![tk 2.jpg](https://images.pushsquare.com/f8918da1746f6/tk-2.900x.jpg)
This is how it starts, isn't it? Destiny's newest patch introduced a new, microtransaction-based service that allows you to buy cosmetic items with real money. With 18 fresh emotes on offer - which, to be fair, are actually pretty cool - it all seems rather harmless, but after mining the update files for further information, players have found references to far more questionable plans.
According to the discovered data, there's mention of items that buff weapon, armour, and material drop rates during the new King's Fall Raid, and an item that instantly levels up subclasses is also hinted at. What's more, a thread on the game's official forums, which was created with this information in mind, was locked. Obviously we can't say for sure why the thread in question was closed, but it's unsurprisingly lead to more unrest within the Destiny community.
Back when Bungie detailed the then incoming microtransactions, it stated that "you won't ever be forced to pluck an item off of [the vendor Tess'] shelf. You'll still receive updates to the game, and you won't lose a Crucible encounter or fail to clear a Raid because you didn't have the right Eververse Trading Company emote equipped." In other words, you'll never have to pay up for anything that changes how the actual game is played. But does the implementation of something like drop rate buffs have an impact on how the game's played? We'll leave you to ponder that one.
Fortunately, creative director Luke Smith has taken to Twitter and has attempted to calm the situation. "We aren't (nor are we planning) on selling consumables that buff King's Fall drop rates for Silver," he wrote, supposedly putting an end to the conversation. However, Smith's words don't change the fact that the above items were discovered, and that they clearly have some sort of meaning whether they're still relevant to the title or not.
Of course, Smith's tweet doesn't rule out the aforementioned subclass boosting consumable, so we suppose that we'll have to just wait and see how this all pans out. All in all, we're just hopeful that Bungie doesn't slowly but surely tack microtransactions onto the entire experience, because that's something that the all-new, positive Destiny really doesn't need.
[source db.destinytracker.com, via uk.ign.com]
Comments 23
I'm glad I didn't get The Taken King. All the emotes and stuff should be free for how much they want players who bought the original Destiny to pay. It's just disgusting, and pushes me away from Destiny even more. It's really quite sad as I loved Destiny back in the day.
Yeah, Don't have the time and this rhetoric gets on my nerves. Destiny is now on the to sell pile of games.
@Jaz007 from what I understand the next year of destiny will be free and you get 2 free emotes right off the bat. And the consumables aren't that game breaking Iif at all. So for as much money as Inhave put in destiny , giving me free content for a year feels like a nice change of pace n a big thank you from bungie for being retarded.
But the moment this turns into somthing like warframe or blacklight , then I'll be taking a vacation from destiny.
@BladeRider good point. Not to mention that most players who put the hours in are already a high enough level that these buffs would make little to no difference anyway.
The light cap is now 310 and I know a few players who are nearly there as is.
Plus, in a raid or crucible match, who would you want on your team? Someone who has played hundreds of hours, or someone who's just spent 70 quid on buffs and only played for a week?
What a strange article...
"But does the implementation of something like drop rate buffs have an impact on how the game's played? We'll leave you to ponder that one."
... followed by
"Fortunately, creative director Luke Smith has taken to Twitter and has attempted to calm the situation. "We aren't (nor are we planning) on selling consumables that buff King's Fall drop rates for Silver,""
so its a moot point surely?
As for sub class boosts, no issue for me - not like it gives a player a clear advantage, most people will max out their subclass fairly easy, and it'd be mainly for people who want to play alts and get there quickly for end game. Blizzard have done character boosts in WOW, so of course its going to come to Destiny at some point along with cosmetic stuff. If they start trying to charge for exotic weapons, or map dlc for pvp and strikes, then I'd have an issue.
For the time being I'm more than happy for them to sell emotes and I actually quite like the look of the Carlton dance. As for the other stuff I'm not bothered if people wish to level up there characters with real money and I suspect it'll be more for those who want a second or third character. Of course if its anything that effects actual gameplay such as drop rates or indeed new weapons and armour than I will stop playing immediately. At the moment it seems a big fuss over nothing
@themcnoisy Good luck getting much for year 1 Destiny, it was selling for peanuts before TTK dropped and you get it free with TKK anyway, not sure who'd buy it actually :s (just checked cex and they'll give you £4 apparently!)
These kind of microtransactions would certainly be annoying. I suppose the buff you got from inputting the code from a red bull can was in itself a microtransactions - of course it came with a can of drink, too!
As ever I'll play till I'm done with it.
I haven't played Destiny in a week and a half, but if they're bringing in micro transaction boosts, then I might be done.
I wish they would fix the awful loot systems rather than try to milk us for more money. I'm justbkilling time with Destiny now until Fallout 4 and Battlefront drop. It will be interesting to see what they do to counter the exodus!
@Neolit I kinda feel the same, I'm not too fussed how other groups of gamers want to play since I'm either playing solo or with a specific set of guys who are unlikely to be buying these buffs. Much like when I played Counter-Strike, cheating and other mods were obviously common so I just stayed away from those doing it.
@Cron_13 He's denied their existence (even if such items are actually found in the patch files) but I thought it was still a point worth pondering over. Bungie stated that microstransactions would always be optional, and wouldn't impact gameplay. Part of me thinks having some sort of booster technically impacts gameplay.
@ShogunRok as I read it (in your post - e.g. his twitter) and was reported by other gaming news websites, he's stated that these buffs will never be paid microtransactions - the fact they are included in the game files means nothing at all - it'll probably be something along the lines of the coin that Xur sells to increase the exotic drop rate - which has been in the game for a while...
Only things that would impact game play (paid wise...) for me would be things that give players a significant advantage like buying of weapons etc. Being able to max an alt's class isn't imo but each to their own.
I just think the whole Destiny and microtransaction thing is the newest thing for the gaming press to jump on. "We built them up with Taken King, now lets knock them down..." but maybe I'm reading too much into all this reporting. Hey its the internet right - sensationalism and click bait headlines are what drives sales.
@Cron_13 Destiny's always been ups and downs, though, regardless of how the gaming media spins it - but I know what you mean. I've been critical of Destiny in the past, but it's no secret that I think with the Taken King, it's a huge improvement. I personally just don't want to see Bungie make the game an easy target again by piling on microtransactions, even if they turn out to be relatively harmless.
Them consumables have been in TTK before it even launched, Destiny DB. Some guy on youtube even did a vid on them before TTK launched also, people really need to look up things before jumping to conclusions.
I've already deleted Destiny on my PS4 but that Carlton dance emote is awesome. lol
@ShogunRok I agree, but it just seems that every other story about Destiny since the positive spins about TTK has been negative and a lot of it is is speculation (not being specific about this story, gaming media outlets in general).
Fact is if they haven't denied the sub class boost, then it is coming - but yet no one cried out and made negative stories about them including a boost to 25 with the taken king - what gameplay issues does that bring? Nabs in my strike team who don't know how to play the game because they skipped content?
Activision aren't new to all this, they've done it in WoW, and i expect they will all be quality of life type MTs. If they come out and officially announce something that's going to screw its player base in a pay to win scenario then sure, lets all explode with anger and outrage, but until then its all just internet misinformation imo
why would it matter if it doesn't affect PvP?
When hasn't Bungie lied to us about Destiny.
Pre-launch Bungie: "Destiny tells an amazing story."
Bunch of bollocks
The most frustrating part of this is they waited until after releasing the taken king to announce this, they likely had some idea this would turn a chunk of players off of the game.
I see this as the thin-edge-of-the-wedge. Start with emotes, then shaders and emblems, then ships oh, say good-bye to Zur, your exotic gear just cost you a bundle in real world coins.
Also note the release says "... be FORCED..." but it sure will make it go a lot easier. Kill 200-300 enemy now and get 10-15 engrams, soon, 200-300 enemy, without a boost, and 1-2 engrams. How much to decode an engram did you say Master Rahul?? So, 500 silver will guarantee a legendary from a blue engram, a 2000 for an exotic.
Bungie, please take note, games are expensive, we only have so much spare money. I'll buy a new game rather than funnel it into an old one to get nothing new, no matter how much I enjoy it.
Lets be honest, some of the buffs are already in the game. 3 of coins increases the drop rate of Exotics from Ultras, Mouldering Shards increase the chances of an extra drop after beating Oryx, they have had buffs for increasing the XP by buying certain drinks, you can also buy buffs to upgrade weapons quicker too from Banshee.
It is however, unacceptable in my eyes, to sell these as 'micro-transactions'. I noticed that if you click on the option to return items with Tess, it states the 'consumables are non-returnable' which does make me concerned that Bungie will sell 'buffs' in the future.
I do think its ridiculous that the silver to buy all 18 emotes cost around the same price as The Taken King! 18 little emotes cost the same as a major expansion with all that content, weapons, gear, quests etc etc...
If the next year doesn't have DLC equivalent to the Dark Below/House of Wolves, the game will certainly suffer - I am basically out of quests now on both my consoles after a month. I have heard that Bungie intend to give us free DLC (in the form of new quests etc) through the yearand that the micro-transaction will enable them to do this. My concern is that if few people buy the Silver (due to the cost and effective value of the items for sale) then the quality and size of the expansions could suffer too. At least if we buy DLC we expect a certain quality and can criticise but its very difficult to criticise 'free'.
Overall, I am still not convinced that this is the right way for Bungie and Destiny to be going. Whilst it is harmless and just cosmetic at the moment, it could very easily become game breaking!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi really? I could swear I bought one from Xur last weekend. If they did destroy it though, this article could be a clue on why.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi ah ok, gotcha.
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