £500. Now we know Series S is £250, I'm guessing Series X is £450 and PS5 (w/ disk drive) will be around the same price, up to £500.
I think for a digital version £250....................I think the full PS5 will drop for £600.
What I am prepared to pay and what I would expect to pay are two different things. I'd be prepared to pay £600 but I'd not be to pleased about it. I'm expecting to pay £500 (in a bundle with maybe 1/2 games) .
I think $500 would be my limit. Anything above that, I think I can wait.
@HotGoomba give me a PS5 and you can have her, be doing me a favour 😂
I remembered when the PS2 was 1200 gulden that was before the Euro so i will go high but im not buying it day one or they have too release Legend of Dragoon or Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve, Koudelka or something insane like that.
Given the pricing info on the series S coming out today at $299 - Sony needs to communicate (perhaps over communicate) that the PS5 digital is not the same kind of system as the Series S. And that comes down to price too. Pricing their two SKUs at $100 apart would be a mistake. Pricing the PS5 at the same price point as the Series X would also be a mistake. Therefore, I think Sony's play here is - PS5 = $449 and PS5 digital = $399.
Being honest, I'll pay what it costs. There's no way that I'd miss out on access to games like Miles Morales, Horizon Forbidden West etc. I might not be happy if it cost £550, I might choose not to buy an extra controller or headset if it cost £550, but I'd still buy the box and the software...
I could say £500, but then I know I’d pay £550. In which case I’d probably pay £600. In which case I’d probably pay £650.
The point is I know it’s not going to be an unrealistic price, and we’re talking relatively insignificant sums. Which is not to say I am loaded, but for a primary hobby I don’t mind shelling out once every 6-7 years.
I have up to $600 budgeted for a PS5. Would love to have a game in there.
Or hopefully GameFly will have PS5 games at launch.
Anything above $600 and I start thinking of a 3080.... Digital is a No-GO
For me it depends on what games are currently available on it. So at launch, I won't be prepared to pay much. Once it gets a larger library of games, I'll be much more willing to spend more on it.
Ps5 non digital £599
I'm curious to see if the discount for going digital will be bigger than people expect. Imagine that the PS5 comes in at $500 and digital edition comes in at $350 or lower. This might be the last generation with physical media consoles regardless of how Sony prices PS5, but if they're aggressive enough about it they could certainly hasten that future.
The is no price limit really for me, within reason. Like I'm not willing to go over a 1000 bucks for it, but its not going something stupid like that though. Those hoping for 399 for the disc version will be waiting a long time for the price come down to that.
I wouldn’t want to pay more than 600 after taxes. I would though.
$500 is my absolute limit .
95% of my PS4 game library is disc-based, so I will pony up the cash for the standard version.
I would go as high as $550.
I will not allow myself to go over $600. If it's any higher than that (Which I doubt it will be) I'll be waiting for a price cut
Right now it's simply a question of when I'm getting a Ps5, before or after an RTX 3080 because damn that's an insane GPU and eclipses modern consoles
@Menchi I’m intrigued about these “other reasons”.
if ps+ is again mandatory for online play i believe sony must take a big loss in hardware..so my prediction is 350e for the digital and 399 the disk version..
Seeing as this is a British website I have to say I'm disappointed the options aren't in £££ instead of $$$.
For the record though £450 is the maximum I'm willing to pay
Anywhere up to £600. It's a system that is going to last 6 years.. mugs pay 1000 for a phone every 2 years.
Value for money.
I wish for a 399 usd (499 usd on my country) price.
But i probably still pay 499 usd (599 usd on my country) for it.
More than that and i will pass and get something else.
£500 would be limit, not due to cash flow but due to principle.
And I can’t see it being more than that for the full disk version.
As Microsoft will easily match or undercut that price. Don’t forget the PS4 was £350 on release.
The price will depend on how many games are tempting me. If there are only a couple of games I am eager to play and the price is too high, I'll probably wait for a discount or a good bundle.
@Juvenlast I'm pretty sure they are willing to take a bigger loss on the digital version because it guarantees every single purchase will be late through their online store, bypassing any retailers and avoiding the 2nd hand market. There is no way they are only $50 apart.
The popular answers are the prices of the Xbox offerings, no surprise there.
I wonder what the popular answers would've been prior to the announcement, and how will PS players take it if it costs more.
$350-$400 for the disc-free model, and $500-$550 for the regular model.
This isn't a US site is it??? I selected $499 but thought it was £499 I might of made a MASSIVE mistake tho this week :-/ I got a new SONY 4K TV mainly for the PS5 but if the PS5 is over £500 then that is just to much really for a Games Console so that means I could of waiting a bit longer to get my TV. Oh well
Anything over £400 for a console and I start to struggle justifying it. Don’t know why.
Am only interested in the disc version so will probably be lucky to get one at £400, at least for the first year or three.
Had my mind set on $400 for discless and $500 for the regular but whatever they cost it is what it is. I'm ready to upgrade and unless they pull something outlandish like $600+ I'm gonna be there day 1.
The all digital PS5 can piss off. I'll gladly pay a bit extra and have a full-featured system.
£500..but i have around £700 saved just in case and hopefully thats enough for the bluray drive sku and a couple of games..its gonna be spicey..
@Kienda I'm expected to have it for coverage reasons to examine the "hot new thing" for a hobby I do.
I am not super wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, and I do understand this is a lot of money. That being said, at this point unless its PS3 era high, does it REALLY matter? I want a PS5, not at launch, but eventually. I know going in it'll be hundreds of dollars. But is price really gona change a person decision at this stage? You either want Sonys exclusive games or you dont, or you prefer GamePass, or you dont. We know itll be around $400-$500ish. So who really cares at the end of the day, were on these forums cuz were gamers right?
@eddie429 exactly lol
The price will be 399 disc, 349 digital!
Source: trust me
£400-£450 for the disc version for me I think. If it’s too high I’ll just wait a little while as I have my laptop that will probably still run the latest games in the next year or so and there’s only going to be a few exclusives out by the looks of it. Unless my laptop can’t handle them but it should just about. But yeah I think £400 would be a nice price for what we’re getting. Maybe a little optimistic but still...
500$ thats a fair price with all that tech.word up son
@get2sammyb not heard it spoken about much, but what's the chance the digital edition and the standard edition will be the same price, replacing the disc drive with larger ssd and possibly an extra storage expansion slot?
If the price is in dollar, is tax excluded in that case? Making this an even more difficult question 🙃
The PS5 Digital Edition is identical in spec to the disc drive version, unlike the Series S which is far lower spec than the Series X.
The PS5 Digital Edition is a huge upgrade over a Series S and there’s no way it will only be $50 more than a Series S. Minimum $100 more for a DE PS5.
@Carl-G I hope you got the 900 model since it’s got deep integrations with PS5
$500 for the standard edition is as high as I'll go. Anything more and I'll get a Series X first and wait for a price drop on PS5. The PS5 Digital Edition and Xbox Series S could both be offered to me for free and I wouldn't take them because I'm not in support of this digital-only push.
Of course I would prefer to pay 'less' than 'more' but I think $500 is the most that I would consider. What people also need to factor in when thinking about 'price' and 'historical' prices of consoles is inflation. $600 in 2006, would be around $785 today and $400 in 2006 would be equivalent to ~$550 today.
Even if the PS5 (or Series X) launched at $600, factoring in inflation, they would NOT be the most expensive consoles - even if you don't count the 60GB version of the PS3.
A PS1 was $300 in 1995 which would be around $515 today. If PS5 launches at $500, it would be 'cheaper' than a PS1 factoring in inflation - even the cheapest PS3 would be over $650 today and the most expensive version of the 360, the 'Pro' model would be ~$540 today.
I know the PS3 was 'expensive' and it hurt the initial response to it - but some of that was also down to the fact that it didn't offer much more for your money than a 360. Why spend that much when you can buy a 360 that plays games just as well, if not better. The XB1 suffered because you were paying more for a weaker system and it came with an expensive peripheral that people didn't really want. If MS hadn't bundled in Kinect and sold the console at the same price as PS4, I don't think it would have made much difference because you got 'more' for your money with PS.
Factor in inflation and an Atari 2600 ($199 in 1977) would be ~$880 today - I don't think MS or Sony will be releasing consoles that expensive!!
Probably $599, but I'm pretty tempted to get Digital only on PS4 and then pick up a bonus Series S to get best of both worlds. Gamepass for indies and PS5 for Sony exclusives.
Looks like most ppl are on the same page. Has anyone's decision changed based off the Xbox announcements?
I would sell a kidney 😜
I would pay £600 and past it, if needed. I’m a Sony pony and proud 😉Not a fan boy thou 😉
£500 max I will be happy will of course pay more reluctantly but perfectly happy at £500 any less to get more games then I will be beyond happy.
Not being rude to our American cousins across the pond, but this is U.K. site.
So please let’s have £££ please vote as well.
Also our cost includes taxes, so it an all inclusive cost.
Im canadian and we get royally screwed on everything. Paid like $570ish for my day one ps4.
Im willing to pay around the same for ps5 but reeeally hope its less. I mean when it really comes down to it ill pay $800 if i HAVE to lol lets just hope it doesn't come to that.
@Menchi cool. Well all the best with that.
@theMEGAniggle as a PlayStation gamer I do have an Xbox one x and play it here and there mainly digitally or using game pass only have 3 disc games so even though I was thinking of getting an SX next year or in two years when actual next gen exclusives come out for it but the very cheap £250 for a next gen console with plenty of power for the amount of time I would play it is more than reasonable to the point I’m thinking of getting a ps5 and SS at launch and if I what to I could always trade it in for a SX in two years like I did with my one s to one x so I’m beyond excited for the Xbox consoles even as a PlayStation gamer.
I fail to understand the reasoning behind getting the PS5 digital edition besides the price and no one has given me a good reason for it.
I want $500 (or less but I doubt it) But I’ll go $550 if they can really sell it to me or announce more launch exclusives/titles.
@oldschool1987 can ur wife cook??
2% voted $199 because it was such a stupid option that it was funny.
@Number09 that would work out that the missing disk player costs £350
£450 or less for a disc drive version please! I didnt upgrade for a pro and now have an hdr/4k TV. More than that and I'm not sure I would bite for 12 - 18 months until there is a bundle with a game.
@Nepp67 There isn't a reason other than price. It's a hobbled machine that will not age well as the price of the hardware comes down, the gap between the digital and disc version will shrink and eventually vanish. If they offered special deals/sales to digital only buyers, that would change things.
Willing to pay up to $600. But only because it’s not unheard of. But don’t want to pay anything more than $449.
@oldschool1987 your wife probably has more "things" for you to play with than the ps5 at launch 😉 atleast wait a few months for some games to come out
@Nepp67 I'm getting the digital, because I just don't care for discs. I don't like having them around, changing them in and out of the machine, and I don't EVER sell my games anyway because I know I'll want to play it again.
You have to install the disc on to the console anyway, and download a patch, so there's no real waiting factor comparatively speaking.
I can preload my games and play them earlier than most people that buy discs.
I don't have to schlep myself over to the store to buy a disc, take it home, and then wait for it to install.
I don't have to worry about it getting stolen off my front porch if I want to buy from an online store.
The digital sales in the US are really great. Often times you find games much cheaper than even used sellers, and you don't have to deal with person that wants to sell you something. I can't stand people, so no discs limits my interactions with them.
I can game share with my fiancée so I don't have to buy the same game twice for one household! It's great. It's a fantastic feature not offered with discs.
And that's about it.
I'm not paying more than $450 for an All Digital PS5.
If it's more than that, I'm just getting the Series S to play my game pass games more conveniently, and will finish my massive backlog of PS4, Switch, and PC games.
No biggie. Lots of things to play.
It doesn't really matter to me. I pay more for phones that have to be replaced more often and provide less value.
Of course I want it to be lower priced simply because I want there to be a larger user base to give more developers more incentive to focus on the platform.
I voted 450-499 and it seems the majority thinks they will want to pay the same i think alot of people know that will most likely be the price to, cannot grumble really. But my vote would have been in pounds at that price point.
I'm hopeful to get disc drive version, 2 controllers and a game flung in. Hopefully no more than £500. If more I'm buying regardless tbh
@Constable_What Convenience is in the eye of the beholder for sure. Its more convenient for me to put a disc in and be playing instantly (install times are going to be mostly non-existent with those SSD's) than wait hours to download 50-80 GB.
This gets worse when you have a large library (dozens or hundreds of titles) and want to be able to play any of them at any time. But this isn't a problem for those that play a few games at any one time, or only buy a handful of titles. For them, having everything digitally installed would be way more convenient in the short term.
@Constable_What I agree with everything you said it only thing holding mre back from going all digital is the prices, I like to get games the day they come out and youre talking £60 for a AAA game digital vs £35-£40 retail plus I can get half back by selling on ebay so it's either pay £60 digital and not trade it in or £40 retail and get £20 back a month or two later by selling it.
@Morzy £500 including 2 controllers and a game? That would be a bargain
I bought my first PS4 at launch, and the second one a year later that was $50 less and included 2 games (both ports: GTA and TLOU1, but still) soooo....I'm gonna wait until this thing actually has games I reeeally wanna play.
Current PS5 launch line-up is nice, but not my bag baby! :B
I've saved up enough, I don't care. Probably not getting it at launch though.
@stinkyx Thats definitely a good plan for many; unfortunately everyone can't do that. If we did, there would be literally 0 sales! There has to be a large enough adoption at launch (or in the launch window) to allow for a cheaper bundle later.
I should have done that for the PS3 launch. Got one launch day, didn't buy my first game for over 6 months ... I probably could have waited!
@playstation_king Game doesn't have to be AAA, just like a Resogun indie type even. I'll mostly be playing ps4 backlog on it anyway. Bugsnax prob 1st purchase to justify my purchase to kids
I'd pay tens of dollars for it
@thedevilsjester Well, that's why you preload a day in advance for new games, and the cost of older games is considerably less most of the time when buying digitally in USD.
I can also store games on an external hard drive. PS5 has support for that at launch. I've been gaming this way on both PS4 (I have 2TB hybrid drive in my PS4) and PC (500GB SSD and 2TB HDD) for a few years now, and it is WAAAAAY more convenient for me in both the short and long term. You just have to know what you want, and what you're doing.
@Constable_What But you don't have to use the disc drive. That and systems without disc drives can cause more issues than a system with one. If you possibly have internet issues, can't pay your internet and want to buy a game you can't do that at all but at least with a disc drive you can rent a disc from something like gamefly or buy a game used and return it later.
I want one but wont be getting one due to the built in always on mic in the controller. It bums me out.
Mental drooling consumers willing to pay up to 400$ for the digital only version! Sony will have to sell this to me at a heavy loss in order to lock me into their ecosystem. It's not merely the expense of a disc drive that makes the difference.
200-250 max for digital. Especially if they don't get psplus/psnow in order to compete with gamepass. I'm getting tired of Sony being such a pansy, waiting for the competition to show all their cards. Perhaps smart but no balls.
@Nepp67 I never not have internet though, why would anyone not pay their internet but then still buy a used game or use Gamefly? Even if I did, I had to get it set up for a move, I used my mobile hotspot to sign in to my PS4, verified all my licenses, turned it off, and was gaming in 2 minutes. No issues at all.
Not to mention with Gamefly you have to wait weeks to get a game you want.
Also how does hardware without a disc drive cause more issues? My PC doesn't have one, and it works great. Most PCs don't have a disc drive...
@playstation_king I wouldn't buy digital at all if I lived in the UK or the EU. They really fleece you guys across the pond!
I would go to the max of $599. The lower the better but I don't want Sony to take a loss on the console. I really want a 4K blu-ray player that will save me $100-$199 on buying a stand alone player. I see the PS5 as only costing me $400-$500 taking the price of the blu-ray off.
No way would I buy a digital only! physical disk many time cost less the digital downloads. Black Friday sale on physical games are also really good.
The console is worth £600 just for having Astrobot included so I'd be ok with that.
@Constable_What I just said why, if you run into issues with your internet you might not be able to buy a game you want on the PS Store and with a disc drive you can at least go to a Gamestop and get it and play it(Unless it's an mp game) otherwise your system can only play games you bought or are single player. You're right about the Gamefly part unless someone has ya know phone service.
@Constable_What Pre-loading doesn't do much, its only for newly launched games and doesn't provide any benefit for Game X when you, your kids, your family, etc... want to play it 1, 2, 3, 10 months down the road. Installing them to an external drive? How many drives for 200 titles? For 300? How do you keep them organized when you have a dozen or more on each drive? What about having another family member in the same household play that game? (They can't use the same drive, they have to download it).
I could go on, but the point is that Digital is not this magic bullet thats just universally better, even ignoring the long term loss of titles, the short term is not much benefit for many, and can in fact be a real hinderance.
Additionally there are often times when digital is 2-3 times the price of the same new physical copy of a game (let alone a used copy). True there are times when the reverse is also the case; but with an all digital system, you don't get to choose.
I am not trying to convince you that you are wrong for wanting the all digital system, far from it. You know your own wants, needs, and habits, so you know what will work for you and what won't; but "digital" isn't better, it's just different.
@ellsworth004. Haha.word up son
@thedevilsjester When did I ever say digital is some magic bullet that is universally better? How many people have 200 - 300 games as well? That's like a percent of a percent of people that would have all those games, and them all be physical as well.
I have one 2 TB external drive for PS4 that has around 70 games on it, and it's plugged in to the system so I can just see what's on it, and play it. I have a 2 TB HDD in my PS4 I have 50 games on it with 400 GBs to spare. I'd have more, but I've got Modern Warfare installed on it, and I can't bring myself to delete it just yet.
If not for that, I'd say just under 100 games per 2 TB HDD. So 3 external HDDs for around 300 games, not including internal drives, verses the sheer shelve space you'd have to store all that!
Forget about all your what ifs! Imagine the shelve space! Imagine if there's a fire, or it falls and injures someone, or they get stolen! With digital, I can see that my drives are gone, and deactivate my account, and I have all my games back. Easy. I'm not gonna crush my fiancée, our dog, and start a forest fire with the weight of sheer turbo nerd. Who needs it?
I don't. I may not have strong opinions on most things, but I take shelf space really seriously! I'd have to be committed if I had 300 games on shelves. lol
Also, you do remember you're responding to a response I have someone else, about not having a single good reason to get an All Digital PS5 right? That was what that comment was about, just you know, because it seems like you don't.
And I have done that. I've given compelling reasons why I'd want one. Discs. I think they suck. I hate them. I don't wanna yuck your yum, but I really can't stand them. I don't like the clutter. It's bananas to me.
Also, there hasn't been one instance where a physical game is 2 - 3 times the price of disc, in the US at least. If that were the case, as I've said before to another gentleman, I wouldn't buy digital. That's insane.
@Nepp67 I think my priority would be to get the internet back on rather than buy a game. lol
I think that would be most people's priority nowadays. It's basically a utility. I wouldn't buy a game over paying the electric bill! I'd be a moron if I did that!
Look, I get it. No internet equals no game download, right? But there are logistics you have to take into account!
Having said that! If Redbox still rented games out, I wouldn't bother with the All Digital PS5. It was really convenient to hit a Redbox on my way home from work to try a game. It's gone now though, so I don't really have a reason to not go All Digital. I don't buy discs anyway, I can't game share with my household if I'm buying discs. I'd have to buy the game twice.
I would not want to give Sony too much money for a console brand that has a history of systems dying completely after just a few years. My $600 PS3 died after five years. My $200 Nintendo 64 on the other hand still works after 24 years.
Interesting to see the results from this. Pretty clear what people are generally expecting.
Personally i would pay between £450‐£500 for the PS5 Disc version. For 5 to 7 years that would be a great investment.
@Constable_What All the pros you're saying about the digital version also apply to the disc PS5, I can buy the disc PS5 and still go all digital. The regular PS5 is the full package.
@Constable_What exactly...must suck to have such ***** internet in this day and age that games take hours to download!
between my 200MB uncapped internet and a big external drive, digital is far far more convenient than physical.
and I love how the physical peasants always exaggerate the price differences and always fail to mention that PSN credit can easily be purchased at anything up to 25% less than its value.
but even disregarding if I had circa 2000 internet speeds and apparently tiny hard drives, there is no way I'd be up and down like a muppet swapping discs as if CDs have just been invented again.
Closing this account now and browsing the articles only in future - too many I'll informed gamers who all seem to be poor, have crap internet and like messing around with discs.
Reply all you want - I won't be reading them hahahahaha
£399 for the disc edition , but not if it's more than £50 above the digital edition, then i'll not be buying any edition. the fact the PS4 pro is still retailing at £349 doesn't bode well for optimism on PS5 price though. i think sony are going to have to find a way to slash the PS4 pro price to £199. nobody's going to pick up a current gen console for £100 more than a new-gen one, even if it is the weakest by some way.
@Constable_What Perfectly understandable, I just find that it'd be more convenient to have a disc drive if you were running into issues such as that cause at least you have the option.
$400 for the disc version, but I don't mind waiting for a few years for a price drop.
@Juanalf There's no point in buying one with the disc drive if you're not using it, so why bother?
It's the upsell for the undercoating on a new vehicle. I don't need it.
@thedevilsjester I wouldn't hold my breath on the instant thing with disc's I'm afraid. The SSD I/O may be fast, but Blu-ray transfer speeds are not.
I think the max speed of a 16x Blu-ray drive is 75 MB/s - which equates to 4.5GB/min. That amount of data should be enough to start a game while the rest installs in the background like some older PS4 games used to do. Hopefully we won't have to wait more than a minute before we have something playable.
I always have waited for a must have game before buying PlayStation and nothing interests me atm. Games were:
PaRappa The Rapper, Time Crisis 3, Street Fighter IV, and Uncharted™: The Nathan Drake Collection.
I’m looking through my EBGames purchases and I paid:
Switch - $475, PS4 - $450, 3DS - $250, Mini NES - $120, Mini SNES -$120.
@carlos82 That what I'm thinking, the Discless could be heavily subsidies by Sony. They get a guaranteed £50 a year and 100% of first party game sales. I thinking it could be as low as £399 or even £350. It the discless version where I think Sony will throw it money behind. An console which matches Microsoft discless console in price but blows it out of the water in specs could be a winner. Microsoft might have been unwise making their discless version with so much less power.
An I think it the discless version where we will see Microsoft and Sony really compete on price.
Apparently a bunch of teenage kids who dont even have a paper route and zero concept of money or worth have taken this poll. The answers on there are crazy. You might as well have said you'll spend 1 million on a ps5...smh
Just based on the way prices are in Canada I think it will $600+ for us. That sucks but so far besides the demon souls remake, I havent seen anything worth buying yet. At least for me. So I can wait for a price drop.
Preferably below 500$ USD, or roughly 660$ CAD (before tax).
Well the rumours that have been lingering around for months
Ps5 physical will be $499 (Converts to £450)
Ps5 digital will be $399 (Converts to £350)
Xbox announced the price of there Series S yesterday BUT not the Series X, The $499 for Series X was a guess/estimate? Probably trying to make sony pull the trigger so they can undercut both versions of Ps5
I have £460 in the bank. I did have more but with the fact I am now out of work and the UK is in the worse resession in history......... Its hard to save money.
IF they come out and announce the console will be £500.......... Will I be jumping to Xbox? who knows
I'm expecting £450 but would be willing to go to £499.
So far the next gen choices out in order of power are PC £1000++ Xbox Series X £450? PS5 ???/??? Xbox Series S £250
So the PS5 really needs to fit both models between £450 and £250. I'm thinking they will go for £450/£379
@Porkfiend Some of us have game collections we still want access to next gen. Good luck trying to explain to your diskless device that it should be nice and let you play the game on your shelf.
How is it relevant how much I'm prepared to pay?? They're not going to barter or haggle when I get to the till. I'll cough up whatever it is not because I'm a fanboy, but because after winning a PS4 when buying a Sony TV I've found out that finally consoles are on a par with PC's for shiny graphics, and I've really enjoyed the exclusives (bar Sony screwing over Eden Games).
I think there's a difference between "willing to pay" and what I believe it will be valued at. I personally see it priced at £449/£399. And I don't fall out with that. But would I be willing to spend that? No. Not at the moment, not at launch.
I'll do one of 3 things (in likeliness order):
1. Wait six months for the inevitable software patches and bug fixes. And also wait to see if I still have a job in 6 months.
2. Buy it about a month after launch regardless because the hype is real
3. Wait 12-18 months for a price drop
@Porkfiend "Reply all you want - I won't be reading them hahahahaha" - that's what anyone always types when they'll definitely be back and definitely reading them.
Providing I can get one it will be a day one purchase regardless of price but I am hoping it is around £400 - £450 and for those that want it I would hope the digital version is around £100 cheaper!
It will be £599 for the disc version and £549 without.
$700 US or $900 Canadian is max for me. It's just because I will never ever buy a thing from Xbox brand again after two of my 360s ended up in the dumpster for RROD. Also, Playstation has pretty much the monopoly over the strongest exclusive line-ups, which to me is the only thing that is important in the gaming console, not specs or any other factors.
I'll pay whatever it costs, but obviously I'd like it to be as low as possible.
I'm sure Sony can afford to take a hit on the hardware, given the mountains of cash they're raking in from Plus. They could probably match the Series S price if they wanted to. They won't, but they probably could; hell, they could probably give them away.
Don't think I could go any higher than £449 for the disc drive version. £349 for the digital version would be pretty damn tempting.
@BNAG_Gamer you can always wait a bit longer for the price to go down or be in a better financial situation. I mean, there's no rush to buy one at launch, right?
@ellsworth004 she can tbf😂
I will pay what ever sony wants if I'm honest but lets face it the cheaper the better. Whatever the price it will be worth it
@playstation_king the £250 was comparing it to the Xbox series S.......yes I know the digital PS5 is exactly the same as the disc based hence why I put £600 unlike the Xbox series S is a bit different to Xbox series X.......a PS5 digital possibly £500/£550
It will probably be the same as Xbox, so 500 (even though all the media clickbaits with 300 for "the new xbox!!!1"). So, I'll get it for around 400 in a sale somewhen next year. (not because of "financial situations" but because I don't waste money for nothing)
I never buy consoles on release; always wait for a price drop, but if I were to buy on release, I would go £400 tops. Tbh though, I think that I still have a couple of years worth of PS4 stuff to do, lol.
It would have to be at least £50 cheaper than the Xbox Series X for me to bite as the PS5 will offer significantly lower graphics performance.
PS4 ended up being a rather disappointing system for my money to the point where I ended up selling it, Persona 5 is really the only exclusive that I'm going to miss on that one.
PS5 is going to need to do a lot to impress me and so far they haven't really done anything to attain that. Like I guess Ratchet & Clank might be cool for a bargain price but it's certainly no system seller.
It needs exclusive turn based RPGs, turn based strategys game and fighting games for me to start caring.
@Kefka2589 I totally agree, when you look at the amount of pleasure a console will bring and the cost per hour and I allmost feel guilty. No other hobby I have is this cheap. However I do still look for a good deal when buying games and consoles. Paying 60 euro for a game on release day when you know it will be halved in price a few months later is something I can't justify to myself. Maybe because I'm Dutch..
Folk will happily pay $1200 for an iPhone yet are wanting a top end games console that will cater for all your entertainment needs for the next 7 years for under €500.
If you break it down, what we pay for a games console is fantastic value for money.
Series X now confirmed by MS at £449/$499...
$500 for the disc edition tops
@get2sammyb Microsoft have blinked first. Surely PS5 pricing is a day or two away now... and even if they do go for a higher price point I can't see it being more than £500
Xbox Series X: $499
Xbox Series S: $299
PlayStation Disc Version: $499
PlayStation All Digital: $399
Release dates for Xbox is already know. PlayStation will be 13th of November just a few days after Xbox
I'm will to trade two sheep and one of my pigs for a ps5
Anyone just seem XBOX confirm Series X will be £450! Thats crazy cheap, hopefully PS5 will be similar, although even £500 would be reasonable.
XBOX is the most powerful new console.. so 100 euro for a PS5 would be a good price, I think.
PS4 will be my last Sony console. I have zero interest in PS5/Xbox. I'll stick to Steam & Nintendo.
Brazil is living a "dark age" in games again. One Dollar costs around Five Reais (R$5). While americans pay US$400 for a PS4 Pro, here it costs around US$800. You can't find a PS4 Slim here for less than US$450. Any AAA costs no less than US$50.
Now, while the american minimum wage is around US$10 per hour, the brazilian is around US$1,30.
I really don't know what to expect for the next years during incoming recession. So, I'll be playing indie games on PC and my PS3 backlog for a while.
I’m happy to pay whatever the cost but with what’s going on in the world right now £500 is ideal just like the similar price of the XSX
The long and short of it is this
I don't care if I need to get a second or third mortgage on my house im getting a ps5 share controller charging stand HD camera and the headphones.
Because Sony
I would of course prefer $300-$400 or cheaper, but no way is this going to cost less than $500.
Also I have zero interest in the Digital edition.
@Kefka2589 Totally agree. Gaming can be expensive if you want to, but if you have patience and make smart decisions it's easy to get an amazing value for money.
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