The Xbox One may have an exclusivity deal on Rise of the Tomb Raider for the time being, but that doesn't mean that Lara Croft's latest adventure is never coming to the PlayStation 4. We've said it from the beginning: once the holidays are over and Crystal Dynamics has fulfilled its contract, you can expect to hear word of a PS4 port. And while we don't know if this strange listing on Australian retailer Harvey Norman's website proves our point, it's certainly worth checking out.
Bizarrely, the vendor refers to the Xbox One in its description of the PlayStation version of the game, saying: "Immerse yourself in visually stunning graphics that can only be achieved with the cutting-edge Xbox One."
There's an option to pre-order the release for $88, and seeing as speculations of a November 2016 release date are already circulating, we don't think that it would be too far-fetched to say that this is a legitimate leak – although given the above flavour text, it could just be the retailer responding to rumours. What do you think, though? Is this the real deal, or did Harvey Norman have a freak accident of some sort? Speculate in the comments.
Comments 20
I hope it doesn't release a whole year after the xbox versions. Then again, better late than never.
6 months or no buy, sorry I'm not waiting a year to play an Uncharted clone that's barely even TR at this point.
Obviously is going to come to the best selling console. And I doubt this game even touches Uncharted 4, so my hype for it will be gone when it relaleases on PS4. I'll wait until it's like 15 dollars.
It may not top Uncharted 4 but from what I've seen it's still going to be a great game that's worth more than $15. I'm as disgusted with the decision to not release it on PS4 at the same time as Xbox One as anybody is but I also think that's clouding some judgement of the game. It's a shame because everybody should be excited for it but thanks to SquareEnix' and Crystal Dynamics' stupidity there's a bad stigma. Sometimes you have to put the fans - especially those who have supported your efforts more than any other fanbase with not just Tomb Raider but other games as well - ahead of the deals with certain companies. If Xbox One was at 22 mil consoles and PS4 at 11 mil, by all means it makes sense. This deal doesn't make sense for anybody and MS, eventhough I don't blame them for making the deal, has come out looking bad as well. If this was a similar deal to Dead Rising 3, Bayonetta 2 or Street Fighter V where those games couldn't have gotten out the door without help, it'd be one thing. That isn't the case here, especially when I see SquareEnix funding another Hitman, which nobody asked for and after the last one bombed at retail.
@Gamer83 I'm not as mad at Square as I was because they're making it up to PlayStation with exclusives. I'm more mad at MS because instead of trying to make their own new IP to compete with ND they took the lazy way and paid money for timed exclusivity of TR. That's just pure laziness.
Maybe but it's a business practice all companies have been involved in at some point or another so I can't get mad at MS about it. If it weren't for all the wheelings and dealings with third parties in the PSone and PS2 days, who knows where the brand would be. Especially the PSone. For all intents and purposes that console was the SquareSoft, Capcom, Konami, Namco, Enix (etc.) PlayStation and not the Sony PlayStation. It wasn't first party software that put that console in position to win that gen.
@Dohv Exactly, they can't afford to not release on ps4. That's like losing over half their sales.
More than half. The Tomb Raider fans are mostly on PlayStation consoles. This was a big 'f**k you' to them from the developers and they've rightly been taken over the coals for it.
@Dohv According to Phil Spencer, they tried many times to come up with a Uncharted/Tomb Raider of their own but these projects didn't succeed. Lets be honest though, not many (if any) developers could take on Naughty Dog and without an existing 'name' like Tomb Raider, I doubt could an 'original' game that fits this market without drawing comparisons and probably failing for lack of originality.
According to Square Enix, Tomb Raider failed to reach its expected Sales Targets and despite selling well, It took nearly 9months to achieve profitability. Obviously with the Definitive Edition its gone on to make more profits for Square Enix/Crystal Dynamix but you can see that it wasn't profitable for quite some time. I bet that had a lot to do with the reason they accepted MS's money. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a 'Tomb Raider' bundle after all they did make a 'Tomb Raider' controller for the XB360 (which is my main 360 controller...).
If it was a total exclusivity deal (like Street Fighter 5, gen 8 version of Injustice) then I could understand the anger but the game is expected to come to PS4 at some point. I know I maybe a little less angry because I do have an XB1. I am looking forward to playing it in November but its only filling the time until Uncharted 4 releases....
@Gamer83 I'm still sh*tty about it even now. I've got an Xbox one but I feel compelled to buy it on ps4 anyways to firstly give Microsoft the finger, and secondly because on the balance of probability it'll run slightly better on ps4....
I hope that listing is wrong, November 2016 seems too far of a wait for just a PS4 port.
"...stunning graphics that can only be achieved with the cutting-edge Xbox One."
Isn't that libellous considering, you know, it's simply not true?
I'm just going to buy it and play it this November on Xbox One. I can understand why some people don't want to do that, but I figure if I want to play the game right away and have the console to do so, I'm not going to wait. It's annoying but these kinds of deals have always existed. And Sony has been busy locking up timed-exclusives as well.
The shops guess when the release date will be. The shop I use currently has these listings:
Last Guardian: 26.2.2016
Ratchet and Clank: 15.04.2016
Dishonored 2: 29.4.2016
I don't know where they get these dates from, but I guess that the reason they put a date is to attract preorders. I'm just saying that you shouldn't take information on release dates from shops seriously.
Meh, the first game was so good I'll wait till then to play it, doesn't bug me at all, just as long as we get it
@Gamer83 yeah, I'm not deluded into thinking Sony haven't had a fair shake at underhanded skullduggery as well, but come November I'll have heaps keeping my busy anyway. Fallout alone will more than likely be a huge time sink.
That box is wrong tho i.e it should(& WILL) say - 'Rise of the Tomb Raider - The Best Version'
Yeah, Fallout 4 will take up a lot of my gaming time.
@Gamer83 Despite being 64-bit, you can see how ill equipped the N64 was to do PS1 games, like when it eventually got its horribly compressed version of RE2. It would have taken literally hundreds of the biggest N64 cartridges to contain FFVII. The Saturn was significantly worse than the PS1 at doing 3D, it wrongly assumed 2D processing would still be the main focus of gaming. In that field it was better than the PS1.
Add in the fact that the PS1 outsold the N64 and Saturn combined multiple times over, and it didn't really take any money to get people to release their games just on the PS1 rather than porting it to totally foreign and often inferior hardware just for a fraction of the audience. The audience difference was even greater with the PS2 vs GC and DC combined.
Now compare that to Rise of the Tomb Raider. The Tomb Raider reboot sold significantly more on PS3 than on 360, and again more on PS4 than Xbox One. The PS4 also has double the install base of the Xbox One. So this is actually a situation where Crystal Dynamics and SE are being paid to make a terrible choice, I guess the money they were given was enough to cover the eventual losses.
Either got enough money to cover the loss or are idiotic enough to think PS4 owners will still give enough of a crap to buy the game one-year later despite the scumbag way this all went down. I'd assume it was the former. It likely won't ever be revealed to the public but I'd love to one day know how much MS threw at SE and CD for this. It was willing to pay millions for freaking DLC for GTA IV. Granted Tomb Raider is no GTA in terms of what it can do at retail and for the associated console brand in terms of hardware sales, but TR is still a big enough name that I'm sure it cost a pretty penny.
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