Two days ago, the PlayStation Plus lineup for August was revealed: Just Cause 3, standalone DLC Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry, and the addictive Downwell were all confirmed to be coming to the PlayStation 4 in what could be one of the best ever Instant Game Collection lineups on the console. With a strong selection of games and some stonking summer sales, it seemed that many players were finally happy with the service that has been ridiculed for years.
Emails sent out to PS Plus subscribers today informed players that in Europe, the UK, and Australia, prices would be rising after 31st August. At the time of writing, a Push Square poll showed that 62 per cent of those who voted believed that the price is too high for what the service offers, and only 15 per cent felt that the price increase is justified.

Arguably, it’s understandable as to why many PS Plus subscribers would be angry. Last August (after a price hike in North America) Sony said that it had no intentions to raise the price in Europe or the UK. Not only that, but when you break things down mathematically, those affected by this year’s increase are paying more than those in North America – though tax confuses this issue a little.
It’s not like PlayStation (or Sony in general) is doing bad financially either. The 2016 fiscal year did see a halved net income year-on-year, but Sony as a whole recorded a $244 million profit from January-March 2017 alone. The PlayStation division did even better, netting a 53 per cent profit increase year-on-year; the net income of January-March 2017 period was four times the profit of the same period last year.
Granted, Sony has to finance the online infrastructure for around 60 million players, but if it’s reporting such big profit increases, then why is there a need for a price hike? Could it – heaven forbid – just be the company being greedy? In a certain mindset, you could see it that way. Seeing as PS Plus is required to play online multiplayer in all games, a lot of people will likely buy it anyway – price hike or not – because they want to play online. This is something that Sony could easily exploit for financial gain.
Indeed, in the aforementioned poll where 62 per cent said that they were unhappy with the price increase, 46 per cent of respondents said that they would still renew their subscriptions, and only 18 per cent said that they definitely wouldn’t subscribe again. When adjusted to remove the 10 per cent of respondents who don’t subscribe to PS Plus anyway, that’s still only 19.8 per cent of Australian, European, and UK subscribers cancelling their memberships – presuming that our poll is representative of the entire subscriber base, which it likely isn’t.
This raises an interesting question then: how do PS4 players determine the value of PS Plus? Those 50 per cent or so subscribers who will renew after the price hike must deem multiplayer and the Instant Game Collection valuable enough to subscribe, no?
So then why are people angry? In a purely mathematical sense, a PS Plus subscription gives you access to multiplayer servers that cost a lot of money to run, as well as cloud storage, extra discounts, and hundreds of pounds worth of games. On paper, that should be an excellent deal, yet a lot of people feel cheated by this price rise. Is Sony in the wrong for trying to raise the price of something that many PS4 players deem essential, or are the players in the wrong for expecting a service that gives a lot of value to never increase in price?
The next few months will be telling. If the Japanese giant can keep big AAA releases like Just Cause 3 and Until Dawn coming in future months, it'll show that it's been listening to its customer base who have been crying out for them since day one. Implementing new features that have been long-awaited by the fanbase – username changing, for example – could also heal the rift between company and customer. If Sony's willing to listen and not just be a distant entity that does what it wants, then it could be beneficial for both sides.
If Sony's to win back the large chunk of players that have been put off by these price increases, then it'll have to put its motto where its mouth is: prove that it's for the players. And if it doesn't, then it'll be down to said players to vote with their wallets, and subsequently stop paying for a service that large swathes of the community apparently don't see enough value in anymore.
What do you make of this PlayStation Plus price hike? Come and tell us in our poll through here, and if you want the full breakdown of how the changes will affect you, check out our rundown through here.
Comments 53
depends IF we are getting new features or the extra money is used for more AAA free games then yes but if it's for the same product with zero changes then no
Its 5 euro a month, nobody likes a price increase but i cant be bothered.
I honestly don't get the outrage. Every subscription service increases their price at some point, and ps plus has been the same since what, 2010? It's just inflation.
In the USA, we spend more money on one weekend...literally burning money (or spending money on things we're going to light and watch explode)...than this.
People will adjust, and there will be sales. If it's an issue, stock up now and stack your subscription. At least they gave a month's notice.
"Servers for games"
Summoning @Octane
I wish that they did a discounted fee just for online game access only, without 'trying' to add-on value, like game sale discounts and monthly ps+ games.
My reasoning for this is based on the fact that you can usually find the same item on Amazon at a cheaper price than Sony's sale prices. As for the monthly ps+ games, I can easily live without them, because chances are, if I like a game, then I'll have probably bought it already.
How about they stop giving me games and discounts, and give me just online play for free? I call it the PC model.
A 25% pay increase fr something that could and was Free on the last generation. Its not as if games are running on Sony's Servers so don't give me the BS that it's costing Sony to upkeep Servers fr online - Servers for their Store, our profile details etc but NOT for gaming. Most (if not all) of Sony's games are Peer to Peer using the 'Internet' that I pay BT for and the Consoles we bought too. Multi-Platform games use Activision or EA servers - even Peer to Peer there too!!!
If Servers are 'so expensive' to upkeep for gaming, how is that PC gamers are NOT required to pay an online subscription? Dedicated Servers exist in the PC space - mainly as it stops cheating. Games are, on average cheaper too so we pay a premium for a lower res, lower frame rate, lower quality game, then pay Sony a fee to have the full access through their console.
As for the store discounts, Sony will still be getting 'some' profit from that, however they get a bit more from those who may buy but don't subscribe - that extra 10% - woohoo!!
Talking of non-subscribers, they get internet access (so games are updated) and some online gaming access, full media streaming options and also access to the PSN store and access to the games on Sale - maybe some aren't as accessible or worth buying because of the 'online' blackmail charge.
The PS+ is still a blackmail charge and 'sweetened' by the hollow offer of IGC and a small extra discount in the store. Don't give any BS that its 'significant' Discounts because non-subscribers can still buy and pre-order games, still buy all the sale games at a slightly higher but still discounted price.
I bet the 25% increase in cost is to cover the loss of profits that games would normally meet. The cost of making games has risen (as we know) - not just the tech to make them but the staff wages for the extra year or so that games now take to make, all the overheads of keeping studios operational - like business rents, electricity etc. All the extra costs to advertise and promote games and is not like Sony only have a few studios - quite a few around the world. With the rising costs of game development, the number of games they need to sell to be profitable increases and there is no guarantee that a game will sell 5m when the average is less than 2m for an exclusive - which means that profits are 'down'
The one way to guarantee an income, is by increasing the subscription charge. They know people like myself will be forced to buy because we want full access to the games we are paying a 'premium' for because we play on consoles. It may only be a 'small' increase per person per year. Broken down its less than £1 a month (if you buy a years worth at a time) but if you have 20m all paying an extra £10, that's a guaranteed extra £200m a year (before @leucocyte comments about exchange rates etc - this is an illustration of how a little extra per person adds up to a significant yearly profit or gain if you don't like the word profit - the principal is what I am trying to illustrate!!)
I really don't believe that the 'increase' is directly related to any PS+ cost. The cost to allow all those PS3 gamers throughout last gen to play online was 'negligible' if anything. The PS+ was purely for a game library and even that was significantly better than it is now, and a small extra discount. As I said, I bet Sony still get some 'profit' from the sale of a game in a sale, just a smaller profit than from non-subscribers who have to pay a bit more. That Discount isn't coming out of Sony's pocket to give to devs/publishers on our behalf because we paid slightly less. its still given Sony some money from the sale. No doubt the increase in Digital sales is paying Sony enough to keep their store updated, keep their servers in order and probably enough to pay for the 'free' games we are permanently renting.
That 25% increase is not going to see us get a 25% (or better) service. We will still be playing online on a peer to peer basis, using our consoles as the 'server' on an internet connection we pay our service provider for. I doubt we will see a 25% increase in the games we rent via IGC. I certainly won't count store discounts as that is still lining Sony's pocket, just not as much as non-subscribers pay.
I got an email from Sony the other day about Plus and it said over the last 12 months the two PS4 games added to IGC every month (except the cross buy titles) in total added up to £490. So that's a huge saving not matter which way you cut it (and some will).
Also the sales over the past 18 months the sales have been fantastic, these games listed below I bought through sales and Plus discounts and all cost no more then £15 each.
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Battlefield 4 with every expansion
Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY
Life is Strange
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
Valkyria Chronicles
Payday 2 Crimewave edition
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin
PES 2017
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Saints Row IV Reelected
Rez Infinite
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Darkest Dungeon
and Mirrors Edge Catalyst. And that isn't everything, so yeah how's that for a backlog? You can argue that the price hike is too much but it works with inflation and it's still incredible value for money. Like I said when online was put behind Plus, the party's over, now it's time to pay the bill.
I hope that PSVR gets titles on PS+ monthly! I would be psyched for that...
My ps plus expires in approximately at months time, tbh I had no plans to renew it as I just don't play on line all that much and the free monthly games that have actually appealed to me over the last 12 months I could count on 1 finger.
This price increase as 100% confirmed my plan to cancel it
Nintendo can have my money from now on when they get round to setting up their chargeable online service
I don't think it's incredible value. I feel that I'm being charged for stuff I don't want or need. All that I do want, is online game access.
@BAMozzy, you don't have 20m extra paying, as it affects UK/EU/Australia only - so this year does not see the additional 'gain' you describe, as other regions have already had price increases in previous years.. it could be considered a re-alignment, the yearly price of £50 is now in line with the US (it's actually less when VAT is factored in). large infrastructure is very costly to run (software licensing alone can cost colossal sums of money), some people seem to think it can be run on a shoestring, or throw a few peanuts and let a couple of monkeys run it. is sony making money from it, sure.. after all, that's what it needs to keep its investors/shareholders happy. for PSN and XBL, i'd wager that both were a convenient way of recuperating hardware losses.. add an extra $100 to the unit RRP, or recover it (and more) slowly over the 5-6 years of the console. both the x360 and PS3 lost billions. a situation that has not been repeated on PS4/XB1, and arguably both companies are better off for it.
if the only option was a monthly sub like netflix or something, i'm not sure nearly as many people would raise much of an eyebrow or get the pirchforks out at an 83p per month increase. but a £10 number, that's eye-catching. (the quarterly increase does seem ridiculously stupid though - £10/yr more if you pay yearly, £12/yr more if you pay monthly, and £20/yr more if you pay quarterly?!?).
i'd rather there were options, say £30/yr if you wanted only online multiplayer, or £30/yr for only IGC access and discounts (with cloud-storage and auto-updates on both options), and £50 for the full package. even if sony started adding AAA games every month to the IGC, if i'm honest i probably still wouldn't bother..
of course the cynic in me thinks that it's put it out there to gauge reaction, and with gamescom coming up, it has the opportunity to make any announcements to address the situation/soften the blow by revealing some new benefit that will part of PS+.
It's to subsidise Sony Pictures, which is tanking badly after a lot of poor and poorly received movies (ghost busters, emoji movie). The outlook is pretty grim, even if Spiderman : Homecoming does the numbers, the Disney vultures are circling. So not really greed as such, but annoying nonetheless.
Dark Souls 3, GTA V, Bloodborne, Journey, Dirt 4 - these are the games I've played online with others the most. I'm talking hundreds of hours there.
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime, Lumo, Until Dawn, Life Is Strange, Tales From The Borderlands, Zombi, Gone Home, Gat Out Of Hell, Stories, Everybody's Gone To The Rapture, Tearaway, - these are the games I've enjoyed which I might not have tried if I hadn't been given them (except Rapture I was going to get that anyway). All that said, Sony would have to pay me to get me to play Lords of the Fallen again.
I don't like paying to play online but it's what you make it and I feel like I've got my money's worth.
Also, can't belive no-one has said 'For The Payers' yet.
@BAMozzy " 'online' blackmail charge." brilliant Ozzy brilliant.
It mostly depends on how you use the service. If you enjoy online enough and get a bunch of digital games, you probably wouldn't mind it, while the monthly free games are dependent on what you would like. If you don't play online, don't use digital and don't like the monthly selection, it'll be hard to open the wallet.
There have been some definite bombs for Sony Pictures, but I wouldn't call 8 billion in revenue "tanking".
That article is about Sony Corp overall, not Sony Pictures. Thank you for illustrating my point. Also 'revenue' is not 'profit'.
"Although CEO Hirai has repeatedly emphasized the importance of Sony Pictures, the division is only one part of the corporation, and it contributed $8 billion to the company's latest full fiscal year sales of nearly $68 billion."
8 billion is attributed to Sony Pictures. The other 60 comes from other divisions.
Also, this:
"Sony Corp. stock has been hitting nine-year highs as of late, reaching its highest prices of the tenure of CEO Kaz Hirai."
"However, since that low point, the stock has risen more than 400 percent as Sony's turnaround has taken shape."
"The company's market capitalization ended the week at ¥5.81 trillion, or $51.5 billion, taking it above that of car giant Honda Motor (¥5.57 trillion) for the first time in almost 15 years and back into the top 10 highest-valued companies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange."
"The PS4 has exceeded expectations at a time when the death of console gaming was being predicted by many, selling more than 60 million units and nearly 500 million games since its launch at the end of 2013. The virtual reality headset PlayStation VR shipped more than 400,000 units in the first calendar quarter of this year, providing the console business with a further boost."
Yes, so Sony Pictures has only contributed 8 billion (I concede, an astronomical amount to us mere mortals) to an overall revenue of 68 billion, it is clearly underperforming. As the article states, and as I suggested, the electronics business is subsidising the movie business. How can you not see this?
It's not subsidizing anything. It's pure profit. 26.4 million PS+ subscribers + 10 price increase = profit. Underpants Gnomes 101.
Sorry mate, it's probably me, but you're not making much sense. Thanks for the conversation anyway.
@CountFunkula78 in FY15, sony pictures made $341m profit. in FY16 it had to write-off about $900m as a part of a re-evaluation of its assets.. its music business made 'only' $5bn, i suppose that's subsidised by its electronics business too?.
or how about its financial services division which made $1.7bn in profit.. why not just subsidise everything through its own bank?
@BLP_Software Glad you summoned me.
''PS Plus subscription gives you access to multiplayer servers that cost a lot of money to run''
@Anchorsam_9 And this is why a source would be appreciated! Most games are P2P, meaning we, the end user, run the servers, and not Sony. It doesn't [read: barely] cost them any money to run Uncharted 4 MP, because it's P2P. Seriously, the only Sony published games that have dedicated servers are Killzone and the upcome GT Sport as far as I'm aware. That's why we're paying €60 a year?
Obviously not. Add the cloud storage if you will and I still highly doubt the actual costs would be more than a few bucks a year (and that's being generous). They're adding the ''free'' games to justify the price, but most of those games don't cost them [Sony] anything to give away for free. If someone didn't buy Tearaway Unfolded at this point, who's going to? May as well give it away for free. They're not losing any money off that. You could argue that the third party deals is where the money goes, but we're still talking about old games that have passed their sales peak long ago.
And that's the issue, we're paying for fluff, extra stuff we don't necessarily want. But they're using it to justify the €60 a year, and people are fine with it.
Like @BAMozzy said, I think the best solution (remember #fortheplayers?) would be if they offered their PS+ in separate categories. €x.xx for the online sub (provided they support dedicated servers), €x.xx for cloud storage, for digital discounts, etc. Let the end user decided what they want to subscribe to. That way we don't have to put up with all the extra fluff that we don't want to begin with.
P.S. I've been to the pub, so if I come off as a bit too direct, blame the beers!
I could care less. No mater how much people dislike the increase, it's happening regardless and there really isn't anything we can do about it.
The poll here had a perfect option - "it's their business whether to increase the price" and what to offer for it. As a customer, I have only two concerns - whether it appeals to me and whether I can afford it regardless of the appeal. With PS Plus, the answer is still yes to both - the new price (3899 RUB in my account's region, previously 3199) remains within the range of what I can pay once a year, I have enjoyed the multitude of games made accessible since I subscribed (and the archive data makes me regret I didn't sign up right back last January when I got my Vita), the cloud storage means a lot for me (especially on Vita whose OS has a bad habit of delete save data together with games) and multiplayer makes sure I can access the whole range of the general PS4 library including the routinely online-chained F2Ps. When it comes to IGC, the combined prices of games cover the price manifold, too.
I guess much of the buzz simply stems from many people not liking the service much and feeling bitter about having to pay for it for multiplayer alone. Well, in such cases it's a downside of PS4 to consider the weight of if you decide between PS4 and other platforms to play on. But internet complaints have the usual worth of all internet complaints, especially accusations of greed - which are an epithome of hypocrisy since Sony is a business, and we all would be singing a different song if we were Sony executives ourselves... no fooling anyone here, folks. Will the service improve with the price increase? Maybe, although it will always be YMMV from the consumer perspective. But seeing as the price already went up in the US, I suspect it's more like other regions just stalled it as much as they economically could without it stepping on their own interest's foot. The only way Sony would take drastic measures to inflate the service's appeal is if the past scenario repeated itself. Remember when PS3 was hacked and PS Plus was needed as something valuable for potential cfw-adopters to lose? Remember when Vita needed a library for the ever sparser buyers since the first party lineup was screeching to a halt? IGC archives show that THIS was the period vocal complainers are really nostalgic about, forgetting the actual service launch with its bunch of bite-sized PlayStation Minis.
And yes, sucks to be a PS4 user with paid online when Nint-... wait, Switch will have paid online next year as well. Xbox has had paid online for ages. Frankly, it really looks like a market trend, and the moment PC eventually jumps the bandwagon, it will stop making a dramatic difference - at least barring the alternative of quitting the hobby in general for some. Only time will tell if people will adapt or march out the door to leave the second "great video game crash" behind - but for now we deal with what we deal with.
@Hengist Well you either pay it or don't simple as that.
You're absolutely correct mate. Nothing written here, regarding what's good or bad about the service, will have any affect. However, I do enjoy a civilised debate about such things.
Well stated mate. Your usage of the word 'fluff' completely sums up, for me, the so called added value that the service attempts to brings to the table via the sales and the monthly ps+ games. I see it as a means of Sony simply trying to justify the cost of the subscription by including stuff that I don't want or never asked for.
I hope that you enjoyed yourself down the Pub. ☺
Unless they improve the servers and/or the quality of the PS offerings, then heck no it's not justified. Here in the States, they increased the price last year, but it seemed the the servers weren't improved and the PS plus lineup never really improved consistently. I just feel this most recent price hike is Sony being their usual arrogant selves. Gamers are partially to blame for their arrogance, it seemed like price hike last got very little backlash and the majority just dealt with it. I just feel like if we keep letting Sony get away with this sort of thing, Plus will be over $100 by 2020.
If they are jacking up the price why don't they add Ps Now as part of Ps plus
Personally, I wasn't happy about the price increase last year but there's nothing you can do about it - if you want to play online you have to subscribe to Plus.:/
Its a rip off in my view,if you want to play online - there is no choice but to buy it.For a service provided for the most part by the third party companys,with pretend "free games" and shaky store (admittedly with some descent sales) So,you buy a game - a product -but wait its also a service,a Gervis? Is it a game or a service? its whatever they say it is,and we must stump up for it if we want the most possible functionality,don't get above your station though and expect dedicated servers for example -because they just tease the notes out of the wallet with ambiguous carrots and sneaky sticks.My 2 cents..
I almost never play online, the next game I suspect I will play online will be Everybody's Gold and then Monster Hunter.
Even then, I still don't begrudge the PSN subscription, the free games have been great (I love Indies) and the discounts on the games I do buy have been great too.
Don't get me wrong, nobody wants to see a price hike and Sony could certainly of done better with the messaging, but at least than a pound a week, i can't grumble too much.
I don't get why people are moaning and clinging onto the '25%' Buzzword. It's had no increase in 7 years, if it was a 25% increase after 1 year then fair enough, but over 7 years that's just on level with standard Inflation.
If they increased it every year on par with inflation then 1. Everyone would moan like they do about everything 2. the increase wouldn't look that bad as it would be about £1.30 - but no, its having it's first official increase in 7 years - you you don't like it then don't pay it - move to another console (Xbox will most likely increase theirs like they did last year and Nintendo doesn't have 5% of the PS4 library), PC or stop moaning.
If you're really not happy and don't mind losing the games you have up until now then look at getting a HK (Asian) PS Plus account - Plus is shared on your console, so all accounts can use it. ATM it's approx £25 for a year of PS Plus on the HK store and you get Battlefront 1 deluxe (with the Season Pass) free with the subscription - they seem to get more AAA games than us, 5-6 PS4 games a month and 99% of the time the games are in full English.
Basically they can charge what they like because most people want online play. It doesn't cost what they are getting in revenue but it is guaranteed to make most ps4 owners subscribers. All the games and discounts are just there for people like me who only dip into mp now and then.
What annoys me really is that there has been no marketing or attempt to justify from Sony. No, you will be getting good games or new services etc. I wouldn't mind as much if I could see they were investing back into the product
Thanks everybody for reading this and for a good discussion. Some people have raised some really good points - especially those who talked about the failure of Sony's movie division as a reason for this rise.
Regardless of whether you see the price rise as justified or not, Sony definitely should've handled this better instead of trying to subtly announce it by email.
I really think they should have two options, one cheaper just to play online and one more expensive with all the extra stuff that might be hiking the price up (Since we've finally started getting decent free games).
The only thing I'd pay for is to play online, everything else is just an extra that I could do without. Can't remember the last PS+ game I even bothered to play, I have enough games to try and keep up with as it is.
@Anchorsam_9 I honestly think its more down to the rising costs of Game development which is also amplified by the extra time its taking to make games for this generation. I really don't believe that the price hike has anything whatsoever to do with the PS+ service and the 'costs' to Sony surrounding what we are 'paying' for.
Online is negligible to Sony - of course they have servers to store our info on, run the PSN store etc but online gaming itself is a negligible if anything at all to Sony. Multi-platform games use their own servers and/or peer to peer. Sony's first party are peer to peer to so the costs are negligible at best. Its not like non-subscribers can't access 'online' at all - as streaming, some free to play and of course the store is all accessible.
Discounts in the store will still be making Sony some money. They will not be selling them at 'cost' so to speak. Maybe they will be giving up some 'profit' margin - instead of taking £2 for example like they do from non-subscribers they get £1 from subscribers because that 10% discount affects how much they get but they still get 'something' so its no cost to Sony whether you subscribe or not.
The free games, regardless of how much the quote the RRP of the games are, that's the cost to sell a 'full' licence in the online store to a person, not the price of selling a 'temporary' licence that only allows subscribers to play. Plus its not always the 'average' price (if and when they offer multi-platform AAA games) - let alone the cheapest price. How much are they quoting for Just Cause 3? I bet I could find the Physical version for half that value and won't lose the ability to play it if I was to cancel my subscription. I know none of us know the cost to Sony annually for these games, but I am willing to bet, its far less than they receive in subscriptions a year...
Therefore, the price rise is unlikely to be related to any rising costs related directly to the PS+ service we are paying for. The 25% increase is a virtual guarantee of income - especially if they can't get 'games' out in the windows they hoped and/or need to give devs an extension to finish these for release. Games are probably not as 'profitable' as they were when you could make and release a game in 2yrs with lower staff wages, lower overheads etc. I bet U4 for example needed to sell a lot more than U1, 2 or 3 to be profitable. With Exclusives averaging around the 2m sales mark, I wouldn't be surprised if some games are not very profitable at all so the 'increase' to the PS+ subscription is a big increase per annum to Sony to offset these but we as consumers are not getting 'better service' for our 25% extra - at least nothing announced yet to indicate we are.
The justification is Sony wants more money and they know a 20% to 33% increase won't kick up too much crap...especially when Destiny2 is a little over a month away from release.
Personally, I'm done with PS+ and PSVue. Considering of the 60million+ PS4s sold, only about 26 million have active subscriptions....they better hope more PS4 owners don't follow suit. I'll be getting my online-focused games on either XBO or PC moving forward.
They need to improve their servers first. Messaging is a complete joke. I only pay for the games despite being pretty hard up, yet never even play most of the games because of my gems of war addiction.
Well it is just as well I renewed/extended for £30 last month then.
For me personally even £50 will just be worth it. So far I have downloaded Tales From the Borderland, Game of Thrones and will download Just Cause 3 and the Assassin Creed DLC.
It depends if you buy a lot of games every month or, like me, buy about 6-8 year and use the service and the extra discounts on sales.
I feel I just about use my subscription money - even at £50/year but it will, I think, end up being a case by case decision.
I'm happy I bought that 15 month for 12 month deal not long ago. If Sony gave an indication of why it is increasing the price instead of being completely silent, it might be better received.
The main issue is the lack of consistency each month for good/fun and varied games. If the price increases so to should the current benefits like discounts and it wouldn't be bad to allow players to choose 2 or maybe even 3 games from PS now to play for free each month if you're a PS plus subscriber. While if you're a full PS now subscriber you get access to all the games. In my opinion Sony is starting to slowly slip back into their old ways again in many areas not just PS plus.
I stopped paying for plus when they tied online to the service. I wish more people would vote with their wallets when they don't like what a business does and realise if enough people did, decisions like this would quickly be reversed when they ate into profits. The funny thing is that most people laughed at the Xbox gamers last gen for paying for online, but now they argue how it is unrealistic to not have to pay for online play.
Businesses exist to make money.
Businesses with shareholders have extra pressure to make money.
That's capitalism.
If they'd put the price up a little each year or two no one would be moaning but we'd be paying even more.
It's a shame Sony didn't offer a reason or say there'd be more benefit. But hey.
I dare say most of those moaning will stay pay
For me? I'll buy a year before the increase and stack it. I'll get 16 months before the increase that way
Its is totally justified. Sony are not a charity and all products go up in price. They did not increase year on year they just made it one lump sum.
@dryrain People always get upset when a price goes up. I say look at what you're getting and ask if it's worth the new price. If you're getting stuff what's worth more than you're paying, you can't really complain.
I'm not even all that bothered about the price going up but the way PlayStation have handled this is really poor imo. No, the price hike is not justified and Sony haven't even bothered trying to.
Not even a "thank you for your support", "we're increasing the price so we can continue to improve and refine the service for you", or any kind of message at all. Just an email saying "we're putting the price up. K, bye."
It's really poor PR and probably won't hurt them in anyway (and will likely earn them millions of pounds more annually), but it's just the kind of messaging that really isn't difficult to at least phrase in a more friendly manner.
It does not affect me since I am not in any of those territories, but quite telling that my last Plus sub was at $50 and I haven't bothered to renew it. I come and go trying to justify it but I just can't.
The only game I consistently play online is Splatoon 2 and that is now free and later $20. The "free" games are meh to me and now they are just a bunch of hostages taking up space on my HDD, the cloud states are not really a necessity and my backlog is big enough as for needing more via discounts.
And now things like SFV and GT Sport insist on being mostly online, forcing gamers to pay for Plus.
There are 2 things I agree with here:
1 - Sony has handled this poorly.
2 - There should be tiers of PS Plus where you sub to the parts you want and the more you sub to, the bigger the discount.
What I don't agree with is those that state whether it is value for money or not as if they're speaking for the whole of the subscriber base (or at least appear to be). Whether it's value for money or not, whether you keep paying or not, if the "free" games are good enough or not, are all subjective on a personal basis.
My personal opinion:
*I spend very little time playing 'online', I prefer single-player (mainly due to the sporadic nature of the time I get to play).
*Cloud saves are far more precious to me as I'd rather not have to start from scratch if my console died or was stolen.
*The PS Plus discounts are simply a bonus if they're on what I'm buying anyway.
*Any "free" games are a bonus, more so if I planned to buy them in the near future, but also tried ones I probably wouldn't have bought otherwise.
*I spend more on coffee in one quarter, than the (new) cost of PS Plus for a year, but that's my choice.
Is the service worth it for me? Hell yes, my time is far more precious than having to replay something over again due to lost progress (what could add up to a large amount of hours), the alternative being ditching the rest of the game so I can go and play something else.
The only one you have to justify the cost to is yourself. If it works for you, then it works for you. If not, then find something that does.
Is it good value? For what's on offer, yes it is. Of course, the value to the individual depends on how much of what's on offer they actually take.
I don't take every game offered; I won't take something I'm not interested in, even if it's "free". But I think most people will find at least 4-5 games they want during an annual subscription period, which should more than cover the cost even at the new price. When you then add in discounts on games they may buy from PSN, most will get their money's worth.
It's the first increase for an annual subscription since the service launched in June 2010. If the service was the same as when it launched, that would be pretty good. When you consider that they've added new features, 10GB of cloud storage, AND games/discounts for two additional platforms at no extra cost until now, I think people should cut them some slack.
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