We've been eagerly awaiting March's PlayStation Plus announcement - due later this week - but it looks like it's been leaked ahead of time. According to a retail flyer, next month's offering will consist of Tearaway Unfolded and Disc Jam on PlayStation 4. The former's a fantastic enhanced port of the Vita platformer, and the latter's just had a surprisingly enjoyable beta on Sony's console.

Would you be happy with these two titles? Let us know if you're a believer in the comments section below.
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 59
Aaah...I already have Tearaway! Great fun game btw...
Disc jam looks cool enough
Was hoping for Drawn To Death , with it been a MP only game it could with a decent chunk of players.
Not interested in either of those at all - Will be playing Horizon and Mass Effect anyway. Didn't bother with LBP3 so why would I bother with Tearaway?
Not bad. I played Disc Jam beta and it was a joyable game, imo they just need to add some things like bots and more customize option.
Own Tearaway already, but it is a great platform game that actually uses the light in the controller well. Importing pictures through the app to show up in the game is fun as well.
Meh. I have Tearaway but still haven't played it... my backlog is insane!
Not interested in Willy Jam. Er, Disk Jam.
Language - get2sammyb
@BAMozzy Tearaway is awesome, LBP3 is not
That's a great lineup. Only disappointment for me is that I hoped they'd have time to improve Disc Jam a bit, but sounds like the beta was basically the final game.
It's still fun, but I feel it could be special with a bit of polish.
Don't know anything about Disc Jam but Tearaway is awesome!One of the greatest ps plus games so far in my opinion.So yeah,I've already played it obviously but ya know what?Who cares about free PS Plus games when Horizons coming out?
Would love terraway unfolded for plus hope this is a true
Disc Jam is promising but needs some tweaking from the beta in order to help it reach its full potential.
For instance, the time window for returning the disc with a boost is insanely tight. Little things like that make a big difference.
Already have Tearaway, haven't beaten it yet, don't think I will.
@sketchturner Yeah, like I said above, I had hoped this would still be a few months off so they could polish it up. Oh well.
@adf86 wait, alot of people complained because drawn to death was free to play and yet, they still want the game to be free :/
Drawn to Death isn't out until April and definitely will be a PlayStation Plus game. I guarantee it.
I just watched game play video of these two games and i have zero interest to play. I don‘t like the syle of Tearaway and Disc Jam looked extremely repetitive. A modern Pong game. Disc Jam as a side activity in a Yakuza game yes, but not as a whole game.
@twinspectre90 I don't mind either way but I just know that people will be put off just because of how it looks and it's a game that will need as many players as it can get.
@get2sammyb Sorry, must have got the date wrong.
I still have Tearaway on PS4 still sitting on my shelf, waiting for me to plop the disc into my Pro and play it.
Maybe in the near future. Maybe in the future.
Probably in the distant future.
@NoCode23 you don't like paper crafts? I thought tearaway looked splendid. Although the actual gameplay was less than stellar, its a fun distraction - but in these last few gaming months since November - who needs a time waster or distraction when there are so many great games coming out?
I'm hoping theres a missing game from that poster.
Already have tearaway unfolded on day 1, disc jam look interesting.
Disc Jam actually looks pretty fun, like Trons disc throwing.
Not played the beta but do like the look of it, and its something a little different.
Lame, as usual.
@sinalefa What made you stop playing Tearaway? I played the demo, seemed like a fun time, better than Knack which I'm probably about halfway thru. Of course I never played the Vita version so I don't have that to compare it to, heard it wasn't as tight. But if it is Tearaway I'll probably play it as soon as I'm done with Knack.
Jax mailing you a Switch and Zelda? That would keep you busy for awhile.
I'm hoping that there'll be free Vita & PS3 games because if not what the heck is the point of continuing to offer the service for those consoles?
I have Tearaway on Vita. Is Unfolded different enough to be worth a playthrough if I thought the Vita version was charming but a bit disappointing overall?
If this is true,I think Disc jam will be dead on arrival from apparently being rushed out the door with no time to build interest. No one had heard of the game before the Beta and almost no one knew about the Beta and it looks a bit stiff and cheap. If they don't already have a strong community at launch to find matches with it will be a ghost town in a month.
Tearaway is a great game but I already own it. I didn't play Disc Jam so I'll give it a go, from what I've seen it can't see it replacing my Rocket League fix
Tearaway is an awesome game but I was hoping for the Vita version... got somewhat mixed feelings even about double-dipping now since the remake aspect suggests that cross-save is very unlikely. Well, more must plays to consume my extra $25 per month (until/unless my mobile provider finally comes up with an unlimited plan alternative they promised and it proves actually cheaper). At least getting Unfolded means my friend will get to try the game at will, too.
But that's me looking gift horses in the mouths, really - I've still asked for Tearaway for several months now, and seeing it actually happen is more than I could bargain for. My ears aren't as perked up for Disc Jam, but if it supports local co-op, this battle tennis thing should be fun.
Now to wait for Vita revelations tomorrow - yet more intrigue since once again none of them will be a PS4 cross-buy.
@Rukiafan7 why wouldn't there be if IGC has had them for years now? There's been no related announcement that I know of.
@Wazeddie22 people who aren't buying Horizon yet? XD
@themcnoisy PS Plus trailers/posters/banners rarely include anything but PS4 offerings, from what I've seen.
@twinspectre90 it's free to play? Then what makes people think it would be in IGC to begin with? Unless there are precedents I've missed, but it sounds logically odd to me.
I already have teraway in disk 😯 i haven't finished tough, since i have too many better games still to play (ffxv, GoW3 remaster, valkyria chronicles, far cry primal) so many games on my shelf... so little time 😢
Nah not for me. If you like multiplayer or quirky platformers then it's a pretty good lineup though. Meh. Still got dishonored 2, titanfall 2, sleeping dogs, and horizon to be getting on with so no big deal for me.
Not bad though I wanted to play Tearaway on my Vita first. Will still add to my library. Disc Jam looks fun but let's face it, Horizon Zero dawn beckons.
Completed Tearaway on Vita and PS4 so not up for a 3rd playthrough... Good game for those not played it though...
Awesome, I traded in tearaway so I'm happy to be able to maybe go back to some time. Nice game. Disk Jam Beta has been fun and definitely smart move trying to Rocket League this.
A;ready got Tearaway but that's a superb game for anyone that hasn't got it already. So joyful, charming and creative. Love it. Disk Jam looks cool too, would definitely give that a go!
@nhSnork oh yeah!Hadn't thought of that
Be just a rumor, be just a rumor, be just a rumor, be just a rumor please!!!!!
I bought tearaway on Feb but what a good games
I hope one day they make infamous free i want to play it again but no way to pay for it (even 5$ )
I, too, am one of those who played the psvita version and owns the ps4 version. Don't mind that I paid for it. If I could, I'd buy a collector's edition. It's that special to me.
Also, another AAA game, which is good. I was really tired of all the indies I could have played decades ago.
Not bad i'll give them a go. Already played through tareaway on the vita although I did think it was a bit overrated. Im not going to play it straight away, but maybe a gap fill in the future. Not sure about disc jam being the next rocket league, looks like a poor mans tennis with limited freedom and controls.
There is an offer on the UK PSN store at the moment to get 1 month of PS+ for 87p if it helps anyone (lapsed subscriptions only):
I recently got a survey from them asking why I had stopped my plus subscription and then got sent a free month so I'm beginning to wonder if plus isn't performing as well as they expect with these kinds of things popping up, might just be coincidence.
Awesome! I will definitely be grabbing tearaway. I was going to buy it but haven't due to a backlog lol. Not sure when I'm going to have chance to play it though, I've got my switch and zelda coming tomorrow XD
i was hoping that they would finally start bring some big games to PS+ like Killzone Shadowfall or something, you know launch titles that have been out for years now, honestly the games we are getting offered now are NOWHERE near as good as the ones MS are offering on Games with Gold
still say they should just drop the free games completely and add PSNow to the service instead OR allow us to chose some games from the service to play for free each month
I was one of the complainers last year. Not anymore. With this a LBP3 last month, PSN is hitting it's stride in my opinion.
@adf86 I understand what you mean, but If tons of people complained because it was free to play, now I assume the same people won't buy the game because it has a price now, then I wonder why these people complained in the first place?
@nhSnork it is not free to play anymore, because people complained
Can't put my finger on it, but it is not really fun to me. I wouldn't even play Knack if it was free.
Yes, my Switch and Zelda are waiting for March 3rd.
@adf86 Drawn to Death doesn't come out 'til April
I've had Tearaway for the PS Vita for some time and enjoyed it. I heard the PS4 port wasn't as good but I'll give it a shot. Disc Jam looks like a ton of fun. Best PS Plus month since... well... this current month.
I would be happy with both of those games.
I'm happy with Tearaway.
Tearaway is a result. Never played Disc Jam, I wonder where it will rank on my personal all-time Jam Scale (where NBA is top and blueberry is bottom)?
I'd be fine with this. Horizon just arrived today so I'll be set. Tearaway looks interesting, I'm just not in the mood for an overly colorful and joyous platformer after beating most of the lbp3 campaign.
If it weren't for Bloodborne I would have cancelled PlayStation Plus a while ago...
I'm actually happy with these. I've been meaning to get Tearaway for a while now and the other looks decent.
Are you crazy, it's a crappy ripoff of Discs of Tron.
Saw some more gameplays of Disk Jam, seems cool
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