Republished on Monday, 31st October 2016: We're bringing this article back from the archives to celebrate Hallowe'en today. The original text follows.
Originally published on Thursday, 30th October 2014: Are you looking for a scary, thrilling, and extremely gory game to play this Hallowe'en? Do you want to scream, cry, and laugh in the face of fear? Outlast on the PlayStation 4 can offer you all of these things and more, all from the comfort of one very chilling, dark, and gloomy asylum.
This game tosses you into a mental health hospital equipped with only a camera, so your plan of action tends to revolve around running as fast as you can. This sense of helplessness makes the build up to jump scares even more tense, and results in most situations feeling more dangerous. What's more, the camera that you're equipped with – which has night vision functionality – will quickly run out of batteries, meaning that you'll have to have a fresh stock of juice sticks if you don't want to be plunged into the darkness.

There are some real memorable moments in this game, but some of which will stick with me forever. For example, there's one part early on where I needed to sneak past a guy in a wheelchair, and I was literally on tenterhooks as I slipped by his side, waiting for him to jump and grab me. I managed to get past him unscathed, so, after searching a room beyond him for batteries, I walked past more casually upon my return. Sadly, this time he launched from his chair straight at my face, and boy did I scream!

This is also a very gruesome game, and at one particular point, it almost made me sick. There's this bit where I found myself strapped into a chair, and was taken to a torture chamber by a very evil looking doctor. He pulled out a long pair of scissors... And, well, let's just say that I ended up with a few less fingers to operate my camera as a consequence. I've got to say, this scene actually prevented me from getting sleep for a few days. I'm a wimp, what can I say?
These moments alone are just two reasons why you should play Outlast this Hallowe'en, but the whole game is great from start-to-finish, and it will leave you with some memories that just can't be washed away. The best news is that the developer has just announced a sequel, so I can't wait to get scared all over again. I may be a glutton for punishment, but the sleepless nights will be worth it for more of this great series.
Did the free PlayStation Plus version of Outlast tempt you to try out this title? Count your fingers in the comments section below.
Comments 19
Definitely a good game. A real good scare at least for me. I know towards the end it wasn't as scary. But it was fun. I eventually got the DLC and both the main game's and DLC's intense scenes were very scary. I felt very scared with those tense scenes. (Trying not to ruin it for anyone) And I got the main game for FREE via PS+. Can't wait for the sequel.
Oh wait u mentioned that scene in the article about being in the chair, yeah that was INTENSE. I felt like I was in the chair since it was that good the game's storytelling. Also did u play the DLC and the torture scene in that was intense as well.
The only jump scare I got was at the very beginning when you first get into the hospital and go into the room with the copper. After that it was a bit tedious.
If you like "scary" games then youll love this.
I however didnt.
Love horror in all forms and Outlast really surprised me...the game taking away combat as a survival option serves to make it a far more intense and psychological affair than other horror titles....the DLC was very good as well as it bookended the main game.
Ioved the game until the final quarter then it went a bit silly. Dlc however was too class
Love the Condemned style Atmos..grimetastic
I need to go back to this and polish it off, and Halloween seems as good a time as any to do so! I smashed out the first part fairly quickly, and then my Sony gold surround headset came and I decided to have a crack at it with those on, in the pitch black, on my own. Suddenly became a lot harder to play comfortably, and I don't normally have any issue with "scary" games haha!
As I recall I had just gotten into the Sewers section, after being chased a few times by the big fella. Not sure how far in that is, but from what I've heard of the length of it, I'd assume I'm about a third of the way in.
I thought this game was really boring.
My friends and I actually made a reaction video on Halloween! First time playing with headphones so it was pretty intense! https://youtu.be/9C7_YSPE_ik
I'm so tired of gorey horror.
@Constable_What I actually agree with you, and I love horror.
Didn't quite get into this game, as I ran out of space on the PS4 and had to delete a few games (this being one of them since it took up 5GB)...guess when I get the bigger hard drive, I'll redownload and replay it again. DOES ANYONE KNOW A WEBSITE OR PLACE THAT YOU CAN GET A BIG HARD DRIVE FOR THE PS4 that is more than 1.5TB?????
First level in this game is brilliant. Solid game all the way through aswell. My personal fave free PS+ game. Thinking about until dawn for my next horror.
@JLPick I bought an external drive (2TB) for $80. I took it out of the casing and installed it in my PS4. It's a Seagate; best investment ever. I bought this exact one on sale: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00ILALU9G/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1
As long as it matches these specs it'll fit inside. External or otherwise. If you do decide to buy external (They are cheaper for some dumb reason) use a video similar to this:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JRG3lzxA3Yo
I used guitar picks so make sure you have those handy (A credit card or two works, as well).
I think with games like Outlast. What really puts me off is there is absolutely option to defend yourself. I want to be able to fight even if its a horrible idea. Not fighting in a violent game (horror games are violent) doesn't make a game a frightening experience for me at all. It makes it frustrating and boring. I think Bloodborne was one of the more frightening games I played (The tension, and atmosphere were perfect, especially the Unseen Village). You could kill as many enemies as you wanted, buy they all came back. And you know that one mistake means your death in a nightmare without any end. True horror is a cycle. It's knowing that avoiding it is easily preventable. It's looking in the mirror and not recognizing the heap of broken images gazing languidly and grining back at you. Horror is uncontrollable carnage committed by both sides, and despair felt as your character slowly slips in madness. I don't just want to run away from (fight) monsters in a horror game. I want to slowly become one. That's just me though. I don't have any issue with fear. It doesn't bother me. Hasn't anyone told you? Fear is your super power, but horror is your kryptonite.
@Constable_What So an external works just like an internal in the PS4??? For some reason I thought only internal worked, but if external works too, then thank's for the heads up and will definitely be purchasing this one!!!
I bought this at launch and never played it; didn't even realise it was a scary game until this week with Hallowe'en and everything.
I think VR headset on and to hell with it may be required this evening.
it was the first plus game I got and was so excited to start had about half an hour and never went back will have to dive in though
Think it maybe time to complete Whistleblower DLC
Great games! Outlast 2 defo on my top 3 Most Wanted list. Not sure what direction the series is going after playing the demo - hopefully it elaborates on the original story. Would love them to have a surprise VR mode ready for its release. Would be super scary in VR. Played the original again yesterday and its pretty scary in PSVR cinematic mode.
@Mrskinner bit silly? nice joke
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