Ah, teraflops. Where would we be without them? Well, truth be told, we'd probably just be comparing some other number that means very little to the vast majority of people who eventually go out and buy a next-gen console -- but that's not the point. We now know the on-paper technical specifications for both the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X, and overall, Microsoft has the more powerful hardware -- but does that really matter to you?
The Xbox Series X is packing more teraflops than Sony's system, but as Digital Foundry and other tech-savvy onlookers continue to point out, teraflops aren't wholly indicative of a console's performance. Indeed, being able to see the whole picture requires understanding of various next-gen components and what they bring to the table. Again, it's the kind of stuff that your average gamer probably won't even think about when they're blasting through Cyberpunk 2077 on launch day -- so why do specs seem to be such a hot topic?
Well here's the thing: we haven't actually seen the PS5 or the Xbox Series X in direct competition yet. Sony hasn't even shown the box, never mind the games, while Microsoft continues to drip feed bits and pieces of information in an attempt to maintain interest. There's an incredibly cautious game of cat and mouse going on between the two industry giants, and unpredictable situations like the coronavirus pandemic only make it harder for both companies to lay down a proper roadmap.
And so, without any exact knowledge of launch lineups, or how these machines compare in practice, armchair analysts have little choice but to argue over hardware specs. Welcome to the internet, etc.
But do these specs really matter to you? Are you disappointed that the PS5 is, on paper, the weaker system? Has the supposed power of the Xbox Series X made you consider joining the team in green? Vote in our polls, and then feed us an honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 97
let me put it this way, did being the weakest system impact the PS2?
people put far too much into numbers, it's GAMES that are important a few terraflops is nothing
Just want a quiet console.
And decent controllers.
i believe another key factor will be the controller and sony based on leaks have stepped up the game.
How many BIT does it have
The only thing that would make me consider buying a PS5 after the spec' reveal is the possibility of better PSVR titles. However, I've been waiting for better PSVR titles since I got the headset, so I'm not going to hold my breath.
I don't care about so called exclusives. I jumped from Xbox to PS4 because the PS was the more powerful of the two machines. I'll be jumping back to Xbox this time. I may buy a PS5 later, if anything emerges which might interest me.
Ps5 pro will be here in 3 years.so it will be 14 teraflops.but the games will still look amazing anyways.word up son
The specs don't make any difference as it seems performance will be in the same ballpark. I'll probably end up with both so at launch it'll be dictated by launch games and backwards compatibility capabilities
Idk, specs are important but games are what make the console. I have Game Pass PC for XSeX titles anyway.
Like others have said games are what matter look at the ps2 and I suppose from a devs point of view whichever has the best development tools. Terra flops are the new bits it’s silly really don’t mean a thing to your average gamer
I just want my games to run at least 1080p/60. Otherwise, I don't care which system is more powerful, or about ray-tracing, or anything like that.
As usual, pricing and exclusives will be more important when it comes to determining which console I grab than other factors.
@Hengist What about the ways that PS5 is more powerful with the SSD and how it has it’s own advantages what we know? I’ve seen some technical run-ups that say Xbox May have some better better textures close up, but PS5 might have better view draw distance.
Also what about exclusives?
And while I’m still waiting to see how it really all play out, view draw distance is something I’ve wanted better seen the beginning of the gen even, so I’d rather that advantage personally if it’s there.
Got too many games on my PS4 so it won't be worth it to switch to Xbox even if Xbox has 2 TF more... Not to mention the only exclusives that Mirco has that I'm intrested but could live with out are Halo and...
So yeah, will buy the PS5, maybe not on launch day but in a few months afterwords.
Of course not, I buy games not specs lol. I'm more interested in next horizon zd, next god of war, next ND games, next ghost of tsushima (or ps5 patch), next bend studio games, next insomniacs games, and all sony 1st party studio, with 3rd party exclusives (full or timed) likes persona series, ff7r, dragon quest series, and others 😃
@TheNewButler I agree, I couldn't answer the poll either as it's formulated as if games are on one side of the spectrum and specs on the other end.
Other than that, most game I'm interested in are playable on both consoles anyway.
@Jaz007 'What about the ways that PS5 is more powerful with the SSD and how it has it’s own advantages what we know?'
I don't believe that it will provide an advantage over the new Xbox's SSD when it comes to the usual types of games which I buy, those being generally cross-platform releases. It may provide a benefit for exclusives where developers program specifically for it, but as I mentioned earlier; I don't care about exclusives.
Remember 900p vs 1080p ? How times have changed. Now it doesn't matter.
The true MVP of the PS4's launch was watching PlayRoom Livestreams. Let's see what they have up their sleeve this time... Do not underestimate the power of PlayStation!
Ooooo, look at Ramsey being a big Grimes fan 😉
Is only 1 tflop 😂 and ad far we know it might out perform xbxs
Which console has a quieter system?
A lot of us have been in the Playstation ecosystem since PS1 (others PS2) - For that reason alone, it would take an absolute disaster from Sony to make us switch to the Xbox.
Worst case scenario it's going to be native 4K vs 1800p checkerboard. The difference is going to be absolutely tiny.
@Jarobusa It never did matter, but even if it did, the difference is even smaller than that!
Optimization is a far more important word then teraflop will ever be. MS want it to be the next "blast processing" a useless tech word used for marketing purposes.
OMG OMG 2 whole TeeFlops...
That means...that means... 🤔
I know.
That means highest quality pixels. I.e the 4k xbox pixels will be better quality that the 4k PS pixels.
Games are the most important deciding factor for me but I have to admit that I would be slightly pissed if Ps5 performances will be quite inferior than XseX ones
I have a Nintendo Switch. Does it answer the poll question?
So where’s the “yes, but I also care about games.” Answer? Why is it an either or?
XBox WON! with the most powerful console! Just as XBox One X did.
PlayStation is the clear Winner when it comes to its Games! It's easy to think XBox will be much more expensive also. Price is important to the console market. That extra 2 Tflops will come at a price.
If it gets to the Xbox has the most power, best games, and lowest Price just like the PS4 did. Yes I would buy one just like I did the PS4. For now my focus is on PlayStation 5!!
I will still buy the PS5 at some point but its ridiculous that when the ps4 was a tiny bit more powerful than the xbox that was hammered home everywhere, including this site! Now it apparently doesn't matter! I only jumped to Sony this gen and I won't go back to xbox but let's be truthful, it does APPEAR to be quite a good bit more powerful. Personally I think the PS5 should be powerful enough to be a huge upgrade, and I'm really really excited to see what the insanely fast SSD does. Fast travel in games is anything but, having next to no loading is a huge plus.
If Teraflops were so important, my £1000 PC would be weaker than the Xbox One X.
@Fred_Red it's more than 2, that's quite a lot but the box will cost a lot more imo
@Jarobusa What I remember 900P vs 1080P, "and it cost more"?
For me personally, I believe that Sony's choice of architecture will make up the 2 TFlop difference. Unless I'm mistaken (very possible) the Series X has a segmented Ram pool, 10gigs at over 5gis a sec and 6 at over 3gigs a sec. But PS5 ram is unified. I think that the way the PS5 is built and the customizations they made will make up the difference. 🤷🏾♂️
Trust me the "most powerful" matters to the average gamer before they purchase. They might not really understand the numbers but it's the " I heard this is better than this so I'll buy". It's what made PS4 outsell Xbox One, they heard the former was 1080p and the latter 900p - easy choice. Hence I see XSX selling better than XboxOne at least. In the long run it'd be the games that'd help PS5 way I see it.
I remember all the arguments about the N64 being twice as powerful as the PSone back in the day. Look how that turned out. Numbers mean very little on their own.
Not in the slightest. There's virtually nothing MS could do to get me to buy a series X at this point. Because it has a higher number of something I truthfully don't even understand doesn't move the needle at all.
Numbers means nothing for me. Yes it is odd to see lower numbers, but in the end its about performance itself. It reminds me of my fifth PC, every component was MSI, beast on paper, but when I kick it on it was laggy and the most problematic piece of hw I've ever had.
Let's face it, if console specs meant everything Nintendo would be out of business.
@ShogunRok yep at the end if the day a person can spout all the numbers they want but it's games that sell systems
It is and it isn't. I didn't buy a Wii because I didn't wanna waste my new HD screen on sub-HD games (also I'm not really a Nintendo fan either, tbh…).
But then again, the Xbox 360 was the marginally less powerful console and it regularly ran games in higher fidelity than the PS3 (e.g. Bayonetta, Batman Arkham Asylum, at their times of release). We know the Cell processor was hellish to master, but this continued long into the development cycle for both consoles.
@Hengist For something like view draw distance, why wouldn't it affect 3rd party games as much as the extra terraflops would affect the resolutions and whatnot for Xbox games? I've seen this a few times, but I'm not sure why people think they'll take advantage of the Xbox extra power with how the game looks, but ignore the PS5's power? I would think if they ignore the PS5 advantages they'll ignore Xbox advantages just as much. It's hardly the PS3's cell. Games will be designed to use the SSD's for some similar things, so if they turn on the settings for the extra teroflops, why not the SSD too?
I know gameplay won't be designed around it, but for stuff like what we've talked about, it seems more feasible.
I dont get why everyone says 'oh only first party blah blah'
Point is new gen games will be designed around SSD, and ps5 is simply way, way faster.
more teraflops doesn't equate to better performance 🙄
I had a PS1 when the N64 was available.
I had a PS2, which I still used far more even after I got an original Xbox.
PS3 was supposedly at a disadvantage to the 360 due to its memory configuration, but my PS3 saw way more use than my 360.
My PS4 Pro remains my main gaming platform, despite having bought a high-end gaming PC just over a year ago.
Teraflops aren't high on my list of priorities. It's the games which interest me. There are - for now at least - games I can play on PlayStation which I can't play anywhere else. That's not the case for Xbox, as I can play them all on PC.
As I've said before, while Microsoft's actions this generation may well be very 'consumer friendly', they've also rendered their own hardware irrelevant... at least for people like me.
I just built a pc based on two year old gfx card and cpu. The games run smoothly... Do I care about 60fps vs 120fps? Not one bit unless I plan to go pro and devote myself to 24 hour gaming. Heck I'm playing Witcher 3 on ps4 and yeah it doesn't compare to mate's £1500 PC churning out 120fps on ultra mode. But guess what? He doesn't really play the games, just loves to gloat about fancy numbers. And gamers love their switch and mobiles, much weaker than any console. Anyways love to all the gamers yes the poor ones and the rich ones. However... If the PS5 is more expensive than xbox then I might be miffed to pay for less technical prowess. Then again does exclusive games allow for brand loyalty justify high ticket price? Hmm... Thinking of nintendo. Tough choice next generation
Sony f..cked up.., even if the PS5 is better for future game development (insane SSD Speed + costomised / efficient chip board),.. I wont get a PS5, till Sony does not give us Information on a PS5 PRO release date (since Sony indirectlly allowed Ps5 Pro roumor to spread)..
..not gonna get a PS5 now, than have to get a Pro in 1-2 years..
(even if Sony is afraid to announce a Pro release in1-2 years, since Sony fears it will affect PS5 Launch Sales.., Sony should Let us know when a Pro Version is due! .. PR-wise like: "get PS5 now affordable for all at $450.-, .. and in 1 Year for the Hard Core Gamers we will bring out a $550-600.- Pro Version".., just so some dont get temped to get a Xbox XS instead)
otherwise ill play safe and get the powerfull XSX,.. since MS is not holding back with their Console and will very likely NOT bring a "Pro" Version any time soon..; and wait 1-2 years till the PRO is out or till Ps5 has enough must have Exclusives, till than use the XSX ..
Sony needs to Step up with Infos in General and on the Pro....; PS5 Reveal sofar 3/10 max.., almost on the same Level as the Xbox One reveal years ago
Performance matters to me that’s why I have a now have a PS4 pro. Loading times also matter to me that’s why I’ve replaced the internal hard drive with an SSD.
I’m willing to set that to one side and play on inferior hardware if it has an exclusive game that I want. That’s why I currently own a switch and owned a original Xbox One back when it had exclusive.
If one of them has a launch game that excites me i’ll get that one. Otherwise it will be down to real-world performance not numbers. So I’ll wait for Digital foundry to look at what both devices are actually capable of for cross-platform games. I want to get one of the new consoles fairly soon after launch even if there’s nothing new worth playing on them at that point because of the advantages from multi platform games.
Can the new Xbox(whatever it's called) play PS5 Exclusives??? Er NO! So I don't give a dam about FLIP-FLOPS But it would of been nice tho to say 'My Flops are more than your Flops' but you can't have everything And having to put up with 'THEM' banging on about it all next Gen is going to be annoying, but I am sure once we see what the PS5 can do(this Millennium would be nice SONY) then hopefully 'THEY' will will be silenced.
@Rai_TheNoblesse What makes you think either console manufacturer will release enhanced versions this time around.
@Rai_TheNoblesse I bought a launch PS4 and haven’t had any issues or needed to upgrade. I don’t see the issue. I’ll take the this cycle of buying consoles over mid-gen upgrades.
At the end of the day, you need a PS5 to play Playstation exclusives and it doesn't matter if its not as highly specced in some areas as another device, you can't play those games on anything more 'powerful' than the PS5.
I intended to get both - before I knew the specs and the 'rumour' was indicating a bigger gap - although some later rumours indicated a closer gap too. It certainly won't be a slouch and a major step up from PS4 and PS4 Pro. Numerically speaking - it has more than double the Tflops of Pro and using more modern architecture could see an extra 50% 'boost' per Tflop over the Pro's architecture. The CPU is more than twice as fast as the PS4 with Multi-threading enabled too. It has double the RAM and nearly double the RAM speed of the Pro as well as the SSD.
It certainly won't be a slouch and no console currently available can come close to matching what this offers. In tests RDNA 1 GPU's running at around 4-4.2 are delivering the kind of visuals a 6 Tflop Xbox One X, the current most powerful console, so over 10TF of RDNA 2 should provide more than double the performance and I can't see the PS5 being a slouch in the graphics department.
The PS5 would really need to be under-specced, significantly worse and over-priced for its spec for me to not consider buying one in the first few months. Even if its weaker in some areas - its not weak at all and as I have a lot of PS4 games too, it makes sense to get a PS5.
As owner of both PS4 pro and Xbox One X, I can say that I notice and appreciate the large difference in power between those two systems. 3rd party games (like Red Dead 2) usually look a lot sharper on xbox these days and I typically buy them on that system now. It's hard to ignore specs and power if you care about the fidelity of the experience like I do.
That being said, there's devs saying that the actual performance diff between the upcoming consoles isn't that great. If that's the case (we will see) then no, the inferior specs (on paper) of PS5 don't really matter much, even for people like me.
The problem w/ teraflops is it's an arbitrary multiplicative number. In theory, it implies power, but reality is very different. A literal, apple for apple comparison is this: A V6 has 6 cylinders to produce power and 4 tires to apply it, so 6x4=24. So a V8 would be 8x4=32. So by applying that logic to cars, a V8 is always more powerful and thus faster than a V6. The reality is, we typically use 6 cylinder race cars over even 16 cylinder motors. Primarily bc it offers comparable power with greater efficiency.
I think we're going to see something similar play out here. Sony actively removed numerous bottlenecks that MS didn't. It seems MS was so focused on graphical power, they didn't account for everything else like what might prevent them from letting them ponies run. The ps5 not loading redundant assets, loading assets directly in from storage, etc removes many of those bottlenecks and means it will need less power to reach the same result. And they went w/ a faster, and custom, storage system, suggesting they believe that it might actually be the read speed of the drive which may bottleneck the console. Or that they expect developers to really take advantage of the ability to directly load assets into the gpu from storage.
Either way, some thought was put into one console where the other they asked a 14yo boy to pick what they think is best. Whichs fits the phallic design as well.
It all comes down to how third parties take advantage of the extra horsepower. Eventhough PS3 was superior to Xbox 360 on paper, third parties took a good few years to get a handle on the more complicated PS3 architecture and there were some who never really took advantage of it so I actually had more multiplats on 360 overall (I did shift over to PS3 more starting in 2011). If devs don't use the extra power in Series X to its advantage than this stuff doesn't really matter in the end. Double edged sword... Power is important but it also means nothing if devs don't do anything with it. There are other things that matter more in the end that at this moment have me leaning towards Xbox Series X over PS5 as my first next-gen console purchase. The extra power is just an added bonus if it's even used.
I care about my games looking as clear as possible but my eye sight is pretty poor now so I really only care that it looks great enough to tell what is what. The difference between Xbox and PS4 has always looked so minimal to me compared to the difference between Nintendo and those 2
So since I pretty much notice little to no difference between the 2, it comes down to the games. And PS always has far more games that I like to play than Xbox. I really don't see Xbox getting much of the games I like on it so the ps consoles will always be my preferred choice including ps5
there have been rumours a PS5 PRO might launch parallel with the PS5 .. or a Bit later (1-2 years), but not much later like the PS4 Pro did 4 years later..
and Sony has neither fully discarded nor admitted to a Pro launch Date / rumours , Sony is just silent.., Sony should really speak up and Let us know if / when a Pro will come..
MS on the other hand clearly will not bring a "Pro" Xbox anytime soon.., MS PR is way more transparent atm.., doing a Good PR job, Sony really needs to give us more clarification.
I'm a HC gamer, and any "framerate" or other advatages i can get I'll gladly Pay for.., also I play FFXIV on my PS4 Pro.. and FFXIV really runs better on the Pro (some ingame areas can be very demanding on the hardware)..
I will get a PS5 PRO.., but really do not / will not buy a PS5 at Launch just to get a PS5 PRO 1-2 years later.., that's too much and hope Sony does not Trick us into buying a PS5 and only months later announce a PS5 PRO for 2021 or 2022..., hope Sony will be honest enough and announce the PRO release before the PS5 is launched...
Sony in general needs to Step up in the PR right Now.., atm its almost as Bad PR as during the Xbox One launc
I have an Xbox One X which is more powerful than my PS4 Pro and I still much prefer PlayStation. It's about the games for me and I find Sonys first party games superior by a long shot. Also I much prefer the Dualshock 4 over the Xbox controller. To each their own though and I'm glad we have choices because as gamers we all win
Often the slightly weaker system has the advantage, since that tends to become the baseline specs for multiplatform games.
@Dan_ozzzy189 is not is less. Is like 1.70 tf😂
The difference is smaller than back in the day with PS4 vs Xbox One, and even that one hardly mattered. Additionally, who knows what the PS5's SSD is capable of.
I care more about games. Also a lot of devs are praising the ps5
Only the most hardcore geeks will care about the specs of the next generation. Specs don't sell unless you primarily game on a PC. Games are what sell PlayStation consoles, and it has always been this way. Sony knows that and its obviously why they didn't go all out like Microsoft did.
Honestly, I don't give a damn about Xbox specs, I wouldn't use/buy it even if it had revolutionary tech.
What's the point of having hardware when you don't have the games for it.
It has always been SONY, Microsoft is just absolute trash in my eyes.
Look at all these mind blowing games SONY is publishing.
I have respect for SONY products.
if you ask me this whole comparing Xbox and PlayStation is meaningless and bulls***, it's like calling it a "war" its not a war when one side its going to be obliterated.
Language - Quintumply
Specs are a total non-issue for me. What I care about are the games and the features. So far, from the look of it, PS5 and XboxX alike have no new features at all.
PS2 added DVD playback
PS3 added a built in hard drive and Blue Ray playback
PS4 has VR
Xbox 360 was the first true mass market HD console and revolutionized online play
Game Boy Color added color
GBA SP had a lit screen and rechargeable battery
3DS has 3D effects and streetpass
Wii had motion controls
Wii U had the Gamepad
Switch is a hybrid machine (and my favorite innovation in 20+ years of gaming!)
PS5 has......???
XboxX has.......???
Better graphics are a given each generation of new device from each company.
I am mostly excited about what PS5 will bring for PSVR. So yeah I want the most power I can get. I am most definitely a bit disappointed. That being said I am getting two on launch day so I guess Sony would have to double down on it's s***** marketing to make me change my mind.
Language - Quintumply
@Jaz007 @Jaz007 'I'm not sure why people think they'll take advantage of the Xbox extra power with how the game looks, but ignore the PS5's power?'
It's not really a case of leaning towards one system or the other, in terms of designing for an advantage. Games are initially designed on PC before being ported to console Dev kits. Cross-platform developers are like running water or electricity. If they can, they'll always take the easiest route. In terms of SSD's & cross-platform titles, once they've nailed their load times on a PC SSD, then that will be the target that they aim for on the console ports.
At the end of the day, the new Xbox will run cross-platform titles better because it's the more powerful of the two machines, in the same way that the PS4 was more powerful than the Xbone and ran cross-platform titles better.
SSD's will be a game changer on all platform systems (PC & Consoles), but only if developers design their game around them (some dev's may not choose this route, as there's a vast market out there with customers who still have mechanical drives on PC). All this Cerny talk regarding the PS5's SSD transfer speed, sounds more like a damage limitation exercise to me. Let's face it, he was never going to stand-up and say we know that our machine is the weaker of the two. He had to say/spin something positive about it.
CPU/GPU performance measurements matter, but actual end game benchmarks benchmarks matter more. We will see actual game benchmarks closer to launch. Let's see those and then judge render performance.
@TheNewButler Honestly, nothing but the games matter when buying a gaming console. Not power, services, friends, or controllers. I know people who bought the X1X for its power, not one of them plays more than 3 different games in a year. These are the same people who lauded Gamepass, and have been begging me to play the games they haven't touched with their other friends who also haven't touched them. Meanwhile I'm on the Switch, playing SP game after SP game, the only true gamer in the group of modern "gamers" who can actually talk about gaming and not the latest Twitch streamer. Or I'm on PS4, again with a mountain of games, typically beating two a month (one per each console) while they're claiming this generation has been 'poor' in terms of quality content.
Choose your console on the games, not the social features, otherwise you will be disappointed. As for me, I own every console every generation. My X1X is played about once every 4 months, my PS4 and Switch though fights for my attention daily.
Funny fact PS3 have 0.230 teraflop...
And I enjoy playing on that machine a lot! So please it ain't about flops anymore
"I don't care about exclusives" 😂 well, what if you reeeeeally enjoy a game? Will you loose all interest if you find out it's an exclusive?
Tbh the amazing architecture of the PS5 is what I'm most excited about more than the perceived higher numbers. The controller's for the custom SSD and cpu and GPU cache swapping is going to be a game changer!
@Fred_Red you make no sense and why the laughing emoji? It's far near two tflops more powerful than just the one you claimed. Listen, I don't give a s***, I'm not buying one but you sounded like a Sony fanboy guy spreading misinformation.
10.28 vs 12 is a difference of 1.72.
In my head that's far nearer two than one, you can think what you want.
Language - Quintumply
You said xbox is > 2 tFlops powerful when the difference is 1.80 Different. Your one spreading false News. Why a Xbox FanBoy on a Playstation News site😂
maybe he feel so threaten by news ps5 he needs to discourage people
let me put it this way, ps5pro in 3 years.
i did the same in 2013 when ps4 released, i just stuck to my ps3 until ps4pro arrived. i guess people have forgotten the problems the ps4 had and the unfinished ps4os in the 3 first years. in the end the wait for the ps4pro was worth it. you got a more powerful console, the games run better, bigger storage, a ps4os that finally had what was needed, and it was cheaper too buy too.
and this time the wait is no problem either, the ps4 have lots of good games to play and there is even great ps3 games i have still not played...
but with that said, if the ps5 had proper bc for ps3 and ps4 games, i would have bought a ps5 day one. but since it dont, i can happily wait for a ps5pro.
I care only about games that will be true exclusives.
@Jarobusa Yeah look at the Switch people dont care about that so much. I bought my PS4 not because its more powerfull but because it has the games i want.
@Hagemaru I think most gamers just want their games and see them run good. If nobody told me about this stuff i would't even know about it. I dont go to DF to look up if it has 5FPS more i just want it too run good and i want to have fun playing my games. Does the game run with a good framerate then ill be happy.
@GoblinKing86 I know right i dont even have time to finish all the games im a little older have a job with shifts.
@Ralizah I'm with you. 1080 at 60fps+ and I'll be a very happy bunny. I'm just hoping that games will identify 1080 TVs and adjust game download sizes accordingly.
@ShogunRok Good Point
@BrettAwesome '"I don't care about exclusives" 😂 well, what if you reeeeeally enjoy a game? Will you loose all interest if you find out it's an exclusive?'
If you had read my earlier comments then you would have read the bit where I wrote... 'I may buy a PS5 later, if anything emerges which might interest me.'
@Uoman Similar to my impressions. Not being a programmer or developer - I see it in terms of power over performance.
The new Xbox is more powerful, that much I understand but PS5 seems to be built around optimal performance first - by rethinking the mechanics of game design and cutting out time wasting functions rather than thinking about how to make slow, and perhaps (now outdated and cumbersome) processes, go faster.
Is it the case that MS have innovated powerful performance to enhance gaming experience while Sony have rethought the design of, and relationship between, game development and machine code and created a software and hardware that works more efficiently?
@TheBuzz 'let me put it this way, ps5pro in 3 years.'
If Sony's market share starts to dwindle, then I can envisage that happening (if it's not already a part of their long term plan).
Not gonna lie, don't understand all this jargon about specs. I just wanna play some Ps4 games via backwards capability so then I can actually finish some of my backlog. Have great starting titles ready for the next generation and a good price. Not much to ask for tbh. Come on Dishonored 3.
I'll take Sony's track record for releasing stellar games over Microsoft's. People seem to forget that the original Xbox was jettisoned, screwing over its adopters, after a mere 5 years because of how badly it was dominated by the PS2. The 360 launched a full year ahead of the PS3 because of this, and it still sold less than the Wii and PS3. I don't believe there has been a single generation where Xbox has finished above last. I don't see that changing this generation.
That matters. Third party exclusives come to the console that can support them. Ryse 2? Never happened. Why? Xbox One sold like ISH. Sunset Overdrive 2? Same thing. Titanfall 2? Multiplat. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? There's a reason the top 5 home consoles look like this:
1. PS2
2. PS4
3. PS1
4. Wii
5. PS3
Games, Games, Games.
Buy a Playstation first each GEN. It gets just about all the games released. Build from there if/when you have extra cash.
It has worked for the last 3 Gen. No need to change the formula now.
If this was a street fight, I'd put my money on the ps5.
I'll be getting a PS5 at some point - I'll probably wait for the slim. Sony has a far better brand and vision than M$.
Teraflops don't mean squat in a console really it's about games, it's Microsoft who have made this thing about teraflops been a thing.
Nintendo had the weakest system with the Wii, and it was a massive hit. Nintendo has the weaker system with the Switch and look at the sales. Doesn't matter on the console, but it's the IP's that keep the gamers going with the company. Nintendo has great IP's that keep the gamers flocking to their consoles. Sony is the same way. As for Microsoft, they don't seem to keep many of their IP's (Blinx, Voodoo Vince, Viva Piñata, Banjo Kazooi). Microsoft needs impressive first-party games to keep their machine running, something they did with the 360 but failed with the One after the launch. No games were shown yet from either company, only thoughts on what games would come out (and Sony will have, even if later on, Horizon 2, God Of War, Spiderman, Ratchet And Clank, Hot Shots Golf and I'm sure a new Twisted Metal). Granted I own all 3 now, and have had all 3 in the past, I'll still get all 3 the next generation (because we know nintendo is probably already working on their next console). Nintendo and Sony are always my first choice due to the IP's...Microsoft needs to have more than just a few to get me to purchase their console, and who knows...will their next console have problems like the 360 did? Will microsoft's next console have a major lack of first-party titles like the XBONE does? Third party companies always flock to the console that sells...PS2 had massive amount of titles, Wii had massive amount of titles, 360 had a massive amount of titles and PS4 at the moment has a massive amount of titles. Whichever system sells the most, the games flock too...meaning that if the PS5 oversold the Xbox, the companies will flock to the PS5 to where specs won't really matter because the games will be designed with the other...if that made any sense.
Honestly though, I can't wait to see what nintendo has planned, because once Sony and Microsoft release their next consoles, the Switch will be very far behind and will likely have a drought in 3rd party titles.
The games do matter most- but now I’m considering buying an Xbox as well for the superior power in multi platform games.
I've had to warn several people about swearing in this comments section — can we please keep things clean? Thank you!
@nathanSF Its also worth pointing out, other than the unique modifications made, they're using the exact same hardware. MS just added a larger OC, which uses more power and generates significantly more heat. The larger the OC, the more power it consumes, the more heat it generates. Meaning it is also more likely their cooling is over-stressed and can lead to critical hardware failure, at worst. At best, the console will sound like a mini jet turbine as we've seen before.
As well as the heat issue, you get diminishing returns the higher you OC the hardware. Teraflops isn't measured throughput. It's theoretical max throughput. It assumes every processor is functioning at max capacity, which never happens. When you OC the cpu or gpu, you only eek out a tiny bit more performance out of the most burdoned processors. The rest continue to function at the same or a similar rate.
There's no way around it; teraflops are a piss-poor measurement.
Thanks for this.
Power isn't the end all be all. Art direction, optimization and talent are what matter! That said the PS5 will do just fine.
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