Xbox's premium console Project Scorpio has been a source of conversation ever since a 90 second trailer outed the device at E3 2016 almost 12 months ago. With manufacturer Microsoft saying very little about the system since, it's become a bit of a fan's fancy – there's been so much speculation on enthusiast forums like NeoGAF that some had convinced themselves the unit would tuck them into bed at night and make them porridge in the morning. But at some point the Redmond firm had to reveal the actual device in detail, and in collaboration with Digital Foundry it's done exactly that today: the specifications have finally been laid bare.
The reveal – a series of articles and videos published exclusively by's tech department – shows a degree of awareness on Microsoft's part: Sony tried to talk tech to the general consumer during the PlayStation 4 Pro's iffy reveal late last year, but architect Mark Cerny's ASMR-inducing speech brought about more yawns than yeehaws. It's worth mentioning, however, that a single Forza screenshot aside, the company's yet to publicly show any actual software running on the Scorpio itself – it'll still have to find a way to demonstrate the very real benefits of 4K resolution on shaky 1080p livestreams during E3 2017 later this year.
But that's a discussion for another website, so let's get to the topic at hand: will Sony be scared by the Xbox Scorpio announcements today? To be honest, it's about what the platform holder probably expected: Microsoft's new device is a step-up from the PS4 Pro without question, but then with a year of additional engineering – the system is still several months off at the time of typing – it would be catastrophic if it wasn't. The specs illustrate an advantage over Sony's mid-gen refresh in almost every department – memory and GPU specifically – but they're perhaps not enough to force a new generation like some had suspected. To be fair, Microsoft itself has always been very clear that the console is very much a part of the Xbox One family.
So, where does that leave Sony and the PS4 Pro? Well, in many ways, we still need to wait and see. Microsoft's always been adamant that it's engineering its new box with native 4K resolution in mind, and it seems like it's going to have the horsepower to deliver that in most cases. But this does raise a question of how beneficial such an ambition is in real practice: we've seen native 4K titles next to checkerboard rendered 4K titles side-by-side before, and the difference is honestly so minute that you need to press your face up against the screen – something even the experts at Digital Foundry have acknowledged in the past.
To be clear, there can be no doubt that a native resolution is always the optimal target, but you can reach a point of diminishing returns – will the Xbox Scorpio be able to justify a large enough advantage over the PS4 Pro to entice the masses? Considering that many don't really see the advantage of Sony's mid-gen refresh compared to the existing PS4 (or even Xbox One) then we reckon that the Redmond firm has its work cut out. However, it's perhaps worth mentioning that the memory boost may enable the use of higher-resolution textures, which could provide an advantage in pure visual terms.
So will Sony be worried – it's been using the "most powerful console" rhetoric efficiently for four years now, after all? It'll be intrigued, but not scared in our opinion. The thing with PlayStation is that it's shown since the start of the generation that it has its own strategy and it's unwilling to deviate from that. The company's plan was to refresh the entire PS4 hardware line in late 2016 with the PS4 Pro, PS4 Slim, and PlayStation VR, and that's what it delivered. This year seems to be all about riding the software wave while bringing costs down, and we reckon you can bank on price drops across the entire line regardless of the Xbox Scorpio's existence.
And this is perhaps the crucial thing: even Microsoft itself appreciates that the Xbox Scorpio has been designed for enthusiasts. Thus, there's no question that this year's biggest hardware sellers – if we remove the Nintendo Switch from the equation purely for the ease of conversation – will be the PS4 Slim and Xbox One S, both of which will hit $199.99 this holiday and will play all of the same games. It's in this that the Xbox Scorpio's strategy becomes a little more questionable: even at an expected $399.99 price point – Digital Foundry speculates it may actually cost more, but we reckon Redmond's ruse is to make people believe that and then deliver a surprise down the line – will it be able to deliver improvements that justify the price differential to anyone but the hardest of the hardcore? Heck, assuming Sony gets aggressive and drops the PS4 Pro's price to $299.99, will it be able to demonstrate an additional $100 of value upon that?
It's a question we simply can't answer with specs alone, but the emergence of a new king from a pure hardware perspective does mean that Sony may have to move its marketing in a slightly different direction this fall. It's going to be interesting to see how things play out, and it's going to be especially fascinating to see how much power played a part in the current sales gulf between the Xbox One and the PS4 – our guess is not very much at all. Still, we're eager to see the kind of line that Sony takes on the Xbox Scorpio moving forward, and whether Microsoft can make its new hardware sing to the degree that justifies an almost inevitable price differential – no matter how large that turns out to be.
Do you think that Microsoft's done a number on Sony with the Xbox Scorpio, or is a supercharged refresh coming at this point in the cycle a case of too little too late? What could the Redmond firm possibly do to encourage you to jump ship? How important is power to you? Do you think that the strive for native 4K is a valuable one? Get it all off your chest in the comments section below.
Comments 107
Not at all cos at the moment what has MS got other then a powerful machine?
If the price rumors about it being between €600 and €800 are true (which they probably are otherwise it will be sold at a huge loss) than it doesn't mattet how powerfull the scorpio is, in that case MS will be digging their own grave for the remaining time of gen 8.
Sony should always pay attention to the competition and take them seriously. But for them to really worry, Microsoft need to show some really decent support for this new machine. Having the most powerful machine is all well and good, but most of us want a solid choice of must have games to play on it, or it's simply not worth the investment.
@darkswabber I fully believe this thing will be $400. I truly believe Microsoft is setting people up to expect a very high price, so that it can reap the rewards of a "shock" $399.99 announcement at E3.
The specs are good, but they're not good enough for the prices you're touting in your post.
Power is great and all but you need games at the end of the day.
Does it still run on windows 10? Thats enough to put me off,and cast major doubt over its quality imo.
Sony just needs to keep the games coming. Price and games is what sells your consoles after first few months of release.
Xbox hand was forced by Sony this gen and for now Sony can just watch and see how things pan out
@get2sammyb my personal expactation is that it will be around €450. My personal hopes are that it will be very expensive but that's because I'm a sony/nintendo fanboy, or rather a not-microsoft-but-everything-else fanboy 😂 (although I'm a fanboy that can admit the flaws of my prefered system and the good things about the system I do not like)
Microsoft does have a trump card .............just in case Sony get too far ahead of it's self.
Imagine a games console that can play any P.C. game .................that will sting Sony.
It is only matter of time before Microsoft will make a console that plays any Game made for P.C.s
This vision came to me in a Dream/Nightmare.
You can shout about native 4k resolution until the cows come home, but unless the console has the exclusives required to make it a truly attractive prospect, I don't see why Sony should start to worry. Right now Sony seems to be doing everything right by trying to make sure its players have great quality games to get stuck into, whereas MS don't really seem to be making delivering a top notch title one of their priorities.
@LieutenantFatman I agree.
@get2sammyb The specs really do put it in the price range @darkswabber quotes.. atleast not too far anyway and its in the same ballpark performance range as a 1070 gtx which currently is selling for about £400 so its not really unthinkable for the console to be 'worth' £500-600 all in.
MS will, I think sell at 399 though, at a loss to try and pull back people to Xbox. From the DF article it seems that MS have aimed for full 4k resolution.. and it seems like it has the grunt to do it with all current games being sold.
Use checkerboarding and developers with even more headroom should be able to pull off some incredible effects which will really shine and in paper, blow the Pro out of the water with the additional grunt.
The big problem for MS is that Sony has well and truly hit its stride with software this gen. IMO its not going to do a huge amount of damage to Sony's current momentum so it might just be too late.
If MS are serious about VR then that extra grunt over the pro will really show imo.
The specs really do make it a beast and will produce results top of the line PC's would be happy with - its nothing to be scoffed at.
Software is where Sony should focus for now.. going forward.
@solocapers It's really not comparable with top-of-the-line PCs.
They can have all the power in the world, but for what? More Halo, gears of war, and forza??? Pfff no thanks, Sony is light years ahead in exclusive titles and at the end of the day that's what matters most
@get2sammyb Did you read the DF article? Its well and truly capable of pushing out "ultra" pc settings @4k with current games. Its an impressive bit of kit.
Essentially its going to be able to do current openworld games at native 4k 30fps no problem.. Something the pro cannot do. Its not a penis waving thing.. but its impressive.
More linear titles native 4k @ 60fps. Current top line pc's manage it. So will Scorpio. Its up there with top of the line.. no question for me.
Like I say.. Sony wins with the software anyway.. Its not going to change very much I think.. but its some reply from MS after all the gib they've had about the Xbox One being underpowered.
No. It's all about messaging. They are presenting this as a part of the Xbox One family. Casuals don't care about power. They want a console that is affordable, has people they want to play with and most importantly has the games they want. The market has spoken and Sony has won that war.
MS going to sell Scorpio to the same people that bought an Xbox One. The hardcores. Just like the PS4 Pro.
MS needs to worry about Nintendo not PlayStation. Hypothetically if you are a multi-platform gamer and you are in the market for a new console, what do you go for? A whole new way to play with exclusives that can't be found anywhere else in the Switch or raw power with Scorpio.
The real battle will be who can get down to £150 first.
Sony can do their own thing. PS5 2019 reveal, 2020 roll-out.
I doubt Scorpio will be much competition. PS2 stomped all over the Xbox and Gamecube even though it was the weakest platform that gen. Also, it's worth mentioning how well the Nintendo Wii, which was barely a step up from the Gamecube, performed last gen. Releasing an Xbox One on steroids won't change the fact that Microsoft has very little going for it in comparison to the PS4 ecosystem.
I don't think it shouldn't matter Sony is in a comfortable lead and I don't see sales affecting them. You can speak of how powerful Scorpio is but where Sony has been making a impact is on software and better games. Unless your busy the console to play halo, gears or forza what else it has to offer. I think Sony won't be afraid at the end of the day they have many expected exclusives titles like spider man, god of war, the last of us 2 and not including all the games that have been released since January.
If the price is $400 and it can run all 3rd party games like the witcher 3 and rdr 2 at 4k & 60 fps maybe people will buy it. If the difference is only native 4k vs checkerboarding then microsoft is in a lot of trouble.
I have 55inch 4k oled tv (lg b6) and I can't see the difference between ps4 1080p and ps4 pro 4k checkerboard, 1080p with anti aliasing is good enough for most people. I do see the difference with nier autonata 900p vs 1080p, 900p on 4k tv is just not good enough.
@solocapers I think the true test of the machine is in 3rd party games, can it play final fantasy xv, rdr 2 and witcher 3 in 4k ultra.
Oh and forgot you have the Nintendo switch also which it's going to sell well once they get Pokémon, mario, metroid and many more games start to come out on the system. I think this could be the last draw for MS and there are been desperate to try to compete with the market with Sony and Nintendo
You could spend hours and hours trying to polish a turd, but, at the end of the day, it's still a turd. If a games rubbish, no matter how good it looks, it's still rubbish. Would I have found HZD far less enjoyable as a game if the graphics weren't as good? No. Would Life of Black Tiger have GoTY stamped all over it if it has amazing graphics? No.
@wiiware The Witcher, it'll never get the chance. CDPR are done with The Witcher. Its not getting patched. Not for the pro and not for Scorpio.
The rest.. if it keeps parity with Pro in terms of texture quality and other effects etc.. then I cant see why it wont do it native 4k.
It looks like thats what they've aimed for.
Microsoft's problem really are exclusive games. Apart from not having many, they're all on PC too.
I am a bit jealous that they get a 4K Blu Ray drive though, I feel like the Pro really should have had that.
I'm getting one but i've wanted an X1 for a while to play alongside my PS4, i've been holding out because I might as well make it a Scorpio. I think it will do well and people may be underestimating the draw of a more powerfull machine after all that is the only reason i'm on PS4 and not X1, me and a friend switched and it was solely for that reason. However I don't think it will dent Sony much, Sony have come to far this gen, a lot of people might do what i'm doing and keep both and have the best of both world's, it's definately no replacement for the PS4.
I've been holding off getting the Pro until I have a 4k tv because there'd be no point, but now I may just keep my ps4 and get the Scorpio for actual 4k gaming once it's out. Best of both worlds!
I doubt it. PS4 Slim/Pro will still rule supreme.
However the Scorpio will probably perform better in the sales department than the Switch, sadly.
Hang on have MS just gone and done another 180?
I thought this was supposed to have 6 teraflops?!
Really hope they call this the Xbox 180!
I don't hear many games being released for Xbox that I can get excited about. PlayStation is having one of its best years software wise ever and we're barely into April. They need to be mindful but not worried.
Thus, there's no question that this year's biggest hardware sellers – if we remove the Nintendo Switch from the equation purely for the ease of conversation – will be the PS4 Slim and Xbox One S, both of which will hit $199.99 this holiday and will play all of the same games.
@get2sammyb Why remove Switch from that conversation? I know it wont sell, but still. It's a big release and a console that is indeed being sold. Are you saying that the big sellers this year, if we remove Switch, are the Slim power bricks? Why are you even worried about Switch selling? Why remove it from the conversation at that point?
I'm confused.
For me, Sony's strategy has always been about software over hardware. Yea the pro was a nice addition but they have been heavily pushing the marketing for the software, which for me is the main reason I purchase a console. I'm interested in what Scorpio has to offer, but the exclusive software lineup from Microsoft has been an utter shambles and if they can't deliver with Scorpio then why would I want one?
Whilst we may not be privvy to seeing more than a game shot of Forza 6 at 4k in the wet with maximum cars and 4k assets, DF have seen it running. Even at PC equivalent Ultra settings, the GPU still had room to spare. This bodes well for not only first party games, but also for 3rd Party too.
I do think its funny that now we are seeing the author say how 'lower' native resolution doesn't matter! It mattered when the XB1 struggled to match the PS4! Of course Checkerboard matches up well to 4k but not every PS4 game runs at 2160p checkerboard but 1800p checkerboard (2x900p) and the upscaled - some run as low as 1440p too. DF have said that the games do measure up well considering the price differential and how well a £350 box does manage to deliver on 4k screens but often still appear a bit softer - something 900p XB1 games appear like compared to 1080p on PS4.
I know there is a lot of talk about exclusives too and I expect Forza 7 and Crackdown 3 will launch at or around the time this does as well as a number of games patched to run at 4k. Who knows what they have in store. However I buy a LOT more 3rd party games and I would much prefer to buy these on the system that runs them the best - the higher and most consistent frame rates. If all things are equal, frame rate, visual settings, content, then I will buy the version that looks the best - the one with the higher resolution, better textures and draw distances etc. I still have a LOT of XB360 and XB1 games and these will be enhanced too so overall I think its an incredible machine for Xbox gamers.
I don't think Sony are worried or concerned. The Pro was never going to be a fully fledged jump up to 4k but a decent half way step whilst we are still in that transition phase between 1080 and 4k displays. I still maintain they have their own plans and agenda and we will see a PS5 - I think as soon as Q42018. Not in response to Acorpio because it fits into their timeline, their agenda. Not only can it offer a true 4k device and tangible upgrade over the PS4 and Pro, but also upgrades to its media capability with a 4k HDR Bluray. Sony have also been given all the information they need to beat the Scorpio and leave MS behind for 'years' again in terms of having the most powerful console. MS can't exactly retaliate a year later (2019) with a 'Scorpio 2' so again will be left trailing.
I have no bias to either camp. I will still be playing games on my PS4 Pro and will get a Scorpio too and enjoy the best of both on my 4k HDR TV.
I don't see any use this when it comes to me, personally. I think maybe fans of the Xbox and people that have held off on an Xbox that have friends or are interested in MS exclusives could benefit though. If you already have a PC there are plenty of budget PCs that are much better, but are a little more expensive. My PC is around mid - high end with an Intel i5 3.5 quad core processor, 16GB DDR4 RAM, and a GTX 1080 and I can run well optimised games at 4K60FPS @ around medium to high settings with AA set to low or off and some post processing (Lens flare, ansioscopic filtering, motion blur, and depth of field) settings set to off (Not to mention I absolutely hate all of those settings anyway). Once more developers start optimising for 4K we will probably see benefits across all platforms.
This is pretty good for all camps. Competition is great for any industry.
Scared? I don't think so, but the Scorpio looks like one MEAN piece of tech. I'm glad Microsoft is taking things series again. It feels like they've been asleep at the wheel since the original Xbox in terms of innovation. Even though I'm very excited about the Scorpio, I don't plan to buy one... great hardware is nothing without great games.
IF Sony is worried, all they need to do is a drop a PlayStation 5 announcement around the time the Scorpio is set to release.
@BAMozzy Well said. I sensed the fanboy/naivety jumping out of my screen a bit when the author tried to play down its power advantage over the PS Pro when there was glee back in the early days of this gen at the PS4's advantage. Its a flip reversal from the start of this gen and like I said earlier. Top range PC's arent that far off this kind of power, it'll certainly not embarrass itself in comparisons side by side. Its a lovely bit of kit.
Looking past hardware though, Sony still has the upper hand and I cant see that changing soon. 3rd party titles however will perform better on Scorpio and that will be a drawing point to many. It all depends on the pricing on how well that draws people.
A lot of people moved from MS due to the Xbox One being trumped by the PS4 but they much prefer the MS ecosystem/online. So this may give people the reason to jump back and that cant be ignored. Sony need to improve their online side to get rid of that reason for switching. On a VDSL 80-20 connection its not uncommon to see: previously my PS4 and now my Pro take 10-15 mins "preparing to download"
Thats really poor and then you've got the patch downloading no where near the full speed of your connection. All causing frustration waiting on it downloading. MS dont seem to have this problem with their online services.
Bottom line though what is good for the industry is that there's clearly healthy competition for pushing boundaries.
Sony just needs to stay focused on continuing to provide good experiences for the PS4 owners. The console has at least a 55 million userbase, so even if it lagged behind Scorpio and the Nintendo Switch this holiday, it's still already sold a ton and will likely continue to do well. The only thing that should cause concern is if after Scorpio is released, PS4 sales drop like a rock. Doubt that will happen but if it did, that's the only thing Sony would have to seriously act one.
Ooohhh specs. Yawn. What games does it play?
@Fight_Teza_Fight Amen!
@solocapers I read everything. It's not comparable with top-of-the-line PCs, it's just not. It's extremely powerful, but let's not go overboard.
@solocapers @BAMozzy I've gone on record many times as saying the whole 1080p/900p discussion was overblown. I maintain that. I also believe that the difference between native/checkerboard 4K is even harder to discern than 1080p/900p because it is.
I stand by all of this — no double-standards here.
I don't see Sony too worried about it, they brought out their own PS4 Pro and Slim still outsold it about 4-1 last holiday, so people don't seem to care all that much about graphics. Sure, some people do, but the majority seem to favor price.
I think E3 game announcements are more important right now. Sony has God of War, Spiderman and Last of Us 2 as big games in the pipeline. What games is MS going to unveil to highlight what the Scorpio can do? It must have something planned, even if only 3rd party 4k announcements. Guess we'll have to wait and see how E3 goes but I doubt Sony will make any changes before then.
And Switch is in play this holiday, it's a new console and it's the first holiday people will see it on store shelves. People always like new things for Christmas. But like MS we also need to wait until E3 to see what games it will actually have this holiday. They said Mario and XC2 but I don't believe them. So this could be the holiday people are fine w/ the PS4 and X1 they already have and decide to pick up the Switch instead. But we need to see the games first, really from all 3 companies.
@BLP_Software For the simplicity of what I'm trying to write. I would have had to add an entire extra paragraph in to factor in the Switch which isn't really relevant to the article I'm trying to say.
Awesome! This could push the PS4 Pro to £300 end of 2017! Time for upgrade from ps4 slim. Then in 2019 (2 years later) hopefully the Xbox Scorpio might have some decent exclusives to play on it... and dropped in price then I'm in again! Win! Win!
I don't think Sony will be scared of the Scorpio. The new Xbox console looks to be an expensive high-end console aimed at a fairly niche group of customers. If it's significantly more expensive than the One S, then few people are going to bother with it.
@get2sammyb "I would have had to add an entire extra paragraph"
You already wrote 8 paragraphs (I counted) what's 1 more?
Since this article was about Sony's possible reaction to the new Scorpio specs I think you were ok not discussing Switch - you already wrote that article anyway - but you probably would have been better served not mentioning Switch at all rather than mentioning Switch just to say you weren't mentioning it. People are going to notice that more than if they hadn't read the word "Switch" at all.
And Switch isn't in competition w/ either of them right now anyway, it's it's own thing. It's like bringing up Segway sales while discussing car and motorcycle sales. Or jetskis when comparing motorboats and sailboats. Of course all that could change at E3 if it gets a lot of AAA 3rd party support, you'll be forced to include it then, but until then you're right, it's a different discussion.
@rjejr Can't win, in other words!
I don't think Sony will be overly bothered by the Scorpio, they'll watch how it does since that makes sense, but I doubt they'll change direction based on its release. It might make Microsoft realise that hardware alone will not sell a system though.
@Number09 This has already been tried with things like the steam machine, it doesn't work. In part it is because a keyboard/mouse combo is ideal for a lot PC games, but not for using in your living room.
Sony aren't worried. As most of you on here are, I'm massively into me games. Games being the main word. MS, at the moment anyway, do not have any games that have even made me turn my head. So unless they show some seriously impressive IP's at E3, they will fail. And that fact would apply to Sony too, if their roles were reversed.
@get2sammyb I agree that 2160p checkerboard vs 2160p Native is very difficult to see much of a difference. It becomes clearer at 1800p checkerboard and 1440p native compared to the native 2160p and a lot of Pro's games don't use high res textures either. Textures are often quite obvious too as could be more distant objects and things like pop-in which are very obvious - regardless of the resolution. 1800p is the '900p' of 4k and still needs 'upscaling' to fit the screen whether native or checkerboard and still looks 'softer' to full 2160p. Regardless of resolution, if its overblown, why mention it?
I know that for many, these things are immaterial. They still get to experience the same game, same story, same content and at a 'similar' frame rate in most cases - albeit by a small difference but they can still experience all the content.
For many though, resolution is important, image clarity etc. Those PC gamers that complain that the Pro isn't 'native' 4k, that image quality isn't as high.
Personally I would prefer it if Scorpio insisted that ALL games ran at a locked 60fps. I would prefer a a checkerboard 2160 if that meant I could play a game at 60fps instead of 4k/30. Even if they did that though, there would be a section of people that would still complain that the games aren't native 4k and that the 'impressive' hardware for the cost etc is not that 'impressive'.
I know that we keep referring to the Pro as a £350 console - but its less. £310 with a £40 controller. £310 for a bluray player, complete with cpu, 8GB RAM and GPU as well as TV/Media Apps, High Speed HDMI lead that can compete well with a £700 GPU let alone the extra cost of CPU, RAM etc so I am happy with my Pro. I expect I will be happy with my 'Scorpio' too - not just for future Xbox games (inc 3rd Party multi-platform titles) but also my library of 360 and existing XB1 games too. Of course its going to beat the PS4 Pro in every area from a hardware perspective but needing to speculate over whether Sony are 'scared' is ridiculous and nothing more than a way to drag all the fanboys out of the woodwork.
As you know, I have said long before this reveal, that the Scorpio can play into Sony's hands and give them all the information they need to build their PS5 to beat the Scorpio in every area and release a year after. Whilst some, inc you I believe, think a Q4 2018 is too soon, I think it fits perfectly for Sony. So Sony have nothing to fear at all. At the end of the day, we as gamers win because of this competition.
@get2sammyb Not w/ BLPs, no.
A real 4k system does sound appealing. What would be cool is too see how the scorpio improves Xbox 360 titles. Bioshock's 360 version already looks and plays better than the remaster they did. Oh the possibilities.
I really feel bad for people that wasted money on the PS4 Pro. It's not even a 4k Blu-ray player lmao.
@get2sammyb Games? That's their problem not specs, the slim still outsells the Pro and will always do so as the majority don't care about 4K and don't even have the TV for it. Forza was already 60fps so it's not that impressive having a console over 4x as powerful doing so at 4x resolution. The only time Sony will be concerned is if games that are 30fps on Pro are 60 fps on that, such as Red Dead Redemption.
From my experience of the Pro, the gains in resolution whilst nice are forgotten after just a few minutes of gameplay, with HDR being a far bigger factor. That and Persona 5 is fast becoming my favourite game on PS4 and all the terraflops in the world wouldn't make it even 1% better, so yeah Games 😃
@BAMozzy I did mention the potential for higher quality textures in the article, which I agree will make a difference. My point in the article, however, was that it's even more difficult to tell a difference between checkerboard and native 4K than 900p/1080p — and that was already a challenge for most people.
It seems like we're generally in agreement, though.
they are going to get sales of course but i feel that while it is a powerful machine but the main issue is GAMES, you can have the worlds most powerful console but if you have noting to play on it then it's still gonna fail and MS exclusives are pretty thin on the ground at the moment
BUT i can see MS pushing the Scorpio with a few new XB exclusives but will that be enough?
That powerful machine means absolutely nothing if there are no exclusives to back it up.
Halo, forza and gears don't do it for me.
Forza and Gears are awesome! I believe the Rare Pirate game will be good as well but we shall see. I personally have more local friends with Xbox One then I know with PS4, Switch, & Wii U.
Ha ha, true. To be honest nothing beats those local multiplayer days back on the N64! Now I got us waaaaay off subject.
For me almost all of the games i play are multi platform. So adding the Scorpio instead of upgrading to a Pro would offer more. My Plus expires this fall and Gold offers better games.
Backward compatibility and regular external hdd support is a bigger thing than Sony will admit. Having enough usb ports is also important.
What i hope Scorpio offers is a more pc like experience like a good web browser and game settings options. With setting options i can disable or adjust stuff like motion blur, dof blur, god rays, fps,draw distance, and field of view. Also custom controller mapping for all games. For what ever reason many games on current gen consoles do not have the basic option to turn off effects that make the game blurry, and or have too narrow fov.
A good examples of unwanted blur is MGS Phantom Pain PS4 and the screen shot here of Horizon Dawn.
@get2sammyb We are generally in agreement but I just wanted to point out that the Pro doesn't always deliver a 2160p checkerboard image. Quite a few are 1800p checkerboard - some with dynamic scaling upto 1800p checkerboard - meaning its only drawing up to 2x900p every frame and then pulling 2x900p pixels from the previous frame to make up the 1800p image before upscaling to 2160p. That's much easier to see the difference. Titanfall 2 is 1440p with the same level of textures we see on the base PS4. I never had any issue detecting the difference between 900p and 1080p - especially on a 4k TV when its upscaled.
None of that changes the story, the content etc but it can 'enhance' or detract from the experience - especially if something catches your eye - like a low res texture, delayed texture streaming, pop-in etc. Again not that much compared to poor frame rates.
We all know Sony has a lot more studio's - especially in and around Japan. I know that we are seeing the fruits of Sony's development schedule more so this year with a lot of games coming to fruition and releasing now. We as Sony gamers had to put up with a few releases a year - coupled with 3rd Party exclusivity deals - especially during the Holiday season, whilst MS seemed to have a steady, even if they weren't 9+ rated, game releases.
As someone who also games on Xbox, they have had a relatively constant stream of games over the years - not just Forza, Halo and Gears. This year we are also getting Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3, Voodoo Vince, Phantasy Star, State of Decay 2, Cuphead - probably a Forza 7 game too and since last E3 can add Forza Horizon 3, Gears 4, Halo Wars 2, Dead Rising 4 and Recore. Other games to Xbox include Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Ryse, Rare Replay, Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Titanfall to name a few non Halo, Forza, Gears games. Point I am making is that MS does have more in their locker than Halo and Forza. MS are also more likely to show games for the next year at E3 than Sony so we may not know what they have planned for the rest of 2017, early 2018 yet. Saying MS is all Forza, Gears and Halo is almost like saying Sony is all GT, Uncharted and Killzone but as I game on both, I know they both have more than that.
A steady stream of 3rd party releases as well as a few decent 1st part exclusives is all I want a year. I can't afford every game as it is and not every game appeals. Based on 'confirmed' release dates, I will probably end up buying the same number of new Xbox Exclusives as PS4 ones. Of course that could change as we get more release dates but the point I am making is at this moment, both systems have a similar number of exclusives I want releasing this year. If Sony do release games like Days Gone and Spider-Man this year then that could change...
Already got a PC, so thanks but no, I'd spend the money upgrading instead.
If my 360 dies, maybe, mostly for all my Rocksmith dlc.
If MS are just bringing a more powerful machine to the table then Sony has nothing to worry about in the immediate future. If they also announce some awesome new tech (VR, AR etc.) or PC gaming compatibility that entices developers then yes, they will need to respond. I actually think this will be the case. Having another graphical upgrade when few people currently have the tech to run it won't be enough - they need an enticing gaming experience and they must know this.
Oh and don't discount Nintendo, the Switch may well be many peoples hardware purchase this year. Remember, Nintendo 'won' the last gen on an underpowered gaming machine.
Sony has there own plans which thay'll stick by, a $499 console unless Microsoft is willing to eat the cost like last generation. Sony has nothing to worry about while making profit unlike Microsoft depending the route thay take. Sony's got the game's & price advantage which your about to see makes a difference, because sadly people are not willing to pay the price for hardware unlike a hardcore fan base. Microsoft has already knows this as well, so its business as usual for Sony.
Well Infamous, Ratchet and clank and Titan fall 2 all looked boss on my pro 4k setup. I don't care what resolution it was, but all 3 are better than playing on PS4 scrubs 1080p.
Aliasing disappears which is one of my biggest bug bears. Win win.
I understand it's all minor upgrades at this point visually, and that isn't always the most important thing. But Scorpio sounds like it's better than the pro. If it launches with the next forza things will get interesting.
Ha, no. Sony shouldn't be afraid of what Microsoft does. Besides, Sony has a ton of exclusives (both exclusive to the console and shared with PC). Microsoft can release the strongest, most beastly console in history, but it won't do you any good if there is nothing to show that power.
That'd be like building a $2000 gaming PC and only playing Minecraft.
@get2sammyb Components cost roughly $500, so I highly doubt that Microsoft will sell Scorpio which IS a niche product at a loss of $100 per unit (considering they will price it at $400). I expect it to be $500 to $600, that way, Microsoft can at least break even on each console sold, if not earn something from each sale.
@xMEADx Really more power not the massive amount of games. I was thinking PS4 pro or Final Fantasy 15 PS4 slim i went with the slim i guess for me its all about the games.
Raw power and raw power alone will not be enough after the first few months on the market. The narrative will quickly change to "what sets Scorpio apart from the rest". At the moment Scorpio only exists to come out best in Digital Foundry articles (which might explain why they seem to approach them personally).
When the whole 900p v 1080p debacle came out it fuelled by the more expensive machine that now turned out was weaker hardware to it's rival. This coupled with Sony's feel-good comeback story for PS3 and the more consumer friendly PS4 gave them an enormous advantage.
Now MS have another problem heading into Scorpio's release. No clear road map for the next few years. Right now Sony are in the middle of a white hot streak which started with their dominance of the holiday sales to their sprint start to 2017 with exclusive after exclusive that have been critically acclaimed. Going into the fall Sony will have marketing on Destiny 2, Red Dead Redemption 2 and possibly Star Wars Battlefront 2. If that includes CoD as well as a big exclusive (GoW maybe) then that's an awful lot of brand awareness in a short space of time which no doubt will be coupled with Pro sales.
Right now what are MS's big games to push Scorpio? Crackdown 3 maybe but no gameplay of that has been seen in the two years it was revealed, and consider they have been in the cancelling games in the past year it isn't a great sign. They will need to deliver more then just anothe Forza, Gears or Halo (preferably without money hatting more 3rd party games) because that's just establishing the satus quo and won't bring in more people to Xbox.
@TrueAssassin86x lol!!!!!!
Doesn't matter if this is MS next gen console, if the games aren't there, it's going to fade from memory - much like the x1 did for me this generation.
@get2sammyb I guess it depends what you mean by "top of the line" PCs. Do you mean PCs exclusively using the very best hardware available? Because not very many people have such PCs, even gaming enthusiasts, so using that as an argument is a little strange. The Scorpio's specs are extremely, realistically comparable to modern, current, already-out high-end gaming PCs. :/
Will it close the gap? Possibly. But as a mid gen refresh, its hard to get too excited, particularly when Microsoft say there will be no exclusive games for Scorpio. I dont know, but I anticipate Sony will relaunch the pro this autumn and run with the 'best selling console x years in a row' and the only place you can play; and then list some of its quite frankly preposterous list of quality exclusives, which is only growing by the month.
To be honest, so long as Sony keep doing what they are doing, I will be more than happy. Now I'm off to get back to persona 5 😊
@TeslaChippie You were the first person to bring up top of the line PCs. Google defines top of the line as "of the best quality or among the most expensive of its kind available."
The Scorpio is very powerful for a console, but it's not on par with the best PCs. We're arguing semantics now, though, which is always a dark hole.
The games are better on Gold for me. Backward play offer a larger library of Gold games. Plus offers lots of indie games i have no interest in even though they may be new.
Eveyone knows that the PS4 now has external hdd support , but from what i have read it has more restrictions then the xbone has.
If microsoft had some games that take full advantage of it maybe I'd care.
@Number09 Yeah - look at how successful the steam boxes were..... What you have described is basically a PC that you put under your TV - MS wont do that as it wont be in their closed UI. Plus, the majority of games on PC run via various launch applications - Steam, Origin, Uplay, GOG, etc... so MS would have to get licences off all of them to allow them on the platform and would no longer receive any money from sales of games on said platforms.
So no, I don't see that ever happening - if anyone wants this, just buy a small PC and put it under your TV or get one of those steam links and stream your PC to the TV.
@get2sammyb Okay okay no need to get in a huff!
But for the record, you did bring it up first (post #16)
I'm struggling to even see who the Scorpio is aimed at really.
Seeing as the xbone has literally no exclusives now (as they're also on PC), won't anyone who wants them just buy a pc? If that's the case the only people who would want a Scorpio are people who 1. Don't have room for a PC, or 2. Are put off by Pcs having more things that can go wrong (which may not be the case, but still).
Either way, that's a really small market. I reckon they're going to struggle here, unless they pull out a really strong software lineup.
I predict 5 million shipped to stores on its first month!
As someone who primarily likes playstation and usually has a nintendo system nearby and my gaming pc in my office... The xbox brand has nothing to offer me.
Give me something I cant get anywhere else. And stop all the "cant do it on other systems cloud rendering" crap. And stop all the other crap. Stop insulting my intelligence and I will start looking at you as a viable option. I like to play games. I buy the system to play games. Make me buy your system.
@THRILLHOU Xbox exclusives are NOT on every PC. You can't go into ny retail store and buy any Xbox exclusive for your PC - you have to buy them digitally from the MS store, ave a Win10 PC and set up an Xbox type profile too with gamertag etc. PC gamers may want a 'cheap-ish' console for the front room to connect up to their TV and play the games on an Xbox console in 4k HDR or watch a 4k HDR Bluray instead of sitting at their PC set-up to play - they don't need to buy the game again and just carry on playing on either device.
Some people may just want an Xbox instead of a PC to game at 4k HDR on their new TV instead of spending at least double on a PC, then a PC Desk, Chair, 4k Monitor and speaker system.
Some people may decide to opt for the Scorpio to play 3rd Party games like RDR2, SW:BF2 etc at 4k (or at least higher resolution) than the PS4 and Pro - maybe with better and/or more consistent frame rates as well as access to all the XB1 and XB360 library - all of which can run better, look better and load faster.
I could list all the exclusives - inc all those that aren't Forza, Halo or Gears inc Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3, Cuphead and State of Decay 2 that are releasing this year alone to add to games like Dead Rising 3 and 4, Sunset Overdrive, ReCore, Quantum Break, Killer Instinct, Ori and the Blind Forest etc, but its still only has 3 franchises. Its true they don't have the same number of studios working on Software as Sony but doesn't mean they have no exclusives. Besides, most gamers buy a LOT more 3rd party games than exclusives anyway. Maybe they want Xbox Pass, EA Access and/or Xbox Gold with 4 decent games every month.
Who knows what VR experiences this could offer. Its not limited to a specific headset - although more expensive than PSVR, we know Oculus and Vive are better spec wise and could have all PC VR games and Apps (or at least a high number of these) - another reason that PC owners may want a Scorpio for a more family accessible VR experience as their PC is set up in a small office type room.
Point is, there could be a LOT of reasons to buy and not just based on a few exclusives or lack of in terms of numbers. True gamers, not fanboys, will buy the console(s)/device(s) that deliver the best experience for their budget across all games. Even a game like Uncharted 4 is was bought by less than 20% of PS4 owners - which means 4 in every 5 owners haven't bought it - the highest selling PS4 exclusive. Next is the Last of Us in which 1 in 10 bought. More people bought Infinite Warfare, Advanced Warfare, Star Wars Battlefront, Fifa 15, 16 and 17. In the top 25 best selling games on PS4, 3 are exclusives and 2 are remasters (Uncharted collection and Last of Us)
I don't think Sony has to worry...they're already beating Microsoft this generation, and I doubt anyone (including the ones that already own an XBONE), want to pay more money for another system...especially when games haven't really been shown for it. I loved the original X-box, but it was for the Dreamcast titles that came over to it (Toe Jam And Earl 3) and some of Microsofts exclusives that I actually liked (Tork, Voodoo Vince, Blinx), but sadly, they didn't come over to the 360...then I look at XBONE, and still...I only found (if I actually did buy it), that if I don't get kinect with it, there's only a few games I'd get for it. I guess, If I didn't own a PS4, it would be fine, but there's just so much more on PS4, and with nintendo's newest console out (and doing pretty good at the moment), and with nintendo going into E3 to showcase hopefully more for it, I think nintendo will be the second console for 'NO' has nothing to worry about, at least to me, my wife and kids...we're Sony and Nintendo fans.
Too late. It will came down to price, games and marketing which is key because you will the have Xbox 1/S/Scorpio on the shelves which starts to get confusing and then customers will go for the cheapest option.
Price of the Scorpio is the golden question here! If the Scorpio hits below $500 its more of the threat to the PC game market. 4k @ 60fps is a expensive endeavor on PC. Consoles buyers see price first Games second and Pure Power someplace, maybe not at all. It did work as a great tag line to get everyone to take a closer look and the real thing console games think about. The lower price point and Sony's direction of Games First is what made it King. They have also delivered on that direction.
@Bliquid Exactly, and we are playing that and many others right now...
And the best part is, we dont have to wait to play them until MS decides to grace us with their latest and greatest junk...they will screw it up anyway...besides I have a 4K PC more powerful than anything MS can put out so why even bother... because I will miss out on a new mediocre Halo sell out movie game or maybe a game like ReChode or Quantum Fake? Meh, I'll pass.
I got taken by MS when I got the One S...I will never buy another MS console after that X1S epic yawn.
Not interested in fanboy wars. What's going to be really interesting is what this means for the real next generation. PS5 and NeXtbox will now have to be substantially more powerful that Scorpio to validate their existence in 3 to 4 years.
Or will there just be more incremental updates?
@Flaming_Kaiser Yeah PS4 definately has the best game's for sure there's no doubt about that ofc, I wouldn't get rid of my PS4 ever but I can't wait for the Scorpio, stuff like Destiny 2 will still be played on my PS4 for the extra content etc and I couldn't miss game's like P5 for example. MS have no chance of catching Sony now they don't have anything to worry about but I still think the Scorpio will do pretty well.
I wouldn't be worried at all. It's an Xbox One with prettier graphics at a much higher price than the competition. PS4 is outselling Xbox One by almost two to one. They could pull the PS4 off the market and it would still take like three years for Xbox to catch up in sales. This won't make a difference.
I do believe that price will be a major factor in this, but those that want it and can afford it, will buy it regardless (just like those that changed to PS4 Pro and splashed out on a 4K TV to reap the benefit).
What I'm more interested to see is what impact this extra horsepower will have on the development of games for it and what knock-on effect that may have on the industry.
Just some questions that immediately popped into my head:
What does the higher quality textures do to the download size?
How much longer will games take in development?
If it takes longer to develop games, how does that impact on release dates?
What is the impact on the cost of development?
Will this drive the price of their games (the ones that take advantage of the additional HP) up as a result?
Will they be moving towards Ultra-BR discs as the games won't fit on a standard BR disc (and what does that mean for non Scorpio owners)?
All the additional HP won't change their crappy (in my opinion) UI, but that said, if they had some games I really wanted to play, I'd still buy one (because I can afford to) but nothing grabs me which is why I still don't have one.
I shall be watching very closely to how all this plays out.
Just keep the games coming Sony and i wont complain.
I think the best move for microsoft is to forget about xbox one and launch a new generation console, what use is scorpio if the games still limited by xbox one compability. Look at ps4 pro, its spec is 2x better than old ps4 but most 3rd party publisher ignored it, if 3rd party won't take ps4 pro seriously I don't think they will make use of scorpio full power besides true 4k and maybe better framerates.
@THRILLHOU I think microsoft target is the 26M+ xbox1 users that want to upgrade to better machine. It's a small market but if scorpio has good margin maybe that's all they need.
@BAMozzy Xbox1 exclusive is on pc, microsoft already said that all new xbox1 game will come to pc. If you're pc gamer that have good pc there's literaly no reason to buy xbox1 or scorpio, unless you really want to pay microsoft for online gaming.
It's all about the games at the end of the day.
I have no doubt that the Scorpio will be an excellent piece of kit, but if you look at the best rated games of 2016 on Metacritic, Sony had 13 exclusives that scored higher than 75, where as Microsoft only had 3.
Fine if you can afford to have the two consoles, but for someone like me who can't, I'm not going to purchase the most powerful console if it means I am missing out on the best games.
@BAMozzy whether they sell or not, exclusives matter. Microsoft has a few that are exclusive to them, but i cant say they appeal to me personally.
I'm still not sure this will sell. I don't have a ps pro, as there's just no point in me having one. So you're looking at people having both consoles, upgrading from the xbone switching from ps4 to Xbox, or people who don't want a pc. Really? That's not many people. Plus developers need to get behind it as Well, which they don't seem to be doing much on the pro.
Scorpio is going to die on it's arse .
Oh, and VR? all but dead within a year.
Sony must not be afraid of anything - not in a million years will an Xbox console ever outsell a PlayStation
@Pipsqweek Game sizes are already including 4k textures etc so shouldn't increase storage size. Games are already made to 4k standards for the PC market inc 4k textures etc and then ported to consoles and these settings are then optimised - in other words scaled down to run on that hardware. All those textures etc are already there. Case in point - look at the file sizes of games on PC vs PS4 and they vary by insignificant amounts - often the PC size is 'smaller'... Development time won't take any longer as a result because all games are built to 4k standards now. Of course they could increase due to making more complex worlds/games or decrease because they are using better tools and engines and more understanding of the hardware.
4k isn't going anywhere. We are already seeing more 4k TV's sold than 1080p every year and I bet in a year or two, you will struggle to find a new 1080p TV to buy.
@wiiware Of course they are available on PC's - as long as they are Win10, bought from the MS store and you have an Xbox type Profile too. Unless you have this, then you cannot buy or play any of the Xbox exclusives. You literally have to have an Xbox on your Win10 PC to play these! You CANNOT buy these games from ANY retailer and MUST buy them digitally from MS Store. You could I guess by a code from CDKeys or similar but then you need a Xbox profile to redeem it! If you don't have a Win10 PC, don't want an Xbox Profile and/or refuse to buy from the Windows store - you can't play on PC! You can't buy them from Steam for example...
@THRILLHOU you're also forgetting all those gamers that want 4k on their new 4k TV's as 1080p TV's are disappearing from retailers, wanting a complete 4k games and media device - something the Pro doesn't offer, the best visual experience from a console in the majority of the games they buy as most people buy a lot more 3rd party games a year than exclusives.
Just because MS's exclusives don't appeal to you, doesn't mean they don't appeal to others. I have both systems and I own more Xbox exclusives than PS4 exclusives - yes some of PS4's are better than any one of MS's - like Horizon or Uncharted but in sheer numbers, I have more Xbox exclusives and more that appeal this year (so far) than Sony has. I can't see myself buying another Sony exclusive this year (at the moment) and only bought Horizon. Crackdown 3, State of Decay, maybe Forza 7 all have 'some' appeal to me. If Spider-Man and/or Days Gone come out this year, then Sony will definitely have more of my money but as it stands at the moment, I have more Xbox exclusives and more I am likely to buy this year
Nah don't think Sony needs to be worried. Their software lineup is getting better and they now have a yardstick for the Ps5 2019 release maybe.
could have been worse for sony i suppose, the CPU isn't much of a significant improvement over PS4pro (in fact less than XB1s's advantage over PS4 slim) and no GDDR5X memory as was speculated.
i haven't seen any specific mention of pro sales numbers or how they compare to normal PS4s (except on japanese charts which separate them) to see what kind of demand there is for so-called higher spec consoles. whilst the uptake for scorpio compared to XB1 might be better, not sure it's really going to be that significant. i think microsoft will still have the same problems and somewhat similar caveats when it's trying to flog its machine. sony's lead over the XB1 is almost 30m, there's no chance it can claw that back before PS5 is available - which i'm suspecting will be revealed possibly as early as playstation experience next year. plus it'll slash the price of PS4 and PS4 pro..
most of scorpio's main components appear to be similar to PS4 pro, only boosted/overclocked for more raw performance - it's only got 4 more compute units, but each of these is boosted by 20%+ over the pro.. it'll probably need quite a significant cooling unit, so i wouldn't expect a particularly sleek design, and obviously it's got extra RAM modules, but overall, i don't think it'll be anywhere near as expensive as what was originally suggested after E3 last year. it'll be £400 or less. but then PS4 pro will be under £300, if not £250.
i expect the main detriment to sony could be sales of third party software, which could take a hit, depending on how significant the uptake of scorpio is among people who currently don't own an XB1 (or typically purchase PS4 copies of most stuff). though with various marketing and exclusive content partnerships with destiny 2, battlefront 2, CoD: 2017, and RDR2 coming in Q4 it'll try to mitigate that somewhat in the short term.
scorpio doesn't change my mind about owning an xbox.
"previously my PS4 and now my Pro take 10-15 mins "preparing to download"
you do know that's nothing to do with the download speed?. it's doing a hash file check with the contents on the server against what you've got installed on the PS4. the more patches for a particular game and the bigger they are, the longer this takes, regardless of how big the current patch is.
NOPE Not sure why Microsoft are even bothering for??? No one likes the Xbox brand outside of the USA and UK and it's lack of any good Exclusives make it a waste of time really. I am sure the Media will big it up tho. So Nothing to see here from Microsoft, so move along
@leucocyte I am well aware its doing a hash check. However regularly taking 15 mins to do the hash check on even small games such as rocket league suggests talking back to PSN is taking large amounts of time.
The time taken doesn't seem to change if its looking to update a large game such as GTA to a small indie title weighing just a couple of GB. There's definite inefficiency in the process and my suspicion is that its PSN being slow if im being honest.
It was sadly very underwhelming I cannot believe that they are still using the same rubbish mobile CPU.
Just like the Sony Pro it seems another half baked job. Native 4K 60hz with that CPU forget it for anything more demanding than a racer. They are going to be using upscaling without a doubt exactly like Sony. Native 4k yeah right.
Sadly and through their own doing all MS have left are Forza, Halo, Gears and erm? How can they even hope to compete with Sony any more.
@solocapers You clearly don't know much about PC hardware do you. That is not even mid tier let alone top of the line as you put it.
@GBMatthew Well from what DF say, according to their article it seems that like for like comparisons will shape up pretty well with current top spec PC in terms out actual output. It might not stack up on paper but consoles have much less overhead, are much more efficient due to working with a single set of hardware and so the difference in output is minimised.
But hey, who am I to argue with @GBMatthew from Push Sqaure when experts on the matter say otherwise.
Nah. If 4K was the mainstream standard, and it was $100 cheaper, then yeah it would be a Pro killer. As it stands, scorpio will be an even more niche console than Pro.
Should Sony be worried? Not really. As others have said, games are king and in that regard Sony has the upper hand. And I also think Sony will watch the Scorpio closely and then counter with a vastly more powerful PS 5 in late 2018 or 2019.
Nonetheless, I'm quite interested in the Scorpio. I love my PS 4 Pro and the exclusives, but there's already a good handful of exclusives on the X1 I'd love to play and it's only going to be more with time. Also, potentially playing the better version of 3rd party games has its appeal to me. Not to forget the better quality of Xbox live compared to PSN. And all those Xbox 360 games...
I'll also watch very closely how Sony will handle backwards compatibility in the future...since I recon future Xbox consoles will all be able to play the Xbox library, I expect the PS 5 to be able to play my entire PS 4 library. If not, I'll definitely switch to Xbox for all my 3rd party needs and buy an eventual PS 5 for the exclusives when it's cheap.
You know what this needs? More Sony vs. Microsoft while Nintendo sits in the corner playing a Game Boy gif. I feel like they should come back
I scared not because of powerful thing , because we should play the port of scorpio games and that sounds not good!
If ports would be bad , we can't play any multi platform games on ps4(not pro) and that will be something like ps3 time !
Any way xbox dosen't have any good exclusive game that is just a Fortza and Halo , that is not enough to win this war even if you made the most powerful console , what gamers will be play on it?
Sony scared?... No, never.
Sony have the PS5.
I'm glad that Microsoft have pushed forward specs wise. However, I believe they will fall into the same pit as the PS4 Pro as (as far as I am aware) no game can come out for either that isn't somehow scalable for the base system. This, in itself, will probably lead developers to nerf their games to run at PS4 Pro levels max, rather than have effectively three versions of each game. To be honest, I don't like this mid gen refresh. It's confusing and annoying for me as I don't feel I am getting the best experience I can from my console (base console owner here), but don't want to cough up for both a pro and 4k screen. Conundrum!
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