Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection isn't the only PlayStation 4 remaster to leak on a ratings board today: LEGO Harry Potter Collection was also listed for Sony's new-gen system in Brazil. Assuming that the nation's not totally drunk on Olympic fever, this unexpected package will presumably compile updated versions of LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7.
Based upon J.K. Rowling's best-sellers, the titles obviously depict The Boy Who Lived's evolution from bullied schoolboy to wizarding royalty. To be honest, we're amazed no one's made a great Harry Potter-themed role-playing game yet – imagine being able to create your own character and embark on your own wizarding adventure. It'd be amazing!
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com, eurogamer.net]
Comments 10
Regarding that last bit: Bully with wizards!
If they were going to remaster any of the Lego games the Star Wars collection seems like the one. These Harry Potter games? Meh.
This is cashing in on the Harry Potter resurgence this year. You've got the new play just opening, the new film set in the wizarding world and J.K Rowling has just announced some short stories (not all by her I might add).
So film+play+book+remaster = more Kerching.
I havent even managed to get around to playing years 5-7 on ps3 yet! Not surprised at this - as rudy says - new film and increased interest with the play and book and recent movie rereleases in stores make this almost certain. Wouldnt be surprised to see a lego fantastic beasts if its a success in the future, particularly as it will be a trilogy.
I still hope Tt will remake star wars the complete saga with open world's, voice over and modern mechanics.
@Rudy_Manchego That was exactly my thought. They also had a new Harry Potter theme park open this past April in Southern California as well.
I can't stand Harry Potter!....so why does this announcement excite me so..?
More Lego fun for my wife and I to play!
Good games but I'd rather get LotR with the Hobbit and the 5 armies finally released. Or a full lego star wars set. I'd love to play complete saga again with trophies. Same for clone wars.
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