And there it is. Atlus has officially teased Persona 5 R, a project that's long been rumoured following its website domain registration back in 2017. The trailer embedded above isn't very long at all, but it does confirm that the game is a PlayStation title.
It also says that we'll be getting more information in March 2019, so you've got a few months to get through before we actually know what we're dealing with.
What are you hoping to see from P5R? Rejoin the Phantom Thieves in the comments section below.
Comments 139
Look at that.
Not a Switch game.
I'm trying to be surprised.
Now this begs the question: What is this game exactly?
@Knuckles-Fajita because switch is not a good system that's why and persona his a PlayStation exclusive.word up son
@ShogunRok Notice of meme acquisition...
Anyway, only folks saying it would be were the Smash hopefuls because Smash confirms everything apparently. There was no basis, no historical evidence, nothing. But that counted apparently. Idiots XD
@playstation1995 But hey, they get that SMT V thingy that's far less popular and...that game doesn't even have a release date XD
@ShogunRok carefull your going to bring down the full force of the nintendo fanboys apon you lol
Probably just an update of 5, but I really want to know more about it. Guess we wait till March.
Considering that the press release states “no consoles have been announced at this time” and that a cursory glance at reveal trailers will show a bunch that start with a PS logo just to end up being multiplats, I’m not sure why anyone is assuming this will be PS exclusive just yet (let’s also keep in mind that Switch has already outsold PS4/Slim lifetime sales in Japan in a fraction of the time!)
It’s been obvious for a long time that the writers here have nothing in their lives except console wars but hopefully some fellow readers live outside of that bubble.
Anyway, I’m not going to get excited over an announcement of an announcement but I sure hope this is the FES/Golden version of P5. I doubt they’d give this much attention to a spinoff although I’d settle for a new Arena game too.
@Discipledoctor Whenever a game is announced assume exclusivity to the top selling hardware of the time. Generally a good rule of thumb.
This is most likely Persona 5 Ruby or whatever they want to call it. Maybe with updated graphics for PS4 since the game is actually just a PS3 title.
It’s a PSVR game. 5 in Roman numerial is V. So, P5 R= PV R. MIND BLOWN.gif.
@Discipledoctor Nah we just like making kids cry.
@ShogunRok That's the holiday spirit I like to see!
I'm actually starting to believe in P5 Racing
@playstation1995 congratulations on winning most ridiculous comment of the week award. Tsk.
“Thanks for the free advertisement for our Intellectual Property Nintendo Fans, and THANK YOU MASAHIRO Sakurai for the hug with Morgana, your compliments on the Persona series and the ability to advertise our Intellectual Property further with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch! - Sega/Atlus
@Spectra no allergies here... sony pays the big bucks to atlus and persona remains exclusive. quite a simple concept. that said, i don't think this rules out the possibility of a switch port ever happening... but when you have the strongest 3rd party relations in the businesses as sony does, you get some exclusives on your platform. i mean, atlus has been tight with sony since the ps1 days.
@ShogunRok thing is if you remember you yourselves did an article on Persona 5 having numerous domains registered
so it's still possible for a Switch version to be announced, maybe the different letters are different versions for different systems
Real Comment: If spin-off: Dont Care
If P5 DLC it depends on the price... and the content
If a rerelease Of P5 w some extra content happens for full retail price happen yeah no... I’ll just watch a Let’s Stream Of P5 Platinum...
Now here’s the next question
Shin Megami Tensei V for PS4 when?
If the PS4 is the only option for this, fine. But I've been craving the idea of Persona 5 on the Switch.
@FullbringIchigo Oh yeah it's totally possible, I just think it's funny how people build their hopes so high for a Switch announcement and then the first thing they're shown is a PlayStation logo.
I think what we're probably going to see in 2019 is Atlus attempt to expand Persona 5 significantly. I can certainly see a number of projects being announced.
@Knuckles-Fajita It's probably called Persona 5 Red, because Red is the color that is adopted through the aesthetics in the game, like how Persona 4 had its' complete edition titled Golden
Also Nintendo are probably waiting to announce it on their own terms, like maybe teasing it at the end of their January or March Direct after showing Joker Smash gameplay. They did the same thing this year for DS: Remastered, N.Sane Trilogy and the Final Fantasy remasters.
@ShogunRok when it comes to Nintendo i just assume no game is coming out on it and then IF they do i get a nice surprise
you know the old saying "you buy a Nintendo console for Nintendo games"
Haha, top trolling.
I've still got p5 in the drawer to play. Doesn't one play through take a 100hrs min? I think there might be enough content there for me without an enhanced version 😂
I've got Persona 5 in my backlog, and was planning on starting it when I get back at the start of January. For now I'm going to stick to that plan and ignore whatever 5R is.
I hope any additions can also be purchased as dlc for the standard game. :/
@playstation1995 So you just proved you’re an idiot.
@Spectra I mean...Nintendo already has most of ATLUS’s games, including Shin Megami Tensei.
I dunno if I’ll buy this. I’m already 57% through platinuming Persona 5, but I wouldn’t get this game unless it came out for Switch. That’s the only way I can see myself buying an updated version.
@FullbringIchigo i wouldn’t completely say that at least Switch more a mix of Indies, Nintendo games, & games you wanna play portably...
Anyway, Persona 5 is one of my favorite games this generation.
Guys, at some point during the Switch's lifespan, Persona 5 will release on the console. So I think that's more than enough port begging for one day.
Let me try and steer the conversation back on track and ask you what you'd like out of this re-release?
@get2sammyb A good game.
@Kidfunkadelic83 congratulation for PlayStation to be better than Nintendo switch.word up son
Nintendo fans really need to stop being taken in by stupid rumors.
Anyway, I was pretty happy with the base game. I can't think of anything I'd add to it. It's already packed full of content as is.
@playstation1995 Let's not do this, man. Word up!
What did I tell you my man lol.
@OmegaYato What if it's a sequel?
I guess ATLUS wasn't kidding when they said this game wasn't leaving the PS4.
Cry more lol.
We told you it's not coming to switch and you argued on here for days with people.
And I'm 99% sure you don't even have a ps4.
@TowaHerschel7 No.
@Jriibz wouldn’t be surprised if they gonna stick to thier guns so if you want SMT V you’ll need a Switch which you prob won’t get. Or if you do have one you’re prob gonna get it.
I really hope this is something new. I love persona 5 dearly, but i dont have time to play through the whole game again for 2 or 3 hours extra content. Also, my wife will go mad if she has to listen to the battle music for another 100 hours
Makoto was cool but the rest of the cast were all a bit forgettable, I thought. Can we have Chie, Kanji, Yosuke, Yukiko, Rise, Naoto, Nanako, Dojima, Teddie, Marie and the old Igor back please?
Most of the ninty people here are being stuck up so its nice to see this. And is there no Nintendo site where you can go on and on about this. 😁
More junk I guess.
And the Switch is an excellent system. Just like the PS4.
@TowaHerschel7 The FES Additional content for Persona 3 certainly took place after the main game’s story.
Don’t know what was added for Golden though as I played the PS2 version of Persona 4.
@R1spam I'd say 80 hours minimum if you listen to all the voiced dialogue. Less if you speed-read through or skip.
I really hope if it is an expanded version of the original, you can at least download as dlc and use old saves for new game plus. Or some extra end-game content you can go straight to with a late game save a la Bloodborne's Old Hunters DLC. I'm all for more Persona in my life, but it's a little soon for a fresh full play-through.
@Hapuc @Ryall Remember Persona 2 got a proper sequel so it's possible, we'll know either way come March.
@Flaming_Kaiser There's plenty of discussion on Nintendo Life about this. It was the pathetic troll job from an admin on here that caused the friction. Probably because NL has a bigger community and they need to drive traffic here.
@Ryall Only played Golden, but I'm pretty sure it was mostly an end-game dungeon with additions to Marie's story and another final boss.
@ShogunRok Persona 5: Robert. Nailed it. Looking forward to finding out more about your special edition in March, Mr. Ramsey.
@ShogunRok I can't stop grinning about that picture with the Switch left in the rain.
@Ryall New social links. Some new music. New characters. New in-game areas and events. New epilogue. New cutscenes. They changed aspects of the gameplay.
It's pretty darn extensive.
@TowaHerschel7 Just looked it up on your right Eternal Punishment is a direct equal to Innocent Sin. I’ve only played in Innocent Sin and had assumed they were different versions of the same game (Persona 2).
@Hapuc To be fair, Crash Racing and other games have been teased with the Playstation logo too and ended up being multiplats. A Switch port is still possible even if less likely. Time will tell.
Considered me intrigued.
@Vonuz Yeah But crash has been multiplat for Decades since the early two thousands when has Persona Been Multiplat I don't know only the first one lol.
Persona 5 R
Persona 5 R u ready for Knack 3?!?
@FredBiletnikoff Or it's just a joke?
@Lando_ you prob would be happy if Nintendo stopped doing consoles overall or even left the industry xD
@Kidfried I'm surprised you didn't buy it yet.its a great game.its cheap now.word up son
@Bliquid That's probably what this is. Also putting it on the Switch makes a lot more sense and I think you know why.
I hope that Persona 3 gets the same treatment in the future, because P3 Portable tried to be the complete edition, but lacked a few of the non-linearity, or exploration tweaks I would've liked, although the Quality of Life improvements were great.
Name it Persona 3 Blue or Persona 3 Sapphire and I'll put a gun to my head and take 50
I like how people still think in this thread the game is coming out on switch.
Look at all atlus trailers and see which console it came out and then see did any of those games got ported to other ones.
I cannot wait for how quiet all these little boys will be when the Switch version is anounced a little later... have you forgotten all this lead up PR theyve been doing?
There is no exclusive, PC is confirmed... Get over yourselves dears.
I seem to remember earlier in the thread politely asking that we all stop port begging? Or did that not happen?
@Real_Obsi Aha If Atlus wanted To go multiplat they would go with SMTV long time ago yet they keep it exclusive to a piece of junk.
Nintendo Direct mid January as always... I know when i’d prefer to have my game anounced for maximum impact.
Atlus members seem rather fond of Nintendo after all.
Keep jabbing honey.
@Bliquid That"s not how you spell Futaba...
@Real_Obsi Keep being salty lmao.
@get2sammyb no it happened but it looks like they aint listening
So many hearts somewhere were crushed XD.
I hope it's a spin off. I'd rather they save a re-release(+) for PS5.
You kids make me laugh.
If it makes you feel better, right now, I’m saltier than several boxes of saxa salt sachets in a motorway service station.
@HollowGrapeJ hell yeah Futaba best girl
Already have persona 5 but more persona 5 is fine by me
Playstation 5 remastered version? (pr5) Does it stand for that?. Never said it's a persona 5 why wait to marts to relevante it? If it's a upgraded version for ps4?
@get2sammyb well better bring out the PlayStation branded 👢 with another 👢 for your favorite Sports team!
Woooh! I'm always down for more Persona 5. I can't wait if it's got some substantial new stuff. and that picture of the Switch in the rain, oh man.
@FullbringIchigo @HollowGrapeJ @Bliquid The doctor would like to see you.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I see you are a man of culture as well.
P5R will release on both PS4 and Switch. Change my mind.
@Fight_Teza_Fight AHH 2nd best girl
Guys come on... Makoto is best girl. Next is the doctor. Ann all the way on the bottom. I’m right, it’s the truth 😁
@Fight_Teza_Fight @HollowGrapeJ @shonenjump86 Makato is the obvious answer. The doctor's not bad at all, but she's no Makoto.
@Turismo4GT Yeah it's just Persona 5 but the only difference is that I'm an additional social link. Every time you meet up with me I drone on and on and on about The Witcher 3 until you decide to give up and chase anime babes instead.
I honestly don't see how this deconfirms a Switch version, that PS sting is always at the beginning of trailers for multiplat games. Though I will say that it being PS4 only is somewhat more likely than it also being on Switch (or PC).
@shonenjump86 Funnily enough, I actually ended up romancing Ann.
Im hoping this is like persona 3 f.e.s
Any console fanboyism is just cringe, both systems serve their own purposes. I don't own a Switch and I love PlayStation, but I don't see the point in trying to make others agree with my views. Play what you like on whatever system you like, don't be a dumb about it.
Wherever Persona 5 goes, I will always be buying it.
@Real_Obsi Atlus hates PC gaming but nice try.
@Jaz007 I bet Futaba could show you how to beat that certain part in a game you play or teach you how to build a gaming PC.
Superior gamer girls rise up.
I'm actually playing P5 now or at least getting back into it . Amazing game , amazing soundtrack love the exploring Tokyo aspect. A guy can dream I hope P5R is a Vita port 🤞🏽
@HollowGrapeJ @Jaz007 it’s also funny is that I say Makoto is best girl, definitely my favorite. But ended up romancing the Doc.
Wow the amount of salty Nintendo fanboys here just need to buy a PS4 or go cry and beg somewhere else
@Real_Obsi So atlus announces a game makes a site and says (watch this) expect full announcement on march and you think they will announce something on Nintendo direct lmao.
Using a brain is not your strong suit isn't it?
@Derpie1 I can’t disagree completely to that.
@Hapuc Argued for days? Do you have the right person? And people can own more than a PlayStation. I only see myself buying P5R is if it comes out on Switch because I’m busy and can’t sit on my couch eating pizza for hours like a lot of you children. You’re more than welcome to look at my PSN: Sage_Roy I’ve already beaten the game and I’m playing it again for the platinum trophy. Get over yourself.
@GKO900 Anyone could say the same to PS4 owners who want to play Shin Megami Tensei 5.
SMT V needs to hurry up and come out so the port begging can stop. Lol
Okay. I’ve never heard a PlayStation fan begging for SMT V. :/
@KingSimba I agree. I've been thinking it's a VR release as well.
@OmegaYato Let's watch the language ok.
@OmegaYato You have the time to play P5 multiple times but not the time to play P5R? It sounds like you have said pizza time like some of us have too.
@Jaz007 I’m on winter break and other than that I’m always out. I started my second playthrough in January and just completed the fourth Palace yesterday.
@Lando_ Probably not on this site.
Sigh Just as i was starting to enjoy this site another cringy fanboy post like this appears again, which of course brings out the worst in the Sony fanboys on here, and predictably, sees only people who object to this kind of content being warned, totally ignoring the people stirring the pot.
@Tasuki You seem to be the only professional mod on here, can't you have a word with the other two ? they seem to think posts like this are funny, when they just totally let your site down.
@Tasuki Sure but don’t replace my words with “love you”
@Toadie Which other two are you talking about?
@OmegaYato Sure thing, next time use a more appropriate word and I won't have to.
There's a lot of Nintendo and Switch bashing going on here. Kind of makes me ashamed to be a PS fan...
@Toadie The fanboyism is worse on regarding the same topic. In comparison to the insults appearing there, the communication here is still very polite.
@Tasuki ShogunRok and get2sammyb, i thought it was obvious lol
@Lando_ Difference is, on here it's the mods causing all the trouble, not a good look is it ?
@Toadie I can have a word with them.
Yeah, well, it depends on the personal point of view, I think. I didn’t found the mods' comments to paint a bad picture of Pushsquare. On the other hand: On Nintendolife I didn’t find a mod to stop insults like „pathetic Sonypony“. I found this to be more concerning than a bit of sarcasm here, to be honest. But that’s just my opinion though.
Persona 5 Remix
@Tasuki Thank you, i really do think it's a shame this sort of post keeps cropping up on here every so often, i've really been enjoying using the site the last few weeks/months but just don't come on here to see console war style arguments, i think many will agree with me.
Wow. Come on guys. Persona 5 was one of the biggest PS4 games of last year. We should all be curious or excited about this new announcement but instead this comment section has devolved into a bunch of childish trolling. The PS4 and Switch are both great systems and there's no reason to belittle each other over ones home console of choice. I like this community because it's usually above petty things like this and generally more mature than NintendoLife. You can do better people, better get some sleep for the day.
@tabris95 you’ve probably never actually thought about this kinda thing thoroughly
I kinda think they’re near the same sometimes...
@ShogunRok will get announced for switch in a Direct next year. there's no reason it wouldn't come to switch considering it was on PS3.
@Spectra you've got confirmation from Atlus to back up that it's coming to Switch?
@OmegaYato dude you litteraly argued for days on this site when those rumors poped up about switch.
And you not being able to play on a couch a game that lasts a 100 plus hours but you will be able to read all that text on a small screen makes me laugh you don't even know how to play a jrpg and plus no one wants another xenoblade chronicles situation.
And oh btw people out here who are butthurt by ps fanboys teasing switch fanboys don't forget you are the ones who hyped persona on Switch even though there was never even a hint of persona coming on switch.
Just like there is no hint of smt v coming on ps4.
Don't hype stuff up to heaven's and then get butthurt when you start getting clowned.
@Derpie1 I'm on both PushSquare and NintendoLife pretty much every day. Yes I know that they're sister sites with a fair amount of overlap in their community but they still have their differences. But if you look at most NintendoLife comment sections, it's usually around 200+ comments of near insanity where as PushSquare rarely gets past 70 comments with tons of interaction from their (fairly fantastic) moderators. The comments here just usually aren't this bad
I think everyone is getting ahead of themselves, this could just be a VR game as @KingSimba cleverly worked out.
@tabris95 dude lmao Nintendo life has become neogaf of gaming sites it's literally clowned by everyone on twitter.
And Nintendo life has infinetly more toxic community then push square could ever have.
And that's stupid comparison look at nintendo life before and now new console tends to do that just like when ps5 comes this site will get 200 comments like that even matters.
And don't attack mods because they allow people to clown people like you.
@Hapuc You misunderstand. From my two comments above, I mentioned that I actually PREFER PushSquare to NintendoLife. I think that they generally have a tighter knit community and even though there's usually less comments and activity on articles compared to NintendoLife, what is here is usually of higher quality in my opinion. I even called this site's moderators "fairly fantastic". Which is a compliment, not an attack.
@get2sammyb if this is just that Pokemon trend of rereleasing the same game with a few new characters and not changing virtually anything then it's a big pass and a waste of money if you already own it!
I don't know if VR would work for this but I'm curious if that's what they are doing!
Btw isn't this your most hate game of the year? Lol
Oh sweet I thought I was going to have to play this thing on my Switch. Get back in your box, lad.
@Hapuc I never hyped up the rumors, moron. I already explained why I won’t have time to sit down and play a 100 hour JRPG all the time and what do you mean I don’t know how to play a JRPG? I’ve been playing them for years, you just keep making yourself look stupid. I have all systems so I don’t need to port beg and I don’t miss out on anything. So you’ll be the one sending threats over exclusivity while I enjoy everything.
@OmegaYato Lmao who's sending you threats lol.
And yes you were you were arguing for days when the rumors started on this site.
And wow nice insults.
"Oh wow! 100+ comments of a P5 article! Much be a cool discussion!"
scrolls comments
@DerMeister Yeah... It's sad to see people have a flame war in this day and age instead of talking about what the product is going to be :/
Anyway, I think it'll be like F.E.S. and we'll be able to romance that church girl (Hime?) and more events inbetween the game like in Golden as well as some extra clothing, etc.
@Hapuc Yeah you have the wrong person. I never “argued for days”. But keep pushing your false narrative to make yourself look better.
@RawnDawn An additional playable character would be great too, like in FES. Maybe with her/his own palace to awake. I’d love to see Kawakami fighting and becoming a Persona wielding party member. Best waifu. <3
@Knuckles-Fajita Your obsession with making every response about Switch in some way, shows your insecurity regarding said topic.
@MadAussieBloke Just like PS Fanboys begged for Bayonetta 2...
Jeez, I guess the kids got into the booze cupboard last night. What a tedious comment thread.
I’ve also never read PlayStation fans to be port begging for Bayonetta 2. :-/ The only game I met some port begging Sony dudes was for Octopath Traveler. Personally, I can’t understand why. I own that game on Switch and found it to be extremely boring. Only the music was delicious.
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