Sony has the console market in a stranglehold with the PlayStation 4, and E3 2015 reinforced that point. There was a worry after the device's almost immaculate launch that it would rest on its laurels, but it appears that the enormous success of the system has only motivated it more – it's choking the competition out. During its big media briefing earlier in the week, the organisation didn't just check the most important corporate boxes, it put a tick in them all; from services to software to virtual reality, the manufacturer is miles ahead of the pack – it's difficult to disagree.
To be clear, we're not dismissing the Japanese giant's rivals; Microsoft's stellar showing provided 360 faithfuls with an upgrade path, powered by familiar brands and backward compatibility, while Nintendo – as disappointing as its Digital Event appears to have been received – can never be ruled out due its ability to capture the imagination time and time again. But on a purely business level, under the leadership of Andrew House, the PlayStation maker has rekindled the swagger that it lost a little in the previous generation – and it's bullying the competition right now.
Many of you will already be composing a dismissive comment by this point: the firm has no exclusive games this Christmas. It's a criticism not quite grounded in reality – the likes of Dragon Quest Heroes, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, and potentially Persona 5 all disagree – but it's a fair appraisal of the situation when compared to the blockbuster first-party beacons laid out by Microsoft during its own briefing. However, it denies one key point: Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Star Wars: Battlefront, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and Metal Gear Solid V are all "Sony" games.

It's true that you can't "play" marketing campaigns, but these are five of the biggest titles of the year, and if you toss Batman: Arkham Knight into the mix – well, the Japanese giant's got six. And it's clear that this is going to be its play moving forwards: exclusives like Bloodborne in the first three quarters; third-party partnerships in the remaining one. But while this may be a disappointing observation for those looking to engage in list wars, few could argue against the savvy business sense: Rise of the Tomb Raider launches on the same day as Fallout 4, bookmarked by bigger brands.
Only the magnetising draw of an Uncharted 4 could possibly hope to compete with the noise of the aforementioned names – and even then, Nathan Drake would merely find himself part of the conversation, rather than at the centre of it all. But this is what's so impressive about the Japanese giant's current corporate strategy: it's not only associating its brand with all of the most recognisable names, but it's also building up a portfolio of first-party titles that will dominate the conversation outside. No game will be bigger than Naughty Dog's next Spring – the company's got it good all ways.
But the tactics run deeper than that: it's figuratively checking every box. Disney Infinity 3.0 may not necessarily be a big franchise for those of you reading this site, but the exclusive Boba Fett bundle that it revealed is a big deal – it's coveting kids as well as the industry aficionados that peruse NeoGAF for eight hours a day. And while it will need to bring the price of the platform down to be really excel in that space – well, it's clear that it's looking at the long term sustainment of its box, rather than retroactively trying to right wrongs like its rivals appear to be focusing on.

And that's especially evident in its virtual reality push: Valve, Oculus, and others may be playing the game – but no one else is in a position to make this burgeoning initiative mainstream quite like Sony is. True, we still don't know the specifics of Project Morpheus' marketing push – the peripheral is by all accounts exceptional, but there's much that could wrong on its route to market – but that the product's even a year so away shows just how far ahead of the curve Sony is; Microsoft's VR push amounted to a bundled Xbox One controller and a make believe living room to play Halo in.
Hololens, of course, exists as well – but not as a commercial product with multiple titles being played on the E3 2015 show floor. And you can make these kinds of comparisons in other areas as well: a poor press conference cameo aside, PlayStation Network programming appears to be big business following the surprise success of Powers; the Redmond firm abruptly opted to get out of that game almost immediately after the negative response to TV, TV, TV. And even the firm's network services – teething troubles aside – are a step ahead; PlayStation Vue could be gigantic yet.
There are downsides for gamers, we're not saying that the PS4 is flawless at all – but with some of the business moves that Sony's making at the moment, it's hard to see how anyone else is going to get a look. The mindshare, the marketing – it's all in the Japanese giant's favour. And unless you happen to be a fan of a very specific brand, that's hard to look past. At this E3, the manufacturer melted back into its role as market leader – but the best news coming out of all of this is that it's got its eye on the ball, because it now knows what it's like to be behind.
Do you agree that Sony's ahead of the curve, or do you really not care? Do you think that it's doing the right thing by focusing on third-parties over the holidays, or is it making a mistake? Do you think that Project Morpheus has the potential to go mainstream, or will it be a flop? Put on your business caps in the comments section below.
Comments 34
Good show from Sony, but they can't rest on their laurels. They should keep updating the console...friends notifications and folders would be nice...plus freeing up more memory for games would be cool.
I have even more confidence in Sony now than ever before, it's refreshing to see them so focused. It's an exciting time to be a gamer
Sony's show was great. But I hope the time is coming where some of these games start hitting in a more timely manner. Uncharted 4 will be 2016, but will games like Street Fighter V and Ratchet & Clank also make it? I'd also like to know how far off Horizon is. I'd guess 2017. I do feel better about the PS4's lineup after this E3 thoguh and it's obvious some stuff was held back.
Games that appeal to gamers are on Sony's platform. Sure, the new ones showed off are not coming out until 2016/2017, but there's plenty for them to maintain their lead.
Their only downfalls right now are wasting time with Morpheus, and the subscription service, which looks dumb compared to XB1's backwards compatibility.
Now just get the price down to $200, and I might jump in.
@Gamer83 There was another interview with Hermen Hulst where he said they're targeting 2016... I would guess the same slot as Uncharted in 2017, then! Having said that, they have been working on it for a long time, so we'll have to wait and see.
@Gamer83 Ratchet and Clank is ready. The movie however isn't they are holding back for when the movie is ready
@BLPs simple answer is game developers and consumers complained about long loading times, so as these games are huge and it is quicker to obtain the required data from a hdd than a blu ray disc, installation became a reality.
Couldn't care less about console wars, when MS release enough games that interest me personally I'll get a XB1 but it didn't happen lastgen. In the mean time I continue to be impressed with the PS4, looking forward to the next few years.
Sony will continue to dominate in worldwide sales.
But if they don't remain vigilant and pro-active, Microsoft can and will trip them up from behind in the US, UK, and Canada.
Features that we need to have announced at Gamescom or PSX this year is External Hard Drive Support! Yes, we technically have that now, but only for backup and restore purposes. That huge list of games coming to PS4? Yeah, my 1TB internal might not even be enough anymore. Next firmware update needs to have install and play capabilities with an external hard drive. Microsoft makes it work with their console, surely Somy can do the same?
I personally thought the whole of e3 has been appalling. No new Major announcement from anyone. VR is pointless and redundant within the forum of home entertainment just as much as 3D is. Lauded only by tech geeks and one-up braggers just to have something new and then never use it more than once. If people won't wear glasses to enjoy 3d, why would they Don goggles for another new tech? Never happen.
Uncharted 4 looked good, but looked exactly the same game as uncharted 3, 2 and 1. Not a bad thing, it's just nothing new at all AND it was announced a year ago. People shouldnt be going crazy for it now, they should be saying "why the hell isn't it on shop shelves right now!?"
Everything else was a sequel of a sequel of a sequel.
The only true GREAT things to happen was the announcement of and almost instant funding of Shenmue III.
And for the more astute, who can read between the lines, Nintendo's apparent lacking at E3 actually did nothing but affirm the entire company is currently working on NX Hardware and first party titles. That bad boy will in stores before Christmas 2016.
I guarantee it.
@sub12 unlikely but outside chance the US but not UK. Sony has that territory won. The rest of Europe is also Sony territory.
You must have missed Horizon
I've always been pro competition, the harder they compete, the better it is for us all, but the only real chink in Sony's armor is it's pricing structure across the board with it's "Digital Content".
It's always totally overpriced. PSP titles that have been out a billion years are overpriced, yet they wonder how they could make owning a Vita a better experience?
Microsoft's XBOX ONE now going backwards compatibile, there's plenty more Sony could do. It's a matter of if......
@RicksReflection Sony's pricing might not be great but its better than Ninty's eshop!
Hopefully it's 2017 at the latest. It seems pretty awesome, just from that little bit at the conference. Futuristic Monster Hunter was the vibe I got.
A "stranglehold on consoles" is supposed to be a good thing... right? Carry on, then.
@RicksReflection I agree, the only problem I have is the pricing on the PS Store. But I believe the pricing is down to the publisher and not Sony. However they need to wise up because why should we pay more for something with less overheads? No pressing of discs, no packaging and no shipping fees.
I do kinda wonder if one or two people here have ever played anything outside of the Sony eco-system in the last 10 years or so.
@sub12 Why do you say that?
This is a site about Playstation. That's what the topic is about. Should we discuss Nintendo instead? Because I probably own over 500 Nintendo games by now. I've played them. lol
For those who don't own a PS4 yet, there's probably lots of games out already you can play as well. One billion exclusives wont have to come now. And besides, people should play more niche games. Not just the ones who have a shaggy dude with a gun on the cover. Not to mention a bunch of indie games to dig into if you're not a PC gamer. I'm not sure how many of those are exclusive to PS4 ( not counting PC ) but I think there are many reasons to get a PS4 already. If you're into JRPGs, the PS4 is what you'll want. Besides FF15 and KH3 you probably wont see a bunch on the Xbox ONE. The reason should be obvious.
@sub12 Apart from a DS, since 97 I've been exclusively with PlayStation, owning every system they have released. I've never needed anything else for gaming. PC is too expensive and complicated plus their fanboys and "celeb" youtubers put me off, never liked or trusted Microsoft and after what they were trying to do at the start of this generation I never will. And my DS (Maybe one day 3DS) covers every big Nintendo game without needing a console.
For my part, I do actually respect the quality platform Sony's built up here; I'm just perennially bummed that Nintendo's let itself get marginalized so much in the market after holding the keys to my childhood, so it makes me feel better to take potshots at the juggernaut from time to time.
A dedicated Playstation site describing its own resounding lead as a "stranglehold" was just too poignant for me to let go. Y'all are doing my job for me, making me all warm and fuzzy-like
@Gamer83 Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, and SFV are all confirmed spring 2016. Horizon and The Last Guardian each said 2016 right in text at then end of their gameplay demo. And Herman Hulst said 2016 himself for Horizon.
@DESS-M-8 Lmao did you even watch E3 ? "No new major annoyncment" ? Shenmue 3, The Last Guardian returning after many many years, and Horizon being revealed ? Uncharted 4 looks like 1,2, and 3 ? You're just trolling now.
@Gamer83 I imagine Gran Turismo 7 will most likely be PS4's big holiday 2016 exclusive
@BLPs To lower load times. If you've ever gamed on a PC you should've seen choices in some games to install more or less of the game (e.g. Fallout 2), but load times will be affected. A BD can hold up to 50GB - about 6 dual layer DVDs. The games frequently use up most or all of that space and are having to seek through that at a rate lower than HDD seek speeds, then copy across at a lower bandwidth than HDD bandwidths. Or they could just have it on HDD already and cut out most of the loading.
Compare to Splatoon: that game's only 1.8GB in size - it could almost fit onto 2 CDs - and is divided up into fairly small levels (small when compared to a large open world like Skyrim) with loading screens before them. It gets worse when games try to avoid loading screens in large open worlds, like modern Fallout games, The Witcher 3 and so on. They have to be streaming stuff constantly and can't afford to work with the speed of an optical drive.
problem is that whenever Sony gets that swagger it seems to stop looking where its putting its feet and its only a matter of time before it falls on its face.
I'll be honest, I'm thinking of going back to PlayStation and getting a ps4, especially after Nintendo's very unsatisfactory e3. Sony showed alot of great stuff that I wanted and got me hyped about there stuff, something your suppose to do, but seemingly Nintendo forgot -_-
I have a 3ds, had a WII & 360, along with PS3 & PS4. I love to game on all platforms but to be honest including this years E3 there has never been a reason for me to get a WII U or Xbox 1. I am not Playstation exclusive but for the last few years the gamed I've wanted have been on Sony. Even this year made me extremely happy to own a PS4 with TLG, Horizon & FF7 REMAKE announcements.
@vegeta11 I bought a WiiU awhile back, and other than one eShop game (Dr. Luigi!) I have not bought or played a single WiiU title for it. There is nothing that I would even care to play, let alone buy (except, maybe, potentially, Xenoblade). It's just acting as a fancy Wii until something good comes along. My wife commented last week that it seems like we wasted money buying the WiiU, and this E3 doesn't do anything to change that.
I hope so but that would be quicker turn around than usual for Polyphony. And as much as I like the Gran Turismo games, I'm kind of hoping if there is a big holiday 2016 exclusive game from Sony that it's God of War 4.
We are (hopefully most of you ) The PlayStation supreme elite master race. Hows that sound?
@Dohv I own a ps4 and i play it.
Uncharted 4 does look just like 1,2 and 3.
The crowd is bigger.... Oooooooo
He had more stubble...... Aaaaaaa
Does the game look different? Not at all.
Shenmue 3 is miles off.
Last guardian? Niche game, personally not my kind of thing either.
Street fighter v is the only top level console exclusive This side of xmas.
Horizon looks appallingly boring but will sell a certain amount as it's a glorified tech demo.
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