We don't know about you, but when we picture Street Fighter these days, we don't just think about that time we got beaten up in our very first ranked match - we see vibrant colours and a lot of style. Street Fighter V is perhaps the most stylish entry in the series, but according to Japanese publication Game Spark, it didn't always look the way that it does.
In an interview with producer Koichi Sugiyama, kindly translated by EventHubs, it's revealed that during development, a "photorealistic" art direction was considered, but was never fully implemented. "For Street Fighter V, we were working with Unreal Engine 4, which is known for being particularly good at rendering photorealistic visuals," Sugiyama explains. "In fact, in the very early stages of development, we actually put together a build of Street Fighter V that was rendered in photorealistic graphics."
So, why didn't we end up with a game that sports realistic Zangeif body hair? Sugiyama says that, ultimately, it was just a step too far from what's expected of the franchise: "we realised that it just wouldn't be Street Fighter without the bold, anime-esque look and feel to the game, so we decided to shelve the whole photorealism idea altogether." And so, banana-hair Ken was born.
Can you imagine a super realistic Street Fighter? Would Jean-Claude Van Damme be used as a reference for Guile? Try not to remember the live action move in the comments section below.
[source gamespark.jp, via eventhubs.com, gamespot.com]
Comments 14
That would of been ugly. SF has already had a cartoony and goofy feel to it, I LOVE SFV's visuals, as it highlights the amazing art style. I would love to see a screenshot though!
Realistic Zangief is nightmare fuel.
in the end its best to stay true to its self.....BUT i have always kind of wanted a photo realistic fighter. ive always thought capcom should make a street fighter spin off with completely brand new characters.but in the same universe as sf. perhaps my dream game could have photorealistic graphics. .
Boy am I glad they didn't do that! I love the art style of SFV.
Didn't really work all that well for Street Fighter: The Movie - The Game.
Street fighter the game of the movie was a real thing wasn't it?
Yup, that's exactly what my first thought was when I saw the headline for this article. Thankfully this never materialized, SF has a specific style that I love and would never want to see changed.
They made the right call I think. Even though I don't care for Street Fighter series at all, I've seen this game in action and it looks absolutely fabulous, some of the best looking graphics I've seen in games so far definetly.
I'm quite happy with the art style and how it looks currently, to be honest. With that said, I wouldn't mind seeing that photorealistic image either.
Thank goodness that didn't happen. The first time I saw this I thought "Damn, that's a nice direction for the franchise."
I hope that SF5 will someday be close to a finished and content-complete game LOL haha jk
Sounds frightening - please dont do SF with realistic graphics, we had that once in the 90s an it was .. nightmarish
Loved the sub headline.
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