Push Square Review Round Up PS4

September seemed to race by, and not just because we abandoned our posts to play some games at EGX 2015, either. As they say, time flies when you're having fun, and there was certainly some enjoyment to be had with last month's release schedule. Packed with a few heavy AAA hitters and a slew of solid, smaller titles, here at Push Square we reviewed a total of 27 games, so be sure to take a look at our included list and see if you missed out on any of the big scores.

Tearaway Unfolded PS4

Tearaway Unfolded - 9/10

Tearaway Unfolded is so imaginative that you'll feel yourself wanting to applaud it at points. An occasionally clunky camera and some narrative issues do threaten to screw up this paper-based platformer, but the quirky controls and sheer variety of the gameplay will keep a smile glued to your face. Pitch-perfect presentation and a well-executed conclusion ensure that this remixed release is in tip-top shape, while the sheer wealth of collectibles give it value long after the credits roll.

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain PS4

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - 9/10

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a hallmark of excellence in tackling open world gameplay, with its creative approach being reflected organically through your own actions. The amount of detailed, quality content on offer is immense, and the title boasts such a diverse selection of gear and utilities that it rarely, if ever, becomes repetitive to play. Managing and supporting your forces is both addictive and compelling, though indulging in the game's online features may lead to some frustratingly unfortunate technical issues. In terms of its story, the fifth instalment in the series may leave some fans wanting more, but overall, the release proves to be a fitting, brutally brilliant finale to Hideo Kojima's beloved saga.

Other September 2015 Reviews

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 (Vita) - 8/10
Curses 'N Chaos - 7/10
VVVVVV - 8/10
Armello - 8/10
Grow Home - 8/10
Madden NFL 16 - 8/10
Super Time Force Ultra - 9/10
Dynamite Fishing - World Games - 6/10
Amnesia: Memories - 8/10
Dishonored: Definitive Edition - 7/10
Knock Knock - 6/10
Mad Max - 6/10
Leo's Fortune - 7/10
Flame Over (PS4) - 7/10
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 - 6/10
SOMA - 8/10
Destiny: The Taken King - 8/10
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance - 8/10
Fat City - 4/10
Beyond Eyes - 5/10
NHL 16 - 7/10
Xeodrifter - 7/10
PES 2016: Pro Evolution Soccer - 9/10
Rayman (PSone) - 8/10
FIFA 16 - 8/10

September 2015's Average Review Score: 7.37