It’s the last What Are You Playing of the year – heck, it’s the last What Are You Playing of the decade. And don’t bring that nonsense about when decades start and end in the comments section – it’s probably the most tired discussion of the, well, decade. No, don’t say it! Stop!
Sammy Barker, Editor
Now that I’m settled into my new home I’m on a crazy gaming binge. I’ve beaten South Park: The Stick of Truth and started The Fractured But Whole, and I’m about to roll credits on Life Is Strange 2. Next on the list, I think, is Control.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
I was lucky enough to receive a few games for Christmas this year, including The Outer Worlds and Death Stranding. I’m really looking forward to putting some time into those ahead of the new year, but first thing’s first: I gotta play Pokémon Sword.
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
I'm still slowly working my way towards the Assassin's Creed Odyssey Platinum Trophy. There are only about five trinkets left for me to unlock, but boy is every single one of them a huge time sink. Hopefully, I'll have added it to my collection by the time next weekend comes around.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
There's a super good sale at GameStop right now, so I want to chase down a copy of Sairento. It's cheaper on disc than it is in the holiday sale. Also, I've got to return to Untitled Goose Game. I haven't played a whole lot yet, but I honk it.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I picked up a few discounted games in the Christmas sale and I’ve found myself pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I’m not even a massive Star Wars fan, but this is just an excellent third-person action game all by itself. I also picked up Frostpunk and Judgment, so I’m well covered this weekend.
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
Not only did my girlfriend kindly treat me to M2's Mega Drive Mini emulation wizardry on Christmas Day, but she's agreed to continue to join me in playing classics like Streets of Rage 2, because she knows how much I'm looking forward to Streets of Rage 4 next year.
Lloyd Coombes, Reviewer
I’m catching up on some of 2019’s games that I missed – including Sekiro. As someone that’s bounced off of every FromSoftware game, I love the game’s mystical feudal Japan and improved sense of movement – but am still finding myself bested regularly by even the most standard rank and file enemies. I will persevere, however!
Which games will you be seeing out 2019 with? Have you got any New Years Eve gaming lined up at all? Debate the decade in the comments section below.
Comments 85
Hope to finish Assassin's Creed 2 and BioShock 2. Received Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Far Cry New Dawn on Christmas Day to add to my ever growing PS4 collection.
Just picked up greedfall in the sale so will probably play a bit of that as well as playing some persona 4 on the vita
FINAL FANTASY VII, working on the Best Bromance trophy then i will have the Platinum
i wanna get it before the Remake comes out
Got Death Stranding for Xmas and I'm addicted. Not sure what it is about being a postman in the future but I have the urge to deliver anything and everything 🤣 I believe it'll be my game of the year.
Well having discovered that I'm not that far away from the Platinum on The Witcher 3 I'll be playing that, though by not far away I mean replaying the whole game on the hardest difficulty, never mind eh 😉 and for some stupid reason I've still not played Blood and Wine.
Also messing about on the Arkham trilogy, Duke Nukem 3D and Battlefront 2 which is a lot more fun than I remembered
Got the Castlevania collection last week, finished Castlevania 1 and The Adventure, now having a crack at Simon's Quest. Also some Demon's Crest and Into the Breach.
Final fantasy x/x2 remastered.and remnant from the ashes.word ☝ up son
I just spent an hour doing a bounty on Red dead redemption 2. I went as slowly as I could with my horse, taking in the beautiful scenery and meeting some strangers along the way. When the night came and fog appeared my Pegasus was frightened so we camped for the night. In the morning we reached our destination and lassoed the target, after she killed her boyfriend with the knife and drove her back to Valentine to face justice.
Amazing game that I see myself playing for months to come.
Struggling with Nioh at the moment. Cant get past the first boss . 😟
Running away from Mr. X in Resident Evil 2 and Crash Team Racing. Recently bought season 3 for Tekken 7 so I’ll get that in as well.
Taking on Viper in Titanfall 2 & some Steamworld Heist!
I cant decide. DS, Shenmue 3 or Mario Odyssey...
@LN78 @BarefootBowser I think it's a case of people being so desperate for a single player Star Wars game, so they've lauded this as the best ever when it's not even close. It's a decent game but for me the story is a bit dull, the combat is good at times but I never felt like I was a Jedi, the exploration is good but the rewards for doing so are largely poor. It just didn't feel as exciting as a Star Wars game should and there's a lack of variety in gameplay, think of what Shadows of The Empire achieved for the time it came out and then this is just running through corridors copying other games. Let's just say I was underwhelmed and immediately went back to playing Jedi Outcast and Battlefront 2 which is actually really good fun these days
I've got so many games I'm kinda of stuck after finishing Spiderman, I still have to do the dlc to get my challenge tokens because I need about 16 for all the suits trophy which is only one I need for plat. But while I was playing that I had Doom 2016 as a side game to have something of a different genre
I still have God of War to play, horizon ZD which I started last year but left it for a clear up of other games that I had going. I've the Witcher 3 I started last week finally after owning it for 2 years but for some reason I can't get into it.
I just got NFS Heat for a racer because I haven't a driving game in a while that's new. So I won't be playing anything as I need a break I think until I get the feel I want to play again.
Thought as it was £15 in the sale id get AC Odyssey gold give that a 2nd run through... Also ploughing through new Vegas, ME trilogy, black flag and shadow of war... That should all keep me warm till about Easter
I’m doing post game stuff in Pokémon Sword and am keen to get playing Bravely Default again after I get back from the beach tomorrow. 🏖
SingStar, SingStar, SingStar! Almost done with the platinum for PS4, then back to the PS3. Only 1 month until the servers close! 😭
Got Ring Fit Adventure, Nintendo's weird little exercise RPG, for Christmas. I've been playing that every morning (it's a surprisingly tough workout on higher settings!)
Also right near the end of Dragon Quest XI S (although I hear the postgame is MASSIVE).
Surviving Mars, so good! One of the best city builders/management sims I have ever played (sorry Aven Colony, you know I love you too). No handholding, no tedious campaign, just a chunk of Mars for you to explore en exploit.
Also Hitman 2, downloaded the free Starterpack and played the included first mission. It’s basically more Hitman, with some subtle gameplay tweaks... Excellent, picking up the full game in the current sale next week. If you own Hitman goty edition, do you get the Legacy Pack for free when you purchase the full game?
Next to that, I’m also doing a bit of a clean-up. Removed some games from the HD to make room for new ones, which is always a tough one.
Ps4 - outer worlds.
Dreamcast - marvel vs. capcom 2, jojo’s bizarre adventure, jet set radio.
Switch - shovel knight: treasure trove king of cards, pokemon shield.
Finished death stranding and now I’ve started the Outer Worlds!
Need a break from Shadow of War. Never finished Baldurs Gate, so working on that now.
Squad E, move out!
I'll be playing the awesome Valkyria Chronicles 4.
I'll also be playing Christmas carols on the banjo in my moonshine bar in Red Dead Online.
Just got to Port Knot City in Death Stranding, enjoying it so far. I may also have a little go back in RDR 2 online and start up my moonshine business.
@JJ-firl Good to see someone else enjoying Surviving Mars. Probably the best city builder I've played and a fun Platinum.
Still playing through Persona 5. I'm about halfway through the second palace. Having a fun time.
I'll also dive back into VR with Vacation Simulator and H3VR.
Ahhhh, I need to finish God of War in like 4 days and that’s never going to happen. I need to take the head to the witch and I’m not sure how far in I am but I also don’t want to rush it and miss the side content. Elsewhere, playing more Disco Elysium, FE3H and making myself puke in VR.
I’m playing Metro Last Light, and when my girlfriend gets here we might play Borderlands GOTY edition (remastered) and Untitled Goose Game. I also might dabble in some Dead Cells on my Switch and/or PS4. I’ve been in the mood to play that game again.
Just completed Utawarerumono Zan. So have to decide between Dark Souls 3, God Eater 2 or returning to partway through Control. I’m not really feeling any of them.
Can’t use the PSP as the down arrow is registering half the time even though it’s not being pressed.
I just received my 51st Plat for Lego The Movie Videogame 2 so now a lot of my attention will be taken up by Days Gone and Trails Of Cold Steel 2.
@Neolit I haven't played much yet, maybe 10 hours, but I see what you mean especially on Westworld vacation. For me this and the first one are my dream games, as I've always loved the Wild West setting.
I started playing Death Stranding last night. Too early to give any informed opinions on it yet, but graphics are great! I recently bought Steamworld Quest on the Switch. I don’t usually like card games but am hooked on this. Also playing through the first DLC on Borderlands 3 - Moxxi’s heist, which is a blast. Happy new year everyone! 🥳
Resident Evil, thought this was all about zombies and a mansion but I've now a seen giant snake, tarantula, sharks. Currently in the residence. Brilliant game wishing I'd played it years ago!
Death Stranding. I haven't had been able to really sink my teeth into it since I got my new job and I'm really looking forward to diving in deep.
Visiting family, so no PS4 games for me this weekend. If I get time, then it'll probably be some Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Pokemon Shield or Super Mario Maker 2 for me.
ESO and Ghost Recon: Breakpoint.
Take your time with God of War, it's worth it Also, how do you cope with VR sickness? I'm in the same situation and wondering whether I should keep at it or sell it.
@stevenfins 😆 You're describing your journeys in RDR2 just like I do. You're playing it just the way it's meant to be played. A game (RDR) that influenced games like Witcher 3, you could say Skyrim with its horrible horses, but it's not game of the decade but some unknown PT is, according to this site.
Anyway for WAYPTW; I finally stopped making excuses not to buy MH: World and bought it, downloading now. Reminds me of how I kept postponing me buying HZD, and kind of regretted why I waited so long after seeing what a great game it is. Hope I feel the same with MH: World. Meantime it's more RDR2, FIFA 20 and GTAV.
Having finished Leon's run I'm now in the middle of Claire's run in RE2 Remake and enjoying it.
I'll struggle to get anywhere near the Playstation this weekend. The kids got Subnautica and Lego Worlds for Christmas, while my wife has decided she's replaying Dragon Age Inquisition.
Meanwhile, I'm just trying to do some quiet fishing in Shenmue III. Maybe I'll give Subnautica a go if I get the chance...?
I'm playing Boarderlands the pre sequel as I never have played these games yet. The servers as you can imagine are a ghost town 😄
Was given Death Stranding as a Christmas gift and will now finally be able to kick back, relax and really start playing. The little bit I have played is interesting so far. It's definitely a Kojima game.
@gollumb82 I usually take a wee break the very second I feel queasy so that I can ease myself into it. I’ve decided Skyrim probably isn’t a good starter one so I’m playing through Astro Bot. Unfortunately I can’t stand the taste of ginger, which is supposed to help with motion sickness so if you don’t mind the taste, I’d recommend that.
@TheArt While I would have personally put RDR2 on the list of Games of the Decade, PT is definitely not ‘unknown’. It’s one of the great ‘what ifs’ in the industry, since PT is possibly the greatest horror experience of the generation. If you haven’t played it, there are plenty of fan remakes out there for good reason.
@stevenfins In RDR2 I would be away from the camp just hunting, exploring and helping strangers for so long that Dutch would always send another member out to look for Arthur.
@ApostateMage Is this really a thing? If it is, then I really want to see it now. I haven't played any other game with such attention to detail. I used to play Witcher 3 pretty much the same way, riding slowly with Roach across Velen exploring the beautiful map, killing bandits and monsters. I didn't think it could get better than that, but thankfully I was wrong. I mean you can talk to every NPC, set up camp (with a tent!) and cook, you can pat, brush and lead your horse ( I think I like this the most), choose your clothes according to the weather and so on. There are so many things I haven't even seen yet, like the one you told me, it's absurd.
Thanks man. I'm willing to try anything at this point as it doesn't get any better with time for me, sadly. Even when I'm sitting down playing GT Sport in VR I get nauseous after 20-30 min. It sucks.
Saturday evening now, just finished second playthough of dragon quest heroes, gonna start another play through soon for the additional flying start bonus, probably not this weekend though, it's a very grindy game to platinum. Not sure what I'll be playing for the rest of the weekend.
@nessisonett Well by "unknown" I meant anybody living under a rock would have heard about the ONLY critically acclaimed cowboy game - RDR not PT. I've visited a lot of game sites over the years but trust I never noticed PT. That means it wasn't out there like you think it did.
@ApostateMage are you playing or are you serious about Dutch sending someone to look for Arthur?! 😆
@stevenfins Try out different kinds of hairstyles, like shaving off moustache and chops and leaving a goatee. The goatee naturally grows longer than the rest of the facial hair overtime - attention to detail!
Lego Avengers. I will one day finish it 😂
@TheArt Oh man, my head is gonna explode by all these possibilities! 🤠
@TheArt It’s just you then. PT was huge not just because it was Kojima, it was a new entry in the Silent Hill series when it had fallen on hard times. Ask people on here, plenty have kept PT on their hard drive because otherwise they couldn’t play it. And for the record, games by companies other than Rockstar do exist. There are other cowboy games that were good such as Gun, Call of Juarez Gunslinger, West of Loathing, Westerado, Hard West and Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath.
@nessisonett Lol you do know people on game websites mostly make up for like 20% or less of the gamer population. And like I said if I didn't hear of it then it speaks volumes, that it didn't reach a lot of people. Plus all those cowboy games you mentioned - never heard of them except Call of Juarez. There are too many great games taking all our time now to actually have the TIME to check for some not too popular game which isn't well received.
@nessisonett I struggled with vr, I sold it, but I didn't have a problem with skyrim, I used the move controllers to port around, i don't think I would have been able to play it with dualshock 4 though. Games with free movement gave me motion sickness.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is so good, hope to complete it this week!
@MightyDemon82 jeez thought everyone had played that by now. I’d love to enjoy it fresh all over again. What version are you playing?
Death Stranding. Still working to bring America together. After that, either Fallen Order or Outer Worlds.
Too many good games out right now! 🙂
@kyleforrester87 the remaster on PS4, I've always wanted to play it but just never got around to it till now, with RE2 Remake ready to go once I'm done with it.
Just got the plat in Odyssey and I'm aiming for 100% in all the dlc. Thinking of starting AC:Liberation, as I loved running around with Kass. Also need to actually start Spiderman after picking it up in the sale or heading back to God of war. Happy New year everyone xx
I've become addicted to Dauntless, I know it has its issues, but it's a great monster hunter for people that don't have a lot of time to sink into Monster Hunter.
I'm also looking forward to giving The Untitled Goose Game a go and after seeing Rise of Skywalker, I want to play Star Wars Battlefront 2 again.
@TheArt It happened to me twice. One time it Javier saying something like, "there you are, Dutch was getting worried." I couldn't believe how much of a cool touch it was.
@MightyDemon82 noice... enjoy!
@ApostateMage See, that's that attention to detail we keep going on about in R* games. I'm on Chapter 5 on my 2nd playthrough and never seen that. I've only had Miss Grimshaw tell me to go out and find work when I spend too much time in camp. In other open worlds, nobody cares about you or what you're doing.
I started playing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order...definitely not a fan of having to revisit previous planets. Currently on Zeffo.
@get2sammyb First time playing the South Park games? I'm curious if you follow the tv show.
Also congrats on beating Life is Strange 2. I'm waiting for the physical version to release and drop down to ~$20.
@TheArt I had that happen to me except it was Charles who came after me.
Then there's that guy who was bitten by a snake....twice and second time round he said something like 'you won't believe what's happened' or it's happened again!'.
It's a brilliant game, Game of the Generation contender along with The Witcher 3.
People who hate on it are just trying to be cool, the same.sort that day they enjoy Fortnite but only ironically.
I'm still on my Greek Odyssey but starting to find some of it a bit difficult. The Minotaur and Medusa battles are hard so going to save these until the end, don't want to get bogged down when there's so much left to do and explore.
Also playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, this is a good game and a nice change of pace from Odyssey.
Well just finished death stranding last night,so will probably be starting judgement today or maybe outer worlds not sure yet either way should be a blast either or
@BertMan666 I got Death Stranding for Christmas too. I’m a couple of hours into it so far and I still don’t know what to make of it!
My competitive itch has been triggered and I've jumped into some Apex Legends again.
Where to start! I’m currently playing through the Dark Souls 3 dlc with some Pushsquare pals, we’re going to tackle the entire trilogy this year but out of order. I also picked up Control, Jedi Fallen Order, Greedfall, AC: Syndicate and Unity, Shadow of the Colossus, Ghost Recon: Wildlands in the sale so I’ll dip into one of them. And to top it all off, my fiancée got me an Xbox one S for Christmas so I got straight on Gamepass to try out a bunch of stuff, starting with Forza Horizon 4. The sooner PlayStation gets a viable rival to gamepass the better I say, it really is amazing
@Col_McCafferty Haha I've had all the encounters with the snake-bitten guy. I still keep finding surprises, there's a woman who confronted me for all the havoc Bill and Arthur caused in Van Horn. And considering the number of people who have RDR2 as their avatars on this site and across the web, it's sad our beloved PushSquare thought a demo PT was a better fit for Game of the Decade. I mean a game no one can even check out now because it doesn't exist made the list.
Witcher III. I jumped back in because of the recent Netflix adaptation and I have caught up to where I last left off and I'm intrigued to see where the story takes me.
@RogerRoger That only sweetens the deal, especially at its current price.
It is indeed a gigantic file size, might have to spread out the downloads a bit. In return it is a huge amount of content, over a dozen different sandboxes to play in.
Thanks for the confirmation and the heads up and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
3D Brick Breaker Revolution (Android) - Nearly done all levels now.
UNO & Friends (Android) - Having trouble with the server workaround.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Android) - Getting close to the grand prize.
Busy with Dauntless and Pokemon Shield this week. Might go back to Bloodborne since I've just recently defeated Ludwig. Might do some co-op or progress more. I won't be fighting Gehrman until I complete the DLC.
Jedi: Fallen Order, completed 3 of the planets holomaps. Working on the fourth one a little before work.
@YozenFroghurt I agree that Bloodborne is kinda slow to get in to since it happened to me once and its definitely not for everyone (some of its issues like the one you mentioned can be applied to its brethren like DkS and DeS) but once you keep progressing it'll click in some way. Plus, the co-op is a lot of fun, and the later weapons, especially the DLC ones, are very sick. For some reason I find more players on the main game than I do in the DLC. Probably either due to my level cap or some haven't bought the DLC yet. Ah well. Might have to check it out again this week. Kinda wished the game had some post-game content though.
And speaking of post-game, I might jump to Dark Souls 2 soon as well. I personally had more fun in that game than I did in Dark souls 3 (for some reason lol). The combat is sluggish but there's a lot of stuff to get! Multi bosses are a pain though
Dude get over yourself. You need to appreciate that you’re not the only one with an opinion (imagine that there’s other people out there with opinions just as valid as yours!!!). You like RDR2 good for you - not everyone agrees with you.
MHW Iceborne, Death Stranding and Minecraft are my jams these days
I recently got death Stranding as a gift. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it this much. Reading every interview and email to learn more about the game’s lore is fun too. Though I wish there was an app for that.
Also playing PES2020
Witcher 3 and the messenger on the switch.
I manage to play all that with the wife sick and a 6 month old baby
@Lumic What a corny comment. It's 2019, everyone knows everyone's got an opinion, that shouldn't stop people criticizing some list by a site, a product from a company or something else by something big. I'm not going round telling readers to agree with me, I'm speaking to the site's opinion which holds more weight than just another reader's.
Yes it’s 2019 (well done for pointing that out). The fundamental point, which you completely and utterly missed, is that you can’t appreciate other people’s viewpoints (case in point PushSquare’s collective opinion). Shows how narrow minded you are - get a grip.
@Lumic Dude you make no sense. Per your logic the comments section of websites exist for agreements, nobody dares disagree on anything. PushSquare expressed their opinion and I expressed mine, what's your point here...Zero point.
@gollumb82 I know I'm late but I would advise you to get your VR legs first by playing games that don't have too much camera movement, like Astrobot. Then slowly increasing the camera movement by playing games with Snap movement to turn.
In some time you will be able to play faster games! Maybe with a little sickness in long sessions but it will be mostly fine
Thanks for useful tips. I'm not going to give up because I have to play Dirt Rally VR I hear VR racing/rallying is where VR really shines and I happen to be into these games.
@gollumb82 I never tried any racer besides Trackmania and Wipeout, wipeout is amazing tbh. So fast but if I have cockpit view I don't even get that falling sensation
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