It sounded like zany forum speculation, but Sony has confirmed that it will not be attending E3 2019 at all. That means there’ll be no annual press conference or show floor presence from the platform holder at all. Speaking with Game Informer, PlayStation senior vice president of communications Jennifer Clark said that it “will not activate or hold a press conference around E3”. That means no similar event during the same summer timeframe, like EA hosts for example.
“As the industry evolves, Sony Interactive Entertainment continues to look for inventive opportunities to engage the community,” a statement said. “PlayStation fans mean the world to us and we always want to innovate, think differently, and experiment with new ways to delight gamers. As a result, we have decided not to participate in E3 in 2019. We are exploring new and familiar ways to engage our community in 2019 and can’t wait to share our plans with you.”
But there’s no additional information on what the company has planned, and after the cancellation of PSX 2018, this doesn’t exactly sound great. It could be that the company has something even better in the pipeline – a PlayStation Meeting for the strongly rumoured PlayStation 5 is not out of the question after all. But ceding that all-important week of gaming news entirely to the competition is a bizarre move, and one that’ll leave us all scratching our heads until we know why.
[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 67
Knack 3 incoming! Here we go baby!
Oh god we're talking about E3 2019 before it's even 2019! Make it stop!
interesting to see how this will play i out.
could be a hint for a 2020 ps5 release or a hint towards a special ps5 event next year instead.
Extremely worrying. They're not floating above the industry. Hopefully the massive lead they accomplished this generation won't be the start of some insane ego trip. PSX is big enough, surely!
It's weird.
First PSX 2018, now E3 2019.
Whatever Sony has planned, they better hope these decisions don't backfire into their face.
Well in fairness, the reaction to their 2018 conference was toxic. I dont blame them. Microsoft will go all out for it now i expect.
Sony will definitely do something next year. Look forward to finding out what it might be.
wow thats crazy, what is sony thinking??
I predict an announcement of PS5 next year.
My bet is PSX will be earlier in the year to cater to their true fans.
I doubt they have much left to show of this generation. They clearly don’t want to reveal the next Gen stuff yet. They will most likely have a special event when rival companies are not showcasing anything in order to maximise exposure. I would expect a PS5 reveal at some point in the latter half of next year. Or maybe even earlier.
@OldHunter they can't win can they.
if they do a show it could very likely be an equally weak one as this year and fans will complain.
if they are fair about the whole thing and decide that not having a e3 show if it's not worth the time may be better,fans again complain.
My guesses the PlayStation 5 reveal is due to happen after E3 and they don’t have anything left to show this generation.
Even if E3 isn't as important as it used to be, it still commands a lot of attention from people worldwide. Not showing up at all is a really bad look.
Finding new ways to "delight gamers"
Hummm like a guy playing a sad song for 5 minutes?
What? I can’t believe that turned out real, I really can’t. What are they doing? I’m starting to get worried here that Sony is going insane. I hope they don’t lose it.
@jdv95 That was all due to stupid presentation though. Sony knows how to make a great E3 press conference and just would need to not have some insane way of showing it. The games were excellent last year, and Sony had every right to have Ana amazing show.
Wow .. what a turn of events my PS brethren.
Zero change, right push square? Heh that was a great oversight on your part dismissing such rumors so easily.
Anyway, this is really strange. I guess we'll get one more exclusive before E3 so they can't give E3 with only two exclusives we've already seen many times but it's still strange.
Man, if Microsoft is smart, they will capitalize on this hardcore
E3 is a dinosaur and its time to move on...ps5 Christmas 2019 in Japan!
E3 is officially dead now.
@3Above It was the only reason why I even watched E3
without Sony E3 might as well just close it's doors
Oh no its the end of the world............. Wait no its not.
All I care about is Sony bringing great games and they have and will keep doing that, still got plenty of great games to come before ps5 is announced.
Only thing good about last E3 was sonys event, E3 in general has been going down hill, if sony want try something different then by all means go for it.
@3Above i would not go that far,afterall microsoft could still bring a great show(altough i don't think it will be anything to special if their recent Xbox18 show is anything to go by). unless they showcase the new xbox already or some of the bought studio's game.
but yeah sony not being there at all,not even a booth could be a big miss not only for sony but also the event in general.
imagine if sony comes out later and say that e3 is done for them forever and that the future lies within their own big shows like a PSX but e3 sony conference sized.
if that happens,then yeah e3 could well be on it's last legs as this huge show and become more like a nintendo direct thing.
From a monetary position this makes sense: if they have nothing to say, then why pay a fortune to stand on a stage and twiddle your thumbs?
But from a fan psychology position people are going to ask: ‘so does this mean they’ll be diddly squat new on the PS4 in 2019?’ Does it make people think twice about getting a PS4 for Christmas in anticipation for TLOU2 and Death Stranding next year? It feels like 2016 for the Wii U. Yeah they’ve got 3rd party but COD and Assassins Creed for another year are getting on people’s nerves. I get the feeling I may never buy another PS5 game again (depending on Kingdom Hearts 3).
Admittedly it doesn’t mean XB1 will be stealing players as there isn’t much on the horizon there either, but I do think people will consider in investing in a Switch as what seems the only vibrant platform with big exclusives coming in 2019. Curious to see if the PS5 launches with a heavy weighted games lineup.
@Octane siphon filter remake confirmed.word up son
@BowTiesAreCool "the start of some insane ego trip"
Some would argue we've already passed that point.
Ah thats a bit disappointing. Sony & MS are the only ones left who put on a decent conference at e3. EA's are always horrible, Ubisoft gets worse every year, Bethesda can go fudge themselves, and don't get me started on those crappy Nintendo infomercials!
Don't see a problem with this. At E3 this year Sony showed great stuff but the perception was it was a bad show cos so many put value in how something is presented.
Not to mention that Sony have had to share the stage with other companies for years now but has we've seen with EA and Nintendo they've reduced their E3 presence. Sony is just taking it to it's natural end.
I think it's more exciting that Sony are planning different things rather then just accepting a so so E3 conference and calling it a day.
Arrogant Sony is back
Jokes aside... as long as they keep announcements, news and trailers coming, I could care less where they choose to show them, it's all the same to me...
@3MonthBeef Not really the same thing though. Nintendo still has an E3 presence, Sony seems to skipping it entirely. Though I do agree that the complaining about Nintendo was silly since - as I said - they were still at E3.
Well that's not going to make the 'Who won E3 articles' very clickbait anymore.
@Cordeceps yeah it’ll be fine. Is e3 really all that relevant these days? The vast majority of reveals this year most people already knew about or were disappointing. Big games receive massive amounts of coverage without needing a stage show. If anything, compared to online exposure it’s pretty much worthless.
Remember when Sony were cool?
@Lino Same here. It was bad enough that they spread it over the Saturday-Tues but without Sony I wont bother watching live. I'll just get updates here and on Twitter 😕
Eventually everyone will start to skip E3. It's just a matter of time.
I'm actually glad. They'd only be talking about the same few games they've been talking about at every event for years now. The last one felt like a complete waste of everyone's time.
Seriously? I don’t like this move.
Sony is listening too much the haters, they already cancelled the PSX this year. They should make the event even without a traditional conference and new announcements, it’s a great time to gather PlayStation fans and play games.
Even with some flaws, E3 is an exciting moment, it’s our World Cup. Sony not being there ruins the entire show.
If it was Nintendo where you need to sit around and wait for 1st party to have anything to play - this would be an issue.
You basically see the 3rd party E3 presentations and you already know what to get on PS.
Not like I needed to wait for SONY to get news on Red Dead 2, Kingdom hearts 3, Anthem, Beyond Good and Evil and Sekiro.
WHAT?! Maybe they are doing some kind of digital presentation?
@Feena not even that.
they said that they won't do any show around e3 of anykind.
@jdv95 Oh my!
@jdv95 I agree. This Definitely nodes poorly though. When the market leader withdraws from a trade show there are bound to be negative effects. I just hope Sony have a very good reason for this.
Somewhat of a bummer, I like seeing what goes on at E3. I guess Sony got other plans.
there are two things to consider here:
1. we already know the remaining first party exclusives for ps4 for 2019 — death stranding, dreams, last of us 2, days gone and ghost of tsushima. sony might feel there is no need to reiterate the same games AGAIN for the third time at e3 2019 so they won't.
2. sony is at a crossroads with ps4 and the soon to be revealed ps5. this means that sony might not be ready to talk about ps5 games at e3 2019. they might not even reveal ps5 until q1 2020 because if they did any sooner, it would hurt ps4 hardware sales.
what does this mean? sony is going to ride out 2019 on auto pilot. it will put out 3 of the biggest exclusives of 2019 and stay quiet. the anticipation will grow to incredible levels leading into 2020, at which point, sony will announce the ps5. my guess would be january or february 2020 is when the announcement will be made, with a release in fall 2020.
in 2019, sony will likely scatter a few nintendo-like video directs to hype up its remaining 5 first party games and that will be more than enough to spread the word and hype across the globe. sony will have very strong hardware and software sales in 2019, with or without an e3 conference. they will surpass the 100m mark as well, which is quite a feat and cause for celebration.
still, as a longtime sony fan, it is disappointing i won't have anything to look forward to at e3 next year. sony's conference is the ONLY one i care about. but hopefully their video directs will be fun to watch throughout the year.
The shock here for me is they're not even going to be on the show floor, i can understand maybe not doing a conference if they don't have a whole lot new to announce, but to not even be on the show floor is odd, it's where the gaming media get to report back on third party games, saying how they perform on each specific console, so in that sense, that part of E3 is pretty important i'd have thought.
It's a shame they're not going to be at the event in some capacity, though i'm going to hold out on being super-disappointed as they must have some some sort of way of connecting with fans next year, i was bummed when Nintendo announced they weren't doing E3 conferences any more but that turned out ok as i love their E3 pre-recorded shows now and no-one sees it as a big deal any more.
Would love Sony to copy the Direct format, and they just may well be planning to, the consequence of that is that announcements are spread across multiple Directs throughout a year so they have less to announce at E3, if Sony is doing the same they would naturally also have less/nothing to show there too, guess we'll find out at some point...
The irony here is that Nintendo already has a pretty big list of games for next year so we could see a role reversal where they go back to doing conferences and Sony don't lol
Wow, all the people who leaked this on Reddit are NEVER going to show up about being right for once now.
@ShogunRok You should look on the bright side, that's like a week off work for you now.
Sooooo... PSX June 1st to show off the PS5? Let all the 3rd party companies talk up the games at E3 on their dime?
The most stupid decision ever made. Good job
There goes any chance of PS5 in 2019.
I’m so confused. I check Push Square at lunch and I see a ridiculous rumor internet about E3 2019. I check after I get home and it’s reported as not a rumor?!?
Well, at least there's still Microsoft, Nintendo, and other publisher announcements to look forward to at E3.
That's crazy! First PSX, now this... Sony is losing it completely when it comes to communicating with fans.
Sony Direct for 2019
But seriously, maybe sony will make new conference near e3 just for playstation fan like psx.
@LiamCroft thanks for the coverage.
Calling it: Microsoft to drop out of E3 also 👍
@3MonthBeef If Nintendo has an actual live show I’d be more inclined to watch honestly.
@j_Colgy MS already confirmed it will be at E3 in order to poke fun at Sony.
Oke, Sony ps3 is back.. im so glad i have a switch:) that is why i Will buy my third party games this year (if available)
"Me fighting the temptation to post an unnecessarily distasteful troll comment"
Sorry, but ironic echoes are way too good to resist.
I'm gonna be sad not to see Sony at E3 2019, but hopefully their new agenda will make up for it.
I'll be fine if they do a Nintendo Direct style of conference. Trailers and game updates without the filler.
TBF people within the industry have been saying since last year's that they can't seeing E3 lasting too much longer in its current format. I think more companies will be doing there own thing. Maybe not from next year, but it will probably happen eventually.
Guessing Sony doesnt have anything else for PS4 would guess its dropping support for it quite quickly. It does make you wonder what everyone else is going to show at E3 if neither of the next gen consoles havent been announced by then everything shown will probably come with the question is this running on this gen or next gen consoles.
Wow, surprising. To be honest I completely forgot about PSX anyway so that's not as big a deal in my book, but E3 is such a cornerstone of the industry. Can only imagine they've got something planned for PS5 and E3 isn't the time for it, but we'll see I guess.
It's true...Kevin Butler stole all the notes for their E3 conference...Sony worried and cancelled E3 quickly to hide the truth! Kevin Butler is now holding the show hostage until he gets his job back!!!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking Sony has something else up their sleeves and all of their offices are too busy to deal with shows at the moment. This makes you wonder if the PS5 is going to be a 'great' machine but also on how many games (of which are not announced yet) are already in the works or almost complete for it too. Other than that, if it's true that the PS4 is coming close to the end, they probably don't have many more titles to show to get people excited for, so I don't really blame them on holding off...and if they announced the PS5, it could hurt the sales of the PS4 currently...and nobody wants to hurt a money maker! (hurting as in slowing down the sales, other than that, the system is still selling like hot cakes, and since it's $200 here with a game on black friday, it'll definitely move more...since nintendo isn't dropping their console down, granted nintendo has Smash coming out).
Theory......No E3 because they'll have their own PS5 launch event in March / April 2019 similar to the one they had to introduce the PS4. Launch event game demos: Horizon Zero Dawn 2, Ghost of Tushima, Death Stranding, Uncharted 5, GOW 2, Jak and Daxter Trilogy Remake, and a few VR2 games....Worldwide Release: November 2019
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