With Sony already confirmed to be Destiny 2's marketing partner this fall, and Call of Duty: WWII, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and β fingers crossed β Red Dead Redemption 2 all expected to follow, this holiday's already looking pretty stacked for the PlayStation 4. But it wouldn't be the year of dreams without more: Insomniac Games' exclusive Spider-Man could yet follow.
As spotted on an episode of Marvel's in-house show Thwip, chief Ryan Penagos seems to suggest that the web-slinger will be crawling up walls and into your console at some point in 2017. Now it is a throwaway comment, but when you consider the Blu-ray release of Spider-Man: Homecoming is likely to drop before Christmas, it's possible that Sony may be targeting the same timing for the game.
More to the point, it's been brought to our attention that Sunset Overdrive was announced with a cinematic trailer at E3 2013 with a release in the fall of the following year. Considering we actually saw gameplay of Spider-Man last year, it's possible it could be on the same schedule. We'll, of course, have to wait and see β but this is an exciting rumour nonetheless.
[source streamable.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 40
Are we sure that was gameplay last year or more of a proof of concept trailer.
@adf86 They said it was gameplay because I remember writing an article where I expressed surprise. (I thought it was a concept, too.)
Let me find it, hold on.
Here we go: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2016/06/e3_2016_jeepers_spider-man_ps4s_trailer_was_gameplay
2017 The gaming gift that keeps giving.
@get2sammyb Lets be honest though, game-play can still be a very small section that was 'tarted-up' for E3. A number of games, like Watchdogs, the Division etc showed off 'game-play', even Horizon:ZD did too but these all changed as more and more of the game was built up around them. They could have used a small bit of game-play with some of the cut-scenes to make that trailer.
Still looking forward to seeing it when it does come out. I kind of hope it does drift out to 2018 if RDR2 Destiny, CoD, SWBF2 and Scorpio and Crackdown 3, Forza 7 etc all come out in the last few months of 2017...
Pick one.
Would love for this to come out this year!
I hope so, though I am not expecting it.
It's probably gonna be in the holidays if it hits this year. I certainly wouldn't mind, but if it takes another year, that's fine too.
@sketchturner Hmm, someone else mentioned this before. If we don't put a prefix to an article (i.e. 'Review') then it shows as 'News' by default.
I could have put a 'Rumour' prefix on this one, but to me this is news. The information may be inaccurate β the Marvel guy could have made a mistake β but there's no question he said it because the video's linked in the sources.
Now, if another site had said they'd heard from "sources" that it was 2017, I'd definitely have used the Rumour prefix.
But for me this is news because the Marvel guy said it; the article then outlines reasons the information could be right/wrong.
I don't really see a problem with this approach?
Doubt Sony will have their hands on Red Dead when it's supposedly one of the titles MS are going to use to show off Scorpio.
@itshoggie nah, they will and already do. All the marketing stuff we have at GameStop has playstation branding on it
@sajoey pics or I didn't happen
It's looking pretty great so far! Hopefully the actual game is pretty great too. I'm hopeful at least!
@itshoggie duly noted
This is huge for Sony if it's true, especially if it comes during the fall which the PS4 always lacked an exclusive there. The game doesn't have a title yet, but I can see Insomniac announce it at E3 with the release date. Honestly, I won't believe it till they announce it officially.
I am really hoping there's gonna be a Spiderman PS4 Pro LE Console with a Red White Blue color scheme. And a Spidey fig for the CE.
I can't wait to play this, so 2017 would be excellent news! I expect we will learn more at E3.
They can take as long as they want with this one to make sure it's good. 2017 would be great but as long as the game lives up to its potential I'll wait as long as I need to!
Can't wait for this, although I'm okay if sony release it in early 2018.
Unless there is a load of games for 2018 that are yet to be announced, I would be happy this being a 2018 release as there is just so much goodness on its way.
While I really hope the Spider-Man game will be great (it has the potential to be par with the Arkham games), I'm more afraid it will be mediocre than looking forward to it...
@itshoggie Don't believe everything you read on the Internet: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/10/20/red-dead-redemption-2-playstation-and-rockstar-games-announce-partnership/
I hope Insomniac and Santa Monica talk about release date timing before then.
I'm hoping it comes out in 2018 because late 2017 is already packed as it is, plus I'd be concerned that the game is getting rushed.
Sounds awesome but I'm worried that they'll rush it just to promote a movie's release. Remember what happened with TMNT Mutants in Manhattan?
So what? All this talk about marvel not rushing the devs to coincide with movies was just that? Talk? Unless it's Sony who's doing the rushing ...
Sigh. I SO want this game to be polished and amazing ... don't let me down , Sony and Insomniac.
The more I see of it, the less I have a problem with the big white Spider logo on the suit. I understand the boohooiness from people when it was first shown, but I think it looks kinda cool.
I would like it if it was released this year, but I highly doubt it.
Why would they potentially rush this game out to release alongside the movie when it's already been stated they don't tie in with each other? Why not give Insomniac the time they need to make it something special?
If this is the case 2017 is going to be a unforgettable year.
It's okay 2017, you can calm down now.
I understand your rationale, but I don't agree with it. If you tell me you have news to report, I want to be able to trust it as factually accurate (to the best of your ability). I don't have any problem with you posting rumors but I do think the distinction should always be clear.
In this case, the article makes it clear. But if I simply looked at the headline and subtitle (which many people do), I would think this is an actual concrete announcement. And it's really not.
@Nickolaidas if I remember correctly, Insomniac said before the E3 reveal that they've been working on an unspecified project for 2-3 years. Assuming this was that project, that would mean 4 years development by the time a summer/autumn 2017 release date comes around. That's pretty solid dev time in my book, so timing release with the new film's more convenient than it is rushed. or that's what I'd like to believe in any case.
Well, they replied to Polygon via twitter about the news: "No release timeframe has been announced at this time".
Link: https://twitter.com/insomniacgames/status/848895079901257728
@get2sammyb Sources close to the source heard the source was accurate through the source's source. Got it!
@KingSimba That actually doesn't rule anything out.
@PaperyWhiteBoy Hope you're right, man!
@get2sammyb Yup. Let's wait and see.
If spidey launches this year (salivating), Then what surprises has insomniac got next year!?
@sketchturner Anyone who reads the headline of any news story and not the actual story, deserves to live in ignorance and be ill informed.
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