While you can rarely fault the final products, many criticise the building blocks that go into each Ubisoft release. The French firm’s distinctive approach to open world design may be effective, but it can be difficult to ignore the similarities that its various series share – whether it’s Assassin’s Creed or The Crew, the same underlying design principles are there.
This has resulted in the company dropping some clangers of late, with sales of Tom Clancy titles The Division 2 and Ghost Recon: Breakpoint disappointing. And, ahead of the PlayStation 5's launch this holiday, it’s pushed the publisher into making some changes. According to VGC, the organisation’s editorial team – which consists of 100 designers and producers – is undergoing a revamp.
Here’s how Ubisoft apparently has been operating behind the scenes: each studio is assigned a specific project, but the overall direction of the publisher’s output is determined by the aforementioned editorial team. As one anonymous source illustrated: “There were often the ideas of just one or two people getting put into every game. That’s why you tended to see such similarity.”
This will now change, with multiple vice presidents given a specific franchise to look after. While each of the projects will continue to be managed by chief creative officer Serge Hascoet, the idea is that each leader will be given more autonomy to make their assigned series their own, resulting in differentiation between releases.
Some of the vice presidents include Child of Light’s Patrick Plourde and Splinter Cell’s Maxime Béland -- who’s returned to the publisher after a year at Epic – perhaps increasing anticipation for Sam Fisher’s return. This all sounds like a positive move for the organisation, which has released some great games on PS4 but will benefit from a shake up to its established output.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 46
This is good news although I personally enjoy the AC games, and I also think Odyssey is fantastic. That being said, I think even with the change people will still find a reason to complain. It’s as if gamers aren’t happy unless they are complaining about something these days.
Odyssey was good but origins was a far superior game. The storyline, characters and world was too notch. Odyssey just felt like a copy and paste. The world felt really fake.
Well, it's nice to hear good news about a big publisher listening to the feedback it receives for a change!
Don't change the formula enough and people call it a copy and paste, change it too much and they will moan about not sticking to the original formula. Improvements over the last 3 assassin's creed were really good, but I have to admit, if they go full Breath of the Wild and shake things up, I won't complain.
@Boucho11 I disagree. However, Origins was really good and I got the platinum for it. What I loved about Odyssey was the Cultist plot line. That was just awesome and really well done.
I do think the current Assassins Creed formula is rather good. However, I think the more games they have from different genres following the same template cheapens the experience a bit. If they can create fuller, more standalone games then that sounds pretty good to me.
Ubisoft games is good but although they're in different genre they can feel too similar, especially the rpg part, with bullet sponge in their latest games and of course, every part of their games filled with mtx. I do hope they can be better next-gen.
Pfffft! Yeah, okay! We’ll have to wait and see on this one! I will believe it when I see it Ubi, and while you’re at it, actually try and reach your target renders this next generation. 😂😂😂
On paper, this should sound like a positive move...but when you look at Ubisofts output past & future, can't see that much changing...Beyond Good & Evil 2 rather than continuing Jade's story finding P'eyg we have some open world live service thing...I doubt we'll see any Rayman anytime soon & Splinter Cell unless they find a way to shovel it into live service faces a similar situation. The single player story based campaigns are still being filled with cookie cutter create generic character with grindy open worlds to encourage mtx shortcuts.
@Nerdfather1 i actually got the plat on both origins and odyssey, but i agree with u, odyssey is the better game. Origins was really good though, i just thought odyssey was great improvement.
@Nerdfather1 And i disagree with you
Odyssey had some really weird narrative problems. Seriously everyone was like "I want you to kill them!!" and the characters would go all mean faced then change right back... It was off putting. Some really bad difficulty spikes too, which may or may not have been for micro transactions. And the always around enemy assassins got old. I like the idea but they need to be a little less liberal with them.
Origins on the other hand was beautifully written and acted in my opinion. I couldn't put the controller down and loved the story. Bayek and the whole Egypt scene was so well done.
What you mean no more towers to climb to unlock the map?
Kassandra had more personality in the first 10 minutes than Bayek had all game.
What happened to their 2D games? I miss Rayman... Ubisoft made some creative games in the past if you remember. But now it's all big block buster games and sequels...
The Division 2 was in the top 10 best selling games of 2019, how can that be disappointing? 🤷♂️
Finally, a few years late but better late then never. Some of their games this gen have been good, almost very good but spoiled if you've played multiple games from them as they all feel too similar. Now they just need to stop making their games have huge maps for the sake of it, I had a lot of fun with Odyssey but that map is far too big and most of the areas are one and done towns with very little meaningful content in them. Finally ditch the enemy camp mechanic that is the backbone of every single franchise they have
I think the last Ubisoft game I truly enjoyed was Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 back on the X360. Future Warrior was dumbed down, couldn’t really get into the AC series (tried on first game though) and by the time I thought about it again we were like 10+ games in so thought “why bother”. I really really tried to like Rayman Origins but something always rubbed me the wrong way. Don’t know what but stopped after I felt I was forcing myself to play.
I still keep an eye on their works but rarely ever am interested in what they do. Well apart from laugh at their inability to comprehend the meaning of the words “iconic” and “ultimate”.
It’s a start, I guess. So much wasted potential from Ubisoft over the past decade.
AC Odyssey is clearly the superior game to Origins, there's a spoiler bloody Minotaur in it for one!
Odyssey isn't perfect and without flaws but few games are.
The series continues to evolve so this news is welcome. Name a better historical series than AC? There are plenty of fantasy and sci-fi games but not many set in the past, ancient past at that. It's a huge part of the appeal of this series and long may it continue.
The copy & paste issue isn't a total deal breaker on it's own, but coupled with such uninteresting narratives and poorly written characters.. there are plenty of far more interesting games worth my time.
I understand the strategy, big names will sell huge numbers regardless of the quality up to a point. You get that in the music and movie industry as well. So minimum effort, maximum profit.
Nice to see they've admitted there's a problem, that's the first step.
That's true, there aren't many games based in a historical setting on consoles. Apart from the big hitter, Red Dead Redemption and your FPS WW1 / WW2 games there's not much competition for AC.
My personal favourite is Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments, really fun and clever little game.
my ubi games this gen have been farcry primal(the best farcry game), ghost recon wildlands, the division1(i hated the always online bs so not gonna buy more of this game), watchdogs1&2. the only game from ubi that is on the buy list now is watchdogs3, i love the watchdogs games.
when it comes to the asscreed games, the first was the really good one, but after that it just become a lackluster rince and repeat with dumb grinding, and later filled with mtx and politic agendas bs. the asscreed games just need to be put to rest for 10 years at this point. they have been done to death.
@Rhaoulos that's not the point, it's fine if a game series uses the same or a similar formula as they are the same series, you expect that
you DON'T expect EVERY game they do to be the same game regardless of what series it is, Farcry, Assassin's Creed, Watch_Dogs, 3 completely different series that all play exactly the same, climb a tower and scan the area, take out a strong hold and then pick up things to craft items
THAT is what people were complaining about because it's LAZY, they literally have been copy pasting the same game play into nearly EVERY game they made over the past 5-10 years
@TheBuzz Nonsense, the AC series is still going strong. If you don't wish to play it then fine but why call for something to end that millions of people enjoy?
How arrogant!
Might help increase sales if they also didn't lock the single player content of some of their games like The Division & GR Breakpoint behind an 'always online' paywall.
The Division I can sort of understand, but GR Wildlands was playable offline so I'm sure the follow up could have been too if they had wanted to (not that I had any interest in Breakpoint as didn't really appeal to me for some reason even though I usually love TPS', but I would have bought & played Division 2 offline for sure).
@ILikeStake I’m with you 100%
@Col_McCafferty it’s clearly not. It’s just origins on a larger style with less interesting characters and rinse and repeat quests.
@Nerdfather1 Assassins Creed was somewhat boring if you did one you played them all. Same with a lot of their games some with even complete copies of their maps. Yeah thats a little too much dont you think.But on the bright side it only took them 2 generations.
Having just got the Platinum in AC Odyssey I can say I enjoyed the large amount of time I spent with the game. However from a story standpoint it is quite weak and instantly forgettable. I will say that there are still many question marks left on the map. How many camps am I that fussed about clearing when they all refill pretty quick anyway.
Could go into lots of little things but ultimately Ubisoft for me are the fast food of video games. Enjoyable enough but nothing special. Hope these changes can help with that. Actually did quite a lengthy survey for them a while back about their games.
Is it just me who loves Crew 2? Very underated game in my opinion.
@Col_McCafferty You can change up things look at Guerrilla they made Horizon Zero Dawn the new GOW trying too shake things is not the end of the world.
I dunno. I could see the repetition getting pretty tiresome if you play a lot of Ubisoft games, but it doesn't really bother me. The only Ubisoft games I play are the various Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs. The WD games have enough unique and interesting mechanics (Watch Dogs 2 especially) to differentiate themselves. And I don't really mind the similarities in the AC games because I play them mostly for the historical settings anyway. Oh, I also played Far Cry Primal... Nothing beats riding around on a sabertooth tiger, shooting arrows at Neanderthals
@FullbringIchigo exactly. That’s why I burned out on Ubisoft games a few years ago after FC5 and haven’t bought anything from them since. Even that game I was bored half way through and gave up on it.
In my opinion they need to churn out more titles like Rayman and child of light which were excellent and so refreshing...
Repetition is not their problem, it was their yearly releases that caused fatigue. There's a big difference between AC1, AC3, ACU, and ACO. While they all hold essential elements of the original they all play quite differently.
Now, they recently extended the waiting period to two years, which is good, but if you ask me we should be waiting at least three years so each iteration has impact, meaning, and time to settle and be buried.
Their other main problem was no real direction. Up until recently, and after Desmond's death (which really could be traced back to Patrice's "departure"), we have been stuck in limbo with no-name initiates and petty Abstergo squabbles to propel the modern narrative forward. This slogged us in a fog and forced us to question the overall significance of a few AC titles, which in turn helped to contribute to that feeling of fatigue.
Luckily they have managed to fix both of these problems to an extent, but not without criticism, as there are certain lore-breaking fallacies in their attempt to course-correct this franchise's modern-day mishaps; and what strives they have made to revamp this series have created a rift with traditionals as well.
What we have witnessed however is an overall trend toward doing things the right way (at least in the areas that were plaguing them). I wish they would take a little more time with their projects personally, but one cannot deny the commercial and fanatical success of their recent cycle of AC games. And on a personal note, even though I can hardly say Odyssey really resembled AC beyond its most superficial aspects, I can honestly say I enjoyed the game very much (225 hours lol).
All that said, I think they're starting to learn a little bit from their past, and hopefully they continue to take those much-needed respites for the sake of over-saturation. I fear though that they might ramp up their releases due to their recent un-success regarding Division 2 and Ghost Recon. Time will tell.
@Boucho11 AC Origins was alright but Odyssey took it to the next level imo.
@ApostateMage Facts. Kassandra was so awesome. One of my favorite new female characters this gen.
gee, it only took ubisoft 10 years to catch on? too little, too late. all of its ip are as stale as old bread at this point. i find it very difficult to care about anything coming off the ubisoft asembly line these days. the last game i truly enjoyed from the publisher was rayman legends. i may or may not give creed odyssey a try one day, but that is only after a 5+ year hiatus from the series. that is about as often as i would like to play a creed game since they all play the same.
Good news I guess. Though I tend to enjoy every Ubisoft game I've played this gen, they are kind of same in some ways. They've put out some stellar games on the ps4 so expecting the same for the 5!
Honestly Assassin's Creed has never been the problem, they all have their mini saga if you will what play alike like the Ezio Trilogy, Kenway games, Unity/Syndicate and now Origins/Odyssey. Odyssey plays very different to Unity what plays very different to AC3 what plays very different to AC Brotherhood. The big problem is Ubi took the AC games of that time and then applied that games to every other games they make so while Far Cry, Watch Dogs (not so much WD2), Ghost Recon and The Divison are all different series and do have unique stuff to them they do ultimately all feel the same. I don't mind Assassin's Creed feeling like an AC game because well that's why i'm playing it but when i buy Far Cry i wish i wasn't playing a 1st person AC game, i think a big reason people loved Blood Dragon so much is that while yeah it had that formula it did also have its own identity and felt unique, Far Cry Primal and then FC4 came along and they just felt like FC3 what itself felt like the current AC game.
Its often hard to keep the core of a game that the fans of the series expect and bring something new that also shake things up. That balance has to be met.
To me, that can affect rotating games between devs or assigning a franchise to just 1 dev team. Both can be too experimental, too much of a change to upset their fanbase and both can be too safe, not change it up enough so we will have to see if this ends up a good thing. Getting the balance right is a challenge. Its not so bad if its a sequel to a story but a different settings/characters etc, finding that balance is more difficult
Yeah, I totally noticed the Ubisoft games are alike! Take Scrabble and Boggle, for example. You got square-lookin’ tiles, and there are letters inscribed on those tiles. And, as it turns out, you’re trying to make words. And, for each word you make, you get a score with points. And you want to score as many points as you can. And there’s a beginning and an end to each “game” (that’s what they call it—a “game”). And, oh, here you go, here’s the kicker: When you make up a word, both games have a “meeehhp”-like sound to let you know it caught you cheatin’ and it won’t count the points. No matter how many times you try to use those fake words, no points. No points! Can you believe it?! Inconceivable!
So basically Ubisoft is becoming like Sony studios! Horizon zero dawn vastly different to infamous. Astrobot vastly different to spiderman. Has it taken this long for Ubisoft to realise gamers are passionate and aren't positive about repurchase template lukewarm games. Saying that.. Fifa, Cod.. Sigh.
maybee stop making them a grindfest and try force you buy time save garbage. i have my own system now to save time on the grind dont buy a game from them. So many great games on ps4 you can avoid theirs.
@FullbringIchigo ok that makes sense. I only played the first far cry and never played watch dogs. That is indeed a high level of laziness and/or a complete lack of imagination
The problem with Odyssey is that each island felt like a copy and paste. They need to shake up the formula, not just integrate new game concepts. It has to feel like a world, not a by the numbers playset. It’s a shame because Origins had seemed to be a great relaunch of the series.
I like Odyssey because of monsters myth and that's totally for me. I love greek monsters myth! Just like in God of War sequels. Perfect!
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